Financial Discipline

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Financial Discipline Page 15

by Carole Archer

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as she fiddled with a pen on the table, focusing all her attention on it, not wanting to look at George and see disappointment, anger or any other negative emotion in his eyes.

  George took the pen from her and put it on the table before taking her hand and leading her into the living room. He sat down and guided her onto his lap, surprising her when he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She was half expecting him to spank her before demanding she tell him what she’d done.

  She felt mean for judging him harshly as he was always fair but firm. He would never hesitate to punish her when she deserved it, but he would also listen to what she had to say before punishing her.

  George held her tightly and covered her tear-streaked face with soft kisses. “When you’re ready to talk, I’m here for you. Calm yourself down first. Whatever you’ve done we can put right. It isn’t the end of the world. The worst that can happen is you might end up with a sore bottom, but you should be well used to that by now.”

  Lindsay lifted her head and looked at him. She knew she’d be spanked. There was no getting away from that, but she was terrified that he’d be so angry he’d kick her off the debt management plan and out of his life. The thought of that had her slumping against him and sobbing, clinging tightly to him and begging him not to send her away.

  He held her for a long time, kissing away her tears, and when she was finally calm he held her face in his hands and shook his head. “I can’t believe you’ve got yourself into such a state. Whatever you’ve done we’ll sort it out. If you’ve overspent you will be punished hard, but we’ll deal with it and work through it. Is that what it is? Have you overspent?”

  Lindsay shrugged. “Not really.”

  George sighed. “You either have or you haven’t. It’s a simple enough question. Talk to me Lindsay. I can always spank you now and ask questions later, but I’d prefer you tell me what the problem is now.”

  Lindsay looked at him, took a deep breath and decided there was no easy way to tell him. He deserved to know the truth and now she’d started to confess he wouldn’t let it drop until she told him exactly what was troubling her. She wished she’d at least waited until they’d had a meal. A night out would be nice after the busy week at work she’d had, and a glass or two of wine would have given her a little Dutch courage.

  Taking a deep breath, she gripped his hand tightly as she began her confession. “Do you remember a little while ago, when I was only a client to you and nothing more.” She thought if she emphasized that she wasn’t his partner at the time he might go a bit easier on her.

  George nodded and waited patiently for her to continue.

  Lindsay squirmed uncomfortably on his lap as he held her in his arms. She was aware that her bottom wasn’t in the least bit sore at the moment and she’d prefer it to stay that way, but the closer she got to confessing the closer she was to once more howling across his lap as he reddened her bare bottom. If he did decide to take her out later, she knew she’d have a very uncomfortable evening ahead of her.

  Pushing thoughts of her punishment out of her mind, she tried to focus on what she needed to say. “Do you remember when I came to you with £50 and said I’d returned some shopping and got a refund?”

  George nodded solemnly.

  “I’m sorry Sir but I didn’t do that.”

  “You didn’t do what?” he asked sternly.

  She swallowed nervously. He was going to make this as difficult for her as possible. “I didn’t get a refund Sir. I didn’t take my new clothes back to the store.” Her voice trembled and she averted her gaze as his eyes widened in annoyance.

  “I just have one question before I take the skin off your backside for lying to me.”

  Lindsay visibly shuddered and closed her eyes. This was her own doing and she deserved whatever the consequences were, but she couldn’t bear to see the disappointment in his eyes.

  “Where did the money come from?”

  She looked straight at him, even though it hurt her to see the anger in his eyes. “My boss gave the money to me. He knew that I’d missed my first payment and I was upset about it so he gave it to me.”

  “Did you tell him that I’d already covered that payment for you, that you’d accepted 50 cane strokes from me already?”

  Lindsay shook her head as tears spilled from her eyes. “No Sir. I couldn’t. I didn’t want to tell him. I was embarrassed.”

