Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Connor & Lauren

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Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Connor & Lauren Page 8

by Ariana Hawkes

  All three of them looked dazed. Connor rounded on Ryzard. “Answer me, moron. This was all your idea. What have you got to offer these two wing-nuts, who seem to be incapable of thinking for themselves?”

  “Uh. We’ve been working on some stuff. Mainly protecting ourselves.”

  “You can’t live like that, you doofus! If you want to live as a man, at least part of the time, you have to learn to co-exist with humans.

  “Now, I’m not having these factions developing. Anyone who wants to leave can leave. I’m doing my best for you guys, but if you’re not happy, you can go. Go back to your life of scavenging and hiding from the world. But you can’t stay in the forest and expect our protection when times get hard. Go with this half-wit and find yourselves another forest.” Connor jerked his head hard, indicating that the time to leave was now.

  Olsen and Niall pulled themselves up, shooting glances at each other.

  “I’m sorry, boss,” Niall said. “Don’t know what came over me. Ryzard said everything was getting into a mess, and I guess I just freaked out. Thought life would be simpler if we just lived wild again.”

  “What’s the matter with you all?” Logan cut in. “We’ve got this dating app. We’ve finally got the chance to meet the human mates we all desire. And you’re throwing it away. For what?”

  “Ryzard said the app is a scam and we aren’t gonna meet mates,” Olsen said.

  “What? You’ve even met the woman I’ve been on dates with,” Connor said.

  Olsen rubbed the back of his head. “He said we’re too animal. And that pretty lady is just using us like rodents to test it out.”

  Logan frowned. “Like guinea pigs?”

  “Yeah. That’s what I said. Then they’ll sign up some big cats or something, they’ll get all the ladies, and we won’t have a shot.”

  “Look,” Connor said, exasperated. “Human women like us. I know that.”

  Eight sets of ears pricked up.

  “What gives you that idea?” Ryzard slurred. “No one wants to talk to me so far.”

  Because Lauren liked him. Because she was ready for him to claim her. His chest tightened with something that felt like grief. “You’ve just got to give the app time.”

  “I’m with you, Connor. I’m sorry I’ve been an ungrateful asshole,” Niall said. “Guess I was just frustrated.”

  Connor nodded. Then he fixed Ryzard and Olsen with his hardest stare. “You two better think long and hard about whether you want to be a part of this clan or not. I’ll give you twenty-four hours. And if you’re not in by then, I’ll personally chase your asses out of this entire county.” Connor swept his hand around the clearing. “In the meantime, get all this crap cleaned up!”

  Without waiting for their reply, he turned around and strode off in the direction of the cabins.

  When he arrived, fifteen minutes later, he finally looked behind him and was greeted by the sight of seven bears following him in single file, the heads of Niall and Olsen dipped sheepishly. He sighed. Nothing good comes easy.

  Lauren’s phone rang while she was out shopping in Hope Valley for some things to brighten up her apartment. She’d hoped it would cheer her up, but all it was doing was reminding her she didn’t have the cozy family home she’d craved ever since her younger brothers and sister grew up and went out into the world, leaving her with an empty nest and a hole in her heart.

  “Hey, hun!” came Kristin’s voice through the phone, way too excitedly for a sick person. “So, the article’s all done. The photos are really good. The look on Connor’s face is going to tug a few heartstrings for sure.”

  “Mmm,” Lauren replied. She couldn’t even stand the sound of his name right now.

  “The paper’s going to press in a couple of hours, and it’ll be out tomorrow morning.”

  “That’s great.”

  “You’re killing me with your enthusiasm, Lauren. I thought you’d be happy about this.” Kristin’s voice was heavy with mock offense.

  “Sorry, Kristin. I am. Thanks so much for doing this. Think I’m just feeling a bit down in the dumps.”

  “I know—it’s a miserable day, isn’t it? Why don’t you come over, keep me company?”

  Lauren looked up at the gray blanket of cloud cover. She’d been planning to get a manicure, but catching up with Kristin was way more appealing. “Okay. What can I bring the patient?”

