SEAL’s Fake Marriage

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SEAL’s Fake Marriage Page 95

by Ivy Jordan

  After a photo with Santa is taken, Serena loads Alan into his stroller, telling me he will probably fall asleep quickly, and we walk through the mall. Alan oohs and ahhs over all the decorations, and then he’s asleep, just as Serena predicted.

  “I really want to buy him the huge stuffed panda that he asked Santa for. Would that be okay?” I ask her.

  “That’s fine, as long as you know I'm gonna tell him it’s from Santa.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything different.” We head out into the parking lot, and I walk with her towards her car. “I had fun today. Maybe next time we could go to a family friendly restaurant, all three of us.”

  “I’m sorry?” she says, looking up at me sharply.

  “Is that not okay? I liked spending time with the both of you, and I just want to get know you and Alan both. I thought maybe next time we have a date it could be the three of us.”

  “I don’t know, Cade. This was a big step today, and I don’t to rush anything or confuse Alan. He’s never had a father.”

  “Where is his dad?”

  She looks away. “That’s personal.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I overstepped. I just want you to know that I’m serious, about both of you, that’s all.”

  “I know, Cade.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Let me think about it.”

  “I can live with that.” We reach her car, and I kiss her cheek. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “I’ll call you tonight.”

  I turn to leave, but stop and look back at her. “Serena?”


  “Whoever Alan’s dad is, he’s an idiot for leaving a woman like you behind, for not being a part of that kid’s life. You’re raising a good one, Serena, and I’m proud to know you.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  The days before Christmas pass in a blur as I buy the last few presents I need and everything I need for Christmas dinner bought from the grocery store.

  I haven’t seen Cade since he joined Alan and I at the mall, but we’ve talked and texted every day. Everything has been great between us since we reconnected. Our relationship has been easy and has had no pressure to take it to another level. Cade has been sweet, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know him so much better. I can admit that I was wrong in my assumptions when he showed up in my lecture, and while I am still cautious, I know that I am falling fast.

  Alan puts out cookies and milk for Santa on Christmas Eve, and after he falls asleep, I stay up wrapping the last of his presents and putting them under the tree. I fill his stocking and my own, and one for Ashley, too, who is joining us in the morning. In another room, I’ve hidden one last present, the one from Cade, with a tag reading “From Santa.”

  I feel like I have barely fallen asleep when Alan is in my room, tugging my hand.

  “Wake up, Mommy, wake up. Santa came!” His eyes are wide and bright, and I find myself smiling at his wondrous joy. I get up and let him lead me to the living room where he simply gawks at the pile of presents, oohing and aahing over all the brightly-wrapped gifts. Somehow, I manage to corral him to the kitchen for some breakfast while we wait for Ashley to arrive.

  When she rings the doorbell before letting herself inside twenty minutes later, Alan runs from the room to tackle his aunt around the knees in a hug. “Aunt Ashley, Santa was here!”

  She gasps in surprise. “Really? Do you think he left me anything?”

  “You don’t live here, Aunt Ashley!” Alan laughs.

  “I wrote him though and told him I’d be here with you. Should we go open them?”

  “Yes, yes, yes! Open presents!”

  “Go have a seat on the floor, and we’ll open presents,” I tell him. ““But let’s see what’s in our stockings first.”

  Alan runs to the living room and sits near the tree, and Ashley stretches out across the couch. I grab and hand out the three stockings. Alan immediately dumps it out on the floor and rummages through all the little goodies I’ve stuffed in there. I’ve put girly things like lotion in Ashley’s, as well a stash of her favorite paint brushes, and she thanks me. I sit down in a chair beside the tree and start to pass out the presents to Alan.

  It’s so much fun now that he can open his own presents and get excited over them. The clothes I’ve given him are quickly discarded over his shoulder after opening them which makes Ashley and I laugh. She gathers them up and puts them into a pile. There are books, which I’m so happy he loves, and toys. So many toys. After everything is unwrapped, I stand up. “Alan, Santa brought you one more present, but I need you to close your eyes while I go get it, okay?”

  He nods expectantly before I leave the room, coming back with the huge stuffed panda. Ashley looks up at me with a questioning look as I set it down. I shake my head and give her a look that promises to explain when there are not little ears present. The panda is bigger than I am, and I know it is going to engulf Alan, but I also know he is going to love it. I toss Ashley my phone to record the moment and tell Alan to open his eyes.

  There is a loud, piercing scream and then Alan is throwing himself at the panda bear. “He got him! Santa got me my panda!”

  I feel tears prick my eyes at my son’s excitement. I can’t believe how happy a giant stuffed toy makes him, and I can’t wait to share the video with Cade. The thought sobers me, especially since I haven’t told Cade the truth about Alan. I don’t know how to even go about telling him. It just isn’t as simple as “hey, meet your kid.”

  “Mommy, Santa remembered.”

  “Yes, he did, baby.”


  “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Do you remember when we saw Santa?”


  “I liked your friend that came. I like that he gonna play football with me. When can we play football with Mr. Cade?”

  I see Ashley’s eyebrow shoot up. I haven’t told my sister that I let Cade meet Alan yet. “I don’t know, Alan, but I’ll talk to him and see if he can play sometime.”

