On His Naughty List

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On His Naughty List Page 7

by Shelly Douglas

  Detective Neilly opened the door and poked his head inside. “Mr. Cooper, Detective Laredo and I only have a couple of questions, and we promise not to take up too much of your time.”

  “And a good mornin’ to you, too, gentlemen,” he said facetiously, rolling his chair out from his desk to face the detectives. “So, what can I do for the MDPD that this hotel hasn’t done already?”

  “Mr. Hoover was extremely helpful in giving us the list of people who were hired for the Christmas holiday,” Teddy said as he and Dan sat down in chairs opposite the desk. “And of course, we all appreciate your hospitality in this hotel as we continue our search for the assailant in Miami.”

  Mark Cooper watched intently with obvious disdain as they made themselves comfortable in his office. “I’m glad we could be of assistance. So, what else could you possibly need from us?”

  Teddy threw a sideways glance to Dan before responding. “Well, as a matter of fact, we were wondering where you were on Tuesday morning before you came to work.”

  “Ahh, I get it. This isn’t a friendly conversation—it’s an interrogation.” He creased his brow as his dark hooded eyes darted from one man to another. “You think I’m the man rapin’ women in South Beach? That’s why you came to interrogate me this mornin’?”

  “We didn’t come here to hassle you,” Dan assured in a calm voice, “we just want to know what you were doing that morning before you came into work.”

  “I worked out in the gym. As I do every mornin’ before I come to this office.”

  Teddy didn’t flinch. “In this hotel?”

  “Of course, in this hotel,” he said self-righteously. “I can’t afford to put a gym in my house.”

  “Was there anyone who can prove that you were here?” Teddy continued politely as he reached into his pocket for a small notepad.

  The concierge’s eyes narrowed as he looked at both men before answering in a cold tone. “It was five o’clock in the mornin’, and I was all alone, all by myself in the exercise room. And then I took a shower. Is there anything else, Detective? Because I have a lot of work to do today.”

  “As a matter of fact, there is one more thing,” Dan said in a brisk tone as he stared back at him. “I did a bit of homework and understand that you were a military man before you took this job.”

  His cold response came fast and furious. “I was an army man and so were many other employees in this hotel. Do you intend to interrogate every man in Florida that has a military background?”

  “No, sir. Just the ones who work in this hotel,” Teddy retorted with firm resolve.

  Raising the cuff on his starched pin-striped shirt, the muscular man glanced at his watch. “I don’t want to be rude, Detectives, but I’m sure you’d like to get on with your interviews. So many employees, so little time,” he mocked.

  “Thank you for answering our questions, Mr. Cooper. We not only appreciate your hospitality in this hotel, but also your cooperation,” Teddy responded politely in an even tone, extending his hand.

  But the concierge passed on the gesture as he turned and rolled his chair in the other direction. “Good afternoon, Detectives. Enjoy your day.”

  * * *

  Watching from the far left of the hotel bar, Andy saw Teddy and Dan walking toward him together and excitedly asked his first question as soon as they arrived at his table. “Well, what’s your take on our concierge?”

  “I’m guessing that he and the manager are friends, because his I know why you’re here attitude started as soon as we walked in the door. The man’s a solid piece of work, but—” Teddy said, looking to Dan to finish his sentence.

  “He does exercise in the hotel gym every mornin’ at five o’clock. It seems that the entire front desk staff and the barista working at the Starbucks in this lobby can corroborate his story,” Dan confirmed.

  Andy folded his arms. “What did you think of his body language?”

  “Mr. Cooper didn’t flinch when we questioned him. He seemed more cocky than nervous,” Teddy said with a side glance to Dan for affirmation.

  “Have you set up interviews with the maintenance crew, yet?”

  Dan nodded and took a small spiral notepad from his jacket pocket. “I know you intended for Teddy to take on that job alone, but since there are so many employees, he and I are willing to split up the list. We’re hopin’ to be finished by Christmas Eve.”