  “Ah, just some grapes,” Kristin replied carelessly.

  “That’s all?”


  Fifteen minutes later, Lauren let herself into Kristin’s apartment, using her own key. They both had keys to each other’s places in case they ever lost their own. Kristin wasn’t in bed as she’d expected but sitting on the sofa, laptop on her lap, looking bright-eyed and full of life.

  Lauren stopped dead. “You’re not sick, are you?”

  “Surprise!” Kristin yelled, bouncing to her feet and wrapping Lauren in a hug.

  “Wait. You pretended to be sick just to make me go to Connor’s place? Kristin Pasternak, I could kill you!” She jabbed her index finger at her friend’s chest, but Kristin caught her hand, laughing.

  “I know how stubborn you can be, and I thought it was the only thing that was going to convince you.”

  Lauren shook her head. “I’m mad at you. All you’ve done is cause me a piece of heartache I could have done without.”

  The smile dropped from Kristin’s face. “Why? What happened?”

  Lauren sighed. “Is it too early for wine?”

  “Four p.m. on a rainy Saturday? Not at all!”

  “I’ve got some grapes to go with it.” Lauren held out the bag, lips quirked in sarcasm.

  “Will you forgive me if I tell you I’ve got cheese and crackers, too?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Kristin made up a cheese board, opened a bottle of Zinfandel, and they settled onto her super comfy sofa amid a huge pile of soft cushions.

  “Start from the beginning,” Kristin said, fixing Lauren with her bright brown eyes.

  Lauren sighed. “So, I started to take the photos of him. Then the rain came down hard. Like a deluge from the sky. Connor ran up to me and picked me up.”

  Kristin gaped. “Literally?”

  “Yup. Then he brought me inside. And kissed me. It was hot. Steamy, to be precise. We were both drenched, so he pulled off his T-shirt.”

  Kristin’s lips twitched. Normally she’d be cracking a whole stream of jokes, but Lauren knew she was forcing herself to stay quiet, concerned for how the story was going to turn out.

  “Then my shirt came off, and then we ended up in his bedroom.”

  Kristin gasped. “You had sex! I knew it.”

  “Not exactly. He, um—went down.” Lauren tipped her head vaguely in the direction of her nether regions. She wasn’t used to discussing her sex life with her friends since it had never come up before. A heat rose to her cheeks.

  Kristin pressed her lips together. “Nice. And then?”

  Lauren exhaled hard, staring at the ceiling. “It was amazing. Then I wanted to go all the way with him. And he was ready, you know?” Her cheeks got even hotter. “But he wouldn’t. He stopped and said he couldn’t have sex.”

  “But why? What guy does that?”

  An honorable guy, Lauren realized with a tug. She hesitated, trying to figure out how to explain his predicament without mentioning that he was a shifter. “He says he’s sworn off sex because his father and his brother are cheaters, and he feels like it’s in his blood.”

  “Wow. Is he for real?”

  “It sounds crazy, but I think he is.”

  “You still want him?”

  Want was an understatement. Just the thought of his bare chest made her tingle. “It doesn’t matter if I do. I just wish he hadn’t kissed me.”

  “Maybe you should just go for it. So you won’t have a relationship with him, but it could be a lot of fun.” Kristin wiggled her eyebrows goofily.

e you suggesting I jump his bones, have a one-night stand with him?”

  “Why not?”

  Lauren groaned. “Because I like him more than I should. He’s an amazing guy, Kristin. I love his company. He’s kind, thoughtful. He’s just real decent, you know?”

  “Except he’s so scared of cheating he’s decided to live like a monk. That’s kind of quirky. Why doesn’t he just tell himself he’s not going to fool around with anyone?”

  Lauren stayed silent, unable to give Kristin the true answer—because he was a shifter.

  “Smells like bullshit to me,” Kristin continued. “The way he looked at you the other day, like you were the only girl in the world. I think he’s scared of something.”

  “Whatever. I’m not going to wait around to find out. I just want to forget about him now.”

