What's his Passion?

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  Falling in Stereo—and more significantly Aubrey King—had become an absolute obsession for Bryan—already a huge music lover. The combination of the intensely personal lyrics and dark edged alternative rock Aubrey created had touched Bryan in a way that nothing had before or since. He credited the singer with being the one to inspire him to dream of a career as a rock journalist.

  Eventually, Bryan’s fanatical love of music and the artists who created it had led him to aspire to more. He wanted to one day be considered the ultimate rock historian. So far, he’d been fortunate enough to write two critically acclaimed rock bios and also had an incredibly popular music blog. Essentially, he was considered to be the expert on any rock music related topics. Yet, he’d never interviewed—or even met—his writing muse, the man who had single-handedly led him to the love of his life—music.

  Only Conrad Jensen had the potential to rival him as a writer in the rock music world. The author had scored an exclusive interview with Aubrey right as he was beginning his bid to make a comeback. It would be the first time Aubrey had ever gone solo and there were a lot of people out there waiting to see if he still had it after being absent for ten trend-changing years. At forty-two years old, he was no longer the fresh young face of alt rock, the leader of millions of angst-ridden teenagers. It remained to be seen if he could transcend musically into a more mature songwriter whilst still retaining his core base of fans.

  Bryan mulled over his current situation. At any moment, Aubrey would be approaching him to discuss whether or not Bryan would be given the opportunity to write Aubrey’s memoir. When he’d received the call about it from his agent, he’d assumed it must be a joke. No one had even known that Aubrey was considering such a thing. To think he might get to work closely with his idol on the personal details of his life was more than he ever could have imagined for his career. For himself.

  I can’t get too worked up before he even gets here.

  He was grateful that he wasn’t currently in a relationship. Any woman he’d ever been with eventually tired of his all-consuming drive toward his career—some quicker than others. Many had claimed it was like sharing him with a particularly voracious mistress. He’d tried to only become involved with women who were as enamored of music as he was, but so far, he hadn’t met anyone he was that interested in who attached as much significance to the deep inner meaning of songs as he did.

  God, Aubrey’s songs were so much more to him than simply a set of words to a driving melody. It was as if they dug deep into his soul and embedded themselves there. When he thought of some of the fights he’d gotten into over the years in regards to his obsession with the rock star—some had even suggested that what it really amounted to was him having a big hard-on for Aubrey.

  He snorted to himself. It was rather silly. He’d never even thought of a man in that way, had never even considered experimenting. Besides, he knew plenty of guys who became hardcore fans of a musician or a sports figure. It didn’t mean anything other than an appreciation for that person’s talent. His elevated heart rate and kid-like excitement over seeing his rock idol at any minute was nothing more than that.

  The moment he spotted Aubrey winding his way through the café tables, he was transfixed. As the singer sashayed across the patio, his steps were performed with the same panther-like grace he’d used for many years on the stage. Bryan had always assumed it was a part of his well-practiced act. It looked so natural on him that Bryan couldn’t discern whether it was how he’d always carried himself or if it had become a part of him as his years in front of an audience had gone by. His lithe body with long limbs and torso were the perfect backdrop for his languid movements.

  He sported a pair of black sunglasses that couldn’t conceal his sharp and chiseled features, but did keep Bryan from detecting how much his face may have succumbed to the inevitable onset of aging. Having kept carefully hidden from the public eye for the previous decade, there weren’t many recent photos of him available. He wore a loose, teal-colored shirt buttoned only part of the way up, with what appeared to be a black tank underneath. The whole ensemble topped incredibly skin-tight, dark-chocolate-hued leather pants that rode low on his hips. There was the barest hint of a pelvic bone peeking out of the top of his waistband on one side where the edge of his shirt fluttered in the light breeze.

