Financial Discipline

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Financial Discipline Page 10

by Carole Archer

  Lindsay shook her head. “I’m really sorry I did that Sir. I deserved to be punished. And yes Sir, I have finished.”

  George nodded. “Good girl. I’d like you to stand up and read it out loud to me. Let’s see what you have to say for yourself.”

  Lindsay looked at him and felt color staining her cheeks. She hated having to stand up and speak in any situation, but standing up with no panties on and a reddened bottom, while reading out her essay, was going to be very humiliating. She sighed as she got to her feet. She guessed a bit of embarrassment might make her take her debt management plan more seriously. She couldn’t blame George for finding it necessary to humiliate her in such a way. She bitterly regretted throwing the pen at him in her childish tantrum.

  Lindsay swallowed nervously as she picked up her paper. She chewed her lip anxiously, cleared her throat and glanced towards George. “Sir, I’ve started off by writing a list of what I have to show for my debt, but then it sort of turns into an essay.”

  George nodded and smiled. “That’s fine Lindsay. Just read out whatever you’ve written please. As long as you’ve thought carefully about what I’ve asked you to do and written something down, I’ll be happy.”

  Lindsay took a deep breath and looked down at the sheet of paper, which shook slightly in her trembling hands. “Sir, I realize now I have very little to show in terms of material things. I have a few bits and pieces in my kitchen, mainly inexpensive utensils. I have a wardrobe full of clothes and shoes, many of which I’ve never worn. I have expensive make-up and toiletries, again a lot of which I’ve never used. I’m ashamed to say my only large purchase has been my PC. All my other furniture is hand-me-downs. Most of my debt has been as a result of too many holidays, weekends away and nights out that I couldn’t afford.”

  She glanced up at George, who smiled encouragingly. “Carry on. You’re doing very well.”

  Glancing back at her sheet, she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. She didn’t want to read the next bit. She was still very embarrassed to acknowledge out loud that he spanked her bare bottom when she made him angry. She glanced back at George and saw he was waiting expectantly for her to continue. Fearing another spanking, she gripped the paper and continued to read.

  “Since George has helped me take control of my finances, I am struggling to adapt to the changes in my life. I’ve grown so used to simply spending without a thought for the consequences. I know George is teaching me the right way to do things, but I still rebel against him at times. I deserve the many spankings George gives me, and although these are incredibly painful and humiliating I know I deserve each and every smack and I hope that in time I will learn from my many mistakes. It is very difficult to be bare bottomed in the company of a man who is not my boyfriend…”

  Lindsay blushed and shuffled from foot to foot. She wished that George was her partner and was seeing her bare bottomed for reasons other than spanking her. Swallowing hard she continued. “It is very difficult to be bare bottomed in the company of a man who is not my boyfriend, and incredibly humiliating to be taken across his knee like a little child and spanked hard. My reaction to these spankings is very embarrassing too and I would prefer for George to see me as the grown woman that I am rather than as a naughty child who needs to be regularly spanked on her bare bottom to teach her right from wrong.

  “I cry like a baby when I’m spanked as it hurts so much. I hate losing control and wish that George didn’t need to spank me, but I understand why he does it. I feel I will learn from my spankings and they will eventually become less frequent.”

  Lindsay paused but didn’t dare look at George. Her cheeks were crimson with embarrassment and she didn’t think she’d ever felt so humiliated, not even when he was baring her bottom and taking her across his knee for a spanking. “The pain during my spankings is intense and I’d do anything to make it stop, but the burning and itching feeling I’m left with afterwards is almost as bad. It’s extremely painful and I find it hard to get comfortable. I’m left with an almost constant reminder, for hours or sometimes days, of how I was punished in such a humiliating manner.

  “I long for the days when I no longer have to be scolded and punished like a naughty little girl. I long for the days when I can sit comfortably and not squirm around. It would be nice not to lie on my bed face down, sobbing miserably as I rub my stinging bottom, before going to sleep at night.”

