On His Naughty List

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On His Naughty List Page 10

by Shelly Douglas

  “Yes, sir! I’m sorry! I really am.”

  “Finally, we’re making some progress in that department,” he encouraged in a soft tone. “Now, bend and spread a bit more, so I can see if that naughty pussy of yours is getting all wet and needy.”

  “Please take that thing out of my bottom!” she begged, rocking back and forth on her knees.

  “After you do what you’re told.”

  As Ashley reluctantly bent forward to tip her hips upward, she knew he would be drinking in the sight of her swollen lips and pictured his mouth wolfishly curling into a Cheshire cat grin as her slick skin scented the air with a fragrant arousal.

  “Ass high up in the air. Now!” he directed in a serious voice as he smacked her behind. “I want to watch your hot little rosebud shiver as I pull this plug out.”

  Compliantly, she leaned over further, and as he eased the spicy root from her anus with one hand, he lovingly patted her hip with the other. “See, if you follow directions, things will be much easier for you.” After Andy popped the carved ginger from the rim of her fiery, shuddering tight hole, Ashley inhaled deeply and started to roll onto her side.

  “Not so fast, sweet girl. I’m not done just yet.”

  “But it still burns. Wasn’t that nasty root in my ass enough of a punishment?” she whimpered, glaring at him.

  With the quickness of a ninja, Andy moved to pull her body across his lap and applied the flat of his hand to the sensitive crease under her bottom cheeks.

  “Fuck! How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? I’ve learned my lesson, damn it! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she yelped, squiggling and squirming in a futile attempt to escape his strong hold, but he firmly draped his leg over both of hers, and four consecutive sharp swats instantly rained down onto her blushing buttocks.

  He angled his mouth toward her ear. “You don’t sound remorseful at all, Ashley Elizabeth.”

  “Good God!” she screamed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” She continued sobbing and writhing over his strong thighs, before making one last attempt to flee from his sturdy grasp.

  “You’re going nowhere until I’m finished,” he scolded in a no-nonsense tone, landing a harsh slap across her tender behind. “And stop clenching. Unless you’d rather I give your hide a good licking with my belt.”

  “Please! I promise to follow the rules from now on!” she begged through shuddering sobs while he secured her hips back in place. Though she was face down on his lap with her panties dangling from one foot and her ass stung like hell, she’d never felt so safe and loved in her whole life as she had at that moment.

  “Do you still want to live here with me?” he asked, running his fingertips lightly in circles over her burning hind end.

  “Yeah,” she answered through a shivering inhale.

  “Come on up here.” As he pulled her to a sitting position, Ashley’s heated face was wet from crying and the spicy scent of her wanton arousal permeated the air. “Do you know why you have a sore bottom?” he asked while surreptitiously adjusting the bulge beneath his zippered jeans.

  She wiped her cheeks with the palms of her hands. “Yeah.”

  “Would you like to try that response again? Does your lieutenant need to remind you that ‘yes, sir’ is the preferred answer when you’re receiving discipline?”

  Her head shook as she spoke in a small voice. “No reminders are necessary, sir.”

  “I was raised not to put up with sass or disrespect from someone I love. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes, sir. I do,” she mumbled, staring down at the erection digging against her hip.

  “Good girl,” he said, pressing his lips to the racing pulse in her neck. “And as much as I’d like to take this gorgeous red ass of yours on the floor and bury my aching cock in between your soft, naked cheeks…”

  While grinding her needy, wet pussy onto his jeans, she seductively caressed the hard-steeled bar that was pressing against his zipper with one hand in an obvious attempt to turn their morning events into a sexy scene.

  “Behave yourself, little miss. The discipline you received just now was meant as a punishment for disobeying my attempt to keep you safe, and you need to learn something from it.” Though Andy’s tone was stern, his eyes sparkled with a lustful desire. “And though you’ll be soon working under another lieutenant, you’ll always be mine to protect. Are we clear on that, Detective Scott?”

