Daddy's Best Friend: An Older Man Younger Woman Box Set

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Daddy's Best Friend: An Older Man Younger Woman Box Set Page 8

by Charlize Starr

  Flynn pulled into her dad’s long driveway leading to the big house he’d built that backed up against the woods. When he stopped, Olivia swung her door open and hopped out onto the concrete.

  “Hey,” Flynn called across the seats. “Let me help you in. I’ll carry your dress.”

  “Well, you sure as hell can’t carry me. I’d appreciate the help with the dress. These four-inch-heels are tricky.” She marched up the front steps, spoiling for yet another fight with her hypocritical father. She was supposed to always be perfect, to never embarrass him while he could run in and out of marriage like the vows were optional.

  Finally, she had cell service again and, while she waited on Flynn to bring her dress up the front steps, she dialed a cab company. “I’d like a cab at 1705 Oak Grove, please. As soon as possible.”

  Flynn joined her and arched an eyebrow. “Not planning to stay long?”

  “Not really.” She rang the doorbell, then pounded on the door when he didn’t immediately answer. Her car would be here soon. This small window of time was all the explanation he’d get from her. Some small part of her worried he’d take Jared’s side. He’d been in Jared’s place often enough—the cheater. What if he did?

  The door opened and her dad stood there for a moment. His eyes went from her, in her short shorts the third week of February, to Flynn behind her. His eyes flashed, he pushed the screen door open. “Get in here, both of you.”

  Flynn held the dress while Olivia stepped inside, then followed her. He carefully spread the dress out on the couch.

  “What the hell is going on? You both disappeared from the wedding—which was suspicious enough—but now you show up here and Olivia has barely any clothes on.”

  “I didn’t think to pack a bag for when my best friend told me she was screwing my imminently-future husband. Flynn was there—when you weren’t—and I needed someone to get me out of there.”

  Flynn stepped up beside Olivia. “I took her to the cabin so she could have some time to herself but then we got snowed in. You know how much worse the weather up there can be.”

  Olivia ignored her father’s drawn brows and furious face to open the hall closet. “Oh, good. One of your wives left a trench coat. Can I borrow it until I get home?”

  “What happened up at that cabin?” Her father carefully pronounced each word through gritted teeth. As if he had a right to even pretend he’d had anything to do with her choice to remain a virgin until she married. Or maybe he had—maybe Olivia just really never wanted to be like him.

  She put the trench coat on and cinched the belt at the waist. That took care of her outerwear, now she only had to deal with the obscenely white heels. “Nothing happened, except Flynn was kind to me. He cooked for me, he gave me the bed and took the couch, and he found me some clothes that some ex had left at his place, which is why I’m dressed for a beach party.”

  A horn honked outside. Her cab was here. “I’m going now, Dad. You can do whatever you want with the dress. You bought it. Burn it, dry clean it and sell it. I’ll leave that up to you.”

  She turned to Flynn and held out a hand. He didn’t take it like they were shaking, but rather grasped her fingers. “Thank you for your kindness and hospitality, Flynn. I won’t ever forget it.”

  With that, she walked out the front door and left the two friends standing there, gawking at her. She really was done explaining herself to people in her life.


  Flynn had been home for a week. The job hadn’t come through in his absence, which was pissing him off, and it had been a very lonely week. And that really pissed him off. He shouldn’t have let himself become so attached to Olivia.

  She was a young, beautiful girl. Despite what they’d said at the cabin, it wasn’t unsurprising that she hadn’t wanted to continue their affair. At least, he assumed she didn’t. He wanted to call her, which meant he couldn’t. He couldn’t just call her up and beg to see her. That gave her all the control in the relationship, and he never gave up control. That was a rookie mistake.

  There was a knock on his door and he scowled at it. Who the hell would be here this late? It was almost ten p.m. He yanked the door opened and it was Olivia.

