In Full Bloom: Sequel to 'The Crying Rose': The Trilogy of the Rose (Volume 2)

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In Full Bloom: Sequel to 'The Crying Rose': The Trilogy of the Rose (Volume 2) Page 11

by Beers, B. A.

  “That’s exactly what I need,” he exclaimed, and headed in the direction of the spa.

  Remembering his conversation with Grandma Jo about its presence made him smile. She had proudly told him that she had won first prize in a drawing a few years back. This tub and a three-year service contract were her prize. She had asked him, what was she suppose to do when they appeared at her door to install the tub. Should she have told them no? He chuckled as he recalled her dilemma. He folded the cover back on the tub. Watching the escaping steam fill the air around him, he reached in and tested the water temperature. Perfect, he sighed.

  Eyeing the stack of beach towels near the tub, he dropped his sweat bottoms and climbed into the tub. Locating the control panel, he punched the proper button to start the soothing jets. The hot water combined with the pulsating jets worked out the remaining tension in his body as he stretched out on the tub’s recliner. Closing his eyes, he found his mind was now free of the dream world, and he turned his thoughts back recapping the week.

  Had it only been five days since he had entered this strange new world? No, that’s not right, it’s six days for it was now technically Saturday, he thought.

  Monday – he, along with Grandma Jo had entered Sami’s life.

  Tuesday – the opening and reading of ‘IT’, the package that had been responsible for their meeting. Plus, moving day and David had entered their midst.

  Wednesday – Sami’s accident that broke her arm and David moved into Grandma Jo’s house.

  Thursday – the telephone call to Stacy Clark that resulted in completing the support group he needed to make her whole again.

  Lastly, tonight, no make that Friday night – the conversation with Jon, ensuring that he would join them Saturday morning.

  This was her support group, he repeated in his mind.

  This was a new concept for him. Not that he didn’t believe in support groups, for any therapist would be dead in the water without them, but this was the first time that he had had to assemble one. Usually, patients already had one established, but Sami had been isolated for so long that any possible candidate was long gone. Mark reviewed the group in his mind, one by one:

  Himself, of course, the very interested but outside observer – the doctor, coach, or whatever was needed.

  Grandma Jo – the kindly mother influence that has a history with Sami.

  David – formerly under treatment and studying to be a therapist, who has refused to be far from this situation, and now sharing this residence.

  Stacy Clark – although she had such a brief contact with Sami ten years ago, is so compassionate that she consented to join this group.

  And lastly, Dr. Jon Peterson – her former therapist and a true friend and mentor to him. His support was vital in the adventure.

  Yes, he thought, it will be an adventure. One that he looked forward to undertaking. He longed desperately to have her whole again. This brought Sami’s image to the forefront. Sami was the main character in their little group. How would she react to all this attention in the days, weeks, or even months ahead?

  As he pondered this question, he felt a thump coming from the edge of the tub. Opening his eyes, he spotted Ollie’s head stretched out over the rim. “Hello, boy,” Mark greeted the dog as he reached out of the water to pat his head. “You found me.” Within seconds, Molly’s muzzle appeared as another thump vibrated the tub. “Both of you?” He acknowledged Molly with a pat. “I am honored that you felt it was necessary to check on me.” He laughed as both animals tried, with all their might, to get closer to him. “I’m fine,” he reassured them. “Go back to Sami. She needs you more that I do.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” he heard softly behind him.

  Mark’s movements froze at the simple statement. He realized the tone was more of a purr than a bark, and he melted back into the tub. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?” he asked, without turning, adapting to her tone.

  “No,” she responded, closer this time by the volume of her voice.

  Mark acknowledged with a nod of his head. Facing the dogs that were still hanging on the edge of the tub, he spoke to them. “I should have guessed you two wouldn’t have left her alone.”

  A deep, throaty laugh reached his ears over the sound of the hot tub at the same time that he felt water dripping on his head. Refusing to turn around, he asked her another question. “What can I do for you, Mrs. Carter?” He didn’t have to wait long for her response.

  “You’re very perceptive, Doctor. I’ll have to give you that much. I am truly impressed,” she said laughingly.

  Mark remained calm. He was not going to be baited into her game even as he realized that she was going to enter the tub. She moved into his line of sight, and he saw that she had wrapped a towel around her cast. Sami turned when she reached the end of the tub, and he viewed her naked body before she submerged herself in the hot water. Resting her arm on the rim of the tub just inches from his exposed toes, she closed her eyes and exhaled a sigh that held pure pleasure.

