Financial Discipline

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Financial Discipline Page 8

by Carole Archer

  Kissing Scott and Sara goodbye and thanking them again for a great time, Lindsay reluctantly headed to George’s. She was still very turned on when she arrived and wished that George was going to shove his hard cock up her bottom and ride her roughly instead of caning her until she cried.

  Lindsay knocked on George’s door and he answered quickly, leading her into the living room where the chair was still in the same position, the cane hanging menacingly from it.

  “Do you want coffee first or do you want to get this over with?”

  Lindsay desperately wanted to sit and have a coffee with George, but she wanted her punishment out of the way first. “Can we have coffee afterwards Sir?”

  George nodded and guided her to the sofa. As he sat down Lindsay lowered her trousers and panties and stepped out of them, bending herself across George’s lap. George patted her bottom gently.

  “Lindsay, who’s spanked you?”

  Lindsay panicked.

  “You’ve got hand marks here which are still warm that indicate you’ve very recently been spanked.”

  “My friend Sara did it,” Lindsay blurted out. “I told her I was going to be punished and I was nervous. She offered to warm me up.”

  George helped Lindsay to her feet and left the room. He returned with a leather strap and her eyes widened. Sitting down, he tugged her across his lap and a second later the strap cracked down across her thighs. Lindsay howled but was shocked when her pussy tingled with pleasure. He brought the strap down again and she squirmed uncomfortably, hoping she could hide her mounting pleasure from him.

  As George strapped her bottom and thighs hard, Lindsay moaned in pleasure and pain. When he stood her up, she glanced at his trousers and saw a wet patch where she’d been rubbing her pussy against him. She blushed as she bent across the back of the chair.

  George tapped the cane across her bottom before unleashing 12 hard strokes very quickly. Lindsay was squirming and crying out, but her pussy was defying her and growing wetter with each sharp stroke of the cane.

  “Hold tight. Two strokes to go.”

  Lindsay gripped the chair tightly, stretching as far forward as she possibly could. She spread her legs and pushed her bottom up, offering a perfect target for George’s cane. George cracked the cane down diagonally across Lindsay’s buttocks and she yelled loudly, raising her bottom for the final kiss of the cane. George walked to her other side and laid the cane diagonally, whipping it down to form an “X” across her bottom. Lindsay howled in pain, her body bucking against the chair as an orgasm flooded through her.

  “Oh my God,” she exclaimed, in a mixture of pain, embarrassment, confusion and relief.

  George rubbed her back gently and helped her to her feet. “Don’t worry Lindsay. You’re not the first young lady to have an orgasm while being punished hard.” Lindsay’s cheeks flushed and she looked down to the floor.

  George gave her some privacy while he went to make coffee. They sat for a while in silence and when Lindsay eventually put her empty cup on the table, George took her by the hand and guided her across his lap. He stroked her sore bottom gently before giving her a firm spanking. Lindsay pressed her legs tightly together, but as his spanking continued she spread her legs and raised her hips.

  “Please touch me.” George smacked her inner thighs hard as she thrust her bottom out.

  “You’re being punished. You’ll regret those words tomorrow when you’re no longer feeling like a wild animal on heat.”

  Lindsay rubbed herself up against his leg and earned a sharp smack on each thigh. She’d have no regrets in the morning. She knew that for certain.

  With a final hard smack, George pulled her to her feet. “Go home, masturbate if you must, but do not forget the reasons for your hard caning. I’m sure tomorrow you’ll remember only too well how unpleasant it was.”

  Lindsay blushed and dressed slowly, blinking back tears. George led her out to her car and when she kissed him on the mouth he smiled, hugging her gently. “Go home. Go to bed.”

  Lindsay drove home quickly, rushed to her room, masturbated several times and fell asleep exhausted. She dreamed of George spanking her bottom and bringing her to orgasm with his fingers. She imagined him kneeling between her spread thighs and licking her clit until she screamed in pleasure. She then saw herself bending over the chair as he brought down the cane one final time, but instead of helping her up he thrust his hard cock into her bottom hole.

