Willow (The Willow Series Book 1)

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Willow (The Willow Series Book 1) Page 3

by Cheri Lewis

  I open the back door on my side making sure to leave plenty of clearance in case he comes out swinging. Tiny is hugging the headrest that used to be attached to the driver’s seat. That big dumb motherfucker has torn my seat to shreds. “Hey, Tiny. Come on let’s get something to eat okay? Brandy said she’d fix us some breakfast. Are you hungry?”

  “Yeah,” his voice is soft and somber.

  He climbs down out of my truck and his shoes hit the pavement making a loud thud. He hands me my headrest as he walks by. “Thanks,” I say with a lot of sarcasm.

  Tiny doesn’t go to the door, instead he picks up a hammer off the tool bench and starts slinging it around making karate noises. He stops and begins motioning the hammer in the air like he’s hammering imaginary nails as he says, “You think I don’t know what you did? You think I don’t know you’re after my money? You can’t have it. I done hid all of it. You’ll never find it.”

  Jimmy has both hands in the air while he speaks calmly, “Whoa Tiny. Put the hammer down.”

  The hammer flies through the air toward Jimmy’s head. Brandy and I scream at the same time and Jimmy ducks just in time to save himself. Tiny picks up a screw driver next and chunks it at Brandy. I know I’m next. I grab my taser and don’t even give him a warning. He’s zapped and on the floor in less than three seconds and screaming in pain.

  I yell, “Get a pair of the good handcuffs!” Brandy turns and runs back inside. Jimmy is standing over him with a garden rake ready to swing it making sure he doesn’t get back up. “Don’t touch him. If he moves I’ll shock him again and it might get you, too.”

  Brandy is back and I slap the hand cuffs with his hands behind his back. “You don’t have any ankle cuffs, do you?”

  “At the office. High risk. They make us put them on them, now.”

  We all three stand over him trying to catch our breath. I look at Brandy.

  “Get him a pillow and a blanket. Do you have any large… you know what never mind I do.” Brandy disappears back inside and I go to my toolbox on my truck and pull out the heavy duty zip ties. “Help me get his legs together,” I say to Jimmy as I string three zip ties together and wrap them around his ankles securing them tightly. Tiny is now crying, begging for us to let him up. Brandy brings the pillow and blanket. I fold the blanket in half lying it beside him. “Roll over.” Tiny begins to sob harder. “Come on roll over on to the blanket. Or you’re going to be on this cold concrete floor until James gets here.” He still doesn’t move. “If you don’t roll over we’re going to roll you.”

  He rolls over and I lean down over him. “Lift your head.”

  “Please Willow. I’m sorry I won’t do it again. This metal hurts my wrists. Please at least loosen them.”

  “Come on. Lift your head and try to get some sleep.”

  “You can’t leave me here. Brandy please. You can’t, this isn’t human to do a human this way.”

  I bump his large belly with my foot. “You mean it’s inhumane. And it’s also inhumane to throw hammers and any damn thing else you can get your hands on at people. James will be home soon.” I look up at Brandy. “He tore the shit out of my seat.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “You know we’ll pay to have that fixed.”

  I reach over and pick up a bundle of cash on the floor that fell from Tiny’s pocket during his tirade. I then bend down and pull the money still stuffed into his back pocket and pull it out.

  “Hey, bitch, that’s mine.”

  I glare at Tiny and have to fight the overwhelming urge to rare my right foot back and kick him square in his ass. I toss the money to Brandy because I don’t want anything to do with the money, who knows where it came from.

  “When we leave, don’t you dare untie him.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Even if he pisses himself. You let James deal with him.”

  “Willow, this ain’t my first rodeo. We’ve had worse. You know that.”

  “Money, steaks, beer and my truck being fixed.” She nods and I motion to Jimmy to get in the truck. “Make sure you shut the garage after we back out.”

  She hits the button on the wall and once the door is out of the way I back out. We drive in silence for a long while.

  Jimmy sighs and I ask, “What?”

