First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series)

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First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series) Page 15

by Charlie Buxton

  I watched her closely. She was very still, with her eyes closed and her breaths shallow, looking fragile and delicate. My palm pressed against her skin and I thought I heard the slightest hitch in her breath. With a slow, deliberate movement I ran my hand around to her inner thigh and up. Her body rose with my hand until she was on her tip-toes and couldn't go any higher. She was biting her lip now and when my hand brushed over her panties there was a sharp intake of breath.

  With one finger I lightly stroked her sex through the cotton material. I could feel her swell beneath my touch, the subtle ridges and valleys becoming more pronounced with each passing minute. Amanda lowered her body until her feet were flat on the floor, pressing her cunt into my hand. My touch grew bolder and her face grew flushed. A glow was starting to shine from within her, a luster that brought out her beauty.

  She gripped the edge of the counter now, the muscles of her arms tight bands of pent up frustration. I used all the skills Nico had taught me. My fingers danced, drawing a low moan from her. The swell of her clit was pronounced and I strummed it rapidly. She bit back another moan and took in two great hitches of breath before the dam burst. I watched as the orgasm rolled through her and in that moment she was the most beautiful creature I had seen. When she finally opened her eyes she smiled at me.

  "Thank you," she whispered, her words barely audible. She started to smooth out her skirt but I turned her and backed her up to the wall opposite the counter. "What-," she began to ask but stopped when I crouched before her. I looked her in the eyes as I pushed her skirt up. Amanda watched wide-eyed as I kissed her mound through her panties. Her scent made me instantly hard, drawing my face into her sex. I hooked my fingers in the elastic waistband and pulled her panties off.

  Blondish-brown pubic hair, thick and curly, greeted me. Swollen labia called to me. I kissed her and she shuddered. My tongue parted her with ease and I tasted her. I plunged in and left the world behind until the joyous sound of her orgasm filled my ears and brought me back to earth. I looked up and saw she was watching our reflection in the mirror. Her body sagged from the intense release, prompting me to halt.

  She smiled tiredly at me, her face glowing. Her lips brushed my cheek in thanks. After she was gone I waited a few minutes and washed up.

  When I returned to the party I searched for Nico but couldn't find her among the throngs of people now tightly packed in the living room. The noise of the crowd and the music assaulted my ears. The walls and ceiling suddenly pressed in and I broke out in a cold sweat, fear gripping my chest in a giant bear hug. There wasn't enough air in the room and panic washed over me. I staggered blindly through the crowd until I found the kitchen. Pushing through the group gathered around a keg I stumbled out a door and onto the back porch. Only when the door was closed tightly behind me did my chest finally loosen.

  I sat on the railing with my back against the house, safely keeping the wall between me and the party, the chill December air discouraging most people, aside from a few hardy smokers, from using the back porch. By the time Nico found me my limbs were stiff with cold and my cheeks were raw. One look at my face and she understood immediately and retrieved our coats from inside. Not even my coat and her arm draped around me on the walk home could stop me from shivering.

  Not a word was spoken as she walked me back to room, undressed me and forced me into bed. Nico turned out the light and after a brief rustling of clothing she joined me under the covers. Her body pressed up against my back and her arms wrapped protectively around me. Little by little my shakes subsided.

  "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked when I was finally still.

  "Which: Amanda or the crowd?"

  I could feel her shrug against me. "Tell me about the crowd. What happened?"

  "I'm not sure. I've never had it so bad. I felt like I was drowning in air and I was going to die if I didn't get out of the house." A shudder ran through me as I spoke and Nico hugged me tightly.

  After several minutes she said, "I spoke with Amanda afterwards and she was one happy girl. It was almost as if she's a whole new person."

  I nodded numbly. "That's nice. So, what's next?"

  "We wait," she said. "Amanda will tell one of her close friends. Maybe not right away but I bet that after the New Year I'll be hearing from someone who wants to meet you and we'll take it from there." I lay there, quiet, wondering if I could go through that again. I know I could easily be with another girl but I didn't think I could go to another party. Nico ran her hand lightly over my chest and abdomen. "Tell me about Amanda."

  So I told her. And as the words tumbled out Nico's hand moved down to my crotch, her pulls becoming bolder as I became fully erect. She took me in her mouth as I described how beautiful Amanda looked when she first came and Nico swallowed my seed when I told her how Amanda's thighs squeezed my head.

  Nico lay back and forced my head down between her legs. I teased and tortured her with my lips, tongue, and fingers, her orgasms becoming more and more frequent until they merged into one long, sustained orgasm. With tired arms she pulled me up to her and rolled on her side. I wrapped an arm around her and we slept.

  Sometime later I dreamed Nico was straddling me, facing away. She was rubbing the tip of my cock slowly back and forth along her slit until it slid slowly inside. Her hips moved slowly up and down, soft grunts punctuating every downward stroke. In my dream I was immobile, unable to use my hands to clutch at her flesh. I'm not sure if I wanted to stop her in order to protect her or to help her body move against mine. Nico leaned forward and raised her hips until just the tip of my cock remained inside her. Her body bounced lightly in short strokes, her cunt gripping the ridge of my head. Wave after wave of pleasure flooded my body.