  “Okay, Mommy,” he says happily before dragging the panda bear to the other side of the room to play with.

  “Cade met Alan?” Ashley asks quietly as we gather the presents we got for each other. We sit down on the couch facing each other so we can open them.

  I nod. “Last week. He asked if he could meet him, and he met us at the mall when I took Alan to see Santa. He heard Alan ask for the panda bear and asked if he could buy it for him. I told him he could, but that I was going to tell Alan it was from Santa.”

  “He was okay with that? I mean, he is his father.”

  I look over at Alan, who has curled up on the stuffed animal and has fallen asleep. “I haven’t told him,” I sigh.


  “Shhh!” I quiet her, but Alan doesn’t stir. “I don’t know how to tell him. It’s been me and Alan for so long...and now this thing with Cade. It’s complicated, Ashley. I just can’t drop it on him.”

  “You’ve been talking and going out for almost a month now, Serena. You’re hiding it in plain sight now that he’s met Alan. Wouldn’t you rather tell him the truth than have him figure it out on his own?”

  “How do I tell him, though? I do feel terrible for not telling him. I mean, you should have seen him with Alan, Ash. He was so good, talking to him and keeping him entertained while we were waiting. I couldn’t believe how good he was, to be honest.”

  “Now imagine that if he knew Alan was his.”

  “I know, I know. And, Alan hasn’t stopped talking about Cade, either. It’s just... How do we go from just the two of us to us plus Cade? It’s so weird. I never thought I’d ever see him again, that he’d be any part of my life after that one night. I know I should tell him, that it isn’t fair to him and it especially isn’t fair to Alan. He deserves a dad, but I can’t just assume that Cade wants to be a dad.”

  “Be honest. After Cade met Alan, how was he? Was he different, has h
e been distant with you?”

  “No. Actually, he wants our next date to be the three of us at a family restaurant.”

  “Serena, what are you worried about? He likes you and Alan. Just go for it and tell him the truth. You’ll feel better. I can tell it’s eating at you.”

  “I need a plan.”

  “Then let’s make one. We’ve got all day. But first let’s open these presents.”


  I get a text from Cade midafternoon wishing me a Merry Christmas. I’m so caught up cooking with Ashley and Alan, though, that I don’t answer until several hours later after Ashley heads home with leftovers and I get Alan to bed. I send Cade the video of Alan with the present he got for him along with my message.

  “Merry Christmas. Sorry it took so long; we were cooking. I just got Alan down for the night.”

  His reply comes back almost immediately. “It’s okay. I’m sure it was a hectic day for you. I just got home myself.”

  “You were with Tyler, right?” I text back.

  “Yeah. And his wife and their kids. We should double date with them sometime. I think you’d really like Tamara.”

  “That sounds nice. I’d like to meet your friends,” I reply

  “Ty is pretty much my only friend. I was kind of a hotshot in my playing days,” he sends.

  “You’re still kind of a hotshot,” I tease, adding an emoticon with its tongue sticking out.

  “I see how it is,” he teases back, then changes the tone of our conversation. “The video is great, by the way. I’m glad Alan liked his gift.”

  “He loves it, Cade. Thank you for thinking of him. You didn’t have to do that,” I reply.

  “Well, I wanted to.”

  “He fell asleep on it earlier. It was so cute.”

  “And, you didn’t send me a picture?” he asks.

  “I have one. I’ll send it in a minute.”

  “What did you think of your present?”

  I blush as I trace a finger over the delicate bangle on my wrist. The man affects me even when he’s not by my side. A little after noon, my doorbell had rung, and I was surprised to find a delivery man on the other side with the wrapped gift and card. The card had been sweet, and I had gasped at the iconic blue Tiffany’s box when I unwrapped the gift. The white gold bracelet with round diamonds dotting their way around was a simple but elegant piece. It wasn’t showy, a gesture that let me know without words that Cade gets me.

  “It’s beautiful, thank you, but you didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “I know, but I wanted to.”

  “I feel bad because I didn’t get you a gift.”

  “Don’t. When I was out buying Alan’s panda, I saw it the in the store window and it just reminded me of you. It was an impulse buy. I am glad you like it, though.”

  “I love it, Cade. I’m wearing it now. I might not ever take it off. I’ve never owned something so beautiful.”

  “Hearing you say that is present enough. You deserve to be spoiled, and I enjoy spoiling you. I suggest you just let me. It’ll be easier for you and for me,” he messages and ends with a winky face.

  “I’m not used to that,” I inform him.

  “You’ll have to get used to it. You deserve it, and I intend to, in case you hadn’t figured that out.”

  “You’re too much, Cade Thomas.”

  “It’s possible I’ve been told that once or twice,” he texts, adding a smile. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to be up early to film the show in the morning, so I better get some sleep. I missed you today, by the way.”

  “I missed you, too,” I reply.

  “We’re still on for next week, right?” he asks.

  “Yep. Ashley is going to watch Alan.”

  “Cool. I’ll call you tomorrow. Maybe we can grab lunch or something.”

  “I’d like that. Goodnight, Cade.”