  Her mouth curved up on one side as her eyes met his. “Yes, sir. Crystal clear, Lieutenant.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  One year later

  “Remind me one more time why we’re flying to New York City for Christmas? Do you have any idea of how cold it’s going to be there?” Ashley asked, narrowing her eyes as she buckled the seatbelt prior to takeoff.

  “Besides the possibility of freezing temperatures in the east, I have high hopes for a white Christmas. In fact, I thought it would be romantic if we had a view of Central Park, so I booked us a suite at the Ritz-Carlton.”

  “Really? That sounds a bit over the top for my frugal lieutenant who rarely takes a vacation.”

  He nodded and smiled. “A beautifully situated hotel near Central Park is your perfect refuge in the middle of Manhattan. Relax in comfort, surrounded by living green plants and thoughtful touches of nature.”

  “Ahh, I see you’ve been indulging in some riveting NYC advertisement reading,” she teased, rolling her eyes to the ceiling. “Except that we’re traveling there in the dead of winter when it’s cold as hell and the wind swirls off the Hudson River.”

  “Look, I know you don’t have warm memories of the city where you grew up,” he said, pursing his lips. “But I thought it might be good to go back there and start a new Christmas memory for you. Not to mention the bonus that we’ll be too far away to return for an emergency.”

  Her sigh was heavy as she sank into the black vinyl seat. “I understand the psychology behind this holiday trip, but you also could’ve booked us a little ocean-front beach house in the Florida Keys.”

  “It occurred to me last year when I played Santa in the Eden Roc Hotel that I’d never experienced a white Christmas. Though I’ve been to New York on business, I never traveled there during the winter holidays and it just seems like it would be so festive!”

  “For God’s sake, this weekend is starting to sound like a Christmas chick flick,” Ashley said as she grabbed her armrests and held on for dear life while their plane rolled down the runway gathering speed. “You know, ever since you played Santa last year, I’ve been thinking that your hardened exterior has softened a bit.”

  His lips curled at the edges. “I think it was my choice in women, not the red suit, that has mellowed me, my dear. And to be clear, this classified information should remain only between us. My squad would have a field day with that new description of my personality.”

  “Duly noted, Lieutenant,” she said, bobbing her head.

  “Now take a deep breath and relax. I’m guessing that once we climb above the clouds it should be a smooth flight,” Andy casually advised before taking her white-knuckled hand in his to kiss.

  She nodded and leaned her head back. “I know it will be fine. I just hate taking off. And landing sucks a big one, too.”

  “Can you at least watch your language in public, my dear?” Andy let out a loud sigh of exasperation before looking out the window. “Tell me, how is it that a successful, intelligent detective such as yourself can stand nose to nose with a serial killer without so much as a trembling hand, and yet you shudder at the thought of flying? We all know the statistics show that it’s much safer to travel in the air than on the ground.”

  Ashley’s slim fingers drummed on her thigh. “I know you’re just trying to distract me.”

  “Nope, in fact, if my plan goes off without a hitch, our weekend will be spent without any distractions.”

  “You keep saying that, but I’m not so sure. Haven’t you told the detectives on
our teams where we’re going?”

  “Yep. It’s common knowledge how much we’ve both been needing some time off, and everyone promised not to bother us.”

  Ashley shrugged and tried her best to relax in the seat. As the plane suddenly jerked, her fingers returned to the black vinyl armrests in a death grip, and her mind began to race. “Really? You think no one in the entire MDPD will call us? If I remember correctly, it was you who said that Christmas brought out the worst in people. There’s even a television show called Homicide for the Holidays,” she reminded her boyfriend who was sporting a jagged smile.

  As the aircraft rose above the clouds and settled, her eyelids fluttered and lowered.

  Thank God, the Dramamine I took is finally starting to work.

  * * *

  Jerking her head upward as the plane hit the runway with a thud, Ashley turned to Andy. “We’re here already?”

  “Yep. And you managed to sleep through the entire flight. Turbulence and all.”

