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In Full Bloom: Sequel to 'The Crying Rose': The Trilogy of the Rose (Volume 2)

Page 12

by Beers, B. A.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Remember that I have a guardian angel myself in Pat,” he said, beaming at her.

  She sat back, returning his smile. “You know what? I believe you have something there.”

  With that, Mark got to his feet and returned with the coffeepot to refill their mugs.

  Returning the pot back to the burner, he heard her question. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

  Reseating himself, he answered her questions with one of his own. “How about a road trip?” Her puzzled expression gave him a release from the serious conversation they had just exchanged and he laughed.

  They spent the next half-hour discussing the idea and formalizing the plan. It all boiled down to two serious factors that would veto their plans:

  One: Jon’s availability and agreement to cover Mark’s practice.

  Two: David’s willingness to watch the dogs.

  At the mention of his name, David walked into the kitchen, followed within seconds by Sami and the dogs.


  The kitchen became a beehive of activity as Grandma Jo greeted the four new arrivals. The dogs were ushered outside, and two more mugs of coffee were placed before the new arrivals at the table.

  Mark sat back, refraining from getting involved now and watched Sami closely. She appeared bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning, but he noticed her reluctance to make eye contact. He wondered how much she remembered about the hot tub scene from last night. She turned in his direction as if reading his thought, and a blush reddened her cheeks. So, you do remember, he thought giving her an understanding smile to reassure her. He noticed the blush drain from her face as she smiled back at him.

  Mark leaned forward as everyone got settled at the table. “Good morning,” he said in general to greet the two that had just seated themselves. Mark heard a grunt in return from David’s direction for he was in the middle of a large gulp of coffee. Sami remained silent as she watched him over the rim of the mug she held to her lips. Deciding that he was lucky to get that much response from the two, he plunged on keeping his eyes on Sami. “Grandma Jo and I have decided this morning to take Sami up on her offer to head north to her cabin for a few days.”

  Mark saw Sami’s eyes widen and her coffee mug start to wiggle for her hands were shaking at this information. He saw her eyes moisten, and wondered if she was excited or frightened by the prospect, as she held back her thought while taking another sip of her coffee. All right, don’t talk to me, Mark thought, turning his attention to David.

  “This trip hinges on two things.” He restated what he discussed with Grandma Jo. “Dr. Peterson’s willingness to help, and you, David…” Mark waited until David looked at him, “your agreement to stay in this house with the dogs.”

  Before David had a chance to answer, Sami’s voice caught everyone’s attention. “I’m not going anywhere without Molly.” Her volume and angry tone left none of the three people at the table guessing how she felt.

  Man, Mark thought, 'Mrs. Carter' could show up faster than any cartoon character he ever knew. Mark quickly eyed the other two at the table. Grandma Jo had her coffee mug frozen to her lips as she stared blankly ahead, and David’s head was rapidly swaying back and forth, between Sami and himself, as if watching a quick volley match on a tennis court.

  Returning his focus to Mrs. Carter’s intense face and glaring eyes, Mark spoke normally. “Mrs. Carter, if it is your wish to take Molly, I don’t see any reason why she can’t come with us.” Not taking his eyes off Sami, Mark saw Grandma Jo move slightly. Knowing she was about to argue with him, he rushed on before she had a chance to speak. “Mrs. Carter, I can tell by your face that this idea pleases you. Am I correct?”

  Mark waited for her answer, well aware of the confusion on Grandma Jo’s face as she placed her mug back on the table. He reached over and touched her hand lightly, hoping to calm her without directly speaking or looking at her.

  After several long minutes had passed, Sami softened as she provided Mark with an answer to his question. “Yes, I am pleased. When do we leave?”

  “Whoa, Mrs. Carter, I told you that I still need to talk to Jon.” Mark saw her lips harden while he spoke.

  “Oh, I see,” she sneered at him. With that said, she got to her feet and stormed out the back door.

  Watching her leave, Mark felt like an Indian giver. Great, he thought. Give her something to provide her joy, then pull the rug out from under her. His determination doubled to do whatever he had to do to see that this trip happened, the quicker, the better, as far as he saw it. Returning his focus to David, Mark asked again. “Would you stay here and take care of Ollie?”

  “You bet, Doc,” David said eagerly. “But, I would like to help more. I can ask for time off and go with you if you need me.”

  “David, I don’t want you to risk your job,” Mark countered.

  “Dr. Stevens, I wish to help. I can ask for the time off. I have a good relationship with my manager. Besides, I haven’t taken any vacation since I started working there. I am overdue for one,” David reasoned.

  Mark smiled, pleased that David felt this way. He had been hoping for this kind of commitment from him. Knowing that if David could get the time off to go with them, his treatment plan would be aided greatly. “Okay, David, if Jon’s response is positive, then you ask for vacation time.” Mark then turned to Grandma Jo. “Now, for the concern I saw written on your face. We do have a problem. I know that taking Molly with us has changed the plans we discussed this morning. With the addition of David possibly going along also, the plans will have to be redone. We will need to take two vehicles any way you look at it. I don’t like the idea of being separated for such a long drive, but all our vehicles are too small to take four adults and two large dogs. I’ll take the dogs up in my truck, due to the extended cab, and the rest can ride up in your car.”