  A bronze medallion of some sort of sun image dangled around his neck on a long black cord. His brown shaggy hair hung somewhat past his jewelry adorned ears—about two or three inches shorter than he’d worn it in the past—and was embellished with platinum streaks. Bryan could only make out parts of the ink he knew was emblazoned across Aubrey’s chest. A teaser of the flames, a fiery wing, a talon—all pieces of the intricate phoenix that was Aubrey’s most talked about tattoo. Bryan had to admit that it was like all of his rock‘n’roll fantasies coming true.

  Bryan attempted to swallow, his throat uncharacteristically dry. He took a quick sip of water right as Aubrey was about to reach him, and was wishing with all his might that he could see Aubrey’s expression behind the dark shades. He rose and extended his hand once Aubrey stood before him. Aubrey paused, appearing to consider Bryan’s offer then clasped it with both of his hands. He squeezed it gently one time then let go. Bryan’s throat was still as dry as it had ever been and he wasn’t sure he would even be able to croak anything out.

  “Mr King, thank you for the opportunity to meet with you today.”

  His voice had cracked only in the slightest, and he was able to sit down without knocking anything over or missing his chair entirely and landing on the ground. He had interviewed some of the biggest names in the industry and had even been invited to attend a special dinner party at the White House. Yet nothing in his travels or experiences compared to the thrill of meeting Aubrey King for lunch at a small café in Hollywood.

  Once they were both seated, Aubrey relaxed into his cabana style wicker chair. His arms were draped loosely over the rests, his legs crossed at the ankles of his leather pointed toed boots as he eased back, slightly angled toward the aisle.

  “Please, Bryan, I feel enough out of touch with the scene as it is, call me Aubrey. And I appreciate that you agreed to meet with me on such short notice. Your flight in from New York was comfortable?”

  Oh my fucking God. I’m having an actual conversation with Aubrey Fucking King. This is so insane.

  It was too bad he didn’t know anyone—not even his agent—who could fully and completely appreciate the enormity of the moment as it affected him personally.

  “Very comfortable, thank you. Aubrey.”

  Aubrey pushed his glasses onto the top of his head and Bryan was met with his intense stare. The one Bryan had been mesmerized by for countless years whether on a CD cover, during a concert or when watching a video. He could picture those sea green eyes in his sleep and now he was gazing into them in person.

  “You look exactly like your photo. Bryan.”

  Aubrey had mimicked his syntax when saying his name. Was it purposeful, was he mocking him?

  God, don’t fuck this up whatever you do. Don’t be weird.

  Bryan did something he never did. Typically, he was relentless and purposeful when it came to an interview. No star could get the best of him. He always made it known by his body language alone that he was not intimidated by their status in any way. However, Aubrey wasn’t simply an interview. He was everything as far as Bryan was concerned.

  So, he clasped his hands tightly together and placed them on the table in front of him. Aubrey’s gaze flitted down at them quickly, then glanced back up to catch Bryan’s eyes. The slightest quirk at the corner of his mouth indicated to Bryan that Aubrey knew he was nervous.

  “This café is a bit too crowded today, don’t you think, Bryan?”

  Aubrey tilted his head to one side and propped his chin on the heel of his palm. The simple gesture had Bryan hypnotized.

  This is fucking ridiculous. I’ve been instantly transformed into a giddy teenage girl
. What the hell?

  “Um, it is a bit noisy. Is there somewhere else you would prefer to take our meeting?”

  “Have you eaten yet?”

  Bryan could see he would have to keep his senses sharp. Aubrey’s mind seemed to constantly be on the move. He would have to focus extra hard to keep up.

  “No. I came straight from the airport. I was concerned I would be late so I didn’t take the time to get anything.”

  “And you didn’t order because you were waiting for me?”

  Bryan frowned. “Of course.”

  “What if you had been waiting for someone other than me—for instance, your agent or a girlfriend or one of your buddies?”

  Still perplexed, Bryan went with it as it somehow seemed important to Aubrey. “I still wouldn’t have ordered. That would be incredibly rude, no matter who I was waiting for.”

