On His Naughty List

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On His Naughty List Page 3

by Shelly Douglas

  “Why that hotel, when there are a number of them on the street? Were you tipped off?”

  “Not at all. Look. You have a hunch that our perp is a part of my team, and my thoughts are that he either works or lives close to one of the famous old hotels in Miami. It’s just a feeling I have.”

  John came by with two more drinks and gave Andy a side glance to see if they were ready to order yet. With a slight nod, he indicated that more time was needed, so the waiter left their full glasses on the table, swiveled around, and headed off.

  “Ashley, I was thinking that maybe you’d want to be a part of this operation.”

  Her eyebrows lifted as she reached for her second glass of wine. “Really? What’s your plan?”

  “I’m going to pose as Santa Claus in the lobby. Besides giving me a good view of employees as they come and go from the building, it’s possible we’ll catch a glimpse of our man rubbing elbows with the crowd, dressed in army fatigues.”

  “Santa Claus? You’re serious?”

  “Well, I could stand in the lobby in a gray suit and dark glasses with an earpiece, but that would be a bit conspicuous, don’t you think?”

  “You have a point, but…”

  He nodded and cocked an eyebrow. “I was thinking that maybe you might like to work the front desk and provide me with another pair of eyes on the scene. Word on the street is that you’re no stranger to the field.”

  She looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. “I’ve had experience with secret operations, but in the past, I’ve only worked in the background.”

  Andy picked up his short heavy glass and leaned forward. “I’d think you’d enjoy having a front row seat to observe the hotel action, and I could use your thoughts on any suspicious characters walking through the lobby. From what I hear, you excel in reading body language.” Slowly taking a sip, he appeared patient while waiting for an answer until he spotted John sauntering over to their table.

  “Lieutenant Geraci, are you and your guest ready to order?”

  “We haven’t looked at the menu yet, but maybe we’ll start with the fresh oysters on the half-shell.” He gave Ashley a sideways glance and tipped his head toward hers. “Does that sound good to you?”

  “It does, indeed,” she said with a shy smile.

  After John left with their appetizer order, Andy straightened his posture and gazed into her striking blue eyes. “Are you interested in my undercover plan, or do you need time to mull it over?”

  “No need to ponder the invitation, Lieutenant. Count me in.”

  Chapter Four

  The handsome man with cropped hair popped a few ice cubes in a short glass, poured himself two shots of vodka and placed it on an end table before making himself comfortable on the couch. He had always hated the holidays, but in this tourist trap of a city, they were even worse. After staring mindlessly at a small framed picture of some army buddies, he pulled out a one-hit pipe from his pocket, lit it up, and took in a deep draw before blowing out a long stream of light gray smoke. It had been a tiring day and he needed to relax.

  He’d never wanted to leave his home in Georgia, but after his wife left him, it had seemed like a good idea to have a fresh start. Florida always had a reputation for attracting people who were down and out, and now he had become a statistic. It wasn’t so much that he couldn’t live without that long-haired red-headed bitch, but word on the street was that she had a new boyfriend.

  She always was a fucking whore.

  As he squinted at the quarter-filled bottle of vodka on the counter, it was obvious he should’ve bought more at the store, but trying to drive a car at that moment could result in a DUI, and it wasn’t worth the risk of calling attention to himself. Taking a moment to revel in the effect of the strong weed, he closed his eyes and allowed memories of taking women by force to surge through his mind. As he leaned his head back on the throw pillow to reminisce, he rearranged his body and thought about watching some porn.

  Relieving this throbbing ache between my legs right now would be absolute heaven on earth.

  Bending forward to retrieve his slim computer at his feet, he turned it on and plopped back down onto the couch.

  This isn’t the real thing, but sometimes a man must settle for the fantasy as he takes care of his own needs.

  Smiling, he opened the lid of his laptop and typed in his password on the keyboard to log in. But when he tried unsuccessfully to connect to the internet, he began grinding his teeth together and tossed his computer to the floor.

