Home > Other > Wilder_GRIM SINNERS MC_BOOK TWO > Page 3

by LeAnn Ashers

  I grin. “Can’t wait.” I can’t wait until the moment my bullet is planted right between his eyes. First he will eat every single word that he has spoken to her that has frightened her. The threats that made her run for her life.

  Only a matter of time.


  A Few Hours Later

  The front door opens. “Joslyn?” Wilder calls.

  “In the kitchen!” I yell.

  Every footstep rakes my nerves. What went down at my house?

  Something smacks the floor behind me, and I turn around to see a couple of duffle bags. I look at him to make sure he is not hurt. “How did everything go?” My stomach twists and turns.

  He smiles reassuringly. “Nothing bad happened, Sweetheart. Your mother and stepfather are out of your house, but Robert might come back.”

  He is right about Robert. My mother will call him and tell him what went down, leading him right back to me. A huge part of me doesn’t fear him anymore, and I don’t have to guess why I feel this way. Wilder.

  My phone rings on the counter next to me, my mom’s number flashing on the screen. Wilder takes the phone from me and answers it. “Never fucking contact her again, or I won’t be so nice next time.” He stops speaking, his jaw clenched. “You understand?”

  I hear her talking, but he cuts her off by slamming my phone down on the table, cracking it. The phone that I saved up for—broken.

  “I will get you a new one. Sorry, Jos.” Wilder walks out of the room, leaving me totally confused.

  Wilder has to be one of the most frustrating men in the world. He didn’t even tell me what happened, but I didn’t fail to notice that the skin on his knuckles is cracked. My stepfather was probably on the other end of that fist.

  I pull out a barstool and sit down. Why must my life be so complicated? I want to be alone to think about all that has happened, but another part of me doesn’t want to be alone. Being alone is something that I have become accustomed to, but I will be living with Wilder for God knows how long. How will I cope?



  Later That Night

  I am not coping.

  I get up in the middle of the night, having to use the bathroom, only to only fall straight into the toilet.

  “Wilder!” I scream when my butt hits the cold water, which is probably full of piss because we know a man doesn’t flush the toilet. I hear him thundering toward the bathroom, and I hurry to pull up my pants. He bursts through the door, his gun in his hand.

  He drops his gun once he sees me standing in the middle of the room with my arms across my chest. “What the fuck are you doing?” I can tell he is pissed off. Well, too bad; I am too. I just landed in cold piss water in the middle of the night, when I am still half asleep.

  “I fell in the toilet!” I point at the toilet—the seat is still up.

  His face goes from pissed off to amused, and it turns red as he holds in his laugh. I growl and rub the top of my head as my anger starts to slip away.

  “Just laugh already.” I sigh loudly, and his laugh thunders throughout the bathroom.

  I snort, not able to help myself. His laugh is contagious. He is bent over the sink, holding his stomach.

  “You’re lucky I didn't get stuck.” I am enjoying seeing him so light and carefree right now. Wilder is always intense, trying to uphold his badass title. What everyone else doesn’t know is that he has a gooey center, though he probably wouldn’t admit it.

  “I will try to remember next time.” He stands up.

  He can try to remember all he wants to, but I think he needs to know how it feels. “I am going back to bed.” I fake yawn and walk past him. “Goodnight, Wilder!” I call over my shoulder.

  “Goodnight, Sweetheart.”

  I walk into my bedroom, shutting the door, and wait. An hour passes and I tiptoe to the door. I peer out into the hallway, making sure his door is shut. I put my hand over my mouth to cover my giggle. I tiptoe downstairs and hurry to the kitchen.

  I remember seeing Saran Wrap in the cabinet by the sink. While he was gone, I rifled through his cabinets. What else is a girl supposed to do?

  After spotting the Saran Wrap, I tuck it under my arm. I listen to make sure I don’t hear any movements from upstairs.