  For the first time ever, it appeared to Bryan that he was the one being interviewed. He needed to get the control back.

  Aubrey scraped his teeth over one side of his bottom lip. It was yet another thing Bryan had seen him do over the years. Aubrey continued to eye Bryan, an expression forming across his features that seemed to indicate that he was inordinately pleased about things between them. He wanted the assignment with Aubrey so badly—he hoped he wasn’t simply reading satisfaction into their exchange out of sheer hope.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here.” He’d said it as he was standing.

  Bryan rose to his feet quickly, reaching into the back pocket of his jeans to pull out his wallet to drop a tip on the table. Before he’d even had the chance to remove it, Aubrey had tossed down a hundred dollar bill and was in full stride, leaving the eatery. Bryan picked up his pace to go after him, replaying in his mind all of the Aubrey King trivia he’d gathered over the years. Now, he had the extraordinary chance to experience a myriad of private moments with his idol from the mundane to the spectacular.

  By the time Bryan had reached Aubrey at the valet stand, he’d decided he needed to get his journalist hat firmly back in place. Aubrey whipped his head around and the singer locked his gaze with Bryan’s once more. It was that look. That stare. It penetrated him, laid him bare. He’d rhapsodized to others over the years how it elevated Aubrey above other rock idols. No one could convey their soul the way he could.

  “Are you hesitant to come with me, Bryan?”

  He attempted to maintain an even, unrevealing tone. Instead, the first part of his response was similar to a strangled squeak.

  “Of course not.” He cleared his throat. “I’m more than happy to come with you.”

  Fuck. Walked right into that one.

  Aubrey grinned a wicked little grin and Bryan’s journalist hat was missing altogether.

  Chapter Two

  Fucking edible.

  Bryan Gallagher went beyond the fantasy he’d had of him from his blog and Facebook photos. In addition, there were various musician interviews Bryan had done that he’d managed to dig up on YouTube. He was adorable, considerate, smart, talented—Jesus—he was a gay man’s nightmare. Straight and likely to induce in Aubrey the need to form an immediate unbreakable bond. A complete disaster. A couple of quick hook-ups were out of the question with the delectable keeper, and if he really wanted Bryan to write his memoir—and he did—he should keep the writer completely off limits.

  He considered Bryan as he mulled over the comment the journalist had just made. Bryan’s sandy blond hair wasn’t styled that much differently from his own. His deep blue eyes with longish lashes were set in a face that could almost be considered boyish. Even though he was casually dressed in jeans with a pale blue dress shirt carefully tucked in, Aubrey could tell that the medium height looker had a nicely toned body—one that he would love to see unwrapped.

  “So, where’re you taking me?”

  As soon as the words had left Bryan’s mouth, Aubrey saw him pinch the bridge of his nose, shake his head and noted the red as it crawled up his neck and into his cheeks.

  “I could take you anywhere, Bryan. However, for now, why don’t we pick up some Thai food and we can have our meeting in the comfort of my new studio? I want you to see it.”

  At last Bryan looked up, exhaled loudly and met Aubrey’s eyes dead on.

  “That sounds great. Especially the Thai food.”

  “Excellent. I want to take you to Toi on Sunset next to the Guitar Center. They’re my favorite place to get my favorite food.”

  “Huh.” Bryan had the cutest smile on his face, a little lopsided and very kissable. “Thai is my favorite as well. We haven’t even started the meeting yet and I’ve already learned a new fact about you. I didn’t think that was possible.”


  The valet pulled up at that moment with his black CTS.

  Once they’d seated themselves in his car, Aubrey pulled out of the parking lot onto Santa Monica Boulevard. He headed east toward Sunset Boulevard and the restaurant.

  “So, why is it that you can’t believe that there’s something about me that you didn’t know?”