  “Go upstairs Lindsay. Take off all your clothes and lay on the bed. I’ll show you what it is to be really embarrassed. I’m going to give you a punishment you won’t forget in a hurry. You won’t ever lie to me again after this.”

  “Yes Sir.” Lindsay tearfully kissed George on the cheek before getting up. “I really am sorry Sir,” she said, her voice trembling as she wondered what he might do to her.

  George said nothing as she got up and left the room. Lindsay slowly made her way up the stairs to his bedroom. Normally she couldn’t wait to get into George’s bed and would run up the stairs and throw her clothes off in her eagerness to join him there, but today she knew there would be no fun. Dreading what was about to happen, she slowly undressed and folded her clothes neatly in a pile before lying face down on the bed. She sobbed into his pillow as she waited for him.

  As Lindsay trembled and wished she wasn’t naked – she felt so vulnerable being naked when he was about to punish her - she wished she’d never told that stupid lie. She thought she’d feel better getting it out in the open but she felt thoroughly miserable. She was terrified he was going to punish her then throw her out and that realization made her sob with renewed vigor.

  She was startled when he put a hand on her shoulder and told her to roll onto her back. As she rolled over she looked at him and saw he was holding his cane. Her sobbing increased as he ordered her to raise her legs and pull them towards her body. She hated the diaper position. It was humiliating. Scott had punished her in this position once and she thought she would die of embarrassment. She was well used to George seeing her naked, for both punishment and sex, but to be in a position solely for punishment, where her pussy and anus were displayed so crudely and he could see her face contort in pain as he punished her, was unbearable.

  Lindsay took a deep breath as she got into the required position, blushing as she spread her legs wide. She cried out as George immediately started spanking her thighs with his hand. His smacks were hard and he moved up and down each thigh as she struggled to hold her position. She blushed deeper as she was aware how crudely she was holding herself open to him, and as he slapped her inner thighs she yelped and lost her grip on her legs.

  Before she had chance to get herself back into position George had pulled her legs back towards her, hooked an arm across the back of her thighs to hold her still, and continued her spanking. When her bottom was burning and she was sobbing breathlessly, he finally stopped spanking but kept her legs up in the air.

  “I’m going to cane you now,” he announced solemnly. “You’re going to get 50 strokes. I want you to hold your legs tight and stay in that position otherwise I’ll make you very sorry. I will not tolerate lying and you’re about to get a very harsh lesson in what happens when you lie to me.”

  “Yes Sir. I’m so sorry Sir. I do understand why you have to punish me so hard,” she sobbed, trying to sound braver than she felt. “I hated lying to you. I don’t care what you do to me, as long as you forgive me and don’t kick me out.” Lindsay sobbed loudly as she pulled her legs towards her body and put herself back into the most humiliating position she could imagine. As she was quite fit and flexible, she managed with ease to pull her legs back and hold herself in the embarrassing diaper position, but she wondered how on earth she would sustain the position while receiving 50 strokes of the cane.

  The cane cracked down across the top of her thighs and she howled as the heavy rod seemed to bite deeply into her taut flesh. He only paused a couple of seconds before cracking the cane down at the base of her bu
ttocks and Lindsay rocked slightly as she sobbed in agony, desperately trying to hold onto her legs. The third and fourth strokes cracked across the center of her bottom and she wailed and promised she’d never lie to him again. Strokes five and six landed on top of the previous two causing Lindsay’s pitiful sobbing to increase.

  “Hold still.” Lindsay glanced up at George and watched him as he crossed the room and put the cane down. He selected a small tawse and returned to her, sitting on the bed and stroking the back of her thigh gently.

  “You’re doing really well, but 50 strokes of the cane is too harsh. I’m prepared to give you 100 strokes of the tawse instead of the 44 cane strokes you have left, but you can have the caning if you’d prefer?”