  “So, what now, my fearless leader?”

  “Even though we’re only staying the weekend, you managed to pack enough bags for a week, so I suggest we head straight for the baggage claim. And then we’ll take an Uber to the hotel.”

  Ashley’s smile was lopsided as she rubbed her hands together. “You were a camp counselor before joining the police force, right?”

  “This is going to be our best Christmas ever,” Andy said, nodding. “I can feel it in my bones.”

  “That’s not the first time I’ve heard you say that.” Her eyes instantly narrowed with worry. “Uh-oh!” You’re not planning to play Santa in the hotel lobby again, are you?”

  “Nahh. This year I intend to play your personal Santa Claus,” he added with a profound wink.

  * * *

  The sun had just started descending from the sky as Andy straddled Ashley on top of a king-size bed inside a large suite in New York City.

  “Stop wiggling, young lady,” he scolded, his fingers lathering her pussy with a thick emollient cream.

  “Come on, Andy. You’ve already buzzed me with your electric shaver, is it necessary for my mound to always be as smooth as a baby’s bottom?”

  He held his travel razor upward, and the blade glistened as the setting sun reflected off the smooth steel through the large picture window. “Yep, I want your adorable kitty to be soft and velvety the next time my lips skim over it,” he announced with a mischievous grin. “Do I need to remind you to behave yourself so close to Christmas?”

  “Please tell me you’re not going to start that silly naughty list business again.” Her eyes closed tight as he glided the cutting instrument over her sensitive skin with long, vertical strokes.

  “If you don’t stop squirming, Santa will bend your sweet, naked hind end over his knee right now…”

  She opened one eye to see if his smiling eyes were focused on the slit in between her mound, and her cheeks heated promptly. “But you’re making me nervous with that blade in your hand. You seem to be focusing on something other than shaving—”

  His brow furrowed as he shook a lathered finger at her. “Maybe you should daydream and let me tend to my business at hand,” he teased good-naturedly.

  Ashley’s face couldn’t have been redder as she rolled her blue eyes to the ceiling. “Fine. What should I think about, big guy?”

  “Why don’t you consider all the things that Santa might bring you on Christmas morning if you’re a good girl.”

  She closed her eyes and reined in her sassy tongue. “Okay, okay. I’ll try. You can continue.”

  “Oh, I have permission to continue, eh?” he retorted, pursing his lips together as he returned to carefully shave the borders of her sex. “Maybe this would be a good time to have a serious conversation about our relationship.”

  She loved the crinkles around Andy’s eyes when he smiled, and his salt and peppered hair seemed so sexy and mature to her, but there was always a worry looming in her head that he’d eventually want to sever the emotional ties that bound them together since she was only in her early twenties and he was in his mid-forties. Rising onto both elbows, she stared at him incredulously. “Uh-oh, what does that mean?”

  He wiped the excess shaving cream off her mound with a warm, wet washcloth and lovingly skimmed the soft pads of his fingers over it. “It means, my dear,” he said as he crawled up to give her a gentle kiss, “I didn’t just fly us to the East Coast so we could have a white Christmas together, but I also had hopes of playing the part of your kinky Santa Claus. I thought it would be romantic for us to remember the time when we first started dating.”

  “Okay, in full disclosure, I do love the idea of you playing Saint Nick again,” she cooed, rubbing her nose onto his. “Did you really remember to pack the red suit in your bag?”

  “I certainly did,” he said, hopping off the bed to reach into his duffle on the floor. “So, how about if I slip it on and you can sit on my lap. You, know, for old time’s sake.”

  “Shall I get dressed, or does Santa want my naked pussy drooling onto his pants?”

  His grin was crooked while he slipped into the suit and adjusted the wig and beard in a flash. “Step right up, little girl,” he said, patting his muscular thigh.

  Dramatically, she looked around the room before pointing to herself. “Me?”

  “Yes, you. The one with the dirty mouth. Come here and tell Santa what you want for Christmas.”