  Mark could see her bruised face clearly and saw her facial muscles relax as she settled deeper into the tub. Her toes brushed his arm as she stretched out under the water. This innocent touch caused his blood to boil again. Still watching her face, he willed himself to breathe normally and to concentrate on something else besides being in this close proximity to her naked body. The answer to his search for a diversion was clearly displayed on her face. He concentrated on her still quite visible injuries. He observed that the bump had receded and no swelling was apparent, but the ‘road rash’ and resulting bruises were still in the process of healing. He wondered about the condition of her other arm, and whether she had the foresight to remove the bandage before entering the tub. Closing his eyes, he tried to recall if he had witnessed this arm when she had passed him, but his mind only recalled her naked backside.

  Scolding himself for his selfish, narrow vision, he opened his eyes and found himself on the receiving end of Sami’s locked gaze. He read into her expression, things he had only dared dream about due to her present condition, knowing he could not act on this need. He punched the button on the control panel to cease the jets, causing the noise level of the spa to drop back to a low hum. He needed to think rationally, and knew that facing her only clouded his mind. Sitting up, he reversed directions on the recliner trying, unsuccessfully, to avoid contact with her body as their legs entwined in his effort. It took him several painful seconds of gentle, hasty movements to free their legs without, hopefully, hurting her injured knees. Now, back on the recliner, he heard her quiet laughter.

  “What’s wrong, Doctor? You act as though I had just burned you,” she teased him.

  Mark was glad that his movement had resulted in her not being able to observe his face, for he felt a guilty blush warm his face. Keeping his voice calm, he remarked. “No, you’re wrong. I was thinking of your injured legs.”

  “Oh,” she snarled in a tone a little less sinister than before. “I see.”

  “Let’s talk,” Mark pleaded.

  “That’s what is wrong with you doctors, all talk and no action,” she said in a mocking voice.

  Her tone urged him on instead of backing him down. Irritated, he hissed at her. “Listen, the first step has already passed days ago. Now is the time to move forward not backwards.” As the words left his mouth, his desire for her fled his body, making him realize that the doctor in him was just as passionate. Sitting up quickly, not caring that he knocked her legs, he gazed deeply into her eyes.

  “Let me tell you something,” he snarled at her. “Are you listening?” She matched the look he was bestowing on her unflinchingly. “I am here because I want to be, and no power on this earth can make me back out. You can rant, rave, ridicule and even hit me, but I tell you now, I am here to stay.”

  There was no response from Sami, but he didn’t care. He felt better just getting it out of his system. He stretched out on the recliner again not facing her. Let her think tha
t over for awhile, he thought, closing his eyes. Several long minutes passed as he waited for her to speak.

  “Dr. Stevens, may I ask you a question?” she asked, still in a mocking tone.

  Great, 'Mrs. Carter' is still with us, Mark thought, knowing he had to get her cooperation in this endeavor. “Ask away.”

  “Am I worth all this effort?”

  Mark thought a second before answering. “That’s a valid question,” he began. “I’ll answer it with a truthful response.” He paused to give the impact of his words more meaning. “My opinion, along with everyone else in this house is yes.”

  “Well, if you put it that way, I don’t seem to have anything to lose from playing along in your game,” she stated.

  Mark could not believe his ears. Had she willingly agreed to let down her guard? He thought about her wording. “Game?” he questioned.

  “Did I say game?” she paused. “Forgive me, I meant treatment,” she retorted wickedly.

  “Ah! That’s what I thought,” he responded smiling.

  She remained silent for awhile, but he felt the fingers of her left arm absentmindedly playing with the hairs on top of his head. Her caressing action reminded him of the dreams that had been keeping him from a sound sleep. He knew, though, that in order to utilize this time with her, he needed to banish these thoughts.

  “Tell me what you are thinking about,” he asked, keeping it light.

  “My life before ‘M.O.L.E.T.’,“ she said quietly.

  Mark heard her tone change and knew that he was now talking to Sami. He searched his memory for the exact meaning of ‘molet’. Oh yes, he recalled, it meant My Own Life Ended Today.

  “What exactly are you remembering?” he prompted.

  “My special place.”

  “What special place?”

  “The only place where I felt most at ease and almost carefree. The only place that is filled with love, laughter and happy memories for me.”

  “Where are you, Sami?”

  “My parent’s cabin up north.”

  Mark caught the reference to cabin belonging to her parents. The concept that it now belonged to her had not penetrated her thoughts.

  “Sami, would you like to go there?”

  Her hand stopped its movement. “Do you think that is possible?”

  Mark heard her voice tremble at the idea. “Anything is possible, Sami,” Mark smiled to himself. The idea was appealing to him also, for he needed to focus on her and not on being interrupted by problems at the office. He felt her fingers again running through his hair.

  “Sami, we need to get some rest,” he began. “I’ll make arrangements for our trip. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

  With that, Mark got out of the tub knowing that Sami was watching him. Wrapping himself in a towel, he turned and offered her one. She nodded and made her way into the waiting towel. Replacing the cover on the tub, he picked up the clothes and walked her into the house followed closely by the two dogs.



