Incidental Contact (Those Devilish De Marco Men)

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Incidental Contact (Those Devilish De Marco Men) Page 30

by Connor, Eden

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming out tonight. My name’s Gene Rolley. I do the work of the Lord and Ma Bell, because I wasn’t tall enough to play basketball.” Laughter rippled through the crowd. “I just want to take a moment to share some exciting news. The Camille De Marco Wheelchair Sports Training Complex expects to be taking registrations by late summer. I’ll be here all weekend, if anyone wants information on what we plan to offer, but right now, I just want to take a moment to thank Miss Amy Sizemore for making this exhibition happen.”

  While Amy waved, Eric spied Phillip, standing on the opposite side of the court.

  Gene continued. “I know y’all came to see some basketball, and we plan to show you a good time, but there’s something I need to get off my chest.”

  Eric darted a look at Amy. She lifted her shoulders and turned her attention back to Gene.

  “This training facility’s been a dream of mine, one that might never have happened without Eric De Marco’s generosity.” Gene’s wide smile disappeared. “Let me tell y’all something else. It hurts me, what happened to Cammie De Marco. Her death has hurt this entire community, and in some ways, finding out what happened to her tore this community apart. And I guess y’all know, the bad news doesn’t seem to be over in that regard. But tonight, I’ve got to tell you that her middle son, Eric, has honored her memory by standing tall for those who can’t. He asked less than I was willing to give to lease his facility, on the condition we name the camp after his beloved mother. I’ve heard a lot of people talkin’ in the last few months, about Cammie, and about hatred, but let me tell you something, none of that’s any substitute for doing something—anything—to make a difference in someone else’s life. What Eric’s done takes character, my friends. Falling into anger takes none. He took his anger and turned it into hope. I’m honored to have met this young man, and I know you’ll all join me in wishing Eric and Amy a long and happy marriage. And now, let me hush up and let y’all see what you came to see.”

  The crowd was silent as Gene trotted off the court.

  Then Eric heard one person clap. Dee got to her feet. The light glinted off the tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Jeb stood beside Dee and he clapped, too.

  And across the court, he heard the sound of another person clapping.

  He squinted to see through the net, staring in disbelief at Phil’s hands, banging together. The applause grew louder as others joined in.

  He clung to Amy’s hand, basked in the look in her eyes, and for the first time he could remember, he felt like more than a fuck-up.

  He bent to whisper in her ear. “Never let me hear you say again that you aren’t a good teacher. Now get your butt in there and don’t let those guys get away with a damn thing. And don’t take any mouth off Maze.”

  Amy made a T with her hands. “Oh, mouthing off at the ref? That’s a technical foul. I’ll tee him right up. No worries.” Eric raised the net for her with a grin. The guys in chairs rolled to the center of the court.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Feels like our family’s coming out of a long dormant cycle.” Dan gripped his hand when he climbed the bleachers to sit by his brothers. “That took guts, little brother. What if she’d said no?”

  Eric couldn’t seem to stop smiling. “Then I’d have kept asking till she said yes.”

  “Eric De Marco?” The unfamiliar voice was soft and feminine.

  Leaning forward to look past Dan’s bulky frame, he stared into a pair of gray eyes, recognizing the Latino girl from the mall office with a hard jolt of his heart. She gestured to the court. “I saw your girlfriend in the bathroom. I followed her here.” She smiled briefly. “Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” Eric had no idea what else to say to this woman.

  “The policía came to my home. He showed us a movie.”

  Eric traded looks with Dan and Colton.

  Lila and Alice had their heads together over the score book. Cynda had been drafted to run the clock. On the court, Amy blew her whistle. “Jump ball!” She tossed the basketball into the air. Chairs collided. He could barely hear over the noise. “Let’s go over by the door, where it’s quieter, okay?”

  The girl nodded. When they were grouped beside the glass, she fidgeted with her name tag. Eric read the name. Milagros. “My mother didn’t want to see this man ever again, you must understand. But when she heard another woman had decided to testify, she changed her mind.”

  “Why?” Dan demanded. “Who else will testify? About what?”

  The girl shook her head. “I’m telling this wrong. Let me start over. The film you found? My mother didn’t know of the ending. Livia Chapman’s words gave her hope.” She looked away from Dan, staring right at Eric. “But your act of respect gave her courage.”

  Did she mean the angel? “But.... How...? Were you there? I didn’t see you.” Eric’s chest was going to explode, his heart hammered so hard.

  The girl shook her head. “My mother was there. I had to work. The other woman has said she will testify, so my mother decided she would as well.”

  “What other woman?” Dan repeated.

  She looked from Dan to Eric with a puzzled air. “You asked her to bless the angel. You showed respect for our people, for our loss, and for her. Didn’t you know? She came to De Marco Farms with her brothers in 1984, to run the kitchen. She saw the bee man pick up a rock and kill your mother after he struck her and knocked her to the ground.”

  “Oh, my God.” Dan threw one beefy arm around him and the other around Colton.

  He’d dated a Milagros once. Her name meant ‘miracle’. “You’re our miracle, for sure. Just so you know, when my brother lets me go, I’m gonna hug you,” Eric warned.

