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First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series)

Page 30

by Charlie Buxton

  I sighed deeply and stared back up at the ceiling listening to the storm that sounded like it was still going strong. It was then, that Cat did a complete turn onto her side to face me, but as she did the back of her hand touched my penis momentarily and ran across my thigh. It had looked like that this happened by accident as her hand flailed out while she rolled over, but I had a feeling she had done this on purpose. She was, after all, younger than me, so maybe she was just as inexperienced and sexually innocent as me. Unlikely, but certainly possible. My heart was beating at the prospect that she had just teased me like that on purpose. I looked at her and she too had her eyes closed. She looked so sexy, lying there in the candlelight that I was ridiculously close to kissing her, but didn't of course – if I was that spontaneous I might have not been a virgin.

  I realized at that moment that Sophia was beginning to shiver. Only our shoulders were touching, so she wasn't getting much body warmth. I didn't do anything for the moment; I wanted to see what she would do. She didn't even open her eyes. I barely even knew Sophia, but I could tell that she was quite stubborn, so I did not expect her to complain about being cold. I put my hand on her arm to see if she was awake. She opened her eyes, so without saying a word, I placed my right arm under her neck and covered my shoulder with hers, so I was holding her very close. Surprisingly, she placed her head into the crook of my neck. Because of the position we were in, my leg intertwined with her gorgeous leg. I wrapped her up with my left hand. My left hand was supposed to lie on her stomach, but unintentionally I had placed it a bit lower and the tips of my fingers were touching the top of her pubic hair – and best of all, she did not seem to realize it.

  This is the closest I had ever come to a girl's minge and so I was obviously quite excited by this. Her pubic hair was straight, rather than curly and was trimmed fairly short. It was awesome to have one of the most beautiful girl's I had ever seen in my arms, naked. It was an even better feeling when she stopped shivering and I knew it had been my body that warmed her.

  We stayed in this position for sometime, before Cat placed her leg over my free leg and hugged me from behind. Once again, her hand just happened to scrape over my now semi – hard penis (I say scrape – but silk doesn't scrape – it glides.) Her second penis touch could not have been another accident. I also felt her breasts pressing against my back, which was not necessary in that position, as I did not feel Sophia's breasts at all earlier. So I definitely thought something was going on with Cat. I wasn't sure whether she was just trying to tease me or whether she actually found me attractive. Either way, I was now in heaven (excuse the cliché) but there is no better way to describe it. Here I was holding a Mediterranean beauty, our legs wrapped around each other, while her younger sister holds me from behind. I thought that it couldn't get better than that – How wrong I was.

  Sometime later, the storm was still persevering and it was still bitterly cold. Alana, who I almost forgot was there, began to complain that she was getting cold. I didn't blame her, considering she had been on the end of the bed the whole time and was being physically ignored by Cat. So Sophia offered a solution – Alana should swap with Cat for awhile because my body temperature was the highest. Worked for me. Sophia and I had returned to lying on our backs, with my right arm wrapped around her left arm. Not as close as I would have liked, but hey, I'll take what I can. Listening to Sophia, Alana climbed over Cat and in doing so revealed her breasts to me. Her nipples were fairly small, but they were in proportion to her breasts, which were about a B cup. Out of the three girls, she was the smallest in stature. She couldn't have been over 5'3. She flopped down next to me. She lay on her side, with one arm draped across my chest and her head on my shoulder.

  "Hi" she said and smiled.


  I stared down at her, the first chance I had to look at her properly. She had light brown, medium length hair and light brown eyes. Her skin was the fairest of all the girls. As you would call Sophia beautiful and Cat extremely cute, I guess you would call Alana exceptionally pretty. She had soft features, but her standout was her lips, which were shaped perfectly. Her hair hung around her flawlessly milky shoulders and possibly because of her size, she looked the youngest and the most innocent. Yet, like the other two girls, she was damn sexy.

  Then, this innocent looking girl did something unexpected: while still on her side, she pulled her leg up and placed it over my crotch. She pulled herself as close to me as possible, which meant that not only were her breasts pressed against my chest, but I could feel the slight prickliness of her pubic hair against the side of my leg and concluded that she must shave her pubic hair really short. I noticed that her mound was radiating more heat than any part of her body. Being bold, I slid my hand quickly over her petite behind and then placed it on her leg and I slid my other arm behind her neck pulling her even closer to me. Even something as small as glancing my hand over her ass, gave me a bolt of adrenalin. I had to be careful though, her leg was covering some of my penis and I didn't particularly want to get an erection, just in case it was the girls' culture that determined their openness to sexuality and not their attraction to me. It was definitely a struggle to keep my cock down. All these sensations I was experiencing at once was not common for me. Never had a girl shown any affection towards me and here I had a beautiful girl warming my leg with her pussy. The uncertainty of her intentions made it even sexier. It was more of a rush if she wasn't really aware that she was driving me insanely frustrated.After ten minutes, I could already feel that Alana was warming up. However, I didn't think Cat was very happy being on the end. She kept making noises with her tongue and was continuously thrashing around under the blanket.