  “Well, I need you to do better than hope. This needs to be done before some of those temps are on their way looking for other work after the holiday.”

  “We’re on it, Lieutenant. The interviews will be short, but we’ll get the job done,” Teddy assured.

  Andy stood and with a serious expression, met each man’s gaze. “Let’s wrap up this case soon, gentlemen. For everyone’s sake.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Christmas Eve

  Ashley stretched her arms out wide as she turned a sharp corner in the hotel lobby. “Please tell me we aren’t going to go through the exhausting juvenile routine about whether I’ve been a good girl or not this year.”

  “Only you would have the nerve to sass Santa on Christmas Eve,” Andy scolded, adjusting the white beard on his face as he trailed behind her, his eyes glimmering with possibilities of how to discipline his naughty girlfriend.

  “Shouldn’t you be checking all the reindeer twice to make sure everyone is able to fly tonight?”

  “I think it’s the naughty and nice lists I’m supposed to check twice, but thanks for asking about Rudy and his eight caribou buddies. They’re all fired up and doing just fine. No. It’s you I’m worried about, Ashley Elizabeth.” He crossed his arms and stopped at the elevator before taking a step backward to admire her curvaceous body.

  As the doors opened, several people exited and grinned, acknowledging his full beard and red suit complete with a matching white-trimmed cap. “Merry Christmas, everyone,” he bellowed in a deep Santa-like voice, waving his white-gloved hand.

  Placing a palm on one cocked hip, she stepped to the rear of the empty elevator and met his gaze. “I don’t understand, big guy. Why would you be worried about me?”

  “Well, I’ve been accumulating these important lists for some time, and it seems you’re still right at the top of the naughty one.” He pushed the smooth silver floor button and tried to hide a jagged smile while pulling a folded piece of paper from his pocket.

  “Me?” she teased. “My name is on one of your lists?”

  He peered at her over his silver-rimmed glasses. “Are you Detective Ashley Elizabeth Scott?”

  She rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s me. But what kind of proof do you have that I’ve been naughty? After all, am I not innocent until proven guilty by a court of my peers? Or don’t they teach that in Santa school?”

  “Mmm-hmm. It’s obvious that all the rumors circulating about you being sassy are true,” he said sternly, unfolding the yellow lined piece of paper. “See, I’m not making this up, your name is written right here. And the word disrespectful is right next to it. All in capital letters.”

  She gazed at the list and waved her hand dismissively. “Really? Disrespectful? That’s all you have? I’d think in the twenty years you’ve been convicting criminals, you’d know to bring something more specific than that to the table. You’ll never get a conviction to hold water with that kind of vague accusation.”

  “Are you saying you haven’t been naughty? Are you calling Santa a liar?” he asked, clutching his chest.

  “Why do you always have to be so damn dramatic?” Defiantly, she darted an eyebrow and folded her arms. “And is it really necessary to speak in the third person?” Ashley’s eyes narrowed at him, but as the elevator doors opened, her expression changed. “This would be our floor, Santa. Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t we discuss your lists over an ice-cold martini before we meet the guys downstairs for a drink? After all, it is Christmas and we’ve worked our asses of
f all day.”

  As his head dipped closer to hers, his eyes darkened. “Do you think Santa should hear language like that on Christmas Eve?”

  “Probably not. What in the hell was I thinking?” she retorted, pursing her lips.

  “We’ve been looking forward to spending our holiday together, but we both know you’ve been a naughty girl in these last couple of weeks. Now, what kind of Santa would I be to let you get away with such things? Remember, I have a reputation to uphold in this beach town.”

  “Uh-huh. And how are you getting this kind of information anyway?” She followed him halfway down the hall before stopping to snap her fingers. “Wait a minute. It was that damn hard-boiled lieutenant, right? He’s been watching me like a hawk since I was added to his task force.”