  Dan swiped his eyes with his sleeve. “Hug? I’m gonna name my first child after you.”

  She smiled. “I hope for the child’s sake, it’s a girl.”

  “Won’t matter,” Dan vowed. “Milagros De Marco sounds good to me either way.”

  But it was Colton who broke free and threw his arms around the young woman. “Gracias. Muchisimas gracias,” his baby brother sobbed.

  Looking into her eyes, Eric wondered. Was she John Carpenter’s child? Either way, his heart ached for her. The enormity of what she and her mother faced on their behalf hit him like a punch to the gut.

  “Thank you, and thank your mother for us.” Eric wrapped his arms around her when Colton spun away. “I know this will be hard for her. For you both. If there’s anything we can do, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “I need to get back to work.” Milagros tucked her hair behind her ear.

  Dan grabbed her hands in his huge paws. “Thank you so much for letting us know.”

  After she walked away, Eric gazed out the window, trying to wrap his head around the whole day. The marchers still waved their signs and offered their pamphlets. Most people shook their heads and pushed past.

  He watched the stream of people coming through the door. They headed for the net. The growing crowd had picked their favorites. A shot bounced off the rim. Cheers and groans resounded in equal measures. Dani’s bright hair caught his attention. Beside her, he recognized Woodrow’s silver strands. Hazel threw her head back, laughing at something with Grams. People wearing jeans stood behind the portable goals, chatting with others in suits. Black kids and white ones stood together, pointing at the action on the floor. Amy jogged backwards, whistle clenched in her teeth. Her pink cheeks were visible, even though the net was a dark screen at this distance. He was so damn proud of her, so awed by her, he could burst.

  Eric moved toward the court. Someone tapped his shoulder. Turning, he stared into Jay Jarius’ green eyes. “Kevin was saying you think you could make a better chair for less money? If you need start-up capital, I’ll double that check amount. Just say the word. I’m really sorry, Eric, for what you lost because of me. If you’ll let me, I really would like to make it up to you.”

  He hadn’t crunched the numbe
rs, but he suspected the insurance money wasn’t quite enough for the idea he’d been contemplating since the night he’d broken Kevin’s chair. But if Jay wanted to throw money around... maybe everything happened for a reason. God knew, he’d seen what could happen when people clung to their prejudices. “I’d design ‘em. Make the prototypes. But I’d hire guys who use these chairs to build them. Teach them how to repair them.” He shrugged. “But I’d want to give them a piece of the business for every year they work.”

  “Whatever you want to do is fine by me.” Jay’s smile seemed sincere.

  Kevin slammed his chair into another player. Both chairs went over and bodies hit the floor. The ball careened toward the screen. Amy’s cheeks expanded. The shrill whistle made his ears ring.

  “Personal foul! Number eleven on the red team.” She held up both index fingers and waggled them up and down.

  Kevin held up a different finger before pushing off the floor. “C’mon, ref. That was incidental contact.”

  Sure it was. About as incidental as his contact with Amy. Eric started laughing. He had all weekend to talk to Jay. Not to mention, a lot of work lay between now and the time he’d be free to start a business.

  Gene jumped to his feet, waving an air pump and motioning for him. “We’ll talk later, okay? This crowd does love a doughnut after a ball game. You should come with us.” Grabbing his toolbox from under the bleachers, Eric raised the safety net.

  Amy held the basketball, firing it toward the player lined up at the top of the painted area. “One and one!”

  Turning, she smiled and blew him a kiss.


  Watching Amy walk toward him, Eric’s chest felt as though it would never stop expanding. The yellow roses in her hands trembled, but her smile was steadfast and her steps steady.

  The minister had a fair resemblance to Elvis. He opened the Bible to the passage Eric had selected. He’d been delighted when Amy wanted the same one. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”

  He couldn’t help but say the next words aloud. Her gorgeous lips moved, too. “Love never fails.”

  Amy put her hand in his, and Eric felt the truth of those words resonate in his bones.

  The End

  Praise for other books in the series:

  Soft Sounds of Pleasure (Those Devilish De Marco Men, Book 1)

  This is the story of Colton DeMarco and Lila Walker. I honestly must say - I LOVED this book. I read it until my iPad died and couldn't wait for it to charge to finish it. The story has several twists and turns that kept this book fast paced and interesting. I honestly, couldn't put the book down. I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves a good old fashioned love story with a true to life happily ever after. I was given a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review, but I would absolutely buy this author's work again and again.

  Reviewed by Mustang Sally

  I couldn't put this down! Ms Connor brings a fictional family of hot blooded men to life, and makes them as real as the people we know, or wish we knew.... in the story of the De Marco men, and the women who love them, providing us an illicit peek inside their bedroom walls..... their patio, backyard, or the banks of a pond....where ever the urge hits!

  This is Colton's story, and was my first glimpse of the De Marco family. From the sad, yet sassy Lila Walker, to the troubled Jonah, they become more than friends, and you'll care what happens to them next, wonder what happened to them before, and anxiously await the next brother's story.... I can't wait for more of the De Marco men (and women)!