  I make it to the bathroom without being spotted, and I cover the toilet seat with Saran Wrap. A wave of laughter bursts out, and I hide my face in my shoulder trying to control myself. Then I think about where to hide the Saran Wrap. Under the sink will have to do. I hide the evidence, hurry back to my room, and climb into bed. Closing my eyes, I try to control my nerves as I wait for it all to hit the fan.

  * * *


  My eyes fly open and snap to the clock; it’s 10:30 a.m. Feet are stomping toward my door. I guess my prank has finally paid off.

  My door flies open, and Wilder fills the doorway. Play innocent, Joslyn. “Yes?” I ask nervously. I can’t believe I did that last night. That is not like me at all. Oh my God, what if he is mad? Breathe, Joslyn.

  He points at me. “You started a war.”

  My mouth opens, and I bring the blanket up higher, twisting it between my hands. “War?” I gulp, my throat seriously dry.

  He steps into the room, immediately making it way too small. “War, Baby. I will get you back.” He winks, and I let out the breath I was holding. I still can’t believe that I actually did that last night without thinking about the repercussions. What if he had gotten mad?

  Of course you didn’t think, Joslyn, you never do what you’re supposed to or what normal people do.

  Stop overthinking, Joslyn.

  “What do you want for breakfast?” Wilder asks and I rub my eyes.

  Maybe I should suggest making something? Ask, Joslyn. “Want me to make something?”

  He shrugs. “Whatever you want to do.”

  “I will make breakfast then.” I smile and throw off my blanket. He smiles back, and that’s when I notice that he is shirtless.

  Oh my God.

  How did I not notice this? That should have been the first thing I noticed! Wilder arches an eyebrow at me, catching me staring. Kill me now. I duck my head and practically run past him.


  I wait for her to be out of hearing distance before I laugh quietly at her. She finally noticed that I was shirtless, and she reacted the way I wanted her to. She blushed from the top of her head to her toes.

  She played a fucking prank on me. I didn't expect that shit when I went to take a piss. I like that she felt comfortable enough around me to do it, but then she freaked out the moment she thought about how I might react.

  Joslyn is beautiful. I wish she could see what I see, but she doesn’t. She tends to overthink things, and it eats her alive. I will get her to fucking relax around me and to let go.

  I want to see the real Joslyn, the Joslyn that she keeps hidden for fear she won’t be accepted.

  Challenge accepted.


  He is in the kitchen with me, shirtless. Helping me make breakfast. I am way too aware of everything he is doing.

  “Baby, what do you need me to do now?” he asks, causing my stomach to flip.

  Quit acting like a teenager, Joslyn! You are going to make a fool of yourself. He probably already thinks you are half dumb. I clench my eyes shut, trying to silence that little voice that tries to make me feel like crap about myself.

  “Joslyn?” he says again, and I realize I never answered him.

  See what you did now, Joslyn? “I am good, Wilder, thank you.”

  He leaves the room and I cover my eyes. Why do I do this to myself? I stir the eggs in the pan and turn the stove off. I just made a simple breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon.

  I plate the food and tuck two waters under my arm; then I walk into the living room. Wilder is sitting in the middle of the couch, watching TV. I place the water on the coffee table in front of him before setting his plate down in his lap.

; “You didn’t have to bring it to me.”

  I shrug. “I wanted to.”

  I can feel his eyes on me, but I can’t bring myself to look at him. My thoughts from earlier are making me feel down.

  “Shaylin is wanting to know if you can come to work today.”


  Her head snaps up, and her eyes are lit with happiness for the first time today. What Joslyn doesn’t know is we are going to use her to draw Robert out. He won’t get close enough to Joslyn for her to notice. It’s time for the fucker to be out of her life and for good.

  “You have a driver’s license?”

  She looks confused. “Yeah. Why?” She draws out the “yeah.”

  “There’s a car for you to drive in the garage.” I hold my fucking breath because I don’t know how she will react. What I don’t tell her is that I bought her a fucking car and had it delivered yesterday—it’s the safest one on the market.