  “I’m calling the police next time. I know we go way back but as long as they let him keep doing this behavior over and over he isn’t going to get any better.”

  “I sure as hell hope they’re going to turn him in and I didn’t just help them harbor a fugitive.”

  “Surely not.”

  “No. I know they’re just trying to make it where his momma is going to be okay. You know she has heart trouble, cancer and I think she’s in a wheel chair now.”

  “Yeah that’s a shit way to go. She was such a nice woman growing up. I hate to hear of her suffering.”

  “Yeah, me too.” I pull back behind Jimmy’s bar and drop him off. “Thanks for going with me.”

  “No problem. James will be getting my bill too. Tiny didn’t pay his tab and I wasn’t taking any of that money he had. Shit might not be real or probably stolen.”

  I give him a smile. I wait until he is back inside before I pull out and head home. I’m exhausted but I’m so wired I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep. Right as I’m turning into my driveway blue lights begin flashing behind me. I can’t tell but I’m pretty sure it’s the same vehicle from earlier. I open the door and begin to step out of my truck when over the loud speaker I hear his smartass southern twang voice. “Ma’am, do not exit the vehicle.” I climb back in and slam the door shut. Well, I’m sure every one of my neighbors are awake now. My head falls all the way back since my headrest is no longer there to stop it. Damn it. A knock sounds at my window and I have to push the ignition button for my window to roll down. “I know I wasn’t speeding.”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Do I have a taillight out?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Did you miss me and want to go get that drink now?”

  “No ma’am. I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle now.”

  I roll my eyes. “Now hold on, Roscoe. First don’t get out. Now get out?” I watch as he pulls his handcuffs from his belt. I know he is not going to handcuff me. I lose all my sarcasm and go into business mode. “What is the problem, Officer?”

  “I need you to come with me to the station, for questioning.”

  “If it’s just questioning I can drive myself. I’ll meet you up there. It will save you guys a trip to bring me home.”

  “I’m going to ask you one more time to step out of the vehicle.”

  Boy Heath wasn’t joking this guy is nobody to mess with. I push the button for my window to go back up and hit the button to make sure the truck is off. I leave my cell phone and keys in the truck. When I get out I place my hands on the back of my neck to show I’m not resisting. He turns me around and begins patting me down. I’m thanking God right now that the taser is in the console of my truck. “Any weapons?” he asks.

  “Just me.”

  He stops momentarily patting the inside of my left leg. He then takes my arm one at the time and places it behind my back. What the hell is this guy up to? Tiny’s right. The cold metal of the handcuffs does hurt.


  “I told you to leave this one alone,” Heath whispers from the other side of the bars.

  “I didn’t do anything.”



  “You really pissed him off outsmarting him like that.”

  “I didn’t outsmart anybody and answer me this… how come if you guys were looking for someone who is wanted, why weren’t you watching the back door?”

  Heath presses his face against the bars and hisses in an infuriated whisper, “I knew it! You said you were there for whiskey.”

  “Why did you tell him my last name?”

  His voice changes back to normal. “Tell who?”<
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  “Your new boss.”

  “I didn’t. The guys talk about you all the time.”

  “They do?”

  “Oh Willow, stop it. You know they do. You’ve broken half their hearts and the other half are scared to death of you. I told you and I meant it. He’s new. He’s by the book. And he means business.”

  “I can handle him.”

  “Why do you never listen to my warnings?”

  “Why do you waste your breath warning me?”


  “He shouldn’t have handcuffed me. Besides he can’t be all that if he’s here? I mean we’re a big enough city but why’s he not working in Birmingham? If he’s as big and bad as you say.”

  “His aunt, grandma, or somebody died and left him and his brothers some land I think. That’s the rumor anyway.”

  “What’d Tiny do?”

  Health sighs and rolls his eyes. “I can’t keep looking after you.”

  Now I am offended. “Nobody asked you to.”

  “If the chief wasn’t on his way down here in a few minutes to let you out himself I would come in that cell and choke the life out of you.”

  “Oh, I’d love to see you try.”