  I awoke to find my tongue buried in her cunt and my cock buried in her mouth. Her body shuddered above me, driving her sex hard against my mouth. I came long and hard, my fingers digging into her buttocks. Moments later she came, my seed spilling from her mouth as she cried out, pooling on my stomach. Her body slipped off mine and we slept again.

  In the grey dawn light I awoke to find Nico quietly getting dressed. "I had the most amazing dream," was all I could say. She smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips. Her fingers toyed with the dried cum encrusting my stomach.

  "I know," and she was gone.

  Final exams consumed me for the next week and a half and then came the two week holiday break. I didn't speak to Nico during that time but we did text some, mostly just light banter about having to spend Christmas with our families. On New Year's Eve I started to text "miss u" but deleted it without sending. I did miss her and I wanted more than anything to be with her but her words still rang in my head: I can't have a boyfriend.

  After almost three months of knowing her, I still didn't know the reason behind her declaration. I was afraid that if I brought it up it might make her angry or scare her away. What I had with Nico was still a relationship, albeit a twisted one, one I didn't want to risk by being overly forward or presumptuous.

  Still, I couldn't stop thinking of her, wondering what she was doing right at that moment and practically pouncing on my phone every time a new text came in, hoping it was her and being crushed when it wasn't. I spent the holidays quieter than usual, even with a house full of relatives. In my mind I was constantly replaying our last time together and the more I dwelled on it the more uncertain I became.

  Was it a dream or did Nico really have sex with me, however briefly? There was an unnatural clarity to all of the sights and sounds and sensations, almost as if they had been amplified. I couldn't trust my memories as my psyche had been significantly bruised earlier that evening by my panic attack. The sequence of events was disjointed in places the way dreams are but I could still feel clearly the way her cunt had enveloped my cock and the beautiful friction when she rode me. The intervening weeks had done nothing make it fade the way dreams do.

  The unceasing obsessing took a toll on me and my thoughts started spiraling uncontrollably.
I became desperate enough to take my anti-anxiety pills out of the medicine cabinet and hold the bottle in my hand for close to an hour, staring at it. I hated those pills as they made me see the world through a sort of veil and I always had the distinct feeling I was missing something. I never felt like I was all there when I was on my meds. What saved me in the end was I thought of Nico's eyes and a calming peace came over me. The pressure slowly lifted off my chest and I put the bottle back without taking one pill.

  I finally received a short text from her just after midnight: Happy fucking new year.Short and to the point, just like Nico.

  On my second night back at school I was working the graveyard shift at the computer lab and since classes didn't start until the next day I was the only one working. I surfed the web aimlessly, trying to ward off sleep. It was after two in the morning when Nico came in wearing a leather miniskirt and matching leather jacket, her hair was spiked into a mowhawk. Fishnet stockings, black fingernail polish, heavy eyeliner and black lipstick completed her outfit. Whenever she moved a dozen zippers on her jacket jangled softly.

  "I'd like to apply for a job," she said as she leaned over the counter. I smiled at her and handed her the form which she filled out in a matter of seconds. "How about an interview?" she asked as she gave back the application.

  I shook my head. "Can't. I'm the only one working and I have to stay at the desk. You'll have to come back some other time."

  "Ok then, let me back there, I want to sit with you."

  "Sorry, you know the rules."

  "Come on, there's only one fucking' guy here. Who's he going to tell? Let me back there and you can pretend to be training me on how to turn on a computer or something." I frowned at her, trying to think of a good reason not to. Nico shrugged, sat up on the counter, swung her legs over and hopped down into the workstation before I could stop her. I shot a glance at the student sitting at the far side of the room but he hadn't noticed.

  Nico sat in a chair next to mine and lazily spun back and forth. "How was your break?" she asked. "Did you miss me?"

  I felt my ears burn. "It was ok and, yes, I missed you."

  "That's sweet. How much cunt did you eat?"

  "I had none."

  "Sounds kinky. Who was the nun?" I shook my head in mock frustration trying to mask the laughter I felt inside. Nico leaned back in the chair. "When do you get off?" The question sounded mostly innocent.

  "Not until six."

  She frowned and looked around the lab. "I can see why you'd like working a shift like this, what with your condition and all." There was a bit of venom behind that last bit and it stung a little. Her face suddenly brightened. "Hey, it looks like we may have another client, a friend of Amanda's. I'll try to set it up where there aren't a whole lot of people so you won't, you know, freak out."

  "I don't know," I said, "I'm not sure I want to."

  "This is about helping you meet other women and sharing your gift with them. Don't you know how it made Amanda feel? She's still walking around a smile glued to her face and she has you to thank for it. Doesn't that make you feel good inside, knowing how you helped someone?"

  "Yeah, I guess so," I admitted.

  "Look, we're starting to build some buzz. We need to strike while the iron's hot. There's been some of word of mouth about you."

  "Word of mouth," I repeated. I turned the phrase over and over in my head, liking it more each time. "Good one."