  Her eyes widen. “What?” She stutters, her hand pressed to her chest. Her hair is sticking up on one side and looking cute as fuck.

  I touch the side of her face. “There is a car for you to drive.”

  She shakes her head. “I can’t use the car, Wilder, it’s too much.” She looks down and twists her fingers in her lap.

  I put my hand on top of hers. “You deserve it, Sweetheart.”


  I clench my eyes closed, falling forward, and lay my head on his chest. His arms wrap around me, his palm resting on the back of my head.

  “Wilder,” I whisper because I don’t know what else to say.

  “Baby, I know how much your freedom means to you. This is my gift to you so you can have that freedom.”

  Oh my God. Did he really just say that? Don’t cry, don’t cry. I repeat this over and over in my head because that is about to happen. He gets it. It’s why I fight so hard to stay away from my mom, her husband, and Robert: to live the life I want to.

  The feel of his lips touching the top of my head is my undoing. I grip his shirt tightly, my shoulders shaking with the power of my sobs.

  “It’s okay, Sweetheart,” he whispers, his hand running up and down my back tenderly.

  A few minutes later I manage to contain myself. I think I just needed to cry and to be held. God, when was the last time someone comforted me?

  The feel of Wilder’s arms around me, the way he smells, and the heat of his body is a medicine all in itself.

  I sit up and look at him. He smiles, his hand touching my cheek softly, his thumb brushing away the stray tears. My cheeks warm because of his touch. “I guess I better get ready then.” I clear my throat and get off the couch.



  “Joslyn!” two people yell the moment I step through the door to the bakery. Two bodies tackle me and I laugh, falling straight onto my butt, making them collapse on top of me. Paisley and Shaylin fall to the side, laughing.

  “I missed you guys.”

  Shaylin punches me on the arm softly. “Missed you too, Jos.” She hugs me once more. The bell above the door dings, and Butcher walks into the bakery looking scary times ten. He stares down at us like we are lunatics. Shaylin lifts her hand, and he pulls her to her feet and straight into his arms.

  I will never get used to seeing such huge and scary men with their women. They look one way one second, and the next they are staring at their women, full of love.

  They have everything I’ve always wanted. I have always wanted someone to love me. I want someone to love me like they can’t live without me, because I know once I fall in love I am done for—I love with my whole heart. It may just take a while to get there. Love is these people standing in front of me, looking at one another like their world begins and ends with each other.

  Paisley gives me a sideways look. She is in love with someone. His name is Liam, and she has been crazy about him ever since he saved her from a crazed school janitor. Liam is just as crazy about her.

  Paisley is going to school to be a nurse, and Liam is a SEAL. It’s only a matter of time before it all falls into place.

  “Alright ladies, let’s get back to work!” Shaylin manages to walk away from her husband, and we follow her back to the kitchen. As she takes care of what needs to be done, I couldn’t take the smile off my face even if I tried. I missed this. I missed this place. Baking has been a passion of mine for a long time, and I am glad I am back.


  Derek, Lane, my cousin Travis, and I are sitting outside the bakery, hidden from view. We are waiting for Robert to show up.

  He is in town—our tech guy placed cameras in front of Joslyn’s place, and he was seen walking through the house, looking mighty pissed to see all of Joslyn's things gone.

  It’s been three hours since Joslyn walked into the bakery and was tackled by the girls. She was smiling, looking so fucking happy and beautiful.

  “You got it bad.”

  My head snaps to Travis, who is leaning against the tree, smiling at me like a fucking idiot. Growling, I turn my head, ignoring him. Travis lives to get on my last nerve. He thrives on fucking with me, and I thrive on fucking him up.

  “Aww, Wilder is in love. She is pretty.”

  She is pretty. Why the fuck has he been looking at her? I whip out my gun, pointing it directly in his face. “Don’t even mention her at all.”

  He chuckles and continues smiling at me like he doesn’t have a fucking gun in his face. “Well, she is.”

