The Lonely Apprentice (The Lonely Girl Series Book 1)

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The Lonely Apprentice (The Lonely Girl Series Book 1) Page 5

by Autumn Skye

  “You can always come stay with us until you find another place. That’s not to say I’m not one hundred percent sure this is going to work out. I am. In the worst case scenario, however, Peyton wouldn’t mind a bit.”

  “One hundred percent? With that kind of faith, you might want to start taking bets.”

  “I’d bet on you any time, kid.”

  “Well I hope I don’t let you down,” I said.

  “Hey, don’t let yourself down. That’s who you worry about. This is an amazing chance. Hell, it’s more like an adventure. Don’t walk into it selling yourself short.”

  “I know. Thank you so much for making it happen, Professor.”

  “I made a phone call. You did the rest, but I’ll be keeping tabs on you, so bring your best to the table.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  When we’d finished lunch the professor excused himself, in a hurry to get some papers graded before his next class started. He walked me out to my car and gave me a hug that was the closest thing to fatherly I’d ever felt. I had the rest of my day to myself, so I decided to get the ugliest part over with right then and there. I drove by the shop and turned in my notice. The owner of the shop wasn’t in, but the co-manager, Patty, perked up at the news. She worked under me and was the next in line for my position, so I pretty much told her she was getting promoted. She promised to pass along the message to Shauna, the owner, as soon as she checked in that day. Relief flooded over me at not having to directly tell Shauna I was leaving her in a lurch. That was a conversation I didn’t mind not having face to face, even if it did make me feel like an ass.

  Next I called the landlord and told her I’d be out by the first of the month. She informed me that since I hadn’t given a month’s notice she’d be keeping my deposit. It was only a few hundred dollars, not worth arguing over, so I told her I understood and wrote it off. Then I called a storage place and rented a space to put anything I wouldn’t be taking with me to Nadine’s. She was offering me a room, not the run of the place, so I thought it best to pack light. The apartment had come furnished. I only needed a place to keep my personal effects. I was able the rent the smallest space for the minimum amount. A few hours ago, it had seemed I had an overwhelming amount of things to take care of, and here I’d completed them all. All I had left to concentrate on was my evening out with Cheyenne.

  This night had to be special. I wouldn’t be seeing nearly as much of Cheyenne. I’d be living with Nadine and she’d been quite clear that very little of my time would be my own. This might be the last night I’d really spend with my friend for who knew how long. This night needed to count. By the next time I saw her she’d probably be in a new relationship and who could guess where I’d be? Maybe I’d have my own line launched by then. I wondered if she’d be sorry she left me then, but I pushed the thought away. Cheyenne wasn’t like that. She had a huge heart. She was already sorry.

  Chapter Eight

  Choosing something to wear for my night out with Cheyenne was harder than I’d anticipated it would be. She was my ex, so I didn’t want to pick something too sexy and look like I was trying, but I didn’t want to pick something too frumpy and look like I was pathetically pining away to the point of letting myself go, either. Maybe I wasn’t ready to get back in the game, but for some reason it was important to me that she not know that. I wound up wearing a simple sundress with a ruffled hem and a peasant top with pair of calf high boots.

  I searched for “The Sanctuary” online, jotted down the address and headed out. Cheyenne was waiting for me just outside the entrance when my taxi pulled up to the curb.

  “Wow, you look great,” she said.

  “Thanks, so do you.” It was the truth. She always looked good, but the form fitting jeans she had on flaunted her every curve below the torso.

  “I’d like my dress back one of these days, by the way. I really love that dress and I know you worked hard to make it for me.”

  “You’ll get it,” I promised.

  “Ready to go in?”


  “Since I’ve never been here I can’t vouch for this place. If it’s a dud, we’ll just have to make it fun.”

  “After a few beers that shouldn’t be hard. If we still aren’t having a good time we can hit the whiskey, or how about tequila shots?”

  She laughed. “That’s the best back up plan I’ve ever heard.”

