RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

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RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy Page 23

by Joanna Blake

  I shook my head and tossed my smoke to the ground.

  "I have to be at work at 6. I'm working a double."

  He smiled but it didn't quite meet his eyes. Tom was attractive in an over groomed way. The sort of guy girls called a metrosexual. His eyes were dark and piercing, his suit well cut, his teeth bright white. It was obvious that he worked out.

  He had to, to achieve that over grown muscle head look. But he just didn't do it for me. I wished he did, since I knew he could basically make or break my career in the Nashville scene. His club was the launching pad for many huge music careers.

  Didn't matter though. Even if he could get me a spot on the charts overnight. I wasn't cheap and I wasn't for sale.

  Hopefully he would understand that I wasn't going to sleep with him just to get ahead.

  With the assessing way he was looking at me, it wasn't likely.

  I smiled but there was a cold feeling in the pit of my belly.

  My mother taught me to always listen to my gut. Right now it was practically screaming at me.

  Look out.

  Chapter Four


  I climbed onto my bike, eager to get as far from home as possible. I was avoiding my brothers. Every damn day either Daniel or Jackson had cornered me, trying to talk me into staying on. Being part of the horse breeding business again.


  I wanted to be here for the old man. But every instinct I had was telling me to run. Don't get boxed in. Don't settle. Don't be tamed.

  The estate was a cage to me, and I was like a wild animal clawing to get out.

  It's not like there wasn't room for all three of us in the house. The mansion was almost a hundred and fifty years old and enormous. It was built to impress and intimidate and it did. There were fifteen bedrooms, sitting rooms, ten baths, a kitchen, galley, bar room, study, library, billiard room, conservatory, dining room, living room and drawing room.

  That didn't even cover the stables, which encompassed two large buildings, including a training facility where riders came for lessons and to stable their horses. Then there was the garage with servants' quarters above it, a greenhouse and numerous storage sheds. The largest shed was bigger than most people's houses.

  We sure as shit weren't going to get into each other's hair.

  In some ways, it might be time to take a break from running. Try something different for a change. And I missed working with the animals.

  But I couldn't think with them breathing down my neck all the damn time. I'd dutifully gone to see my father each day before drinking myself into oblivion. Today was my first sober day in a week.

  I needed to clear my head. A good ride would do that. Or a good fuck.

  Or both.

  Immediately that hot little waitress from the club sprang to mind. I felt my groin tighten at the thought of her. All week I'd been ready to pop, just thinking about her.

  I started the bike and pulled out into the road, not intending to ride anywhere in particular. I roamed the back roads, the wind at my back. The sky was starting to get dark when I recognized the stretch of road I was on. I smiled grimly as I pulled into the back entrance of the Country Club.

  I almost laughed out loud. I'd been riding aimlessly for hours. Somehow I'd ended up here.

  I knew why.

  I was looking for her of course. Even though she hadn't given me the slightest bit of encouragement. She'd practically hissed at me when I tried to joke with her last time.

  I just couldn't seem to stay away.

  I parked my bike and waited outside the service entrance far from the overhead lights. I knew I would catch her out here eventually. If she was working, sooner or later she'd sneak out for a smoke.

  Twenty minutes later my prayers were answered.

  I watched from the shadows as she looked around nervously, then headed for a copse of trees on the far side of the lot. Right near where I was parked.

  I smirked as she walked gracefully across the parking lot. Having no clue what she was walking towards. Like a deer walking right towards the hunter.

  Let the games begin.


  "You really are a bad girl aren't you?"

  I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of the husky voice coming from the shadows behind me. It was Jake Delancey naturally. I turned and saw him. He was leaning against a motorcycle at the ass end of the parking lot.

  Sneaky bastard.

  Sneaky gorgeous bastard.

  "What are you doing here then? Trying to scare people to death?"

  "Waiting for you."

  I stopped short, having no idea what to say to that. I had suspected as much. But I hadn't really thought he'd come out and say it. My stomach did a flip flop as butterflies seem to dive around inside me.

  I glanced around to make sure no one was watching and lit my smoke. That's what I'd come out here to do anyway, wasn't it? I walked behind the bushes, doing my best to ignore him.

  He trailed behind me, leaning against a tree trunk. The man was always leaning, looking utterly relaxed. And yet like he could jump into action at a moment's notice. I tossed my head, glaring at him. He grinned at me insolently. He was incorrigible! He was a bad boy through and through.

  But dear God, did he have to look like James Dean?

  It really wasn't fair. He was far too tempting. He was making puppy dog eyes at me so I sighed and held out a smoke.

  "I don't smoke."

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  "So what do you want then?"

  His grin got even wider and he raised his eyebrows, leaving me with no doubt about what he was after.

  "You're out of your mind if you think I would-"

  "Would what?"

  He was laughing at me now. I stomped my foot in annoyance. I wasn't going to say it. He knew I wouldn't say it. That's why he was laughing so damn hard.

  "You nearly cost me my job!"

  He sobered immediately.