  Grandma Jo shook her head as she thought over his plan. “Mark, I am not in favor of that plan,” she stated. “What if Sami decides to pitch a fit on the way? I would be more comfortable with you on hand.” Grandma Jo looked at David. “No offense to you, dear.”

  “None taken, Grandma Jo,” he responded. “I agree with you.”

  Mark laughed. “You both are capable of handling her, but I do see your point. To tell you the truth, I had an ulterior motive. I was trying the best I could to avoid riding such a long distance in your little car, Grandma Jo.”

  “Thanks,” David joined into the laughter. “I am larger than you and you were going to make me suffer?”

  “Hey, you’re a lot younger, and besides you volunteered for the assignment. I figured it was your penance,” Mark replied merrily.

  “Yeah, well in that case, I ‘unvolunteer’,” David threatened still laughing.

  “Boys!” Grandma Jo cried. “Stop this now. There has to be another solution.”

  Mark and David both swallowed their laughter as they turned their attention to Grandma Jo. All was quiet as they thought of alternatives. David broke the silence first with his suggestion. “How about renting a larger vehicle?”

  “Good idea,” Mark answered, “ but that won’t be necessary.”

  He waited until both were looking at him. “The solution is right under our noses,” he paused, drawing out the suspense of his brilliant idea. “We will take Sami’s car. It is an ‘Olds’ 98, and it would be a lot more comfortable. David, you will have to drive my truck with the dogs, but this I believe to be the most viable plan.”

  “Does her car work?” Grandma Jo voiced her concern.

  “I don’t know,” Mark said truthfully. “She did tell me that she hasn’t driven it in awhile. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all.”

  “No,” David interjected, “it is a good idea. If you can get me the keys, I will have it purring like a kitten in no time.” Both Grandma Jo and Mark appeared doubtful. “It’s a hobby of mine,” David explained. “Dr. Peterson suggested it to me when I was under therapy. He cal
led it my ‘mind focus-er’. Don’t worry, I do know what I am doing.”

  “As the old saying goes, ‘whatever pops your clutch’,” Mark said, causing them all to laugh at the pun. Several moments later, he continued. “Okay, it does sound like a good plan to me. What time do you have to report to work today?”

  “Not until two, but let me give my manager a heads-up about getting the days off in case Dr. Peterson agrees to the plan,” David responded, getting to his feet and heading to the phone.

  Mark nodded. “I’ll go update the lady in the back yard and hopefully, get her keys without too much delay.” Turning to Grandma Jo, he asked. “Could you please take the opportunity to compile a list of things we might need to buy? Or better yet, get the supplies at Sami’s house.”

  “How many days will we be gone?” she inquired.

  “If Jon agrees, let’s plan for the whole week,” he answered.

  They both rose from the table, Grandma Jo going to the kitchen, Mark to the back door.


  Exiting the house, Mark spotted Sami sitting on the glider grooming Molly. She glanced at him as she continued to brush the dog. Walking to the end of the patio, he broke eye contact. This is not the time to beat around the bush, he thought, and proceeded to jump in with both feet.

  “David has agreed to accompany us to the cabin if he can get the time off. With him going, we will be able to take both dogs. However…” he turned to her, “we have a problem with transportation.” He paused, hoping she would volunteer her car. He drove his point further. “The vehicles that are available to us have limited seating space.”

  Mark saw that this comment resulted in Sami’s head tilting slightly and a thoughtful expression crossed her face, as she stopped grooming. “How about my car?” she asked. “I haven’t driven it in several years, but it did run well before.”

  Pleased with his success, he mentally patted himself on his back. “I think that’s a great idea,” Mark said excitedly. “Maybe I can get David to run over and check out your car.”

  “Do you think he might do that for me.”

  “I believe he might,” he said reassuringly. “Where are the keys?”

  “In my purse,” she said as she resumed grooming Molly.

  “Do I have your permission to retrieve them?” he asked after a few minutes of her silence.

  “Yes,” she responded, dismissing him.

  Mark ventured back into the house wondering why Sami had switched off all of a sudden.

  Passing Grandma Jo in the kitchen, Mark gave her the thumbs-up signal as he headed back to Sami’s bedroom. “This case is getting stranger by the minute,” he spoke out loud to the empty bedroom in which he was now standing. Spotting her purse, he opened it and easily located the keys for there were only two items in the purse: her wallet and the keys. Again, he was amazed at the lack of anything personal. Removing the keys, he spotted the wallet, and then glanced over his shoulder to verify that he was alone. Finding that he was indeed alone, he dropped the keys on the bed and removed her wallet. He did have her permission to open her purse; therefore, searching her wallet was also granted, he reasoned. His curiosity was urging him to commit, which, in any other circumstances, would be considered a ‘no-no’.