  Lindsay woke suddenly and found she was alone. She was disappointed George’s hard cock wasn’t stretching her bottom hole uncomfortably. She was further saddened that the only stinging in her bottom was from a very severe caning that caused pain when she moved. Lindsay lay in bed and sobbed. She vowed she’d be the perfect client for George from now on and hoped that eventually he might have feelings for her too.

  Chapter Seven

  LINDSAY arrived at work early the next day and felt a little uncomfortable at the prospect of facing Sara. She’d had a great time the previous evening, but now she felt slightly ashamed. She also couldn’t believe that someone in the office had spanked Sara and she wondered if it might be Peter. It would make sense as he’d threatened to spank Lindsay on more than one occasion, but she didn’t think he would really dare to carry his threats out. Now she wasn’t so sure.

  Lindsay deliberately avoided Sara until her boss asked her to go to his office. As Lindsay approached Sara’s desk, she kept her head down and walked past her. Feeling guilty, she looked back and smiled at Sara before knocking on the door and walking into Peter’s room.

  Lindsay walked to his desk, cautiously lowering her bottom into the seat opposite him. She tried not to wince as she was once again reminded of the painful caning she’d received.

  “Lindsay, how angry was George when he agreed to cover part of your payment?”

  Lindsay looked at Peter and her eyes were swimming with tears. She shook her head and brushed away the tears that rolled down her cheeks. “He was absolutely furious. He left me in no doubt that this would be the first and last time he helped me in this way. Any further missed payments will mean automatic dismissal.”

  Lindsay swallowed back a sob. “I really do need his help. I realize that now.”

  Peter got up and walked over to Lindsay. He crouched down beside her and stroked her hand gently. “Calm down Lindsay. Good girl. I know how much you need George’s help. I’m sorry I put you in a position where you felt you had to choose between your job and the financial help you so desperately need. I really thought there was the potential for a great story. I realize I was wrong.”

  Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief.

  Peter squeezed her hand gently. “I’ve come to a decision.” He stood up and reached into his back pocket. Lindsay watched him take his wallet out and she frowned in confusion as he took some money out.

  “I want you to phone George and tell him you have the £50 you owe him.” Lindsay opened her mouth to object but Peter raised a hand to silence her.

  Peter held the money out to her. “Here, put this in your purse and take it to George after work. I’m sure you’ll think of some plausible explanation as to where you got the money. As I’ve decided not to pursue a story, you could always tell him the truth.”

  Lindsay smiled brightly. “You’re really not going to push me to expose George as a fraud or a pervert? I can continue to see him for help with my debt?”

  Peter nodded. “Yes, that’s right. I can see he’s helping you and as he’s never spanked you, despite serious provocation, I very much doubt he’s spanked any of his clients. I know you wouldn’t lie to me, so as far as I can see there’s no story.”

  Lindsay felt a twinge of guilt and looked away, as Peter continued. “Maybe when your debts are clear you can write a story about the excellent service that George provides.”

  Lindsay eagerly agreed. She still felt guilty, but at least she didn’t need to keep lying to her boss. She gratefully accepted the money from Peter and put it in h
er purse. She would give it to George, but she needed to come up with a believable story of where the money came from.

  “Thank you. I really do appreciate this and I promise I’ll work so hard to stick to my budget in the future, and I will pay you this money back when I can.”

  Peter shook his head. “Look upon it as a bonus. You definitely deserve it.”

  He smiled and called Sara, asking her to bring them a tray of coffee. As they drank coffee, Peter showed a real interest in Lindsay’s debt management plan and they chatted at length about it and how she was coping with her budget. When Lindsay finally stood up to leave, Peter hugged her affectionately. Lindsay wondered if this kind and caring man had really turned Sara across his knee and spanked her bottom hard with a hairbrush.

  Putting his arm around Lindsay, he led her out of his office and stopped in front of Sara’s desk. Lindsay looked down at the floor, wishing he would let her go.