  Despite his middle of the night activity, Mark arose refreshed at 7:00 AM. After dressing her and applying new bandages to her wounds, he had tucked Sami into bed. He then dropped into his own bed and fell into a dreamless sleep instantly. He checked on all the occupants, and found them still in the holds of the sleep world. Satisfied that all was quiet, and that he had the house to himself for awhile, he stepped into the hall bath for a quick shower.

  After the shower, he exited the bathroom and retraced his steps around the house. Sami and David were still asleep, but Grandma Jo’s bed was empty. Swearing softly to himself, he blamed his purely selfish endeavor for waking her. With his head hung low, and an apology on the tip of his tongue, he headed for the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, he found her in the process of making coffee. “Grandma Jo, did I wake you? If so, I’m sorry,” he commented stepping up behind her.

  “Nonsense, you don’t need to apologize,” she said, turning in his direction. “Besides, I’m a bit surprised you are awake.”

  “What’s that suppose to mean?” Mark quizzed, feeling a little guilty.

  Grandma Jo chuckled. “Look at you. It’s written all over your face in neon lights.”

  “But, but…” Mark stammered, breaking eye contact with her.

  Grandma Jo rescued him from saying any more. “Mark, remember it’s me. I know you better than, I guess, anyone around these parts. I know you’ve been having trouble sleeping.”

  Mark turned back to face her with confusion now on his face.

  “This is my house, and I have lived here quite a few years. I know every sound that this old house is capable of making. When a new sound is made, I awaken,” Grandma Jo answered his look. “So, I knew that you were up and…” she paused, smiling at him, “I also know that Sami joined you last night.” She switched her tone to a whisper. “I have to confess; I saw the two of you in my hot tub last night.”

  Mark opened his eyes wide at this confession. “Grandma Jo,” he began quickly, now feeling as guilty as a teenager, “nothing happened.”

  She winked at him and turned back to fill a mug with coffee. “I am not stupid, and neither are you, Mark. I know you better than to think you would risk her recovery by doing anything that you would regret later.” With this said, she turned and handed him the filled coffee mug. “But, I also have to admit that my curiosity is eating me alive.” Turning back to the coffee maker, she filled another mug.

  Too stunned to talk, Mark made his way over to the kitchen table. Knowing that Grandma Jo was behind him, he seated himself and finally looked into her expectant face. “Last night was something I didn’t plan,” he spoke, trying to defend his actions in her eyes. “She just suddenly appeared without my knowledge. It never crossed my mind that someone would witness us in the hot tub.”

  Grandma Jo nodded, indicating to him that she knew this to be true. Mark smiled, now extremely happy that he had the will power which had stopped him from acting on any impulse he had carried over from the dream world. He knew that any action of his part would have seriously jeopardized his case, since both women in this house would have held it against him.

  Mark visibly relaxed as these thoughts entered his mind. “Grandma Jo,” he continued, “your support is indispensable in this case. I would not purposely do anything that would result in your ill will toward me. What transpired last night was an incident that was not planned, but very informative. It seems to me that she only truly opens up in the middle of the night. Maybe I have known this all along. It would definitely explain why I have insisted that we all stay together. I also believe that we might be getting guidance and support in our dealings from a higher force. To let you in on a little secret, I wondered last night when she stepped into the tub just how she was able to remove the bandages on her right arm. I believed that it would have been a difficult feat for her to remove them with her arm in a cast. Then, I forgot about them until we returned to her room, and I found them next to her bed.”

  It was Grandma Jo’s turn to look surprised.

  Mark laughed at her expression. “I know how you’re feeling. I thought last night that instead of me helping her, she should have contacted a psychic to aid her in contacting the spirit world.” He fell silent, staring deeply into his coffee mug as both of them reflected on the new information.

  Grandma Jo broke the silence. “Who and how?”

  Not taking his eyes off the mug, he qualified his remark. “It could be any of the three loved ones she lost the night of the accident, or anyone else for that matter. I just believe that they don’t want Sami to suffer anymore. As for the how, I learned a long time ago to stop asking that question. In my profession, you see a lot of amazing things that can’t be explained by scientific means. You just know them to be true.” She nodded her agreement as Mark glanced up from the coffee mug. “I don’t recall if I told you or not, everything I discovered while reading her file regarding the accident.”

  She sat forwa
rd in her chair. “You told me what happened,” she refreshed his memory.

  “Did I tell you the date of the accident?”

  “No, I don’t believe you did.” A frown formed on her face as she thought back to their previous discussion.

  “It happened on January 17, 1994, six years to the day of the package arrival. The day I entered her life,” he enlightened her.

  “Mark,” Grandma Jo’s voice was shaky. “This is too strange.”

  “I think strange is too strong a word,” Mark countered. “How about fate instead?”


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