  Because the club was newly opened there was no cover charge for a limited time. We made our way in and took a table on the main floor. There was an upstairs tier with a balcony where those not interested in dancing could mingle in a less crowded area. That wasn’t for us, though. Cheyenne loved to dance. Me, not so much, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t good. I just felt self-conscious about it. Like I’d told Cheyenne, a few drinks would cure that. It always did.

  She ordered two beers from the waitress and nodded at me. “I like it here. Not a bad place to hang out.”

  “It’s crowded.”

  “Maybe it’s going to be the next hot spot. We should try to get you hooked up. What about the brunette over there?”

  “Don’t point. What the hell are you doing? We didn’t come here to find me a date,” I snapped, glancing at the voluptuous girl standing with her back pinned to the wall, oblivious to either of us.

  “Oh, come on, why not? We agreed that you were going to make an honest effort to find someone.”

  “I’m not ready.”

  “Well, get ready, damn it. You’re a beautiful person. You deserve to be happy and I don’t want to be the reason you’re not.”

  “It’s not on you. I wasn’t big on relationships before I met you. I’m no good at them. I fuck them up. Of all people, I shouldn’t have to tell you that.”

  “You didn’t fuck up, sweetie. We aren’t right for each other. That doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. Now go hit on that brunette with the mammoth sized tits, or I will.”

  “Have at it,” I replied.

  “Seriously, you’re going to give that gorgeous creature to me?”

  “Go get her. Don’t come back without a number,” I urged her.

  “Okay, if you insist. You sure you’re okay with it? It won’t be weird?”

  Of course, it was going to be weird as fuck, watching my ex go after another woman, especially knowing it was my idea. What did that matter if I was going to be busy focusing on my career from here on out? “I’m good with it. You deserve to be happy, too,” I said with a smile I wasn’t feeling.

  “Then I’m going to go talk to her and see how it goes. I’ll be back, though.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter,” I said, waving her away.

  I sipped my beer and considered that I’d just made a huge step, sending the one I’d once thought I’d share the rest of my life with off to another woman. It was bound to happen eventually. Moving on meant seeing new people. Sooner or later, Cheyenne was going to settle down with someone and it had been a while since our breakup. It was time to start accepting reality, although I was a bit miffed she’d so readily agreed. We hadn’t been here five minutes and she was making a play for a stranger she picked out from a crowd. Maybe she was subtly, or not so subtly, sending me a message, not understanding that I already got it.

  And she didn’t come right back, either. I drank half my beer while sitting alone and when I looked over she was still chatting up the brunette. They’d apparently hit it off quite well. Bored out of my mind, I starting glancing around the place. Even if I weren’t interested, I figured I might find someone to talk to, go through the motions. I craned my neck back and looked up to see if anyone on the second tier caught my eye. Someone did all right. Nadine Robertson was leaning against the balcony peering down at me. I froze under her mesmerizing gaze. She might as well have had the power of Medusa she so quickly turned me to stone.

  My reaction amused her. I could see it on her face regardless of our distance from each other and the dim lighting. How long had she been watchin
g me? Had she seen me come in with Cheyenne? What did she think of the girl I’d come with darting off and leaving me all by my lonesome? Was she hoping I’d go to her? If not, why the fuck wouldn’t she stop staring at me, clearly recognizing me, but not acknowledging me? Oh, God, this was the second night in a row we’d run into each other. Did she think I was stalking her? The first time I sort of had been, but for the sake of business. She might not think this was a coincidence. She might be reconsidering hiring me, now, after I’d given up my job and apartment. I should probably go up and explain, but just when I began to rise from my seat she turned away and said something to a woman standing next to her. I watched as the two of them became engrossed in conversation. She didn’t turn her head my direction again. It might have been as if she’d never seen me, so I returned to nursing my beer with slow sips. There weren’t a lot of other options. To go running out of the place would be weird and to approach Nadine would be awkward, so I waited until Cheyenne returned to the table.