  “Oh, well, I…”

  In his peripheral vision he could see that Bryan was peering out of the window. Bryan turned toward him again—almost as if he had come to a conclusion.

  “I need to make a confession to you.”

  Ooh. Maybe he is gay. Or bi. I’ll take either at this point, regardless of my straight boy fetish.

  “Sounds juicy. Go on.”

  Bryan chuckled. “I’ve been a rabid fan of yours since I was twelve.”

  Aubrey could barely control what would likely have been a very unattractive snort from bursting out of him.

  “Gasp. I feel incredibly old right now.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Aubrey, you’re not old.”

  “Tell that to my birth certificate. I thought you knew everything about me. Obviously, my age was never revealed to you or you would know better than to say that.”

  “You’re forty-two, you’re not old, and I think you look even more fantastic than ever.”

  Aubrey detected a slight groan from Bryan and noticed that he’d turned back toward the passenger side window.

  “Shit. You didn’t have to butter me up like that—although the thought of you doing so sounds incredibly inviting. You already have the job.”

  Aubrey’s declaration obviously made an impression as Bryan’s head whipped toward him. Aubrey stole a glance his way to see Bryan’s jaw hanging open in what appeared to be genuine shock.

  “I already…”

  “Of course. I don’t waste time ‘taking meetings’—more fucking industry speak. I know what I want and I go after it. And I want you, Bryan.”

  He kept his eyes forward. He needed Bryan to absorb what he’d just said without it being colored by his obvious intent.

  “Jesus, Aubrey, thank you. Truthfully? You have just made my dreams come true.”

  There was the smallest twinge of disappointment that snuck its way in between all of his happiness at Bryan’s statement. It would be great if someday he could make Bryan’s dreams come true regarding something much more personal.

  “Ah, truth is great, what about some dares?” Aubrey couldn’t keep his lip from curling up a little.

  “Anything’s possible. We’ll have to see how things develop.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. For now, I’ll force myself to be satisfied with the truth. All right, I need to know a few things about you, since you know so much about me. That’s not very fair.”

  He made his pouty lip face and Bryan chuckled. It was a good sign since many men—the straight ones in particular—found it obnoxious.

  “Then what does the amazing Aubrey King want to know about the marginally interesting Bryan Gallagher?”

  Aubrey shook his head, frowning. “You’re very interesting to me, but for now, I’ll settle for some basic facts. You’re obviously younger than me, but I’m not sure by how much. Enlighten me?”

  “I’m twenty-eight. What els
e, or is that all?”

  “God, no. I want to know much more about you. What’s your favorite color?”

  Bryan laughed. “Seriously? Um, I guess I would have to say turquoise.”

  “That was specific. I like it. Do you have a girlfriend?”

  When Bryan didn’t answer immediately, Aubrey’s heart sped up in anticipation of the inevitable crushing break.

  “No.” He cleared his throat. “I haven’t had one for a while.”

  “Define a while.”

  “For about six months or so.”

  Bryan sounded melancholy. Aubrey was angry for him if this mystery woman had broken his heart. How dare she.

  “Were you in love?”

  He could see the shrug of Bryan’s shoulders peripherally.

  “No. But I had hoped it might finally happen after all these years. I was more disappointed than emotionally devastated.”

  “I see. So what you’re actually saying is that you’ve never been in love before.”

  “Huh. I guess I am.”

  There was a pause and Aubrey glanced over to see Bryan peering out of his window again. Something about their conversation seemed to be affecting Bryan on a deeper level. He hadn’t really meant to do that, he’d only wanted to know if there would be either some devil woman or angelic princess he would have to derail to get to Bryan’s heart. But regardless of how innocuous Aubrey would always attempt to keep his conversations, he’d discovered over the years that they would typically morph into soul-baring extravaganzas.


  Bryan turned back to him as Aubrey pulled into a parking space on Sunset. He’d only had to park a half a block away. It was almost unheard of at lunchtime in Hollywood.


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