  I hate this fucking apartment. The Wi-Fi sucks in here!

  Pulling himself to full height, he straightened his back and darted his dark raisin brown eyes around the room. With a maniacal, crooked smile on his face, he walked over to the window and stared aimlessly outside.

  What I need is to get the fuck out of here. Maybe I’ll go blow off some steam at the gym and turn in early. Tomorrow morning, I’ll do some surveillance of a few career-climbing bitches before they head out to their important jobs. And I’m always appreciative when those idiots leave a window open for me to check out the layout of their apartment. Ahh, I can’t wait for the weekend!

  Rummaging through his gym bag, he pulled out some fatigue shorts and a plain gray T-shirt. “No matter what day it is, I always tend to feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the mornin’,” he drawled through a deep-throated, nasty chuckle.

  Chapter Five

  Two weeks later

  After signing the check in his favorite restaurant, Andy peered at his watch and shot a quick look across the table. “Since tomorrow is our first day working in the lobby, maybe we should head back to our hotel, so you can turn in early and get a good night’s sleep.”

  “Did you buy me a new pink and purple Minnie Mouse backpack? Because I feel like I’m attending first grade again.”

  He leaned forward in his chair and beamed a bright smile. “I do love your sense of humor, Ashley. But before I walk you to your room, I’d like to stop and talk with the manager. I want to make sure everything is set up for tomorrow.”

  “For God’s sake, Andy, don’t you think you’ve prepared him and the concierge enough?”

  “I probably have. But I need to make sure that all the cameras are up and running in the lobby tomorrow. If our man struts through, I want to make sure we get a good, clear shot of his face.”

  “Is it my imagination, or do you seem a little anxious? You’re usually calm, cool, and collected…”

  “Call it intuition, but I just feel like our perp is about to strike again.”

  “Well, I’m happy that we finally checked into the hotel. It’s time to put all this preparation into action, get the show on the road, and hopefully catch this lunatic before the holidays.”

  Andy pocketed the dinner receipt and covered her hand with his. “I don’t mean to pry, but in the last two weeks we’ve spent working together, you haven’t once mentioned your family. Aren’t you going to miss them if we have to work through Christmas?”

  Her bright blue eyes glistened with tears. “Once I left for college and moved out, every holiday was spent with friends and their families. My dad went to jail for check fraud when I was twelve and my mother divorced him soon after. Then she ran off with the bag boy from the local grocery store…” she said through a cracked voice before lowering her face. “I was just a kid and you can only imagine how they taunted me in school…”

  “Who raised you?”

  “My grandmother. Who reminded me every single day that she really didn’t want the responsibility. She said she’d already raised her family and didn’t want to do it again.”

  “I can’t even imagine. Do you have brothers or sisters?” He’d never seen her so emotional before, and it instantly struck a protective chord with him.

  She shook her head as he gently cupped her chin, raising it to meet his eyes. “No, and I never really had an opportunity to be a kid in that old building my gran
dmother called a home. The truth is, it was never a home to me.”

  “Well, my parents passed on a few years ago, and I’m an only child. So, I don’t have anyone to enjoy the holidays with either. We can spend Christmas together, if you’d like,” Andy said, his voice soft and steady as he thumbed a lone tear rolling down her smooth cheek.

  She smiled, hoping her voice wouldn’t crack when she spoke. But it did. “I’d love that, Andy. I really would.”

  “Good. Then it’s all settled.” He straightened his back, took her hand, and together they exited the small Italian restaurant. Walking up the street, he glanced at her high-heeled shoes. “Maybe we should’ve taken an Uber. It can’t possibly be comfortable to walk four blocks in those.”

  “Are you kidding? I’m breaking these in for desk duty tomorrow. After all, I want to look my best for Santa,” she joked, trying to keep her balance in the three and one half-inch stilettos.

  As they stopped in front of the tall building, he squeezed Ashley’s hand and gave her a subtle wink. “Home, sweet home.”