  Lindsay wiped away a tear. She wondered if it was possible to die of embarrassment. If so, she was certain God would strike her down at any moment.

  Taking a deep breath, she quickly moved to her final paragraph. At least the embarrassing bit was over with. “I realize that if I didn’t have such a high level of debt, I would be able to afford a reasonable social life and could also furnish my flat in the style I would like rather than taking in the second-hand offerings of well-meaning friends and relatives. I could have something that I could call my own, that I would actually like and be proud to possess…”

  Lindsay’s voice broke and she started to sob as her sentence trailed off. The realization that her life could be so much better if only she’d make a few sacrifices in the short-term had her sobbing and shaking. She lifted her page and tried to focus on her writing through her tears. George was immediately at her side, taking the sheet of paper from her trembling hands and putting it on the desk before taking Lindsay in his arms. He held her as she sobbed and when she was calm he guided her to the sofa and sat her down before making coffee.

  Lindsay dried her eyes but felt foolish for making such a fuss. When George handed her a cup of coffee, she apologized for getting so emotional, but he shook his head. “You have nothing to apologies for. I was really impressed with what you’d written. You’d really applied yourself to the task and put a lot of thought into it. You did a lot more than I expected. I’m very pleased. We just have one more thing to deal with before you go to work.”

  George took Lindsay’s hand and pulled her across his lap. She struggled slightly but not enough to prevent him putting her exactly where he wanted her, bare bottom uppermost across his lap. “Sir, I thought you said you were pleased with me. Why are you spanking me again?”

  “Lindsay, I know you were punished harshly for the £50 bank charges you accrued, and I know you’ve since made further amends by returning clothing you’d bought and giving me the refund you received, but I really need to impress upon you how angry I’ll be if you incur bank charges again, overspend or miss a debt management payment. I don’t feel that one punishment covers the £50 I paid to cover your installment. You must know that this can never happen again and I intend to make sitting very uncomfortable for you until I feel you’ve learned that lesson.”

  Lindsay squirmed uncomfortably. She didn’t relish the thought of being spanked again.

  George patted her bottom as he tightened his grip around her waist. “In the future, if you don’t stick to your budget or you decide to adopt a lackadaisical attitude to your finances, try imagining yourself in this position and the consequences when I find out what you’ve done. If you make the right decision, there’ll be no spanking. If you make the wrong decision, the consequences will be very painful. I will take a hairbrush to your bottom and I won’t stop cracking it down on your bare bottom and thighs until I’m certain that sitting will be very uncomfortable for you for several days.”

  Lindsay tensed her buttocks and was relieved when his hand remained on her bottom and he made no move to get the hairbrush.

  “You've stuck to your budget this week so there’s no need for a harsh punishment. Today a simple hand spanking will suffice. Each time you visit, from now until the time when I receive your next Direct Debit payment, you’ll receive a hand spanking. If you’ve overspent, you’ll feel the back of my hairbrush on your bare bottom and it won’t be pleasant. I want you to do well Lindsay and I’ll do whatever is necessary to help you adapt to the lifestyle changes that are needed.”

  Lindsay reached back and smiled as George t
ook hold of her hand and held it against her back. She felt some comfort as he squeezed her hand reassuringly while he spanked her bottom cheeks firmly. She squirmed slightly, but her spanking was relatively short and the least painful she’d ever received from him. It still hurt and her eyes filled with tears as she tried to imagine the hairbrush spanking that overspending would result in. She vowed to herself that wouldn’t happen.

  She realized that more than anything she wanted to make George proud of her. She desperately wanted him to realize she had feelings for him and she felt if he stopped spanking her bottom like a naughty child, maybe he would look more closely at her as a woman.

  As he helped her up, she hugged him tightly before getting dressed. Smiling, she made him a promise. “Sir, I am going to make you proud. It’ll be hard at times, I have no doubt about that, but I am going to learn how to live within the confines of my budget. You won’t need to spank me again. I’m going to be good.”