  “Liv,” he said, his voice gone all soft. His pulse beat in his ears and his head felt floaty. “It’s really good to see you.”

  “Can I come in?” She leaned against the door jamb. For the first time since he’d met up with her at the wedding, she had on normal winter clothes. No poufy wedding dress, no summer outfits. Just a sweater that came down to her hips and a pair of leggings with scissors and bows printed on them. Because she was a stylist, he supposed. She was adorable.

  Her long, wavy brown hair was loose around her shoulders and she wore a little makeup. She looked like she’d probably just gotten off work. “Of course you can. Come on in.”

  He stepped out of the way and wondered what she thought of his home. It was a good size for a bachelor—two bedrooms with an open floor plan—and looked like one big man-cave. The design was masculine, with lots of leather and dark wood.

  “I missed smelling you on my skin.” She shrugged out of her coat and looked around. She noticed the hooks beside the door and hung it up. “Did you and my dad work things out?”

  “Sure. He eventually thanked me for getting you out of there.”

  “I doubt he cared very much whether I got out of there. I’m sure he’s still pissed about the money he spent on the event.”

  Flynn didn’t respond, mainly because her father had complained about losing a chunk of his savings because Olivia hadn’t figured out what her man was up to before it was too late to cancel everything. “How has work been? People asking you lots of questions?”

  “Of course. You know how this town is.” She sighed. “I just told them the truth about Jared and Tara. When they asked me where I went, I told them I drove hours away, got a hotel room and got snowed in. Your reputation is safe.”

  “Honey, I was more worried about your reputation. You don’t need to associate yourself publicly with me. I’ve been with half the women in this town.”

  She studied him, then went and hopped up on a bar stool at the counter dividing the kitchen and living room. “Let’s be honest. You didn’t want to piss Jared’s dad off because you need his business. And that’s fine. No point in muddying the waters with what we did when he was the cheater.”

  Flynn crossed the room to lean on the bar dividing the room where she sat. “So, why are you here?”

  “I thought I was pretty clear. I missed you.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Nothing. No promises, no commitment—like we talked about. Just… time with you.”

  When he’d asked, he wanted her to talk dirty to him, to tell him she’d missed the way he touched her or made her come. Instead, he found himself filled with disappointment he didn’t understand. He didn’t want promises or commitment either, so why did it bother him she was being so clear?

  Because, at some point, he’d come to care about her. At least a little. She mattered to him, but this just proved what he’d known all along: no one would ever care for him.

  “You’re being awfully quiet.” She said, her cheeks pink. “I take it you don’t feel the same.”

  She hopped off the stool and walked back over to the door, grabbing her jacket.

  He crossed the room and put a hand on the back of her neck. “Slow down, Liv. A man is allowed two or three minutes to think about an attractive proposition, isn’t he?”

  A smile played across her face. “I suppose so.”

  “Let’s go explore the bedroom, and I’ll show you how much I missed you.” He took her hand and started walking backward.

  He was letting himself be taken down a dangerous road, developing feelings she obviously didn’t share. He should end things now, but found he just couldn’t do it.


  Olivia was on the couch on a Sunday afternoon, making out with Flynn, when there was a knock
on her front door. “Shoot.” She couldn’t pretend not to be home—her car was outside.

  “Shh. Be quiet and they’ll go away,” Flynn whispered in her ear, letting his hands roam under her shirt.

  “I can’t. Just let me see who it is. Maybe I can send them on their way.” She crept to the door and looked through the peephole. Outside stood Jared, his hair wet from a fresh shower. He ran a hand through it and peered at the door. He knocked once more and Olivia jumped back.

  “You’ve got to go in the bedroom. Hurry!” She shooed Flynn that way, but he sat up and didn’t move.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “No, it is. I’m not comfortable speaking to him alone, but there’s a reason he came here. He wants me alone. No good. Just wait in there, make sure he leaves when I ask him to.”

  “And if he doesn’t? When do I come out and make my presence known?”