  "Would that really be so bad?"

  "Yes! It would! Not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouths you know."

  He pushed back from the tree. Now he was the one who looked annoyed. No- he looked angry. And determined.

  "I think you could do a little better than this place. Serving a bunch of rich assholes."

  I raised my chin, instantly defensive.

  "That's pretty funny coming from you, Mr. Rich Arsehole."

  Now he was laughing again.


  "Shut up. Besides, I'm only working here until my papers come in!"

  "Well, have they?"

  Tears stung my eyes. Why should I care what he thought?

  "No. There was a mix up and-"

  He grabbed my arm and stared hard into my eyes.

  "I'm just teasing you Elle. I was never good with paperwork either."

  I blinked up at him as he slowly lowered his head towards mine. He was going to kiss me. Oh dear Jesus. I had to put a stop to this. As quickly as possible. But I felt strangely reluctant to do it... his lips found mine then, and all thought stopped.

  His lips firm and supple. Warm. I felt goosebumps break out on my arms.

  A man shouldn't have lips that soft.

  I shook myself mentally and pushed against his chest.

  "What are you doing? Let go of me!"

  "I'm kissing you. But if you insist-"

  I fell backwards against the shrubs. And kept falling. I let out a surprised sound as I fell.


  He caught me just before I hit the ground. Unfortunately the momentum was too much and we both tumbled into the bushes. He landed on top of me, his big warm body pressing into mine intimately.

  Very intimately.

  Oh Jesus.

  Jake Delancey was hard.

  Jake Delancey was hard down there.

  He grinned down at me unrepentantly, not the least bit concerned abo
ut his massive erection. And it was massive. Abnormally so.

  I couldn't do anything but stare up at him, in utter shock.

  Shock with a touch of curiosity.

  Hell and damnation. It was more than a touch. I was curious as hell. More than I should be certainly.

  My mother would not be proud of me in that moment.

  He was going to kiss me again. I wanted him to. But I shouldn't let him... his lips met mine and I melted despite my many, many misgivings. All thoughts of annoyance gone as he slanted his lips over mine, gently urging my lips to part. The moment they did his tongue dipped inside playfully, teasingly stroking against mine until I was tingling all over.

  His hand shifted upward, to circle my breast and-

  "Miss Gavin! You will leave the premises at once! Your employment is immediately terminated!"

  Oh no.

  OH NO.

  Mr. Peabody was standing three feet away from us.

  Chapter Five


  I would have laughed at the expression on Elle's face if it hadn't been such a serious situation. In fact, I almost did laugh. Just before I saw her eyes fill with tears.

  I'd just gotten the girl fired. Not just any girl either. The girl I was rapidly becoming obsessed with getting into bed.

  Damn it all to hell.

  There was no way she was going to sleep with me now.

  I wasn't sure which one of us was more distraught in that moment. Her or me. It was a close call certainly.

  I was debating whether or not I should go after Mr. Peabody or try and kiss her again. Both seemed equally fruitless. I licked my lips and decided to go for the second option. I tried to look remorseful as I lowered my head to her delectable lips one more time.

  She smacked my shoulder. Hard.

  Damn but the girl could throw a hit!

  "Get. Off. Of. Me."

  I eased back regretfully. She'd felt so good in my arms, even squashed underneath me in the bushes. But she looked angrier than a wild cat and just as dangerous. I stood up and offered her a hand. She took it, but not without snarling at me as I pulled her up.

  "Great. Now I'm back to eating crackers for dinner."

  My stomach dropped. Was she really that destitute? A gorgeous girl like her must have some sort of money to look that good, right?

  I glanced down at her shoes. They were ancient looking. Beat up and held together with duct tape. Shit, maybe she was that broke.

  "Don't look at me like that."

  "Like what?"

  "I don't want your damn pity. I'll figure something out. I always do."

  She'd caught my look. She was smart as a tack. That was not necessarily a good thing.

  It sure as shit made her harder to get into bed.

  "I'm sorry Elle. I didn't mean to-"

  She brushed herself off and started walking past me down the driveway out of the country club. I watched her, my eyes on the elegant sway of her back. Then I realized she was heading for the street on foot.

  Jesus, didn't she even have a car? I'd really screwed the pooch this time. I was starting to feel genuinely guilty, and not just because she'd just become much harder to fuck.

  "Elle, wait!"

  I ran after her but she kept walking, completely ignoring me. My wheels were spinning, trying to think of a way to fix the situation. To help us both get what we wanted. Her a job. Me... her.

  Naked. In my bed. Immediately.

  "Forget it. I'll be fine. No thanks to you."

  "Are you seriously going to walk home?"

  She stopped walking finally and stared at me. She was fighting back tears, I could tell. A strange feeling twisted in my insides. It was something like regret. And worry.

  "Yeah well my roommate is my ride and she's still in there. So it's me and my feet."

  "I'll give you a ride."

  She rolled her eyes at me.

  "Yeah, right. I'll just bet you will."

