One More Try

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One More Try Page 2

by Erin Trejo

  Bash’s eyes flash with anger. I don’t give a shit. He needs to stop trying to play this stupid little game of his.

  “You just signed that kid’s death warrant,” he says through his gritted teeth.

  His hands loosen and I step out of his reach.

  “No, I didn’t. You won’t touch him if you want to live to see another day. I will tell my uncle whose baby this is—and then I will have signed yours.” I walk around him and straight into my room before the tears rip me apart.

  I sob uncontrollably as I slide down the door and onto my ass.

  When did my life become so fucked up?

  Chapter 6


  I run my hand through my hair. I shouldn’t have touched her. I shouldn’t have said that to her. I know I should have walked away but fuck, she slammed into me and all that electricity shot through my body. I take a long pull from my beer before Bomber steps into the room. He called a meeting after the little asshole that tried to steal from our barn broke in.

  “Obviously, we know the little son of a bitch is dead.” The guys all laugh under their breath before he speaks again, “We have eyes on Ranger’s. Link has been watchin’ them closely. Nothin’ seems out of the normal with them. Next order of business. The gym is kickin’ up some good coverage. Dax’s fighter, Mack, is at the top of his game. He has a fight this weekend and it’s all fuckin’ legit. We go in there and show our support. Friday night after the fight, we party hard.” Bomber slams the gavel down before we all stand.

  “Bash, Link. Hold on a second.” Oh, fuck. I watch the guys all file out except for the two of us. My stomach leaps, wondering if this has anything to do with Shannon.

  “There’s this thing Shannon was talkin’ about goin’ to. Some dance type thing at the college,” Bomber says and I already don’t like where this is going. “I want you two on watch that night. She’s still off and I don’t fuckin’ like it. I’m worried about her.” Link’s back straightens but he doesn’t let on that anything is wrong with her.

  “When’s that?” I ask not at all enthusiastic about hanging out behind the scenes of a party.

  “Not sure. I think she said a month out. I’ll find out and let you both know.” I nod my head when Link chimes in, “Is her boyfriend takin’ her?”

  I chew on the inside of my cheek so that I won’t say something I might regret later. I know Link can feel the heat rolling off me. I keep seeing that fucker looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

  “Boyfriend? That little pansy ain’t shit.” Bomber laughs but we all know what she calls him. “I would assume so, though. If he gets out of line, kick his ass.” That I can handle. I grunt when Bomber turns to leave the room. I start to follow him when Link grabs my wrist.

  “You think you’re doin’ the right thing, Bash?” What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  “Care to elaborate on that?” I know what he’s talking about. It’s the same shit since we learned Shannon was pregnant and I told her I didn’t want it.

  “Shannon, Bash. You know what the fuck I’m talkin’ about, brother. She’s fucked up. You have to know that.” He looks at me like I need to care. I know I should and I think there’s a part of me that does.

  “And I suppose you blame me?” His face reddens as his hands clench at his sides.

  “Not for all of it. When she was taken, that pretty much fucked her... but you just add to it,” he snarls.

  “What do you want from me, Link? Huh? You want me to run to her and hold her, tell her everything’s ok? You know it’s not!” I roar.

  “It could be if you weren’t such a selfish son of a bitch. Do you even care about her?” Selfish? That’s one thing I might be.

  “I fuckin’ care, Link. There’s just nothin’ I can do for her! I can’t be a fuckin’ dad. I don’t want to be...” I shove my way past him and out into the main room and there she is. Sitting at the bar with a book in her hands.

  Her long, dark hair, hangs around her face hiding her from my eyes.

  It’s not until she looks up that I see the tears.


  Chapter 7


  Do I hate life? In a way, I do. I hate that I have to feel things I don’t want to... I hate that my parents’ and I aren’t closer. There are a lot of things I hate but that night with Bash, is the main one.

  I wished it never happened. I wished there was a way to take it back, but there isn’t.