  “When he physically attacks me,” she bit out. He probably wouldn’t need to come out, but it made her feel better to know he could.

  Flynn shook his head and sighed, clearly put out by the whole situation. “Fine.”

  He headed for the bedroom and Olivia couldn’t help being relieved he was here. She no longer trusted anything Jared wanted to say or do.

  When she opened the door, she didn’t bother schooling her features into a smile. “What do you want?”

  “Just to talk, baby.” He pushed his way past her and looked around. Had he expected someone to be here with her?

  She shut the door and leaned against it, pushing herself as far from Jared as she could. He disgusted her now. It was impossible to believe he’d almost been her husband two weeks ago.

  “Olivia, I’m so sorry. Tara said she told you everything.”

  “I don’t know if she told me everything, but she told me enough to know I want nothing more to do with you.”

  He put his hands on either side of her head and leaned close. The smell of his aftershave made her skin crawl. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved. I only cheated because you wanted to wait.”

  Unbelievable—he was blaming her for not keeping his dick in his pants. She ducked under his arm and crossed to her small kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water, and twisted the lid off. She was so pissed right now. “So, it’s my fault.”

  “The thing is, baby, I thought of you the whole time, every time. Every time I got off, I pretended I was inside you.”

  It was entirely possible she might be sick. “That’s the vilest thing I’ve ever heard. I want you to go.”

  “Let me show you what you’re missing.” He crossed to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  Olivia pushed at his chest, hard as granite against her hands. “Fuck off.”

  “I’d rather fuck you, beautiful. Come on… you know we’re going to work things out eventually.”

  “I said…” She shoved harder this time, enough to make him stumble back a step. “Fuck off. Get out of here, you disgust me. We’re not ever getting back together. Forget it. Go!”

  For a moment, his breath coming hard, he just stared at her. “You’re making a big mistake.” Then he turned and walked out the door, leaving it open behind him. She rushed over, shut it, and locked the deadbolt. “You can come out now,” she muttered.

  Why the hell hadn’t he come out sooner? She’d honestly been afraid of Jared. He just kept touching her, spewing his horrible words.

  Flynn strolled back into the living room and put his arms around Olivia. He kissed her hair and mumbled sweet, comforting words.

  She held on until she stopped trembling.

  “I wanted to kick his ass, but you handled it. I’m proud of you.”

  “Why didn’t you come out? I needed you.” She knew why or suspected she did. He was protecting his own self-interests, his damn hotel. It just reinforced what she’d known all along—she couldn’t ever let herself count on a man.

  “Because he’s a hell of a lot more likely to leave you alone if he knows you’re done with him than if he thinks he’s got competition. I was trying to help you.”

  Maybe. Maybe he was right, but she couldn’t help the sliver of betrayal in her heart now.

  Chapter Five

  The next night, Olivia breezed into Flynn’s apartment and he grabbed her up in a heart-stopping kiss. He couldn’t wait to get her to the bedroom and considered not waiting at all. He could take her, right here, on the couch. When he pulled back to tell her how much he’d missed her, she smiled up at him. Something struck him, like a puzzle piece sliding into place.

  Then someone pounded on his front door and he didn’t have time to think about it. “That’s weird,” he muttered. Why would anyone be trying to beat down his door? “Best to just ignore it, I think, you delectable thing.”

  Olivia nodded at him and pulled him toward the bedroom.

  “Flynn, damn it, you open this door!”

  It was Sean. Olivia looked up at him, eyes wide. Why was her father here and why did he sound so pissed?

  “You can’t answer it,” she whispered.

  “Where did you park?”

  “Down the street. He couldn’t know.” They both stood in the living room, staring at the door. Flynn was so thankful he’d valued his privacy too much to put in anything but a solid wooden front door.

  “I know she’s in there, you bastard!”

  Their eyes met. This affair, whatever it might’ve become, was over. They’d been caught out, somehow.