  She started walking again. This was insane, I couldn't let her walk around in the dark! It wasn't safe. Especially looking the way she did. She'd get harassed.

  Or worse.


  I ran in front of her and held my hand out. That did it. She crossed her arms, waiting for me to speak.

  "I'll get you a job. Give me your phone."

  She stared at me in exasperation. Then she chewed on her lip, considering her options. She must have come to the same conclusion I had: she didn't have much of a choice.

  She pulled out her phone and held it up.

  "Fine. But don't be calling me for booty calls. This is strictly business."

  "Yes, absolutely. You got it."

  She sighed deeply and handed her ancient looking phone over. I felt triumphant suddenly as I typed in my number and texted myself. Then I texted her back with an address.

  "Be there tomorrow morning. 8 am. Now come on, let me drive you home."

  I grinned at her and held out my helmet.

  Slowly, very slowly, she reached out and took it.


  I was trying my best to hold myself at a respectable distance from Jake Delancey's broad back and shoulders. And his bum. A very tight, very cute little bum.

  But it was not easy.

  Oh no it was definitely not.

  He was riding fast on a winding road. Faster than I would have liked, but he seemed to know what he was doing. I couldn't lie, it was exciting. The way he handled the bike was sending thrills through my body.

  He took a sharp turn and I gasped, gripping him more tightly. I was pressed up against him now, my breasts mashing against the thin cotton of his shirt. He'd insisted I wear his jacket and helmet. Which meant that right now I was getting a really good whiff of Jake Delancey.

  And he smelled good.

  Really good.

  My inner thighs were pressed up against his jeans. And since I'd been wearing my uniform, the skirt was pushed up to the top of my thighs. I felt very exposed and more than a little bit naughty.

  If he was facing the other way, we would practically be... doing the deed.

  Oh dear.

  I shook myself and tried to pay attention to holding on for dear life. My cheek kept brushing his shoulder, no matter which way I turned. Finally I gave in and rested my cheek against his back. Now I could really smell him.

  Oh lord. He smelled so good... so warm and manly.

  Sweet Mary and Joseph!

  He must have gone the long way because it was another twenty minutes or so before I recognized any of the streets near my apartment building. It was nothing fancy, that was for sure. But my apartment was clean and safe. It was more than I could have asked for really.

  So what if all the neighbors were geriatrics? At least they were quiet. Well, not during The Price Is Right or BINGO. But usually.

  Jake pulled into the lot and parked the bike. He was off in a flash, forcing me to hastily yank my skirt down over my thighs. He grinned at me, making me positive that he'd done it on purpose. He'd been trying to catch a look up my skirt, damn him.

  The man was incorrigible.

  Bloody gorgeous, but incorrigible.

  I pulled off his soft leather jacket and handed it to him.

  "I suppose I should thank you for the ride."

  He leaned back against his bike as he slid the jacket on. Somehow the man made even that simple action look over-the-top sexy. It was hard to imagine how good it would look if he was taking his clothes off.

  No Elle, don't spend too much time thinking about that!

  "No need. I'm more than happy to give you a ride whenever you want."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. I just knew he was offering me more than a ride on his bike. He was talking about taking a ride on him.

  Too bad he'd had so many other riders.

  "I meant what I said- don't be showing up here late at night."

  "I know, I know. No booty calls. You to
ld me."

  He was laughing at me again.

  "What's so funny then?"

  "You are. Nobody says that anymore."

  "Oh well, what do they say then?"

  "They say 'fucking', Elle."

  The look on his face made it clear he meant the two of us... doing that. I gasped at his blatant invitation. My heart was pounding as he let his eyes drop down low. I stood perfectly still as he blatantly checked out my body. He shook his head wryly in appreciation and pulled his helmet on.

  "Have a nice night."

  Then he drove off, leaving me with her jaw hanging open.

  Damn it all to hell.

  Jake Delancey was going to be difficult to resist indeed.

  Chapter Six


  I was whistling as I jogged down the stairs. It was just after 6 am. I was hungry as hell. At least that's what I told myself when I woke up so damn early.

  It wasn't because I was excited to see her.

  It definitely wasn't because I'd been up half the night burning up with desire.

  Damn if that hot little waitress wasn't going to drive me insane with lust.

  There was just something about her. Her looks would have been enough to get my attention in the first place, but her sassy ways were holding it. Much longer than usual.

  Normally I would have already moved on by now. With or without a night in her bed. Bed, hell, I'd do her anywhere. A stairwell, a couch, the floor. Gladly. I wasn't going to be picky about the details when she finally came around.

  And she would come around. It didn't matter how long it took. I was going to get my hands on that girl.

  I grinned.

  More than just my hands.

  Daniel and Jackson were just filling up their plates from the breakfast buffet. A big breakfast was a daily ritual on the estate. Had been for eighty years. When you had animals to tend to, you got up early and you ate well.

  I usually skipped it. Thus the surprised looks on their faces. I smirked. It was rare to see that look at Jackson's face in particular. Made it worth the sleepy feeling in my eyes.


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