  “How did it go?”

  “I got her number. She asked if I wanted to meet her at this other club down the street, but I told her I’d have to check with you.”

  “No, you go on. Have fun,” I encouraged her.

  “Don’t be silly. I’m not going to abandon you. This place was my idea.”

  “You’re the one being silly. Don’t let me stand in the way of you having a good time. We’ll get together soon.” I brushed off her concern, in a sudden hurry for her to leave.

  Her face was a mask of confusion and guilt, but I could tell she really liked this new girl. She wanted to go and I was surprised that I wanted her to go. I hadn’t seen her look this excited about anyone in a long time. If we were over there was no reason for both of us to be miserable. What really amazed me was that it didn’t hurt to send her on her way. My mind was on Nadine, the other woman I couldn’t have. When was the last time my thoughts were on any other woman other than Cheyenne? I couldn’t remember. I knew she was over me and I was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, I was over her, or getting there at last.

  She gave me a hug before walking away. “Are you positive you don’t want to come? This is supposed to be our night.”

  Our night, yes, but I’d never agreed to be turned into a third wheel. I promised her again we’d see each other soon, but I knew it was a lie and I’m sure she saw through it, too. When she’d walked out the door with the brunette I looked up as I had before and saw Nadine’s eyes on me once more. The woman she’d been talking to had disappeared. She gave me no sign that she expected me to come up and join her. I wondered again if I should take the initiative, but a blonde woman near my age approached my table, introduced herself, and asked if I’d like to dance. I really didn’t, but I followed her out onto the floor, nevertheless. It was better than having Nadine stare me down as I sat there alone and pathetic.

  The music playing in the club was semi soft with a sensual beat. I didn’t know the song, but my hips swayed easily to the beat. My partner appeared to appreciate my moves. She sashayed closer, so I threw my arms around her neck and tilted my head to let my eyes wander upwards. I saw that I still held Nadine’s attention. She tipped her glass and drank from it as she took in the show I was putting on, no doubt aware that it was just for her. I was being damned obvious about it. It was like playing with fire and knowing I’d get burned, teasing my boss that way. It was starting to feel like I had a penchant for self-destruction, sending the love of my life on her merry way to be with another woman and pushing the line with my new employer, but I couldn’t stop. I was mesmerized by the music and Nadine’s fiery gaze upon me.

  When the song ended, my partner asked if I’d like a drink. I refused politely and excused myself to go running off to the ladies room where I might find some reprieve from Nadine’s watchful eyes. There I leaned over the sink a moment before peering into the mirror, glad no one besides me was in there. Maybe I could get my act together, or maybe I should wise up and just go home. Nothing about this evening had gone as planned. It was a bust.

  The door opened and a flood of noise rushed in, a crowd of murmuring voices followed by the first notes of a new song playing before it swung shut. Nadine sauntered over to me with a slow strut.

  “Having fun?” she asked with a sly grin.

  “Nadine, I was surprised to see you here. We keep running into each other, don’t we?”

  “Yes, you looked quite taken aback, but I asked you a question, Delia. Are you having fun?”

  “No, not particularly,” I admitted, turning to the side to face her.

  “That’s not what it looked like to me, or are you just a tease?”

  I was teasing her? Had she forgotten how I’d thrown myself at her only to be pushed away? I wasn’t inclined to make that mistake again, no matter how enticing she looked standing there with her lips in a pouty curve.

  Her arm came up and her fingers curled around my hair so I couldn’t have pulled away if I’d wanted. I watched her tongue trace her lips, moistening them and making them all the more tempting even as I fought the urge to give into the raging desire that coursed through me whenever she was near. This was passion, something I’d doubted I’d ever feel again, but it was undeniable and it was radiating off her as well.