  Well, damn it, Flynn was a man. He wouldn’t cower in the house. He’d face Sean and give him back whatever he thought he could dole out. He left Olivia in the middle of the room and flung the door open. “Get in here, then.”

  Sean’s eyes were nearly popping out of his head, his face a deep shade of red. He looked like a wild-eyed tomato. “You son-of-a-bitch. You took her to your cabin and took advantage of her.” Sean shoved Flynn in the chest. “She was waiting for marriage!”

  Flynn stood his ground. “Stop acting like an ass.”

  He glanced back at Olivia. She’d covered her mouth with one hand and tears streamed down her face. “Why are you here?” she asked.

  “To get you away from him. He’s nothing but a user.” Sean stalked across the room and grabbed Olivia’s hand but she shook him off.

  “No, I mean, how did you know we were together?”

  “When you refused to take Jared back, he sat outside your apartment all night. When he saw Flynn leave this morning, he came to tell me.”

  “That cheating son-of-a—”

  Sean cut her off. “It really doesn’t matter what he did considering you ran off with a man almost old enough to be your father and started screwing around.”

  “No, Dad, it does matter. You and Jared are treating me like a child and I won’t stand for it. Mind your own business. You’re such a hypocrite. I hate you!”

  Flynn crossed the room to put a supportive arm around Olivia. She was becoming deeply upset by her father and Flynn wanted to punch him in the face. Still might do. He was pissed at Sean for treating Olivia like a whore when the man went through wives like toilet paper. He was seriously angry at Jared for creeping on Olivia all night long.

  But he was also furious at himself. This affair would very likely cost him the hotel contract and, in turn, cost a lot of people steady work. His employees depended on him. “It’s time to go, Sean. You don’t get to dictate to anyone in my house.”

  Sean held out a hand. “Olivia, are you coming with me?”

  Olivia shook her head. “I’ve said all I have to say.”

  “You’ll regret this. I don’t want anything more to do with either of you.” Sean headed toward the door, but stopped and turned to jab a finger in Olivia’s direction. “You make me sick.”

  When Sean slammed the door behind him, a tentacle of dread uncoiled in his stomach. “I guess the jig is up.”

  She swiped at her face. “I don’t know what that means. Are you saying we’re through?”
r />   “We can’t flaunt this in people’s faces. We both depend on our good names to get business.”

  “So if I’m the town slut it’ll interfere with my livelihood. You’re not at all worried about your precious hotel contract.”

  “Of course I am. But, I’m also worried about you. I care about you, Liv.”

  “My father is disappointed in me. He’s never speaking to me again.” She backed away from him. “And I’m nothing to you but your dirty little secret. And now that people might know, it’s time for you to move on to the next girl.”

  Flynn winced. “That not… that’s an unfair way to say it.”

  She rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse off the couch. “Bye, Flynn. Have a nice life.”

  Once she was gone, Flynn looked around his empty house and wondered what it was all for, his home, his business, if he couldn’t share it with the one person he wanted to share it with.


  After a few days, Olivia had had time to think. She’d gone to work when she had to and locked herself in her apartment otherwise. Jared had come by a few times, but she just ignored him. At one point, one of the neighbors had walked outside and threatened to call the cops if he didn’t leave and he hadn’t been back.

  Still, she’d decided she needed to make things right with her father. She hadn’t forgiven him for his words, but she understood he’d been shocked and upset. Jared had played him and used him as a tool to hurt Olivia.

  She stopped her car outside her dad’s house and just looked at it for a few minutes. Finally, she got up the nerve to go knock on the door. He opened it and stepped out of the way to let her inside without saying a word to her. His way of not speaking to her, she supposed. Still, he’d at least let her in.

  When he shut the door and turned to glare at her, Olivia broke the silence. “Things are over with Flynn.”

  “I’m still furious with you for your choices. Don’t you know what kind of man he is?”


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