RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

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RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy Page 25

by Joanna Blake

  A person with loads more confidence that regular old Elle.

  "Yeah, let's do this."

  I followed Mark the bassist out onto the stage. The theater was surprisingly full for our first gig. Tom must have been promoting us hard. I knew without a doubt that he'd add that to the list of things that I "owed him."

  He hadn't tried to cash in yet. Hopefully I could avoid him indefinitely. The key was not to be alone with him.

  I shook my head. I had to focus. I had too many men on the brain this week. The band was what was important.

  We were good. Really good. I knew that. But the solicitous way Tom was acting was about me. I'd already felt like I'd been slimed when he came over to say hello to me tonight. The difference between Jake and Tom was stark. The two men who were courting me were as different as night and day.

  Jake could be annoyingly persistent but he never made me feel like I owed him anything. And he gave me goosebumps and butterflies. Tom just made me want to run and hide.

  This was not good.

  Thankfully I knew the guys would look out for me. I'd already told them not to leave me alone with Tom. That way I wouldn't have to get into it with the guy and potentially make an enemy.

  That would be the end of my music career in Nashville. Not just mine either. Ours.

  I had to avoid alienating him at all costs. Well, almost all costs. There was one thing I would not give him.


  Tom was on now, standing towards the edge of the stage in a tight spotlight. He was talking to the crowd, pumping them up for the next act. He wore a thousand dollar suit with cowboy boots peeking out. And sunglasses. Who the hell wore sunglasses at night anyway?

  "Give it up for Black Diamond!"

  He pumped his fist and ran off the stage. The lights came up and I stepped forward and gripped the mic in my hand.

  The next hour went by in a haze. The crowd responded to us as if we were world famous. For that hour at least, it felt like we were.

  I let everything else go as the music moved through me. I felt an electric current passing between myself and the audience. Back and forth the energy zapped us all with its power, gathering force until I could almost see it.

  I had never felt so alive in my life.

  By the time we finished our second encore the crowd was going wild. I released my grip on the mic and realized my hand had cramped into place from holding it so tightly. The band ran off the stage to the green room. Immediately we were hugging each other and laughing with the euphoria of it all.

  There as no question about it.

  We were a hit.

  I chugged a bottle of water as everyone kept jumping around. I felt limp, like a wet noodle. But it was more than that.

  In that last moment, as the house lights came up, I'd seen him.

  Jake Delancey.

  He was here. He'd seen the whole show too, I could tell. Something about the fact that he'd seen me like this made me feel exposed, vulnerable in a way I'd never felt before.


  "I have to get out of here."

  "Wait- Elle where are you going? We need to celebrate!"

  "I just- need some air. I'll be back."

  I brushed past Tom and ran out into the alley behind the club.

  I was bent over, trying to catch my breath when I heard footsteps behind me.

  "You were great tonight."

  Oh fantastic, now Tom was standing behind me in a dark alleyway. Why the hell had I come out here again? My whole body tensed up, ready to fight or flight. I didn't think he'd get too aggressive with me but I couldn't be sure. And I was really, really not in the mood for this right now.

  I turned and gave him a half hearted smile.


  "I'm serious Elle. With the right help, you are going to be a big star. You've got 'it.' In spades."

  I took a deep breath.

  "Yeah, well you were a big help. Thanks for packing the house."

  He stepped closer, running his hand over my shoulder. I knew rationally that his hand was warm but it felt like ice. Cold, slimy ice.

  "All I had to do was put a picture of you on the flyer. You're so beautiful."

  I swallowed and stepped back a little.

  "Thanks Tom. I think I need to get out of here. I just want to go home."

  His eyes narrowed and he grabbed me. He moved so quickly I barely had time to react.

  "I don't think so babe. You still have to pay the piper. I was going to take you someplace nice to celebrate but a brick wall will do just as well."

  "That's not funny Tom."

  He smiled at me coldly.

  "I'm not joking."

  I started to scream as he pushed me up against the wall. I felt his breath against my ear as he pressed against me, his hands on my ass and my tits.

  "Get off me!"

  I was trying to kick him, to fight, but he was too strong. He laughed as I hit his shoulder in vain.

  "Relax sweetheart, I just want a taste."

  That's when I heard the voice. The low, deep, angry and blissfully familiar voice.

  "I don't fucking think so."

  The next thing I knew I was leaning against the wall and Tom was lying unconscious on the ground.

  Jake Delancey had just laid him out with one punch. It was that fast. One, two. You're out.

  "Are you alright?"

  I stared into the bluest eyes this side of the Atlantic. Had I noticed how blue they were before? They practically glowed in the dark alleyway.

  "Elle? Come on Honey you are scaring me."

  "I'm alright. Thanks."

  He smiled and took my hand.

  "Let's get the hell out of here."


  His bike was parked at the mouth of the alley. I climbed on behind him without a word. I noticed that he'd brought two helmets this time.

  Confident bastard, wasn't he?

  It didn't matter though. Right now, I wanted him. Cocky or not. I needed something solid to hold on to, and only Jake would do.