  I walk around the backyard of the clubhouse in the rain. I love the rain. Always have. I look up toward the sky and let the pellets rain down on me. If there was a God above, why would he have let all that happen to me? Why would he put me in this position?

  “You’re gonna get sick.” His voice should make me sick. I should cringe away from it, but I don’t. Instead, my body heats just from the deep baritone that resonates its way through my body.

  “I’m fine.” I don’t turn to look at him, I don’t want to see him.

  His hands come to rest on my shoulders as a sob works its way up my throat.

  “Please, Bash. Just don’t...” Thunder vibrates the land beneath us. His breath is warm against my skin.

  “You’re gonna get sick out here, Shan. You need to go inside.” So, close to my ear. Why is he doing this to me?

  “What do you want, Bash? I thought our talk was over?” I finally spin to face him. That was a mistake on my part. The water drips down his perfect face, over his lips. His wet hair, hangs haphazardly around his face, and over his eyes.

  He’s the epitome of gorgeous.

  “It is over. I just don’t want you to get sick.” I take a step back so that he has to release his hold on me. Then I take another. His eyes follow me but he doesn’t move.

  “Stop walkin’ away from me!” he snaps. My eyes lock with his and that feral all-consuming gaze tugs at my heart.

  “I have to walk away from you. You don’t understand—” Shaking my head, I revel in the cool rain as it hits my heated skin. He cocks his head to the side to study me before he asks, “What don’t I understand?” Why is he doing this to me? Why is he torturing me?

  I thought at first that I could get away from him easily. Before we slept together we were fairly close. We talked a lot as friends, much the way Link and I do. After that, it all shifted. It changed to this hatred that neither of us can put our fingers on but we know it’s there.

  “I just need you to stay away from me, Sebastian.” His eyes widen when I use his full name. I never do. He’s always Bash. He’s always been Bash.

  “Is that what you really want?” He takes a step toward me and the air around me becomes thicker.

  “Isn’t that what you want?” I ask shaking my head. He’s so goddamn confusing.

  “You can’t be what I need,” he admits. A fist to the stomach would have been less painful. I start to turn when he says, “That doesn’t mean I don’t want you.” My head falls forward. How can he even say that to me?

  “You are a walking contradiction, Bash. What does that even mean? I can’t be what you need—but I’m what you want? You don’t want me!” I don’t turn to look at him. In fact, I walk further into the yard but I can still feel him back there.

  Before I can register what’s happening, Bash has his arms around me, lifting me off the ground. He doesn’t turn me to face him, he walks us through the tree line before he sets me down. He spins me quickly, grabbing my hand. He brings it down to his dick that’s rock hard beneath my touch.

  “Tell me again I don’t want you.” It would be easy to give into him. It would be easy to let him have me right now and the way he makes me feel, I might have let him.

  “Sex. It’s always sex, isn’t it? You think you’re the only one with a dick, Bash? The only one that I can get hard?” I watch the fire dance in his eyes when I squeeze his dick in my hand.

  “You’re not. In fact, I know I can get Tyler just as hard as you. I’ve felt it.” His jaw tenses and I know I’m pushing his

  “Watch your next choice of words very carefully, darlin’.” I swallow hard knowing exactly what I want to say but his tone is lethal, deadly.

  The look in his eyes shuts me up, though.

  Chapter 8





  Those are all things I’m used to feeling.

  I swing at the punching bag again and again. Punch after punch, I unleash the fury that builds inside of me.

  “Goddamn, man. You gonna kill that bag or you wanna get in the ring?” Dax’s hand lands on my shoulder before I turn to look at him.

  “Ring sounds good. Who do you got?” I ask. Dax nods toward the ring when I see Micah is ready to go. This should be a good one.

  I nod and head toward the ring when Kane tosses me a mouth guard. I slide it in my mouth and climb in.

  “Look at you. Ready to get your ass handed to you?” Micah asks with a half grin on his face.

  “You don’t know my mood, brother.” He nods his head like he does. He doesn’t.

  Micah moves in fast. His first hit lands on my left cheek. I grin.