  Lindsay shook her head. Despite her best efforts there was no way she could withstand a further 44 strokes of the cane. She wasn't looking forward to 100 strokes of the tawse, but she knew she deserved a hard punishment and she vowed she wouldn’t show herself up. She deserved it and she needed to take it to ease her own inner turmoil and to reduce the anger George understandably felt.

  Standing up, George took hold of the back of her knee and pushed it towards her. She held her breath as he tapped the tawse against her lower thigh, but as the strap of leather repeatedly striped her from the back of her knee up to the base of her buttocks she lost her resolve and howled as she desperately tried to hold still. The strap cracked down several times on her bottom before George worked his way back down her thigh. He stopped and stroked the burning flesh gently. “Almost halfway there. Good girl.”

  Lindsay took a few deep breaths and appreciated the short break as he turned his attention to her other leg. As the strap cracked down across the back of her knee she sobbed loudly and her cries continued as he moved up her leg and onto her bottom. As he made his way back down her leg again she was trembling as she tried desperately to hold her position, which was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

  He stopped once more and gently stroked her thigh. “Ten strokes left. Do you need a short break first?”

  Lindsay nodded and was grateful to be able to release her legs and lower them towards the bed. She rolled onto her side and reached out to wrap her arms around him. “I’m so sorry Sir,” she wailed. “I swear I’ll never lie to you again. I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.”

  Kissing her gently, he held her in his arms. “I love you too and I’ll never leave you, but when you’re naughty you get punished. You know that.”

  Nodding, Lindsay clung tighter to him, enlightened by the knowledge that he still loved her and wasn’t about to leave her. That was all that mattered to her and it would help her through the remainder of her punishment.

  Sitting up, she winced as her bottom and thighs pressed against the firm mattress. Sobbing she lay back down and pulled her legs back into the mortifying position he’d ordered. She’d never felt so ashamed and the color rose in her cheeks as she held herself open to him once more.

  George sat on the bed beside her, putting his arm across her thighs and holding her in position, pushing her further back and raising her bottom, spreading her legs uncomfortably in the process. Lindsay’s eyes widened as he strapped her right on her bottom hole. The sting was intense and she let go of her legs as she struggled frantically to break free. She was distraught to find he had a tight enough grip to keep her in position and as the strap landed a second time she tearfully begged him to stop. Still holding her firmly, he whipped the strap down three times on her left buttock before repeating the action to her right. It was painful but preferable to where the previous strokes had landed.

  Lindsay struggled as he pushed against her legs and ordered her to hold still. Guessing where the final two strokes were going to land, she closed her eyes and held her breath. As the strap cracked down on her already stinging anus she screamed in pain, then screamed again as the action was swiftly repeated. As he let her legs drop to the bed, she whimpered and rolled onto her side, reaching back to rub her bottom and sobbing loudly as she could do nothing to ease the agonizing sting between her buttocks.

  “Let that be a lesson to you, young lady. If you dare lie to me about something so important again, I’ll tie you down and take a birch rod to your bottom hole.”

  Lindsay’s sobbing increased as she couldn’t imagine the agony that would cause. She desperately wanted him to hold her in his arms and tell her she was forgiven, maybe even give her a nice rub to ease the sting. As he ordered her into the corner before he left the room, she dropped to her knees and sobbed, reaching back to rub her injured buttocks and thighs. It was in this position he found her half an hour later, still sobbing quietly.

  As he sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms, she clung to him tightly. “I’m so sorry. I’ll never lie to you again.”

  Kissing her gently, he sat with his back against the wall and guided her across his lap. She reluctantly went across his thighs, hoping he was going to rub away the sting, and she sighed contentedly when he gently caressed her buttocks and thighs. As he encouraged her to part her legs, she gasped as his finger found her stinging anus and gently caressed it before sliding inside and probing her gently. She relaxed and spread her legs wider, raising her bottom towards him as he removed his finger. She tensed slightly as he pushed something larger into her bottom and looked over her shoulder curiously at him when he patted her bottom and told her to get up.