  He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to glare at her. “I don’t think we need much more of a discussion regarding where I get my data, and this is not about your no-nonsense lieutenant. This is a matter between Santa and his impish little girl, so let’s go into your hotel room and discuss this situation privately,” he said in an exasperated but loving tone as he led her by the hand to her door. “And you know very well what happens to disrespectful young ladies…”

  * * *

  After they entered the suite together, Andy sat on the couch and Ashley sauntered over to the sliding glass door to close the heavy gray drapes. “That nosy Lieutenant Geraci who’s been staying next door sometimes likes to sit on the wraparound porch at the end of the day and have a drink. Oh, never mind. I’m sure you already know that, since you’re all-knowing,” she sneered, attempting to stifle her giggle. “Right, Santa?”

  “Do you think this is amusing, young lady?” he asked, eyeing her intently. “Do you really think that’s why I’m here? To amuse you?”

  Ashley shook her head and interlocked her fingers behind the small of her back. Though she knew she’d just taken her strict boyfriend over the edge, his gentle reprimand never ceased to make her pussy tingle with desire. “No, sir. I know why you’re here.”

  “Come over here.” He curled a finger and pointed for her to stand before him. “Now, turn around, lower your pants, and let me have a look at that naughty rear end of yours.” Ashley did as she was instructed, but when he smacked her bottom, she winced and squeezed her cheeks together.

  “Stop that. You know better than to clench that gorgeous ass of yours.”

  With another brisk swat across the seat of her pink panties, she relaxed her buttocks and he instantly took a handful of soft flesh in his palm. “Come on, let’s move away from the window. You never know who might own an expensive set of binoculars in this neighborhood.” Taking her by the wrist, he calmly led her into the bedroom.

  “Not so fast. It’s hard to walk like this,” she said, her pants bunched around her knees.

  “Don’t worry, you won’t be wearing them for long. I want you completely naked for this lesson, missy.”

  * * *

  Andy walked to the edge of the mattress and as he approached her, his mouth tightened into a straight line. “Are you done testing my patience today, young lady?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Because I think it’s finally time to take you in that sweet bottom of yours.”

  She stared at him incredulously, and her heart thundered in her chest. “Are you kidding? Y-You want to go there… tonight? On Christmas Eve? Aren’t we supposed to meet Teddy and Dan downstairs for a drink?” she managed through a couple of labored breaths.

  “They can start without us.” Turning around, he reached for two large pillows and placed one behind her head before making sure that her hips rested comfortably on the other. As he raised her knees with one hand, his intense gaze met hers. “Keep those eyes open and on me, Ashley.” His voice was velvety as he retrieved her pink Lucite hairbrush from the nightstand and promptly smacked each lower cheek with it. Twice.

  “Hey! What was that for?”

  “I want your backside nice and red when I enter your quivering little rosebud with my stiff cock.” Still holding both of her legs in one large hand, Andy stretched his other arm to reach for the container of lubricant, and he stroked and saturated her crimped entrance with the viscous gel. “You know damn well you gave Teddy the third degree after his meeting with the manager. When are you going to learn that I’m the one who’s responsible for this investigation?”

  “I wasn’t trying to be rude—” Ashley gasped as his wet fingertip slid effortlessly in and out of her anus, poking and rimming the sensitive area while she watched his golden-brown eyes turn dark and intense.

  “I’m sorry. I promise not to do that again.”

  “Mmm-hmm. You’ve made that promise before,” he said, glaring at her.

  “I know, but… gahh!” Ashley’s sentence was cut short by his thick digit moving further into her bottom hole. He inserted a second lubricated finger and slowly drove them in and out, deeper and deeper, as she squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Look at me, Ashley Elizabeth.”

  Tentatively, she opened her eyes and swallowed hard, knowing that she was about to receive a stern lecture.