  Searching her wallet revealed very little about her. There were four one-dollar bills, some loose change, and a book of checks. There were no charge cards, no driver’s license, and not even a check register for him to peruse. Closing the wallet and replacing it in her purse, he reasoned that these missing items had to be somewhere. Picking up the keys, he placed the purse back next to the bed, and left the room.

  Walking back to the kitchen, he inspected the keys in his hand. There were five keys on the ring: two he knew to be for the car due to the emblem of the maker on them, two appeared to be house keys, but the last one had him puzzled. It looked extremely old, and in rather sad condition. It almost appeared to be chiseled rather than machine cut. He’d have to remember to ask Sami about it later. Entering the kitchen, Mark found David and Grandma Jo sitting at the table again.

  David heard him enter and turned to Mark. “It’s a good thing we decided to take separate vehicles. I can’t possibly get time off until Monday. I’m needed at the store this weekend,” he informed Mark.

  “David…” Mark started to remind him about Jon when David cut in.

  “I know. You don’t have to remind me. I know Dr. Peterson, remember? He will cover for you.”

  “I wish I was as sure as you, David,” Mark stated, tossing the keys at him. David grabbed the keys before they hit the table and got up.

  “Have faith, Dr. Stevens,” he proclaimed as he left the room.

  Mark pondered David’s words for a few minutes and turned to Grandma Jo, who was in the process of writing out the ‘want list’ for the trip. Remembering that Jon was expected later this morning, Mark decided that he, too, had better get prepared. “I’ll be back in a jiffy. If David is correct, I’ve got things that I need to attend to before Jon’s arrival. I should be back within the hour. If you need me….”

  “I know, I know, page you if there is a problem.” Grandma Jo finished the sentence for him, not removing her eyes from her list.

  “You got it,” he said turning in the direction of his bedroom to retrieve his own keys.


  Mark was later than he originally thought in returning to Grandma Jo’s house. The hour had grown into three by the time he finished. Stopping at the clinic first, he verified his upcoming appointments and jotted notes on files, which had taken more time than he had planned.

  As he was leaving the clinic, he was detained and distracted by the arrival of Jan in the parking lot. Mark remembered that she had requested, and been given, permission by him on Thursday to work over the weekend on…let’s see, what had she called it…the two-headed monster that had wrecked havoc on her organized basement. Mark only agreed to her request by insisting that she take Monday and Tuesday off in trade. As he recalled this deal, he realized that, if all goes as planned, they would be off on the same days. Oh well, he thought, Jon is so capable, surely he can handle it with the rest of the staff.

  However, stepping back into the clinic with Jan, he had spent another hour on paperwork that needed his attention. Finally free of the clinic, he drove to his place making a mental list of things he’d need for a week’s trip. He had difficulty locating the box of warm clothes he had packed when he left California. He also had to contact the neighbor that had been attending to his mail and newspaper, and assure himself that he would continue to do so.

  Now, driving back to Grandma Jo’s house, he felt exhausted especially since he had had so little sleep. At the stoplight, he reached for the soda in his cup holder, and chugged the contents hoping that the caffeine would recharge his draining energy.



  Brushing Molly had caused Sami’s damaged body to ache. Not willing to admit to this weakness as self-torture, she put the brush down and sat back. Closing her eyes, she wished for her own glider, wanting the rocking motion to soothe her. “What am I doing here?” she cried out. “What have I done to deserve this pain?” She sat there, not knowing or caring about the passage of time, when she heard the back door open and close. Without opening her eyes, she choked. “Now what, Dr. Stevens?”

  “Sami?” Grandma Jo’s concerned voice came to her instead of the male one she heard day and night in her head.

  Sami’s eyes flew open, and she became aware of the moisture streaking down her face. She had not known that she had been crying until that moment. She quickly located Grandma Jo’s concerned face, and saw, through the blur of tears, a tray held out to her. Sami sat forward and used the back of her right hand to rid her face of the tears.

  Grandma Jo stepped toward her and placed the tray on Sami’s lap. “I figured you needed your pain pill.”

  Sami stared down at the tray. On it was not only the pill and a glass of water, but a mini-br
eakfast as well. “Thank you,” she said, picking up the pill and placing it in her mouth.

  “You’re welcome,” Grandma Jo responded, feeling better that Sami was taking the medication. “I thought you might like to take a shower or bath after breakfast,” Grandma Jo continued, wanting Sami to know that she was there for her.

  Sami glanced up at her as she chewed on a piece of toast, then down to her cast on her arm.

  “Don’t worry, we will think of something,” Grandma Jo rushed on, recalling briefly seeing Sami in the hot tub the night before. “We could wrap it in a towel for protection. I will help you wash your hair, if you wish.”

  “That would be lovely,” Sami sighed.

  “Call out when you’re finished, and I will return to help you,” Grandma Jo said, turning to enter the house.


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