  I leaned forward as he revved the bike. This time I didn't have to be told to wrap my arms around him or hold on tight. I pressed my chin onto his shoulder, raising my voice so he could hear me.

  "I still don't like you Delancey."

  He glanced back at me and winked. Right before he pulled into traffic.

  "I know."

  Chapter Nine


  I paced around my bedroom, feeling something I'd never felt before. Not once, in my entire life. It was a feeling as foreign to me as French, a language I didn't speak a lick of.

  I was nervous.

  Not just nervous, I was fucking on edge.

  I had never felt anything like this, particularly when it came to women. But now that I had the girl alone in my bedroom, I wasn't sure what the hell my next move was. I'd been dreaming just this moment for so long. Now that the moment was at hand, I was frozen. Part of me wanted to just jump on her, but that didn't seem right after what she'd just been through.

  Yeah, that wasn't going to work.

  Another part of me just wanted to hold her and make her feel safe.

  These two parts were doing battle inside me, really duking it out. I had a feeling it was going to get bloody in there if she didn't come out of the bathroom soon. I paced back and forth, staring forlornly at the bathroom door.


  Elle was in the adjoining bathroom cleaning up. My house. My room. I glanced over my shoulder.

  My bed.

  I'd brought her home to my place without thinking. I'd given her a stiff drink and sent her straight to the shower. She'd been calm but I knew inside she must be angry.

  I knew I was. The way that guy had manhandled her... it made me see red. I'd taken care of him right quick. Now my mind was on other physical activities.

  She was here. Finally. She was naked. Mere feet from where I sto
od, pacing back and forth like a lunatic. I closed my eyes and immediately a vision of Elle lathering up her breasts sprang to mind. I groaned and tried to clear the vision.

  It worked. I closed my eyes again.

  This time I saw her leaning her head back, letting the water pour over her hair and down her back to her sweetly rounded bottom...

  The water stopped running.

  I stopped pacing and braced my fists on the windowsill. I was not going to fuck this up. If she wanted to cuddle and watch movies then... I would attempt to cuddle without poking her with the massive erection that was growing in my pants.

  I stared out into the darkness, trying to figure out what the hell to do when she came out of the shower. I would offer her the bed of course. I could sleep on the floor. Maybe give her one of my old t-shirts to sleep in...

  She would look sexy as hell in an old t-shirt.

  I looked up to see Elle standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her. She was sparkling clean, her skin glowing from a vigorous scrubbing. Her long wet hair hung over her shoulders and her breasts- well let's just say the towel didn't cover much. I glanced down at her long, long legs and my mouth went dry.

  Really really dry.

  She just looked at me, giving nothing away with her huge green eyes. Then she started walking towards me. I opened up his mouth, trying to think of something to say.


  She smiled at me and kept walking.


  She didn't stop until she was standing inches from me. I had to clench my fists to keep from yanking her against me and ravaging her. She cocked her head to the side and stared up at me.

  "Cat got your tongue?"

  "No. I just- wanted to make sure you were okay."

  "I'm fine."

  "Good. That's good."

  "Is there anything else you were wondering about Jake?"

  My jaw dropped open. Was she-

  "What's the matter Jake? I'm here in your room half naked. Isn't that what you wanted?"

  "You might not be in the mood."

  "Oh but I am."

  "After what happened."

  "After what almost happened. If it wasn't for you."

  She dropped her towel. I could not believe my luck. I kept my eyes on hers though.

  I was a gentleman damn it.

  "I want to forget how his hands felt on me. You'll help me with that won't you Jake?"

  I nodded slowly, staring into her beautiful green eyes.

  "I'll help you."

  I glanced down at her and grinned. I felt like I'd just won the God Damn lottery. But the prize was way better than money.

  I got to have her.

  I pulled her against me and did what I'd been dying to do since the moment I laid eyes on her. I kissed the hell out of her. This time though, she was 100% kissing me back. And she was good at it.

  Really good.

  The best part was that this time, I didn't have to stop.

  I groaned and let my hands begin to roam. Her damp skin felt like wet silk. I bent down and lifted her slightly so I could taste her breasts. They were perfect. High and round with two bright pink nipples just begging me to kiss them. I did, smiling as I heard her panting above me.

  She was just as hot for me as I was for her.


  I set her down on her feet.

  "Bed. Now."

  Her eyes flashed at me dangerously. I was treated the sight of her pert bottom as she obeyed my command. In an instant I was following her down to the giant unmade bed.

  I kissed her again, pulling my shirt open so I could feel her against my skin. We both moaned at the contact. I grimaced, wishing my pants were off already.

  My dick felt like it was trying to claw its way out of my jeans.

  I wanted to bury myself inside her and never come out again. I reached down to stroke between her legs. I slipped a finger inside her to test the waters. She was wet already but too tight. That was going to be a problem.

  I knew I was above average in the size department.

  Well, that was a bit of an understatement. I was way, way above average. And Elle was tiny. I took a deep breath and pulled back. She blinked up at me in confusion, all warm and willing female.