  I strike back. My right hook connecting with his jaw. His head flies back before he snaps it right back at me.

  We go at each other for a long time before Dax climbs in to stop us.

  “Got a lead on Herrera.” That’s something I wanted to hear. We’ve been hunting that fucker for a little while now.

  “Where?” I ask as I spit the mouth guard into my hand.

  “Got a little hang-out over off Nine. Bullet’s on his way. Said we need to meet him.” I nod my head and jump out of the ring.

  “Hey, Bash. Everything ok, brother?” Micah climbs out behind me. He slaps a hand on my shoulder before I nod and say, “As good as it can be.” He doesn’t push me any further and for that I’m grateful.

  I grab a water and drink it down quickly when the front doors open. Of course, she walks in with Aubrie at her side. They’re dressed in some kind of exercise shit but Shannon has on an oversized t-shirt. What the fuck? Is that Link’s shirt? I crush the bottle in my hand. I watch the two of them walk through the room when Aubrie spots me. She gives me a smile before walking over.

  “You seen Micah?” She smiles up at me.

  “He went in the back. He’ll be right back. What are you doin’ here?” I ask nodding toward the clothes she has on.

  “Self-defense. Micah thought it would be good for me, although I can kick his ass if I wanted to.” I chuckle at that. I have no doubt that she could give him a run for the money.

  “You think that’s a good idea in your condition?” I ask Shannon. She hasn’t even looked at me. In fact, she’s still ignoring me, now.

  “I’ll be right back,” Aubrie excuses herself, walking away and leaving us standing in an awkward silence.

  “Don’t ignore me,” I snap. Fuck, this girl is frustrating.

  “My condition as you call it—is none of your concern. I can do whatever the hell I want.” Her eyes are darker than I’ve ever seen them. She’s clearly heated.

  “You’re right. Do whatever the fuck you want,” I growl in her face. I start to walk past her when I turn and say, “Hey. Nice shirt by the way. I bet Link loves peelin’ it off you.”

  Yep. That’s the kind of motherfucker I am.

  Chapter 9



  I repeated that word in my head all through our self-defense class. Every kick, I pictured it was him. Every time I punched, I could see his face.

  I must say that Dax has really done some amazing things with this gym. He brought in guys to teach the classes that are truly amazing.

  “Shannon?” His voice floats over me as I wipe the sweat from my neck. I turn around to see Tyler standing there in nothing but his shorts. Jesus, that is one good looking body.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask trying to pull my gaze away from his chest and abs. Damn, I knew football players where built, but wow!

  “I signed up to train here a few days a week. What are you doing?” He steps into me, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

  “I was taking a self-defense class with my friend. My uncle owns this club,” I say as I look up at him. His brows furrow. Something washes over him before he takes a small step away. He makes an attempt to play it off like he was getting a drink.

  “Yeah, this is why I didn’t say anything to you.” I start to walk past him knowing that he would react this way. It’s not a huge secret that the Knights Of Sin MC own this gym. The whole town knows it.

  Tyler’s hand comes out to grab my wrist, stopping me.

  “Hey, I’m sorry. It just surprised me that’s all.” I look up at him and he seems sincere enough. A tear slips down my cheek before I can stop it.

  I hate that everyone runs from me once they know about my uncle. I hate it because those guys are my family. They’re all I have.

  “Shannon? What’s wrong?” Another sob chokes me. Tyler pulls me into his arms, wrapping me tightly in his embrace. His hand runs up and down my back soothingly. “It’s ok, Shannon. Everything’s ok. I’m sorry I upset you,” he whispers into the top of my head.

  Having my arms wrapped around him makes me feel content, but nothing more. I try to force feelings for him but they’re not there. I hate myself for that, too. Why can’t I just care about someone that wants me?

  “You ok, Shannon?” Aubrie’s voice comes from behind us.

  “Yeah. Sorry. Tyler, this is my friend Aubrie.” I pull back wiping my eyes but Tyler’s eyes stay on me.