  She finally piped up, "Move over Alana, I've got no room." I could detect a slight hint of jealousy in her voice.

  Alana moaned and looked up at me smiling with a glint in her eye. She said something to Cat in her own language. Alana had a strong Italian accent.

  With that she drew her leg over me completely, so she was lying right on top of me, saddling me. "Happy now?" But Cat just laughed. The way Alana was positioned, I could feel my penis – which was still not hard – under just next to her pussy, between her sex and the top of her thigh. She lied down on my chest, squashing her breasts against my chest. At this point, I was considerably surprised but loved it at the same time.

  "You're not uncomfortable are you?" She asked coyly.

  "Um, no," was all I could manage to splutter.

  "Jesus, Alana," Sophia interjected with a frown on her face. She rolled her eyes and turned her back to us.

  "What? I am still cold and there is no better way to get warm." Alana tried to explain herself to Sophia, who just ignored her and kept her back to us.

  Alana placed her head in the nape of my neck and shut her eyes. We stayed in this position for about five minutes before Alana began to squirm on top of me. At first, I thought she was going to get off me and I was more than disappointed, but, she was merely repositioning herself. The result saw my penis being squeezed between her pussy and my stomach. Because her pubic hair was shaved fairly short, I could slightly feel her pussy lips on the underside of my semi-hard cock. The sensation was like nothing I had ever experienced.

  There were two contrasting feelings standing out: the almost tickly feeling of her cropped bush against my stomach just a little bit under my belly-button and then the warmth of her pussy lips against the underside of my penis. I cast my gaze down to Alana and she was gazing right back at me, grinning coyly. Her gorgeous eyes were piercing my shyness and I knew that if I didn't go in for the kiss, I would forever scold myself. So, for the first time, I bit the bullet and quickly raised my head, pressing my lips against Alana's in more of a peck than a kiss. My heart was beating furiously, by the way, and I pulled my head back to gauge her reaction.

  She grinned and lifted her chest off me just an inch while she arched her neck. She placed a hand behind my hand and placed her lips on mine. Our mouths both opened and w
e kissed passionately. She kissed me with a vigor and thirst that automatically sent me hard for – I am proud to say – the first time of the night. I felt the tip of her tongue lash my lips. Her tongue was actually hot, especially when compared with the cold room. I had my eyes closed, but I could still make out a dim flicker of candlelight that paraded around the room. I also noticed that Alana smelled awesome. She must have been wearing some type of perfume – but because it was late at night, the perfume had lost some fragrance, so it was a very subtle aroma.

  Following Alana's kissing technique, I gleaned my tongue over her upper lip, to which she reacted by licking my tongue before I got it back inside my mouth. Her tongue followed, however, and she began to massage the inside of my mouth. I swirled my tongue around hers, while her lips were mashed against mine. While this was going on, I was very aware of the feeling of my cock against her pussy lips. There was no friction, but I had allowed myself to get an erection, so my penis was literally throbbing. I knew that I had never been this hard and I could not stop the constant pulsating of it. The warmth of her mouth and slit contrasted with the cold so perfectly that I thought I would come right there and then. Alana didn't make it better when she began to gyrate her hips ever so slightly. I moved my hands from the small of her back to her butt. Cupping her ass, I pulled her upwards towards me, which slid her slit along the shaft of my cock.

  Now the aching head of my penis was touching the folds of her pussy. It was absolute bliss. Alana broke off our kiss and slowly sat up. She obviously wasn't thinking straight though because the blanket that was covering her and the other two girls was tossed backwards. My full view of Alana with her chocolate colored hair bouncing over her shoulders and her perky breasts with her small, aroused nipples did not last long. The blanket had caused Sophia to get annoyed, she looked over her shoulder and scolded her.

  "For fuck Alana, go back to the end of the bed. Some of us are still cold and don't want to deal with you fooling around."

  Alana rolled her eyes, but Sophia must have had some authority with Cat and Alana, because, much to my dismay, Alana did what she told and lifted off me. She then began to hop over Cat, but in doing so she was sure to drag her leg over my unsatisfied cock, and for a moment linger her foot on the head of it. She then did a small jump over Cat, leaving me breathless and frustrated. But do not get me wrong, I was very grateful for that exchange with Alana. My first kiss and my first ass rubdown was better than I had expected – and trust me, after 18 years, expectations were quite high.


  Sometime later, I opened my eyes after a brief power nap and looked around the room. The blizzard was still raging on outside. I looked over to Cat who was rubbing shoulders with me, lying on her back. She was staring out into space and playing with her golden hair. To my right, Sophia still had her back to me, except she had moved closer to me. My shoulder was pressed against her upper back, with her luscious hair draped over my arm and some of my chest. I could feel her butt pressed against my outer thigh. I smiled. Cat noticed my stupid grin.

  "What are you smiling at?" She asked very softly in a whisper.

  Alana must have been asleep and Cat didn't want to wake her. Still on my back, I tuned my head to face her.