  Amazon review, edition 1, by Phae

  Ms. Connor hits this one out of the park. I can't wait for the other two books in this series. If you are caught up on your favorite author and are looking for a new favorite I highly recommend Eden Connor. She has earned a spot on my "A"list.

  This book had me laughing, crying, dreaming, and a lot of other emotions we won't mention. The characters are real they just come to life o the pages. Really looking forward to many more books by Eden Connor in the future.

  Tina L. Moore, Amazon review, Edition 1

  This is one of the better older woman/younger man romances I've read, and it really started off with a HOT scene. So very hot. I was reading this in an out-patient waiting room and began to wonder if anyone could tell just how strongly this story was affecting me. It had my attention from page one. I was impressed at how well-written and how erotic that opening scene was. The pent up passion on the hero's part, the sizzle of all that attraction, the longing and need on the heroine's part, and all that with some awesome and naughty outdoor sex, it was entirely hot, and the author kept that heat throughout the story. As I was reading, I'm like, who is this author and what other books does she have?

  S. Richards, Amazon review, edition 1

  My 4.5 review from

  I knew from the synopsis this would be an emotional read, but this book absolutely blew me away with its depth. From the May-December romance where the hero has held a torch since he was 19 years old, to the widow who was completely devoted to her paraplegic husband, to a teenage orphan with an attitude, and family and friends who all have opinions make Soft Sounds of Pleasure one of the most poignant yet extremely sexy books I've ever read.

  Slick Reads, Guilty

  Wildly Inappropriate (Those Devilish De Marco Men, Book 2)

  Yes, at the heart of the story, this is a romance with kink, and the action around the couple has moments of laughter, pain and outrage as they deal with the difficulties of being in a relationship that is still taboo in much of the south - despite forward progress. All of these events and feelings are beautifully detailed and described by the author, creating a completely different impression of the book for me when complete than from the first chapters.

  Reviewed for The Jeep Diva, by Gaele

  I just love when a book that I didn't really expect anything from grabs me and doesn't let go!! WOW...Wildly Inappropriate was so much more than I expected and I loved every second of it!!

  I am definitely a HUGE fan of Eden Connor after reading this. I loved how she made this story come alive through her fantastic writing. Just so damn good!! Once I started reading, I was so involved in the story that I didn't put it down until I was finished. Can't wait to return to these characters in the next book!!

  Reviewed by Marianne for Belle’s Book Bag

  I freaking loved this book , I was totally shocked at the beginning but I could not stop reading this book was sexy with an edge has plenty of shock factor but is downright brilliant, lots of swoon worthy moments and a lot of laughs thrown in I can't wait to read the next one bring it on 5 huge stars well done eden great book

  Review by traystracy on Amazon

  My 4.5 star review from Guilty Pleasures book reviews dot com:

  I always enjoy a great romance but when one has elements of real life in it as well as some way interesting BDSM play, I don't just enjoy it...I savor it. Wildly Inappropriate is the second book in Eden Connor's Those Devilish DeMarco Men and it is just as delicious as the first one. This book tackles the challenges of an interracial romance, bigotry, and an unsolved mystery dating back several decades. It's exciting, heart breaking and maddening. It's also wonderful, heartwarming, and extremely sexy.

  Slick Reads for GuiltyPleasures

  reviews on this story went to love or hate. I loved it. How fresh is a submissive overwhelmed by circumstances black woman in a racist south town being in love and loved by a throw back dominating white man. Okay the first couple of chapters had me going WTF. But a disappearing mom, a thoughtful discussion on dominance and on racism major kudos. By the way grow up anal sex is not new. Well written good read.

; bibliofan, review on

  The adventures of the growing De Marco family aren’t over. Coming soon:

  An Intentional Walk

  Unedited excerpt from Those Devilish De Marc Men, Book 4

  Release date TBA. Excerpt subject to deletion.

  Follow the series @EdenConnor on Twitter, or at the author’s blog:

  “The closing’s set for the end of the week.”

  Jay Jarius nodded, idiotically, since the person on the other end of the phone couldn’t see him. “The police have released the crime scene?” Last time he’d seen the property, the police had been combing it for more bodies buried by the seller, a KKK member who’d confessed to the rape and murder of seven Mexican women, in addition to causing the accidental death of Dan, Eric, and Colton De Marco’s mother. He’d tear down the house and build something new. He planned to leave barn intact, and the memorial, the large wooden angel installed by Eric De Marco, in honor of the murdered women.

  He had a damn good reason to buy a property that had been the recipient of so much negative publicity.

  “Absolutely. Carpenter’s attorney is anxious to close. I doubt his fees have been paid.”

  It stung to put money in that prick’s hand, but he supposed everyone was due the right to the best representation money could buy. He’d buy that land from the devil himself, because if he was right, he had a lot of lost time to make up for. Not to mention, some making up to do to his brother, Kevin.

  A day later, the sun was setting when he turned off the county highway onto the narrow paved road running past the farm. The dingy white farmhouse sat window-deep in tall grass, but grass that was neatly trimmed surrounded the barn. The wooden angel at the far edge of the property was lit with spotlights. A couple of old trucks were parked in the grass nearby.


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