  I shook my head and started sliding down her body, kissing as I went.

  "Not yet sweetheart. Not just yet."

  I stared at her sweet little pussy as it came into view. She had a nice little patch of dark hair above. It contrasted with her pale skin and the pinkness of her swollen nether lips.

  She was utterly feminine down here as she was everywhere else.




  I had to taste her- never mind needing to make sure she was ready.

  I lowered my head and got to work.


  "Oh my GOD!"

  I was about to fly off the bed. Jake Delancey had his head between my legs and he was- he was-

  "Oh oh oh!"

  My body arched upward as Jake's tongue slid inside me again and again. He was fluttering his finger over my clitoros at the same time. And he wasn't stopping.

  I was tossing around on the bed as the orgasm continued to tear through me. I didn't think it was possible to climax harder.

  I was wrong.

  I found that out a moment later as he brought me to yet another peak.

  I reached down and grabbed his head, pushing him away.

  He looked up at me questioningly, his blue eyes sparkling.

  "Enough messing about Delancey."

  He came up grinning as he rapidly pulled the rest of his clothes off. I was breathing heavily as his gorgeously muscled body was revealed. The man's shoulders were even wider than I'd thought, his belly flat and trim, his chest broad and smooth.

  In short, he was perfect.

  "Are you trying to kill me then?"

  "I wouldn't dream of it darlin'."

  He pulled his pants off and my eyes widened. I'd been too busy admiring the rest of his physique to wonder about that or how big it was.

  It was big.

  Too big.

  My eyes widened as he climbed on top of me again, leaning toward the bedside table for a condom. He must have caught the look in my eyes as he rolled it on over his shaft.

  "It'll be fine."

  "Uh huh, if you say so."


  I lay back and closed my eyes.

  "Damn it Delancey, get on with it!"

  I could almost see his grin as he nudged my thighs apart and guided his cock to my opening. It felt like hot steel where it pressed against me. My body stretched as he eased his way inside.

  "Jesus Elle."

  He was panting heavily now too, our breathing intermingling as he slid forward, getting deeper by the second. I felt filled up. Stretched. Opened. It didn't hurt though. No, it felt good.

  Scratch that.

  It felt amazing.

  I watched as Jake strained above me. He was circling his hips slowly now, his rod sliding a little deeper with each thrust. His face was a mask of utter concentration. He was holding back.

  Well, that wouldn't do now, would it?


  He opened his eyes and stared down at me.


  I slid one hand slide down to his bottom and squeezed, pushing him deeper.

  "Have at it."

  His eyes widened. He groaned as I pulled him all the way inside me. His voice got all low and husky as he groaned and called out.

  "Oh God-"

  That's all it took. He unleashed on me, pulling one leg up and using it for leverage. He held me captive as he rode me without mercy. His hips pistoned hard and fast into me. I grabbed onto his shoulders and held on for dear life.

  I felt my body contracting as the friction inside me reached a fever pitch. My body convulsed on the bed as I came again.
But Jake didn't stop or even take a breath. He was thrusting into me faster and faster. I felt another orgasm approaching when something changed.

  Jake was about to cum.

  His hips bucked out of tempo as I felt the tell tale swelling of his member. It got even bigger if that was possible and that was saying something. Shivers of pleasure shot through me as he pulsed hot seed into the rubber. I looked up as Jake came inside me, his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut.

  My own orgasm was subsiding by the time he finally stopped moving. He held me close as we both tried to catch our breath. He kissed my neck and my shoulder before rolling off to lay by my side, pulling the blankets over us.

  "How do you feel?"

  I made a soft contented sound.

  "Did I hurt you?"


  I smiled and closed my eyes, ready to drift off to sleep.

  That's when he rolled on top of me again.

  "Good. Because I plan to make up for lost time."

  My eyes opened in shock. Jake was above me, smirking like the devil himself. The bastard was already hard again.

  I was half asleep hours later when the door burst open. Jackson and Daniel stood there. Daniel turned immediately to face the wall when he saw me. Jackson did not. His contemptuous gaze raked over the two of us lying together in bed.

  "What the hell Jackson!"


  "It's 4 am, get the hell out of my room!"

  "Dad's on his death bed and you're-"

  "What? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

  Jackson laughed bitterly.

  "Check your damn phone once in a while."

  Daniel put his hand on Jackson's shoulder.

  "Come on Jackson. He didn't know."

  "Just like he didn't know about mom right?"

  Jake was on his feet in an instant, completely unconcerned about his nudity. I didn't know where to look, but it was hard not to stare at his ass. Even under the circumstances.

  I closed my eyes and sat up, wrapping the blanket around myself.

  "You know I couldn't get back here in time."

  "Of course. It wasn't your fault. It's never your fault!"

  Jake laughed.

  "That's a good one. We both know that it's always my fault. Even when it's not."

  He slipped a robe on and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I wanted nothing more than to sink into the bed and hide. My whole body was red with embarrassment.


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