  I hear voices then the sound of metal clanking in the distance. Heath stands and takes a few steps back from the holding cell where I’ve been imprisoned for a few hours. He takes a deep breath, grins then whispers, “I thought the blood vein was going to pop out of his neck when he realized you helped Tiny get away.”

  “Heath… I was there for a shot of whiskey.”

  I take my place back on the hard concrete bench. A bench that I found impossible to lie on much less sleep. It’s not hard to look tired because I am, but I also make myself look pitiful. I cut my eyes toward Heath when I hear him chortle with disbelief. The chief arrives and I look back toward the dirty concrete floor.


  I glance up pouting and give Chief Mason a feel sorry for me pitiful smile. “Hey, Chief.”

  He opens the holding cell door and steps inside. “Damn it, Heath. Why is she still in handcuffs?”

  Heath jumps and rushes in the cell pulling his keys from his pocket. I raise my hands toward him and when he undoes them I rub where the metal had pressed against them. One, because they do hurt, but not that bad and two, sympathy from the chief isn’t a bad thing. “Now, Willow, did you interfere with police business last night?”

  “Not that I know of… I went to Jimmy’s to get a drink and next thing I know that Roscoe P. Coltrane wannabe has me in handcuffs,” I continue almost in tears. “Why was I handcuffed? I was told it was for questioning but I haven’t been asked any questions.”

  I can see the look of skepticism in the Chief’s eyes and I know I’ve oversold myself. He sits beside me on the bench. “Willow. Please. Don’t meddle in police business. Do you know where Albert is?”

  I sigh and lean back against the cold block wall. My tears disappear. Albert… now that’s a name I haven’t heard in years. We haven’t called him Albert since sometime back in high school. “Yes sir, and you do too.”

  “Are they going to turn him in?”

  God, please don’t let this be a lie or I’m up shit creek. “Yes sir. James needed to talk to him is all.”

  “He’s in a heap of trouble.”

  “That’s what everybody keeps saying. But nobody will tell me what he did.”

  “It’s because it’s none of your business.” I don’t roll my eyes even though I want to. He doesn’t deserve my disrespect. He’s always been kind to me for as long as I can remember and gosh, it’s been what? Fifteen years? He rests his hand on top of my hand that’s holding my wrist. “I’ll talk to Wade about bringing you in handcuffed.”

  I shake my head. “No. I shouldn’t have interfered. Let’s just leave this as a lesson learned.” The Chief studies my face and I give him a smile then lean forward and hug him as I ask, “You a grandfather yet?”

  He hugs me back then pulls away and stands. “I’m heading there this afternoon. Jackie is out of town for a couple weeks to be with Daniel and his wife.”

  “Yeah, Dr. Brand told me when I was there to see him this…er yesterday.”

  “When she gets back I want you to come over for dinner. She likes when you check in and worries about you when you don’t.”

  I nod and watch as he walks out of the cell. He doesn’t look at Heath when he gives his order, “Take her home. Now.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Heath stands at the holding cell door waiting for me to exit first and I ask, “What is Tiny in trouble for?”

  “Wait ‘til we’re on the way home okay?”


  I follow behind him out the short hallway into the main area where all the officers desks sit. I scan the room deliberately looking for Wade. When I spot him I know he’s waiting for me because he’s sitting on the corner of his desk and I’ll have to walk right by him to get out of here. He could stick his hand out and touch me if he wanted, sitting where he’s sitting. I lock eyes with him and I can tell he’s a bit disappointed I’m not in tears and humiliated. He smiles smugly as I pass and politely says my name, “Willow.”

  His smile disappears and he bites down on his jaw when I give him a sly grin and wink then sweetly reply, “Roscoe.”

  I’m almost out the front door when I hear Heath’s name being called. I frown because I don’t have to look to know who it is, I can tell purely by the desperation in his tone. I look over at Heath. “I’ll pay you a hundred dollars. I just can’t deal with him. Not today. I’m tired and I… I’m just tired.”

  “The Chief gave me the order to take you home.”