  “Come on, get up and get dressed. We’re going out for dinner.”

  “Oh George, I really don’t feel up to it tonight. I’m so sore.”

  “I wasn’t asking if you want to go. I’m telling you we’re going. Now get up or I’ll take you across my knee and spank you again.”

  Lindsay reached back and covered her bottom with her hands. “No Sir, I don’t need another spanking, I’ll get up, but you’ve left something…” she blushed as she wondered what exactly he’d pushed into her bottom. It didn’t hurt, it wasn’t too uncomfortable, but she was aware of it slightly stretching her still stinging bottom hole.

  “You mean this little butt plug that you’re going to wear tonight, to make you constantly aware that you’ve been very naughty and I’ve had to take your punishment a level further and punish your bottom hole?” George asked as he tapped against the base of the butt plug, causing it to shift slightly inside her.

  Lindsay froze with shock. Surely he didn’t really intend for her to leave it in while they were out.

  “This is your final chance Lindsay. I’m going to count to three and if you’re not up I’m going to start spanking you. It’s only a small plug. It’s designed to stay in all day if necessary.” He pressed gently on the butt plug and patted her bottom. “We can stay home if you want and I can take the plug out, give you an enema, put it back in and give you a very sound spanking.”

  Lindsay quickly got to her feet, blushing profusely as she remembered the humiliating enema she’d received from Scott a few months previously. She quickly dressed, constantly aware of the butt plug. It was horrible, but not as bad as an enema.

  Lindsay spent a very uncomfortable evening in the restaurant, barely able to focus on anything but the sting in her bottom and thighs and the very strange sensation in her bottom hole. She was delighted when he took her home and she sobbed with relief as he took her across his knee and removed the offending object before giving her a firm bedtime spanking to reinforce his earlier lesson.

  As he tucked her into bed then climbed in beside her, she promised him she would never lie to him again - and she truly meant it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  LINDSAY was extremely happy with her life. Her debts were reducing, she was enjoying her work and she was content in her relationship with George, but after her recent painful and extremely humiliating punishment, she realized that she’d never told him the truth about why she first approached him, nor had she told him where she really worked. As far as he knew, she was a receptionist for a shipping company.

  She felt incredibly guilty
that she’d originally intended to expose him as a pervert. He knew something was troubling her and claiming that she was stressed at work wasn’t going to cut it for much longer.

  Lindsay had spent another night tossing and turning, worrying how George would react. If she didn’t put things right soon, she’d make herself ill with stress.

  In reality, she actually was stressed at work, but that was because she’d also lied to her boss. Peter was still unaware of her relationship with George and she’d lied to him from the very first day she met George. She’d been too humiliated at first to tell him that George turned her across his knee, bared her bottom and spanked her. She soon realized that George was offering a service that could really help her turn her life around and her lies snowballed as she found herself unable to tell Peter the truth.

  She’d grown to love George deeply and she couldn’t continue to build their relationship on lies. She needed to talk to him, but first she needed to speak to her boss.

  Lindsay went to work and struggled through the day, several times preparing to go and speak to Peter and each time putting it off. As the end of the working day approached, Lindsay got to her feet and strode to his office, knocking on the door and asking if he had a minute.

  “Yes, of course Lindsay. Come in. What can I do for you?”

  Lindsay slumped in the seat opposite him and covered her face with her hands as she sobbed. As she glanced at his shell-shocked expression, she wailed: “I’m sorry. I’ve been lying to you.”

  As he put his arms around her and comforted her, she tried desperately to calm down. Talking to her boss was the easy part. She was dreading going to see George afterwards. She was terrified he’d dump her. Putting that fear out of her mind, she focused on dealing with the matter at hand.

  Taking a deep breath, she looked at her boss. She hoped he wouldn’t confirm her worst fears and sack her, but at the very least she’d totally screwed up any chance she had of gaining the promotion she desperately wanted.


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