  Outfitted in the hotel’s uniform, a muscular, handsome young gentleman opened the door for them, and Andy bowed his head, noticing his name tag. “Thank you very much, Edward.”

  “Yes, suhh! Have a good evening, suhh,” he said in a heavy Southern drawl, quietly waiting for them to enter the old luxury hotel.

  * * *

  Andy leaned on the doorframe and Ashley could feel him watching intently as she inserted her plastic keycard into the slot. “Would you like to come in for a drink? I mean, it is early, even for a school night,” she teased.

  He followed close behind as Ashley threw her crossbody bag on a small table in the hall and kicked her high-heeled pumps off. “Make yourself at home and I’ll be right back.”

  Watching him head for the balcony, her eyes followed his every move as he easily slid open the heavy glass door. “You should keep this locked, Ashley.”

  “Did you really think someone’s going to fucking scale the building to rape me?” Still standing in the doorway, she placed her hands on her hips and crossed her eyes. “In case you haven’t heard, our man wears army fatigues—not a Spiderman costume.”

  His stare darkened as he placed his foot on a large ottoman and in a split second, managed to haul her across his strong thigh. “I think someone needs a lesson in respect.”

  She inhaled a quick breath while he secured her close to his body with one hand, and then in the next minute, Ashley’s face heated as she felt her lacy panties ride up her bottom cheeks.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this for two weeks, young lady!” His large hand landed two healthy swats right across her plump white globes.

  “Are you crazy?” she screeched, her bare belly rubbing against his soft khakis as she wildly kicked her feet in the air.

  “I’m sure there are plenty of people who think so, but we can debate that issue another time. For the moment, I suggest you settle down, Detective.”

  As he calmly returned her to an upright position, she nodded, peered up at him, and worked her nervous throat to swallow hard. “Jesus. Is that your idea of showing someone you care about them?”

  Meeting her gaze, he brushed his knuckle over her flushed cheek. “As a matter of fact, it is.”

  One corner of her mouth twitched as she took a moment to collect her thoughts. “I wanted to believe that something real was happening between us. But we’ve only known each other a couple of weeks, and I just wasn’t sure what to think.” Ashley raised her shoulders right before he took her firmly into his arms. Her body melted into his, and she loved how he felt. So strong and unwavering, his scent so manly and delicious.

  * * *

  Standing next to the large king-size bed, Andy unbuttoned his white oxford shirt and his eyes never left her curvy body as she shimmied out of her navy linen sheath. Maintaining eye contact, Ashley sat in front of him and unhooked the back of her bra as he loosened his belt and pulled the stiff brown leather through the loops. Mesmerized, he enjoyed every minute of their lustful scene as he slowly unzipped his khaki pants, pushed them to the floor and stepped out of the heavy fabric. Instantly, his thick cock sprung outward, and there was a smile on her lips at his decision to go commando that evening.

  His caramel-colored eyes burrowed into her bright blue ones as their foreheads touched together, and he stared at her with an urgent need. Lifting her legs, he curled them around his hips and touched the tip of his seeping cock to her moist entrance as he reclined her petite body onto a large pillow. “God, I don’t have a condom on me. But I can be back in less than a minute, if you want to wait. Our connecting rooms were the best idea I’ve had in a long time…”

  “Please don’t go anywhere. I’m protected,” she moaned as he tenderly guided himself inside her swollen flesh, but her next intake of breath was audible as he drove himself forward, deep and strong. With a steady and unhurried rhythm, he continued moving in and out of her tight sex, his hands cupped under her soft ass.

  “Just so we’re clear, this means you’re mine now.” His low raspy voice rumbled as he pulled out most of the way, only to thrust his throbbing length into her again. “And unless my girl objects, I’m going to fuck her good and hard.”

  As her muscles tightened around him, she skillfully ground her clitoris against his stiff cock and shifted her head to the side, moaning softly. “Yesss, I want this. I want to be yours.”