  "Besides, didn't you like the post-game between us?" I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, I know you enjoyed that. So, why not do it again?"

  I could think of one big reason why I didn't want to but I was afraid to say it loud. Instead I swallowed it down and said, "Ok, I'm in."

  Her smile lit up her green eyes. "Cool. Show me your right hand."

  Slightly thrown by her sudden change in subject, I did as she asked, although in retrospect it was more of a command than a question. I held out my hand, my palm towards her. She leaned in, studying my hand closely before delicately folding in three of my fingers and my thumb until just my index finger was pointing up. This she took in her mouth, wetting it with her saliva.

  I watched, fascinated, as she slowly extracted my finger, her teeth dragging lightly over the whole length. With her hand she guided mine up under her skirt and my moistened finger slid easily into her. I could hear how wet she was and I could feel how hot she was. Nico moved my hand back forth, silently masturbating for the next several minutes with a wicked grin on her face.

  When she finally withdrew it I could see her juices glistening in the cold fluorescent lights. I started to bring it up to my mouth but she stopped my hand and sucked my finger into her mouth. With great gusto she fellated my finger in the same manner she had used on another part of my body. My cock strained against my jeans as I watched my finger disappear and reappear between those black lips. With a smile and a light kiss she let my hand fall into my lap.

  The lone student had gathered his things and was approaching the counter. With my erection I was in no condition to stand but fortunately Nico jumped up and handed him his ID. "Thanks for coming in. Have a good night," she said pleasantly. He murmured a goodnight and left.

  Nico leaned back against the desk. "Now, when do you get off?" This time, the question was definitely loaded.

  "Six," I teased, pretending to be clueless.

  "No fucking imagination," she muttered, shaking her head. The next instant she was kneeling before me, unbuckling my belt and undoing my zipper. As it turns out, it was only a matter of minutes before I got off.

  Nico, on the other hand, got off repeatedly over the next hour. I have to admit it was the best shift I have ever worked in my life.

  Our second client was a petite, mousy girl with dirty blond hair. We met at her apartment where she was waiting with Amanda. Amanda hugged me tightly when we walked in and introduced me to her friend Sara who only managed a barely audible greeting. Sara took me to her bedroom while Amanda and Nico talked in the living room.

  Sara and I faced each other for several awkward moments in the darkness. She stood suddenly on her tiptoes and gave me a brief, nervous kiss before shoving me hard onto the bed. Quick as a cat she was on me, peppering my face and neck with hard kisses. I tried to slow her down and assume control but her movements were frantic and unpredictable. Before I knew it she had my shirt off and was wriggling out of her clothes.

  Sara crawled up my body and settled her crotch on my head. She ground her sex against my mouth, the pressure so great it felt like my jaw was going to dislocate. In desperation I tongued her clit hard and she came with a shudder, drenching me in her juices. I bathed her with long licks from the very bottom of her cunt up to the hard nub of her clit. Sara relaxed and gently rode my face to several more orgasms. When she was finished she knelt beside me and licked my face.

  "Can I touch you?" Sara asked meekly as I stood by the bed tucking in my shirt. I nodded and she reached out with a tentative hand to feel my crotch. She rubbed and squeezed me for a minute before asking, "Can I see it?"

  I shrugged and undid my pants, exposing myself. She stared at it, wide-eyed, and made several attempts to reach for it but always pulled her hand back. "It's ok," I reassured her.

  Sara steeled herself before taking me in her hand, running her fingers up and down the length before lingering for several minutes over the tip. Her thumb and forefinger rubbed the head, smearing the pre-cum and making it slick. She tugged on my cock, her pace increasing with each passing minute until her hand was a blur. Her head swayed towards me, her lips open and I thought she was going to take me in her mouth. Instead, she gave me a firm squeeze and turned away to gather her jeans. I was so close to orgasm.

  When we rejoined the others in the living room, Nico and I made our goodbyes. Sara whispered something to Amanda who raised her eyebrows in surprise. Amanda hugged me goodbye, this time pressing her thigh firmly against my crotch for several long seconds. As soon as the door was closed behind us shrieks of laughter ema
nated from the apartment. Nico nudged me and said, "You did that. You created that joy." I smiled and stuffed my hands in my pockets to hide my erection. "Come on," Nico said, "let's go back to your room and you can tell me all about it."

  We had a few more clients in January and February and by early March we were averaging almost one a week. Each girl was different and each girl was special in their own way. My favorites were the introverts like Sara who couldn't speak in an audible voice or look me in the eye but once we were alone transformed into a feral ball of lust. These encounters were exciting, unpredictable, terrifying, and draining. Their energy and enthusiasm was always matched and sometimes exceeded by Nico, as if she was somehow competing against them.

  Only once did I back out and that was because the girl was falling down drunk when we showed up at her place. Three days later we met again and everything worked out great. By late March I had been with more girls than any guy I knew. Nico's plan was working just like she planned: The girls were happy, I was meeting new people, and Nico and I both enjoyed what we had termed 'the debriefing.' The only problem was that although I enjoyed being with these girls, I began to feel hollow.


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