  “You sure you’re ok now?” he asks. I nod before he turns to Aubrie, extending his hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Aubrie smiles up at him before winking at me.

  “Hey, pretty boy! Get in the ring!” I hear Bash growl before I feel his presence behind us. I close my eyes and wish him away with no such luck.

  “I’m not here as a fighter. Just training,” Tyler says. I don’t turn to look at him but Aubrie is shooting him some death glares for the both of us.

  “Not a fighter, huh? Too damn bad. Get in the ring,” he growls again. That’s it. He needs to stop this shit. I spin around and his eyes find mine. Just like always the air seems thicker.

  “What the hell is with you? Huh? Stop fucking with everyone I know!” I snap, shoving into his chest. He doesn’t move. In fact, I think the bastard liked it.

  He grins at me before he says, “I ain’t fuckin’ with anyone. The only one I want to be fuckin’ is you.”

  I hear Tyler gasp. Before Bash can say anything further, I turn to Tyler, pressing my hands to his chest.

  “Hey, come on. Let’s just go.” Tyler looks down at me before looking back at Bash. There’s a fire inside him that I can see.

  “Yeah, let’s go, baby.” Tyler leans down, pressing his lips to my forehead. I don’t miss the roar from Bash as we walk out the front doors.

  Well, that isn’t exactly how I had my day planned out.

  Chapter 10


  I crack my neck side to side, trying to reign in my breathing. I’m fucking murderous right now. I want that little fucker’s head on a stick. I will snap his fucking neck and enjoy hearing every last crack as I do. My fingers twitch, wanting the blood of someone to cover my hands. I don’t give a shit who at this point.

  “Bullet said he’s on the south end. Kane went over there to help him out. We movin’ in here?” Dax looks to Micah for an answer.

  “Yeah. Let’s not kill them all. Let’s have a little fun first. See what we can get out of him.” I nod my head but I want the blood seeping out of him. I don’t want to play their little games today. I want the fucking death and destruction that I was born to hand out.

  “Let’s move,” Micah says. We all stand with our guns in our hands. It’s almost a funny sight to see. We all walk up to the front doors all nonchalant like we fucking live here. It’s almost laughable.r />
  “Think they’ll be happy to see us?” Dax chuckles passing me the joint from between his lips.

  “You expectin’ a homecomin’ party?” I ask him with a smile. I inhale before blowing out a ring of smoke.

  “Nah. That would be too welcomin’ for my likin’.” Micah laughs as we step up onto the porch of their little house.

  “Honey, we’re home!” Dax yells as Micah kicks the front door open. It doesn’t take but a second before the bullets start to fly. Whether they were startled or knew we were here, they were sure as fuck ready.

  We fire back, noticing Bullet and Kane coming in the back way. No one saw them.

  “Well look at this. Havin’ a party and didn’t invite us. That’s a little rude,” Bullet announces. All shots cease. They look around and know that we have them surrounded.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Herrera grinds his teeth as he looks around at all of us.

  Micah steps forward as calm as ever and says, “You started a little war not long ago. Then ran. We thought we’d finish that off.” Herrera watches Micah intently.

  “We didn’t start that shit. Rangers did. We moved back. We didn’t know those motherfuckers were tryin’ to pull this shit.” Herrera clearly looks pissed.

  “Then why’d you run?” I step forward, pissed at myself for calming down.

  “We didn’t fuckin’ run! We’re here, aren’t we? We left the fuckin’ clubhouse and came out here. You think I was gonna wait around for those bastards to run through my guys?” The look on his face looks serious. He doesn’t seem like he’s lying.

  “Why the hell would they want to start that shit with you? We get why they want us... but why you?” Bullet crosses his arms over his chest, widening his stance. That man goes full blown marine when he’s like this.

  “Fuck! A few months back, we hit one of their meth labs. A couple of my guys got stupid. They went back in later that night to the one next to it. They triggered the explosives. Blew the lab and my guys straight to fuckin’ hell.” Herrera blows out a breath. I slide my gun into the back of my jeans and wait on Micah’s decision.


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