  “I guess if your heart’s at risk, it’s probably for the best.”

  It’s gone beyond being at risk, Lauren thought while Kristin went to get a pizza menu. This morning, she’d been ready to give up the convictions that had kept her going all those years of singlehood. Heal the hurt. Trust somebody again. She’d always pretended she didn’t care about relationships. And then Connor had ripped her right open, leaving her raw and sore. She wished so bad she could share everything with Kristin. She not only had to hide the fact she’d never been with a guy before, but she couldn’t tell her the truth about Connor either.

  Lauren didn’t make it home that night. She and Kristin spent the evening commiserating over their eternal singleness, then Kristin forced her to watch America’s Hottest First Responders, but her mind was on Connor. He was way bigger and sexier than any of those guys. The way he’d swept her into his arms so easily. Those huge, bulging muscles. Then the way he’d kissed her and touched her, making her body sing for the first time ever. Will this be it? Will this be the only erotic experience I’ll ever have in my life? she asked herself, and the thought churned and twisted inside her.

  Eventually, she passed out on the sofa and didn’t wake until the next morning, wrapped in a blanket and wondering where on earth she was.

  She was done with Connor, she decided as she stretched out her back, which was sore from having slept in an awkward position. Even if he turned up on the doorstep right now, begging her to give him a chance, she’d say no. She was done with all men, in fact. Not dating and staying celibate had kept her safe all those years, and nothing was worth the pain of having her heart broken again.


  Connor figured he should’ve slept well, knowing that the friction in the clan was tailing off and he didn’t have to worry about losing control of his desire for Lauren. But no, the nocturnal elves were busy, whispering their mischievous suggestions in his ears, making him toss and turn all night long. When he finally awoke with a sore head, it was to the sound of Ryzard calling to him through the busted window.

  He dragged himself out of bed and approached the window cautiously.

  “I came to tell you I’m leaving,” Ryzard said, barely able to meet his eyes.

  Connor frowned. “If you’re planning on taking some of the others with you—”

  “No, no. I’ve just realized I’m not ready for a clan. I’ve still got too much shit to sort out. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me, Connor. But my bear gets crazy sometimes, and I don’t want to let you down again.”

  Connor rubbed his face, trying to make himself more alert. “If that’s truly the way you feel, I don’t want to stand in your way. But what will you do?”

  “It is. I want the clan to value me, and I know I’ve stepped way over the mark recently. I’m gunna go on the road again. Drive trucks. Quit drinking. Come back when I’m right in the head.”

  “You can still be a part of the clan, Ryz. We’re still here for you if you need us.”

  “Thanks, bro. That means a lot.” Ryzard held his fist up and Connor bumped it. “So long.” He turned and walked away from the cabin until he disappeared from view.

  It was for the best, Connor knew that in his heart, but it didn’t make it any easier.

  “Things are tough enough right now without you having to watch Ryzard’s every move,” Logan said when Connor gave him the news. They were driving into Hope Valley together because Logan had had the bright idea of advertising their carpentry services to see if they could get some work.

  “I know. I still hate it, though.” He groaned. “Every one of us has got the potential to go off. None of our bears are exactly stable.”

  “We’ve just gotta find our mates. Take your lead, Con.”

  Connor let off a rumble of irritation. Logan wouldn’t get off his damn back about Lauren. He didn’t know his secret. Nobody did. His wolverine genes were his secret shame. And what was he going to do when everyone found their mates except for him? What right did he have to lead a clan when he couldn’t lead by example?


  “What?” He turned his head and saw that Logan was watching him with amusement.

  “I was asking you why you’ve got a face like a wasp bit your tongue when you’ve found your mate already.”

  “She’s not my mate,” he snapped, and his joints cracked and his skin burned as his bear pushed itself to the surface.

  Logan raised his hands. “Calm down, bro. If you don’t like her, just say so. But there’s no need to act so weird every time I mention her.”

  Connor ignored him, grumbling to himself and staring resolutely ahead until Logan took the hint.