  “Sara, would you take an early lunch break please?”

  Sara nodded as Peter opened his wallet and handed her £20. “Take Lindsay with you, go and have something to eat.”

  Lindsay smiled and thanked Peter but felt very uncomfortable. She glanced at Sara who smiled brightly and seemed totally unfazed. “Thank you Peter, that’s very kind.” Linking her arm through Lindsay’s, she added. “Quick, let’s go before he changes his mind.”

  They walked in silence to the pub as Lindsay relived her painful punishments of the last 24 hours and the unbelievable pleasure she’d experienced in Sara and Scott’s bed. As they arrived at the pub, Sara ordered while Lindsay found them a booth in the far corner of the bar.

  As she eased herself carefully into the seat, she was overcome with emotion and covered her face with her hands as she started to sob. Sara arrived with their drinks and squeezed into the seat beside Lindsay, putting her arms around her.

  “Lindsay, I hope this isn’t because of what we did last night. I thought you might have second thoughts. We don’t have to do it again. I won’t let one mistake ruin our friendship. You’re too important to me.”

  Lindsay looked at Sara and forced a weak smile. “I do feel a little awkward. I’m shocked at my behavior.”

  Sara nodded sympathetically and squeezed her hand.

  Lindsay relaxed. “I really enjoyed it. I’d love to do it again.” Blushing, she continued: “I just felt a little awkward this morning.”

  Sara laughed, gave Lindsay a hug and shifted out of the seat, moving to sit opposite her.

  “George caned me hard and I had an orgasm,” Lindsay blurted out.

  Sara smiled. “That happens. I’m sure he’ll understand.”

  Lindsay nodded. “He was very understanding, but refused to bring me to another orgasm with his fingers, despite me literally begging. I don’t think I can ever face him again.” She blushed at the recollection of her behavior.

  Sara reassured her. “You were reluctant to face me but we’re fine. When you see George next week he’ll have forgotten all about it.”

  Lindsay sighed and wished more than anything that George wouldn’t forget and would touch her. “Peter’s just given me £50 to give to George, so I’ll be going to see him tonight. Peter said it’s a bonus, but I’ve done nothing to deserve one.”

  Sara grinned. “Don’t knock it, just accept it. So what are you spending the money on? We know George has already covered that payment so won’t expect the money from you.”

  Lindsay scowled. “I will be giving it to George. I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I won’t risk being spanked again.”

  Lindsay watched Sara closely and wondered if she was going to mention the fact that Peter, or maybe someone else at work, had spanked her.

  “What?” asked Sara, as her eyes met Lindsay’s inquisitive gaze.

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean ‘what’? You tell me you’re a swinger. You take me to your bed. Your husband makes love to me and spanks me… oh and as you show me out of the house Scott tells you that you’re going to be punished as someone at work has taken a hairbrush to your bottom. And you ask me ‘what’.”

  Sara grinned. “Ah, that. I wondered if you might mention it.”

  Sara blushed and fiddled with her drink. “It isn’t what you think.”

  “Well, I think that Peter is spanking you and I think it’s absolutely disgraceful. He threatened to spank me a while ago and had he dared to do that I would have gone to HR and reported him. I can’t believe you’re letting him get away with it. I hope you’re going to tell me I’m wrong in my assumptions, but I don’t think you are.”

  Sara shook her head. “No, you’re not wrong. At least you’re not wrong that Peter does spank me and he did take a hairbrush to my bottom yesterday. You might remember that I jumped to your defense and was quite rude to Peter and he told me to go to his office at the end of the day?”

  Lindsay gasped. She couldn’t believe that in defending her friend, Sara had earned herself a spanking. Lindsay also couldn’t believe that Scott would spank her again rather than go and see Peter and demand to know why he had spanked his wife.

  Sara sighed. “Lindsay, I’m going to tell you something and I hope you don’t think badly of me afterwards.”

  Lindsay nodded. She couldn’t imagine that anything Sara said would change her opinion of her friend. She’d certainly coped with recent revelations from Sara, and couldn’t really imagine anything more shocking that she could tell her.