  She got comfortable on his lap and stared into his deep caramel shaded eyes. “What I want can’t possibly be in your carryon luggage, Mr. Claus.”

  “Of course, it can, sweetie. Remember, Santa is capable of many things we mortals are not.” He watched her eyes widen as he drew a little black box from his pants. “Shall we open it to see what’s inside?”

  “Oh, my God, that looks like a jewelry box.”

  “I wanted it to be something that would make your eyes sparkle every time you gazed at it.”

  Ashley instantly opened the gift to marvel over the contents. “You bought me two rings?”

  “It’s a his-and-hers set, although as you can see, yours is a diamond eternity band and mine is plain gold.”

  “This isn’t an engagement ring—”

  “No. They’re wedding bands. I thought it would be romantic to be married tomorrow on Christmas Eve. The weather forecasters are predicting snow for tonight, and if they’re correct, Manhattan will look as festive as ever.”

  “Could we really find someone to marry us that soon… and isn’t there a ton of paperwork involved? How is it possible that you’d know anyone here to take care of those kinds of things?”

  “If you agree, I’ll make one phone call, and the legal red tape can be in motion tonight. I have connections,” he declared proudly, inclining his head.

  “What will I wear? I didn’t bring anything for that kind of occasion,” she said, smoothing her long T-shirt over her freshly shaved kitty.

  He waggled his bushy eyebrows. “You looked fabulous in everything you wear—and in everything you don’t.”

  She took the wide, heavy gold wedding ring out of the box and started to try it on.

  “No, my darling. Not yet,” he scolded good-naturedly. “I want to be the one who places it on your finger, right after you say that you will love me in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, until death do us part.”

  “This ring is beautiful, Andy, and of course, I want to marry you—I love you…”

  “Oh, my God. Why do I feel like there’s a but coming? What’s wrong?”

  Her head tilted ever so slightly. “When I’m with you I feel more loved and safe than I ever have in my whole life. I adore all the crazy kinky sex and how we understand each other inside and out. Honestly, I can’t wait to be your wife, but…”

  “Ashley Elizabeth Scott, we’ve been best friends for a year now, and I thought we weren’t keeping any secrets from each other. Was I wrong?”
br />   Instantly, she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her embarrassed face in his warm sturdy neck. “I know you like watching over me, but what I really wanted Santa to bring me for Christmas this year was a…”

  He took a deep breath and hugged her, waiting patiently. “Come on, baby doll, what is it? You can tell me anything…”

  She shrugged and tried to muster up the courage to tell him the truth. “After my dad was hauled off to jail, I immediately started asking when he’d be coming home. Not that anyone’s answer would’ve healed the hole in my heart, or soothed my public embarrassment, but as the years passed and there wasn’t any communication from him, I started dreaming about having a real daddy. You know, a protective, loving man like you see on television and in the movies. I became obsessed with the idea and began fantasizing whenever I had a minute to myself. In one of my favorite daydreams, I had a stern daddy who would spank me because I’d been naughty, but then he’d cradle me in his arms and tell me how much I meant to him,” she admitted in a nervous voice before peering up at him. “Oh, God. Never mind. That’s probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever said in my whole life. I can’t believe you let me go on and on spewing that childish nonsense.”

  Swallowing hard, she worried what his reaction would be until his answer came through a wobbly grin.

  “Don’t you think I’ve taken over the role as your protector from the moment we met?”

  Her eyes filled with tears as her voice cracked. “I’d always imagined it that way in my twisted little head, but I’ve been too embarrassed to say the words out loud.”

  “You should never be too embarrassed to ask or tell me anything. And if I ever find out that you’ve been holding back from me, I’ll bare your bottom and spank it a bright shade of red until you can’t sit on it. Are we clear?”

  “Yeah,” she said, burying her blushed face in his soft Santa suit, her chest heaving as she sobbed.

  He angled his mouth to her ear and spoke in a gentle tone. “Excuse me?”


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