  The two of them were attracting a lot of attention in downtown Hope Valley. They were used to getting looks from men because of their size, and females, just because… But folks kept looking at Connor like they knew him.

  “Someone forget to tell me my best bud’s a celebrity?” Logan commented.

  “Wait. I think I know what it is.” Connor looked around for a store selling newspapers. He went into Marty’s Quick Stop, grabbed a copy of the Hope Valley Echo and let out a shout. “Well, I guess I am now.”

  Logan snatched it from him. “Let me see that.”

  It was a three-page spread, and Lauren’s journalist friend had done a great job. She’d told the whole story, making the bears sound like heroes, and she’d included all the photos Connor had given Lauren of the land being transformed from a dump site into a set of beautifully made cabins, finishing up with an image of the real estate ad. She hadn’t named Lauren’s boss, but she’d included Connor’s physical description of him.

  “Good on you. Don’t let those corporations take advantage of you, young man!” a quavering voice called from behind them. They turned around and saw the voice was coming from a little old lady. “I’m sure glad that paper is standing up for you,” she continued.

  Connor grinned. “Thanks for your support, ma’am.”

  “Any time, young man. That land has been an eyesore for years. I think it’s amazing what you’ve done, creating homes for yourselves. The community will stand behind you, you know.” She squeezed Connor’s forearm and went on her way.

  “Nice work,” Logan said, nodding admiringly. “That Lauren’s sure in your corner.”

  In my corner. No one had ever been in his corner. From his dad and their bad blood, to being alone all those years, to finding his clan, but always having to take care of them. But Lauren had gone out of her way to help him, defying her boss in the process. She could’ve taken her boss’s side and assumed he was lying. But she hadn’t. She believed him over a human official. The thought made him feel like he had wings.

  Connor purchased the paper, and he and Logan continued walking down the main street. Heads kept turning in Connor’s direction, and he started to wish he owned a pair of sunglasses.

  “Damn, they’ll be asking for your autograph next,” Logan quipped.

  “I don’t know if I can deal with this much longer,” he muttered as two women in their mid-twenties waved at him like they were good friends of his. His bear was desperate to get away from all the scrutiny, to
go curl up in a cave until all the interest had died down.

  “It’s part of the process, bro. The more interest you can get, the better.”

  Connor let off a bad-tempered rumble. “I should have gotten them to take your photo instead. Or Ryder’s, since he likes posing for the camera so much.”

  Logan gave one of his deep, rumbling chuckles. Out of all the bears, Ryder was the only one who had approached creating his Shiftr profile with any enthusiasm, insisting that Logan take his photo again and again until he was happy with it.

  “I’m sure it’ll be worth it,” Logan said. Especially since you’re the only one who’s capable of identifying the butthead who’s trying to steal our homes.”

  “He’s right!” a familiar female voice said confidently from somewhere near Connor’s waist.

  “Shush!” another voice hissed. Connor looked down, and his heart flipped. Lauren and Kristin were sitting at a sidewalk café.

  “Lauren,” he said helplessly.

  Lauren’s face closed down. She looked like she wanted to go curl up in her own hermit cave. But aside from that, she looked cuter than ever, her dark eyes sparkling and her jaw-length hair a little tousled. “Connor,” she said in return.

  Kristin leapt to her feet, eyes glittering with excitement. “So, what do you think of the article?”

  “It’s perfect.” At a loss for words, Connor shook his head. “Thanks a lot. The guys and I are very grateful.”

  “We sure are,” Logan cut in, his deep brown eyes shining. Kristin turned to him, and he introduced himself, shaking her hand courteously. I’ve taught them all well, Connor thought. When he first met some of the clan members, they’d rarely spent time in their human forms. Now they were all capable of passing as human men when they needed to.

  “What happens next?” Logan asked.

  “There’s still a long way to go. It looks like people are supporting your cause though, which may be enough for the Parks central office to investigate. There’s been some talk about holding a protest. People really get involved here. So it’s hard to say what the next step is, but hang tight. This is just the beginning!”


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