  Sara cleared her throat before looking at Lindsay. Taking a deep breath she began her story. “Lindsay, I first came to work for Peter 16 years ago, when I was only 20 years old. I came to my interview with fake references and a fake CV, but I managed to secure the job on a trial basis.”

  Lindsay frowned. Surely Sara had legitimate references she could have used. She was excellent at her job and Lindsay would challenge anyone who said otherwise. Likewise, she was sure Peter would do the same.

  Sara continued. “I once had credit card debt of my own, which is why I can understand what you’re going through. I never had anywhere near the level of debt you have, but it was bad enough. I was struggling to meet my repayments. At the time I was working as assistant to the secretary at a firm of accountants. She was out on her lunch break one day and I had access to the petty cash box. I stole the contents and went to the bank to pay my overdue credit card bill. On my return to work, I was challenged about stealing the money and immediately admitted my guilt. I lost my job on the spot and ended up with a police record. I was desperate to get another job, I knew my secretarial skills were excellent, so I faked my CV and references and after a few unsuccessful interviews, I got a job with Peter.”

  Lindsay reached across and squeezed Sara’s hand. “How did Peter find out the truth?”

  Sara smiled. “I was doing so well, he was really pleased with my work, but one night he asked me to work late with him. After everyone else had left, he called me into his office and said he needed a word with me. He told me he was absolutely furious and had a good mind to call the police. He said he’d checked out my references and found them to be false and after doing a bit of further research he discovered my criminal record.”

  Sara put her face in her hands and started to sob.

  “Sara, you don’t have to tell me anymore. I don’t care what you’ve done in the past. You’re my friend and I love you. As you’re still working for Peter, he obviously forgave you.”

  Sara nodded. “I want to tell you the whole story. You might then understand why I allow Peter to punish me.”

  Lindsay smiled and waited for her friend to continue. She knew how good it felt to confess to something that was bothering you.

  Sara swallowed nervously. “Peter obviously asked me to clear my desk and leave. I begged and pleaded with him to give me another chance, telling him about my debt and how I was slowly chipping away at it but I couldn’t do that if I lost my job. I told him I was so sorry that I’d stolen from the accountants, but I couldn’t see any
other way out. I said I’d lose everything if he sacked me. I told him my parents had emigrated and I had declined to go with them, telling them I could manage on my own. I broke down in tears as I told him I’d proved them to be right, that I couldn’t manage, and my life may as well be over.”

  Sara’s voice cracked with emotion and she took a moment to calm down. “Peter sat down and held me in his arms, promising he wouldn’t sack me, telling me I’d done a good job and he was very happy with my work. He said he’d entrusted me with petty cash and as far as he could see I’d never stolen a penny and was very meticulous in my filing of receipts. I told him this was because I wanted to prove I wasn’t a thief if ever I was challenged. I swore to him that I would never do something so stupid again.”

  Sara stopped for a moment to dry her tears. “Peter said he was willing to extend my trial period, but there would have to be conditions. He said he wanted to ensure I had learned my lesson and would never do anything so foolish again. He said it was his intention to spank my bare bottom. I was furious and got up to leave, but he asked me where I would go and how I would get another job. He was right, so I begged him to give me another chance. He again said that he wanted to turn me across his knee and spank me, and if I wanted to continue working for him this was my only option.”

  Sara sighed as she recalled the emotional turmoil she went through as she made that painful decision to allow him to punish her. “Eventually I tearfully accepted my fate and he took me across his knee there and then, bared my bottom and spanked me hard. I was sobbing my heart out, but as he held me in his arms afterwards and told me I was forgiven, I felt so much calmer. From that day, Peter spanked me whenever he was displeased with me and I accepted it as he’d given me a second chance when he was well within his rights to sack me. I love working for Peter so would never consider leaving, but obviously if I did I might have trouble if anyone ever looked into my work background before I came here so it’s safer to stay where I am.”


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