  “Ashley Elizabeth,” he warned, his head dipping toward hers. “Don’t you even think about coming, yet.”

  “Oh, my God, are you insane? You want to tell me when I’m allowed to come?” Her body writhed on the mattress as she attempted to grab the crisp fitted sheet. “Do you have to be in charge all the time?”

  “Yes, it certainly seems that way.”

  “And if I don’t obey your rules?”

  A devilish smirk twisted the corners of his mouth. “If you come before I give permission, I’ll spank your little bottom until it’s good and red.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  He placed sweet kisses on her cheek and nipped an earlobe with his teeth. “It wasn’t meant to be. Would you like to experience a real spanking today, instead of a couple of swats on your sexy ass?”


  “No?” he whispered in her ear. “How about, ‘No, sir.’”

  “N-No, sir,” she parroted, her nervous voice barely audible.

  “Good girl. Now try to relax, and behave yourself, so I can lick your delicious body.”

  Keeping his hands underneath her ass, he ran his warm and wet tongue down between her breasts and over her soft tummy, until he reached the outer engorged lips of her smooth pussy.

  “Jesus, Andy. You’re not playing fair. You know what’s going to happen if you tease me like that.”

  “Shh… be still. We’re playing by my rules, Detective.”

  They both knew she was never going to hold out. The tip of his tongue circled around her hard clit and then delved lower, thrusting forward over and over. She wrapped her legs around his neck and bucked against him until she began to pulsate.

  As Andy’s head lifted to meet her eyes, the edges of his lips curved upward. “I do believe you’re throbbing, bad girl.” He waved a finger at her in admonishment, and then sat back on his hips as he stared at her with intensity. “Turn over. Now.”

  * * *

  After an exaggerated eye roll, Ashley tumbled over and placed her hands on the stiff mattress, allowing Andy to guide her body onto all fours. She felt his hands pull her hips upward, raising her round buttocks high in the air, and he pushed her shoulders down. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he reached for a plastic bottle of gel on her nightstand, coated his finger, and tapped the cool, wet tip against her anus before effortlessly sliding it all the way in. She gasped as her reddened face rubbed against the crisp sheet and grabbed the puffy comforter while he dramatically continued moving his finger in and o
ut of her small, silky hole.

  “You’re so fucking tight.” Finally, he removed his finger and slapped her hind end. She winced and wiggled, and he slapped her again.

  “Come on, Lieutenant. I swear I’ll play by your rules—”

  “But it needs to be crystal clear that I’m serious about administering discipline if you… smack “deliberately misbehave,” smack “ignore my directions,” smack “or show outright disobedience.” Wanting her to understand that his guidance only came out of loving care, he made sure to punctuate each of her naughty transgressions with a velvet but thundering firm hand.

  “Who’s in charge?”

  “You are.”

  “That’s right, bad girl. And I do believe this snug rosebud of yours will need to be stretched. Have you ever been taken in your sweet bottom?”

  “No, never.”

  “I can hardly wait to take you in your gorgeous little ass.” He drove his finger back into her dark channel while rubbing his penis onto her wet pussy.

  “Jesus. You’re so thick…”

  “You need to relax and let me in, baby.” Andy tenderly ran his hands underneath her hips, raised them back up in the air and pushed into her, stretching her narrow entrance. She made a whimpering noise at first, but as he continued further into her swollen sex, she began to press back into him, wanting him to engulf her. “That’s my girl. Let me in all the way.”

  “Oh, God, oh, God!” she moaned, angling her soft buttocks upward, her twitching globes begging for more as the pad of Andy’s digit pressed inward. With slow thrusts into her saturated pussy, he buried himself deep and leisurely while the digit on his other hand remained steadfast inside her bottom hole.

  “Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” she pleaded through clenched teeth, thrusting her pink cunt deeper onto his hot cock as he furiously fucked her small shuddering body from both ends.


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