  I put my gun back into my waistband; then I punch him hard in the face. He arches an eyebrow. His smile is now bloody, but that doesn’t affect it one fucking bit. God give me fucking strength not to murder my cousin. If I wouldn’t have to deal with my aunt, I would.

  “Look,” Derek says, and I see Robert getting out of his car.

  I laugh and walk toward him; his back is to me. The stupid fucker doesn’t even realize I am there until I am standing directly behind him. He jumps and grabs his door handle, trying to climb back inside his car. I slam the door shut.

  “Robert, you haven’t been a good boy,” Travis says.

  Robert’s eyes move to each of us, lingering on me. Fear me, fucker, I am the last thing you will ever see.

  Our black van pulls to a stop beside us, the side door opens, and a prospect jumps out. “Climb on in, Robert.” I give him a hard push and he looks at me, startled. “Why do I have to go in there?”

  I fold my arms across my chest. “Why the fuck do you think?”

  Robert’s knees buckle beneath him—fucking pussy. “I am going to die?”

  “Yeah, you are.” I look down at the man who made Joslyn’s life a living hell. Made her leave her life, leave her home. He may look pathetic right now, but he didn’t a few minutes ago.

  He was about to waltz in the bakery and take her.

  “In the fucking van, or I will draw your death out even longer. In the van!” I yell. He runs to the van and climbs inside. The prospects slam the door shut, and they take off.

  “Let’s get this shit down.” Lane climbs on his bike, and we follow him to the clubhouse.

  * * *

  “You don’t have to do this!” Robert begs, on his knees in front of me.

  He is more pathetic than I fucking thought. “Did you give Joslyn a choice?” I grab his hair in my fist and pull sharply, making his head snap back, until he is looking at me. “Did you?” I roar.

  He shakes his head. “I just wanted her.”

  “Bad mistake, fucker,” Travis sings.

  My fist digs into his mouth. “Don’t mention her!” I roar once again, shoving him away from me.

  Robert bows his head, his hand resting in his lap. “I will not mention Joslyn again.”

  “Did you just hear this fucker?” Travis laughs.

  I take out my gun and take the safety off. I am done with this fucker, done with the games. At this moment Joslyn will be taking back her life, and she won’t have to be afraid anymore.

  “Robert!” I snap at him.<
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  He raises his head, and his eyes widen as he takes in the gun pointing at him. His face hardens, the evil part of him taking his place. The room quiets.

  “Any last words?” I ask.

  Robert grins evilly, the sniveling acting gone. “Tell Joslyn...”

  The moment he says “Joslyn,” I pull the trigger. He falls face-first to the ground.

  Robert is dead, never to bother her again. Her mom and her stepfather are out of her life for good. This is step one for Joslyn in becoming who she wants to be.

  Lane stands next to me. “We will take care of this.”

  I nod. “Thanks, man.”

  Travis walks out of the room with me while the rest of the guys clean up. “So, what are we having for dinner?”


  Travis just grins at me. “Yeah, I want to meet Joslyn.” He takes off running before I can grab the fucker.

  One thing about Travis: he is asking for an ass beating. Two: he is crazier than hell, and three: don’t ever piss him off. That’s the last thing you will ever fucking do. Travis is a fucker who will torture you and do that shit laughing.

  I already dread tonight and pray to God that I don’t murder the shit.

  * * *

  “You want some more food, Travis?” Joslyn asks and Travis wiggles his eyebrows at me. My last nerve is almost gone, and it’s taking every fucking bit of my restraint not to stab this knife into his hand.

  Travis touches her arm, making me see red. “Sure, Joslyn.” She takes his plate and walks into the kitchen. I pick up my steak knife and stab the side of his hand. The hand that touched Joslyn.

  Travis laughs and pulls out the knife; then he presses a napkin to his bleeding hand.

  Joslyn walks back in the room with two plates. She sets one in front of me and the other in front of Travis. My plate has more food than his. I give him a satisfied smile and he rolls his eyes.


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