  I relax and look out the front door window where my freedom lies. “Thank you.”

  “Heath, I’m going that way. I’ll give her a ride home,” Riley, an officer I went on three dates with and that was two dates too many, says jogging to catch up with us.

  I turn facing Riley and Heath when Heath follows through on his promise. “Can’t. Chief said I had to. Besides I’m helping her this afternoon. I’m crashing on her couch so I’m going there anyway.”

  Riley looks between Heath and me analyzing if we’re an item. Anybody that has taken the time to get to know either one of us knows why we’re so close. Spending years together in foster homes because your parents don’t want you or in Heath’s case, abuse you, causes you to have a special bond. I’ve had enough so I look at Riley and try to move this conversation along. “Thanks for the offer Riley, but I’m pretty tired and ready to go home.”

  Riley puffs his chest out and at first I think he’s angry that Heath is taking me home but I know that’s not it when he looks back over his shoulder in Wade’s direction then to me and says, “I can’t believe he handcuffed you like that. We already told him he’d better not ever do anything like that again.”

  My pride takes a hit. I have got to get out of here before I’m arrested on real charges of assaulting a dumbass. I want to punch him and show him I can really take care of myself. Besides I haven’t let being handcuffed go and I don’t intend to. He’ll get his. “You shouldn’t have done that, Riley. I can handle myself.”

  “We all know you can. It’s just. You’re Willow and nobody treats you that way. You busy Friday night?”

  Fat chance. I no longer feel the need to be polite. “Yes. And the Friday after that and the Friday after that.”

  His confident smile turns me off even more. “You’ll say ‘yes’ again one day.”

  I turn around and walk out the front door and wait for Heath to follow. I look at the row of police cars and Heath shakes his head. I’m thankful he’s not taking me home in a patrol car. It’ll be less obvious to Gladys, my nosey ass neighbor, I was detained by the police last night. I already know what she says behind my back and it will be less fuel on the fire if she doesn’t know.

  I slide in the front seat of Heath’s black S-10 pickup. “You’re so mean to them. I can’t fi
gure out why they chase you still.”

  “It’s the sex, I guess.”

  “Willow… don’t… that’s gross.”

  “What’d Tiny do?”

  “We weren’t there to arrest him.”

  “Then what did it matter if I picked him up?”

  “He stole a shitload of money from some guy he does work for.”

  “Then why weren’t you there to arrest him?”

  “The guy never pressed charges. We just found out about it and Wade wanted to ask him a few questions. Tiny works for… well… if Tiny ends up dead, I won’t be surprised.”

  My head jerks toward Heath and I can tell he’s not lying or kidding around. “Why didn’t you just walk into Jimmy’s and ask him the questions?”

  “It’s complicated, okay? Look, just don’t be doing any more favors for James and Brandy when it comes to Tiny.” I shrug my shoulders and look at the window. “Why don’t you like Riley? He seems like a good guy. He’s got a little bit of Napoleon syndrome but most us officers have a chip on our shoulder about something.”

  “Why don’t you like Stacey?”

  “She wants to marry me. Do you want me to marry Stacey?”

  I reply deadpan, “I don’t care who you marry.”

  He smiles. “She’ll be thrilled to hear that. I bet you’ll be a bridesmaid. I can see you now in a dress standing beside her at the altar.”

  He laughs out loud at his own joke and I frown at the thought of him marrying her. She’s all wrong for him. He knows it and I know it. “Do you think you’ll marry her?”

  “Yeah, when you marry Riley.”

  “You need to let her go then.”

  “Hey, she knows I have no intention of marrying her. She also knows she can see who she wants and I can do the same. I don’t string the chick along. She just keeps coming back. Like all yours do.”

  I look out the windshield with my head resting against the seat. “Riley is all right. The sex was okay. It’s just…”

  “Too needy?”

  “No. Why do I have to have a man? Why do I have to settle down? I can see it written all over his face. Actually anybody I go out with. It’s a game to them. Who can tame Willow? I don’t need taming. I am who I am and I don’t apologize for that.”


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