  “Women are being raped in their own homes in broad daylight and you’ve made it clear to the men on my team that you think it’s one of them.” He quickly removed his pants and once again reached for the container of lubricant. After fisting his erection, he slathered his hot, stiff cock with gel. “Even if your theory is correct, and I hope with all my heart that it isn’t, you can’t snag a maniac like him in a web all by yourself. Don’t you understand? If it is someone in our unit, it’s just a matter of time before he comes after you, and I can’t have that happen. Turning yourself into a decoy is dangerous, young lady. And I won’t have it. Am I making myself clear?”

  Her lips thinned as she watched him prepare his reddened throbbing member. “I-I’m not trying to do this on my own. I’m just trying to do my job.”

  * * *

  He lifted her ass up and positioned the broad tip of his penis into her quivering hole. Rubbing it over her silky skin, he edged it in slowly, stretching her delicate skin, and watched the black centers of her azure blue eyes dilate. “Relax, Ashe. I know you haven’t done this before, and although you’ve been stretched with a plug, I can’t lie to you. This will hurt at first…”

  “Oh, God, Andy! It stings. It really does.” She tilted her head back on the pillow and for the second time that evening, he watched as she squeezed her eyelids shut.

  “Open your eyes, please. I want you to watch me fuck your ass.” He was patient in the beginning, easing into her tight tunnel and drawing back when she groaned. “Take a deep breath, sweetie, and bear down while you exhale,” he instructed in a firm, low tone.

  Spreading her legs, he watched Ashley focus on his thick, hard cock inching into her bottom. Her eyes widened every time he added more gel, and she bit her lip as he continued pressing his way into her narrow, furrowed entrance.

  “Is this a punishment?” she asked, glancing upward, her eyes pooled with tears. “Are you punishing me for usurping your authority?”

  “Let’s consider it a deterrence. I never want to find out you’re disobeying my orders. I’m in charge of this investigation, and it’s my job to keep my girl safe.”

  One lone tear rolled down her cheek. “Jesus. Didn’t I just promise not to interfere anymore?”

  “Grab your knees and swallow my cock until it can’t go any further inside you.” He crushed his mouth onto hers, bathing her in passion as he drove further into her ass. Melting into his kiss, she moaned with each thrust until he was seated beyond her gate of resistance.

  “Come on, Ashe, be a good girl for Santa,” he whispered breathlessly in her ear.

  He pulled his slick cock almost all the way out to the rim and drove back in deep. Reaching down, he stroked her slippery, swollen folds over and over, rounding her greedy clit with strong, tense fingers. And then without warning, he fuc
ked her ass hard and fast again and again. From her facial expressions he knew her intense pain was finally gone, and that the sensations inside her rear entrance were becoming more fulfilled with each thrust.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Ashley finally screamed out in one breath.

  His body suddenly jerked forward then stilled before his cock erupted in forceful spurts while her nerve-filled muscles throbbed mightily at the same time. Their eyes remained open as they held tightly onto one another, and then his lips gently brushed over hers.

  “Has my naughty girl learned a valuable lesson today?” he asked in a raspy tone.

  As she closed her eyes and wiggled her bottom, a sly smile emerged on her flushed face. “Yes, sir. I certainly have, Lieutenant. You’re in charge.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wrapped in a fluffy white hotel robe, Ashley sat at the desk in front of the miniature tabletop tree and seemed to be deep in thought when Andy unlocked the door and entered the room.

  “Why so serious this Christmas morning? What are you thinking about, my love?” he asked, handing her a steaming cup of coffee before pulling a chair over to sit next to her.

  She peered up at him. “I don’t know. I’ve been filled with mixed emotions lately.”

  “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something is weighing heavily on your mind. You woke up early without an alarm, and I heard you roam around from one room to another this morning. Were you looking for something?”

  “No, I was aimlessly pacing, thinking about the perp who is still at large. I’m sorry for waking you. God knows we haven’t had much sleep in the last two weeks and today is supposed to be a day off for us…”

  He turned his head as he gazed at the festive tree he’d purchased for the room. “I know the holiday is almost over, and we all hoped he’d be caught by now.”


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