  "I don't know…I guess I just feel lucky. I mean, sure I was unlucky enough to get caught in a blizzard in the first place, but if I hadn't of stumbled onto your cabin, then I may have been dead by now." It wasn't a complete lie, as I was lucky to be alive, but Cat caught on to me anyway.

  "So it has nothing to do with the three naked girls you are sharing a bed with?" She teased.

  "Well, that is just a bonus."

  Cat giggled quietly.

  "So, where are you actually from? Do u live in Switzerland?" I barraged her.

  "No, I live in Italy. In a small town about thirty miles away from Turin."

  "I have no clue where that is."

  "Yeah, well, it is close to the French and Swiss borders. Not far from here, really. Alana too. She lives walking distance to my house. We have both lived there all of our lives, pretty much. It is a very beautiful place."

  "I can imagine. So you and Sophia are originally from Italy then?"

  "Well… not really. I was actually born in Belgium and Sophia in France. Sophia and I are only half-sisters. My father is Sophia's father, but we have different mothers. Our father is Italian. But, my mother met him in Belgium. Sophia's mother is French. My father is married to my mother and we moved back to his hometown shortly after I was born. Sophia goes to college in Lyon in France, which is close to her mother."

  "But you are still close with Sophia?"

  "Yeah, we don't see each other as often as we would like, but my father still stays in contact with her mother, so our families are very close."

  "Really? Where I am from that sort of stuff does not happen much. Split families don't often see each other. You are pretty lucky. Your dad must be a good guy."

  "Yeah he is. We are his only children, so even though Sophia doesn't live with us, he still tries to see her as much as possible. He is even paying for her to go to college."

  "How come you can speak such fluent English? I don't know a word of Italian."

  "My mother speaks English very well and she thinks that it is important to be able to speak it for many professions now, so she often talks to us in English at home. Plus it is a main subject at school. And Sophia does an English course at University…so anyway, what is your story?"

  Cat and I talked for the next half hour. We definitely had chemistry and a couple of times I experienced sensations of surrealism. I mean, I was having a good, deep conversation with a girl so far out of my league that I would never even consider approaching in ordinary life. And for me, the fact that she was European was a huge turn-on. All three girls just seemed to have a mystery and eloquence to them that was a huge relief to the girls I was used to talking to. I mean, like I said at the beginning, I was not what you would call a social loser (a sexual loser, yes). I had female friends and some of them were attractive, but this was different. This was exotic and exciting. Anyway, my conversation with Cat turned very interesting after we began talking about Sophia's career.

  "So, what do you plan on doing now that you have graduated from high school?" I asked her, genuinely interested.

  "I am not sure. My father thinks I should go to college like Sophia, but I can't think of anything to study. My mother thinks I should do modeling – just like Sophia."

  "Sophia is a model as well?"

  "Only part-time. She likes it, but she doesn't want a career in it. She mainly does fashion shows in Lyon."

  "That might be a good job to look into to."

  "I don't know. It would be fantastic to travel the world, but I don't think I would like so much attention focused on me. Besides, Sophia has had some good modeling work, but even she said it is difficult to break into the profession. And she is stunning, so what chance do I have to make it."

  "What do you mean? You are just as beautiful as Sophia, if not more so." I told her this, perhaps a little too keenly.

  "Thanks, but you didn't have to say anything, I wasn't looking for a compliment or anything." Cat blushed a little bit.

  We were now lying on our sides, facing each other. The candlelight was flickering over her face, which made her features seem even more delicate than they already were. Strands of her fair hair dangled over one of her eyes. She brushed them away with her fingers and then placed her hand gently onto her cheek in an attempt to hide her embarrassment. Her tanned, Belgian skin accentuated the beauty of her sapphire eyes, which shone with a warmth, with a depth that made me forget about my friends that were probably considerably worried and the blizzard all together. I had even forgotten that we were not the only two in the bed.

  "I know I didn't have to say it. But, I honestly mean it. There is something about you. I mean, apart from you being so striking that I am finding it difficult to look away, you are also modest and engaging.
Although, you could easily conquer the modeling world, it would be a shame if you did, because I would hate to think that you would mainly be appreciated for your beauty and not, well you know, your other qualities that have shined through just in the short time we have been talking."

  Cat didn't say anything. She just looked into my eyes for a moment and then slowly brought her face close to mine. She ever so faintly brushed her cheek against mine. Her lips were over mine, but were not touching me. She was looking into my eyes. My heart was pounding. I had never felt emotions like the ones I was feeling at that moment. With our eyes still locked on each other, I felt Cat's lips press against mine ever so softly. The kiss was as gentle as one could imagine. It was completely opposite to my previous kiss with Alana. I brought up my hands to the side of her face and briefly held her bottom lip between my lips, before she did the same to my upper lip. The kiss could not have been more perfect. I felt her mouth open a bit wider and the kiss became more heated. I felt her tongue between my lips and met it with my own. The warmth of her tongue sent a surge through my body. Throughout the entire kiss, our lips were only lightly touching. The force of this meant much more to me than the fevered, tongue lashing kiss with Alana.


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