  Her lips covered mine with a soft urgency. I opened my mouth and moaned into hers. It sounded more like a whimper. I closed my eyes and got lost in the kiss until she broke it and took my hand in hers. Without warning I was being pulled into a stall, finding myself leaning against the wall of it as she latched the door shut. Then her lips were on mine again more firmly this time as her hands travel from my breasts down to my waist and back again. As I clung to her, my fingers digging into her back, she pulled the sleeves of my top off my shoulders until my breasts popped free. I pushed out my chest coaxing her to give me more. Her mouth covered one of my nipples through the lace of my bra and sucked greedily.

  “Oh, yes,” I groaned.

  She reached down and pulled one of my legs up to drape over her hip and her hand found my ass, clutching one of my cheeks, her fingers kneading my flesh. She thrusted her hips forward, pushing her mound against mine. Even through the material of our clothes the friction managed to build as she writhed and grinded herself into me. The wetness between my lets saturated the crotch of my panties as she continued to devour my nipple. It was now my hands clutching her ass, pulling her closer if that were possible, wishing our bodies could meld into one hot fusion.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I hissed with a yearning to feel her fingers inside me, probing my walls and bringing me much needed release.

  She ignored my words and slammed her mound harder against mine, her mouth finding mine again as if she was trying to stifle my groans of lust. When she broke the kiss her face contorted into a mask of ecstasy. I felt her shudder and could have cried with frustration because I wanted that feeling, too.

  “Please, don’t stop until you make me come,” I begged.

  “Mmm, yes, come for me. Come hard,” she demanded, still writhing against me.

  Before I could reply, I went rigid with the first tremors of sweet climax. It had been far too long since my body had felt so electrified. For a split second, I felt connected to her, but as the orgasmic charge began to fade and I went limp in her hands her eyes grew aloof.

  She stepped back and adjusted her clothes. “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did. Now that we’ve got that out of our system you should understand that it will never happen again.”


  “Never, Delia. Our curiosity about each other would have gotten in the way of our working relationship, but we’ve satisfied that curiosity. We can go about pretending it never happened.”

  “Why would you want to do that? It was good,” I said.

  “It was very good, but I’m not interested in a relationship and I don’t want you getting confused about your position in my life. You’re my assistant. Anything more than that could get messy and I
don’t have the time to deal with the drama.”

  “That’s all. You don’t feel anything else towards me?” That’s what I got for indulging in a quickie, one played out in a public bathroom stall, no less.

  “I didn’t say that. I just think it’s best we end this, start over with a clean slate. It’s not just best, it’s necessary if you’re going to be living in my house.”

  “All right, if that’s what you want,” I said, on the verge of tears at being rejected by this woman yet again.

  “It is and I’m glad you can be professional about it. I’ll see you the first of the month.”

  She left me there still resting my back against the cold metal of the partition, a weakness sinking into my legs. I stayed there for some time, my mind processing what had happened between us and the fact that it over no sooner than it had begun. Knowing she was right didn’t help. Neither did sensing she was lying to both me and herself. Regardless of what she’d said, her actions spoke loud and clear. Nadine wanted me. Pretending otherwise wasn’t going to make it less true. It was only going to make everything from here on out harder than it had to be. That shouldn’t have come as a surprise. Ms. Robertson had an apparent dislike for anything or anyone that came too easily.

  Chapter Nine

  The first of the month came upon me fast. I spent the morning packing up the last of my possessions and overseeing the movers to take what was going into storage. Cheyenne and I had spoken several times since the night we’d gone to. “The Sanctuary,” but as I’d suspected, we never did manage to get together again. The girl she’d met at the club had taken up most of her time. Her name was Michelle and it seemed the two of them had hit it off to the point of Michelle being the focal point of all our conversations. I could say with a certain amount of sincerity that I was happy for my friend. However, I’d begun to rethink the plausibility that we could remain close. Most people didn’t hang out with their exes, they just didn’t, especially not once one of them was in a new relationship. I’d always love her, but I had real doubts as to if I’d be in her life a year down the road. I called her once more before I walked out of my apartment for the last time, promising to be in touch soon, not sure if I meant it.


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