  George returned her smile and stood facing her, reaching around to pat her bottom affectionately. “Lindsay, even if you’re exceptionally good the next couple of weeks, you will receive a bare bottom spanking. If you disappoint me your spanking will be with my hairbrush. As long as I receive your next payment, spankings will cease, unless of course you decide to misbehave. Your fate is entirely in your own hands.”

  Lindsay scowled. She’d hoped he hadn’t meant it when he said she’d receive a hand spanking at the end of her next two appointments. Looking up at him, she sighed as she realized he wasn’t a man who made empty threats.

  As he put his arm around her and led her out to her car, she smiled and kissed his cheek. “I bet you anything I will make you proud Sir.”

  George’s hand landed firmly on Lindsay’s bottom and she gasped and glared at him, quickly looking around to make sure there was no-one else in the street. She was relieved to find the street deserted. “You can’t afford to be making bets with me Lindsay.”

  Lindsay frowned as she got into her car, rubbing her bottom where his stinging slap had just landed. She’d show him and then he’d have no other option but to see her as a desirable woman. At least that was her plan!

  Chapter Nine

  LINDSAY kept her next two appointments with George and he expressed delight that she was doing so well with her budgeting, but as promised he finished each with a firm spanking to her bare bottom. She blushed as he took her across his knee, raised her dress and lowered her panties, but she was grateful her behavior didn’t warrant the use of the dreaded hairbrush.

  She felt very pleased that she was doing so well, but was surprised that she felt neglected. The spankings he gave her were embarrassing and stung, but the pain was quickly forgotten and she found herself longing to be spanked harder and for longer. As these gentler spankings didn't bring her to tears, she missed the comforting hugs and kind words that followed a painful spanking. She was torn between letting herself and George down by doing something stupid to earn a punishment, and carrying on as she was and earning his praise and the sense of achievement that following her budget gave her.

  After the second of these meetings, George led her from the house to her car but even that didn’t bring the pleasure it had previously. Despite her doing so well, she felt miserable. She couldn’t stop thinking about George and her waking hours were disturbed with thoughts of him turning her across his knee and paddling her bottom until she was sobbing. She was confused.

  George kissed her on the cheek as she lowered herself into her car. “I’m so proud of you Lindsay. I hope you’re proud of yourself.” She nodded and forced a smile.

  “I know you don’t like being spanked. I know you resent the fact that although you’ve been good I’ve continued to bare your bottom and spank you.” Lindsay closed her eyes. He wouldn’t understand if she told him how wrong he was.

  “Your payment is due in a couple of days. When I see you next week, as long as I’ve received your payment and you haven’t misbehaved, there’ll be no need for me to bare your bottom and put you in such an undignified position. You’ll be able to drive to work in comfort.”

  Lindsay squirmed in her seat. Her bottom was slightly sore but she desperately wanted it to sting so she was in absolutely no doubt that she’d been punished hard on her bare bottom by someone who cared enough about her to deal with her behavior. She should be happy but she’d never felt so miserable in her life. As she looked at George she wished he would take her across his knee and spank her bare bottom until she was sobbing then take her to his bed and make love to her. Before she made a fool of herself, she said goodbye and drove to work.

  When Lindsay arrived at work, she was feeling even more miserable. She found Sara at her desk and asked if she was free to meet for lunch. Sara eagerly nodded. “Is everything OK?”

  Lindsay looked at her friend and her eyes filled with tears. Before she had chance to say anything, Peter strode out of his office and put his arm around Lindsay. “Just the young lady I wanted to see. I won’t keep you long,” Peter said as he guided a hesitant Lindsay into his office.

  Once inside, Peter closed the door. “Take a seat Lindsay. I’ve been meaning to catch up with you. How’s your debt management plan going?”

  Lindsay pouted as she sat down. Peter hadn’t chosen a good time to interrogate her. “It’s going OK, I suppose.”