  “Sweet dreams, Serena.”

  I smile as I put the phone on the table by my bed and can’t help but think about him as I get ready to turn in.

  Chapter Nineteen


  In the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, I only see Serena once. I find myself missing her when I’m not with her, and the little pang in my heart makes me think that I’ve been missing out on something in my life for a very long time. I want to take her out on New Year’s Eve for a night she’ll never forget, but finding something that feels right proves harder than I expected.

  I end up deciding to take Serena to a New Year's Eve party that the Condors are having for a night of dancing and revelry. Even though I’m not on the team anymore, I’m still invited to the Condors’ big party they throw each year as an alumnus of the team. Even though I’ve been retired for a few years now, I am still one of the faces of the organization, and I enjoy doing community outreach with the team still.

  I know it will be someplace that I can take Serena without fear of paparazzi or other club goers snapping our picture and sending it to XYZ, the most popular gossip site around that has plastered countless pictures of me and Josephine or whatever flavor of the week passed through my life. I know we have been lucky that no one has snapped any pictures of Serena and me since we started seeing each other, and I’d like to keep it that way for as long as I can.

  The last several weeks with Serena have been so beyond words. I feel like we have really connected on a level I’ve never connected with another woman before, and it is simply amazing. I realize now that the ease of our relationship is something I crave, especially after the back and forth rollercoaster Josephine and I were on for all those years. This feels like an actual adult relationship, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s also incredible to me that we still haven’t had sex and that I’m one hundred percent okay with that. When Tyler told me I should wait and we should take our time, I thought he was a little nuts. Truth is, though, it was the best advice I’ve ever received.

  I pick Serena up at her place, and she greets me at the door with a smile, letting me inside. She excuses herself to grab her shoes, explaining as she goes that Alan is spending the night at Ashley’s.

  I watch her walk. Her little black dress ends just above the knee and is straight with a slit on the left side. The dress is off her shoulders and the sleeves end in a ruffle just past her elbows. It is simple and understated, elegant, but she looks sexy as hell and I feel my dick tighten just looking at her. Especially when she pushes her hair back, exposing all that sweet delicate skin of her neck and collarbone.

  When Serena returns to the room wearing a pair of glittery silver heels and the bracelet I gave her for Christmas, I tell myself that I need to send Ashley a thank you present for tonight.

  It doesn’t take us too long to reach the hotel where the party is being held and I happily escort Serena inside, catching all the looks being shot in her direction and the looks the other men I know shoot me. I feel proud to have her on my arm and I know that there is no way I want to ever mess this up.

  We mingle with the team's owner and the coaching staff for a few minutes before we sit down for dinner. I’m seated with a few other former teammates who make me look good, and I consider sending them all fruit baskets or something for all the talking up of me they’ve done. After dinner we dance for hours, and at midnight we share a kiss that curls my toes. If we were in a romantic movie, it would have been a foot pop kind of moment.

  About an hour after midnight, Serena and I leave the party for my place. The car ride is quiet, but it’s a comfortable silence that I always thought would drive me crazy. Turns out, I just needed the right person in my life to share the silence with.

  I let us inside my house and Serena kicks off her heels at the door before making her way to the living room. Her killer little black dress is at the same time understated and sexy, and I am happy to watch her walk away, the light in the house catching the silver bracelet on her wrist. I follow, after taking off my own shoes, to find her on the end of the couch, feet curled underneath her w
ith a smile on her face.

  “Thank you for tonight,” she tells me. “I haven’t been out for New Year’s in so long, and I had such a wonderful time.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I was worried it’d be too much football talk.”

  “Oh no, it wasn’t,” she assures me. “I was more worried the other women wouldn't be nice to be honest, but everyone was lovely and so nice. Now I can’t wait to meet Tyler and Tamara.”

  “I can’t wait for you to meet them, either,” I grin. Even though it’s comfortable in the house, I reach for a remote that turns on the fireplace. “Is this okay?”

  “Of course.”

  I click a button and a fire roars to life. I scoot closer to her, and she settles in under my arm.

  “Sometimes I miss having a white Christmas,” I admit to her.

  “Do you promise not to laugh if I tell you something?”

  I hold my pinky up to her. “Pinky promise.”

  She hooks her pinky around mine. “I was convinced for half of my childhood that snow was just something they made up for TV.”

  I can’t help the laughter that bubbles up, and she glares at me. “You pinky promised!”

  “I’m sorry, babe. I can't help it.”

  “I was just a kid, maybe five. I didn’t understand why it never snowed here, and my dad told me it was just a special effect on TV. I think I was in middle school before I learned about the weather and found out it was a real thing.”

  “I loved the snow when I was young, but around the time I hit high school, I started dreaming about going to college somewhere it never snowed, which is part of the reason I chose California. I wanted to live someplace where it was warm because it was so cold so much of the year in Chicago. I miss it sometimes but for the most part, I’m pretty happy about not living in a winter wonderland anymore.”

  “I bet Alan would love the snow,” she muses thoughtfully.

  “Maybe we can go to Chicago sometime. To be honest, I wouldn’t mind getting snowed in somewhere with you.”


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