  Peter frowned. “It’s hopefully going better than OK, young lady, or I’ll take you across my knee and tan your backside.”

  Lindsay blushed. She still couldn’t believe that Peter spanked Sara and she had no doubt he would carry out his threat to spank her too if she didn’t change her attitude.

  Peter spoke to her sternly. “I’m pleased you’ve continued to meet with George and I’m pleased his methods are working, but it’s a real shame that he isn’t spanking you because you certainly need it.”

  Lindsay’s cheeks reddened and she started to sob. If only Peter knew how many times George had turned her across his knee and reddened her bottom.

  Peter used the intercom on his desk and asked Sara to bring them some coffee and Lindsay got to her feet and accepted a tissue from him to dry her eyes. She paced around his room, not daring to look at him, before she finally sat in the seat opposite him. He looked very concerned.

  “I’m sorry. I am doing really well with my budget. George is very proud of me. I guess I’m just finding it a little hard at times. I shouldn’t have taken my mood out on you.”

  Peter nodded. “Apology accepted Lindsay.”

  The door opened and Sara came in with a tray of coffee. Peter smiled and thanked her. “I think Lindsay might want something a little stronger than coffee.”

  Sara nodded. “We’re going to the pub at lunch time.”

  Sara left the room and Lindsay helped herself to a coffee, grateful for something to do with her hands. She felt really awkward. She was desperately unhappy but she could hardly tell her boss that she was longing for George to give her a sound spanking.

  “Lindsay, please talk to me.” Lindsay was startled as she looked towards Peter. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

  “I’m becoming exasperated with your attitude. I just don’t know what to do with you.”

  Lindsay looked at him and smiled. He would never understand even if she told him what she most needed right now.

  “Is there anything I can do Lindsay? I hate to see you so unhappy.”

  Lindsay played with the cup in her hands. She could hardly tell Peter that she was falling in love with George and was feeling neglected because he wasn’t spanking her as hard or as often as she’d like. She couldn’t confide in him that George’s cock often hardened under her while he was spanking her and she longed for him to bend her over and take her from behind. Instead she looked up at him and smiled. “I’m sorry Sir. It’s a bit personal, but I promise I’ll talk to Sara when we go for lunch. I am sorry I was rude to you.”

  Peter smiled brightly and Lindsay relaxed. To make up for her earlier appalling man
ners when Peter asked her about her budget, she spent the next 20 minutes chatting to him and answering his questions. When she got up to leave, she looked at him through tear-filled eyes. “I really am sorry. There was no excuse for my behavior.”

  Peter got up and gave her a hug before she left his office. She made arrangements to meet Sara for lunch and spent the rest of the morning trying to get on with her work as she desperately tried to cheer herself up.

  Lindsay was grateful when lunch time arrived and she was able to take an hour away from the office with Sara. Lindsay really opened her heart to her friend, telling her how desperately unhappy she was and how confused she was feeling. Sara listened intently and comforted Lindsay when she broke down in tears.

  “I really don’t like being spanked. It hurts. So you can imagine how confused I’m feeling that I’m longing for George to take me across his knee and spank me hard. I feel so close to him when he spanks my bottom, but on the other hand it feels childish and I wonder if he’ll ever look at me as a possible sexual partner when he’s spanking me like a naughty child. I’m really attracted to him. I think he’s attracted to me too because often when he spanks me I feel his hard cock poking me.”

  Sara grinned. “Scott’s cock hardens when he spanks me, for fun or punishment.” Lindsay couldn’t help smiling as she thought about her friend’s husband and the fun they’d all had recently.

  Lindsay sighed deeply. “I’m considering emptying my bank account so George doesn’t get my payment. It’s due in a couple of days. If that happens maybe he’ll punish me again.”

  Sara shook her head. “No. You can’t do that. You can’t risk him kicking you out. You need his help. Please tell me you’re not going to do something so foolish?”

  Lindsay looked at her friend and scowled. She guessed she was right. “OK. I won’t do that. I promise.”


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