Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 3

by Darcia Cobbler

  Hannah twisted the key in the lock, unaware that she had already made the twelve block walk home. She was heartbroken and… in love? No, she told herself, that’s not what that eye lock was. She knew better.

  Chapter 4

  Drake moved into his building in a dazed and confused state which was not the norm in any fashion for this over-confident magnate. Did she really just say ‘no thank you’? Did the word ‘no’ really slip through her divine lips? Drake had never, in his adult life, heard a woman tell him ‘no’. No, this certainly had just happened. She had to have felt what he felt. She had to have felt that same drive. It was undeniable. He had gone completely clammy and nervous, the moment he saw her. He could not even put a name on the feeling that washed over him. Or maybe… maybe he could. He ignored Banks’ greeting, and drifted right by him, utterly lost in his disbelief.

  Drake sat down in the meditation chair and closed his eyes. His memory flashed back, what seemed like an eternity, to the last time he ever saw his mother and father. They were laughing and holding one another, and he walked into the dining room where they were standing. They released one another and dad scooped Drake up into his arms, and they embraced once again. Their smiles were so real, so genuine. So unfamiliar.

  A rap at the door reeled in Drake’s focus, back down out of the clouds.

  “Don’t forget, sir, Conrad Slanter is hosting his dinner festivity this evening. You have it set on your date marker.”

  “Oh, Christ, I totally forgot about that. I have to go. Brad invited me so that he could make an impression on Conrad. I owe Brad big time.”

  “None of my matter, sir. I’ll prepare you a drink while you dress. Are you feeling well? You’ve slept in the same position since you arrived from your morning meeting. I assume it went well, aside from your ghostly manners.”

  Drake had slept for hours, it was already three thirty in the afternoon. The entire time he had dreamed of his parents. It’d been ages since he had seen them in his dreams.

  “Yes, yes it went fine. The attorney had all of it in order. But there was this wom... Nevermind. I’ll have that drink now.”


  The cab ride to the dinner party was quiet. Well not quite. That was only Hannah; Lizzy had talked, nonstop the whole ride. Which was fine by Hannah, she was still convincing herself to not turn back. She hated the very thought of the party. These rich floozy flamboyants were exactly why she retracted from their green stained fingers and whispers and brutal back stabbings. On the other hand, she had been working extremely hard for a long while. She had absolutely no time to herself as she fought for the youth center. Fuck it, Hannah thought, it’ll be worth getting out. Not to mention it’s so fun to watch the dramatic antics of all the people.

  “God, let’s go straight to the bar, I don’t even want Brad to see me here…”

  Hannah hadn’t realized that they had already arrived at the Brazilian eatery. Damn, she was off her game, that was twice in one day that she allowed herself to think deeply within her own being.

  “After you, my sexy lesbian lover!” Yes, she decided then and there, tonight she would let loose.

  They entered the open-air restaurant and it was filled to the gills with the oh-so-cliche, stereotypical schmoozers everywhere. Fortunately, the circle bar, laid out in the center of the grand room, was nearly empty. There were too many brown noses in too many raunchy asses for any of them to sit down for a drink at the bar. That was the perfect vantage point from which to observe the events of the night unfold.

  Hannah and Lizzy were both completely dolled up and dressed to kill. Hannah really knew how to show off what little she had. She thought she had little, but in reality, her perfect ass was just as plump as a fresh peach in July. And her breasts were ample and just as perky as they were in freshmen year of college. She was a stunning woman. A stunning-looking woman when she wanted to be. It was not her everyday way to be, however.

  Instinctively, the girls sat at the portion of the bar where the burly Brazilian bartender, with the long, black braided hair, was standing. Both giggled to one another as they ordered two Mai Tais.

  The evening actually began exceptionally well as the two old friends sat at the bar people watching. Lizzy had not spotted this new Brad guy yet, so they continued to slurp on their cocktails and gawk at all the social awkwardness. It was actually quite relaxing.

  Out of nowhere, Hannah accidentally swallowed the cherry stem that she had been twirling around in her mouth. Low and behold, skipping his two steps right through the front of the bar was the damned Drake. Oh, God, he was so good looking. Down right sexy, to be honest. Hannah could not believe her eyes. He was shaking hands with the dandiest dressed gentlemen and he was wrapping his big arms around the most lavish ladies. She could nearly see into his soul through the genuinity of his bright smile. His smooth, shaved face seemed to glow, and the tone of his skin was a golden brown. What the hell was going on here?

  “Oh, my God, oh my God…” Hannah almost choked on the words.

  “What? Are you fucking choking?! Damn, look at the hottie at twelve o’clock!”

  “Oh shit, he’s coming. Oh shit, he sees me. We are about to do that damned eye thing again. Quick, make out with me!” Hannah cupped Lizzy behind the back of her head and pulled her into a big fat smooch before she could get another word out.

  As Lizzy closed her eyes in shock of the lip plant, Hannah’s eyes were cut toward Drake as he had initially waved and spoke her name, he now looked a tiny bit shocked but continued to smile that Knightley smile and headed right for her. Oh, God.

  “Well damn! I mean, I guess I could have imagined that!” Drake genuinely couldn’t believe his eyes. And boy were they both smoking hot! “It’s a rare delicacy to see two sexy lesbians!”

  Lizzy stared, wide-eyed, at Hannah, filled with butterflies of surprise. And she thought she was the wild one... Hannah remained calm, collected, and eyed Drake with the slightest of smirks. Maybe the tall skinny glasses of Mai Tai were getting to her a bit. She did her best not to crack a smile, though she had to admit, the looks that Lizzy was still giving her were beyond hilarious.

  “You guess you could have imagined that, huh? What a promiscuous thing to say!” Hannah imitated that she was slightly let down by Drake’s comment.

  “I meant no offense! Let me buy the both of you a round!” Drake threw himself onto the barstool to the right of Hannah and waved to the handsome bartender.

  “Oh, I don’t know, I think I’ve had plenty,” Hannah started.

  “Oh, yes! We will take two more tall Mai Tais! Thanks,” Lizzy jumped into the conversation as quick as she could find the words to say.

  Lizzy was still rendered dumb by the cumulative effects of the sudden kiss. She had asked Hannah to come along, only to pretend to be her lesbian lover. And why in the world would Hannah do that just because Drake walked over...shouldn’t she be relishing in the fact that he even knew she existed? Hannah just gave her ‘the look’. The look representing the notion that they should go forth from this moment on, pretending to be gay!

  “So how long have you two lovebirds been together?”

  “Two weeks…”

  “Two years…”

  The girls answered at the same exact moment, both sounding fully confident in their answers.

  Hannah’s sharp wit quickly jumped to action, “It has been so lovely and wonderful that the time has flown by! It has felt like only two weeks!”

  “Wait, what? Oh! Hey! Hold on a sec, that’s my buddy Brad over there! Hey! Brad! Come over here you hunk.”

  “Oh, you know Brad!?” Lizzy couldn’t conceal her excitement for the entrance of Brad Booles. “That’s Brad…” she whispers to Hannah.

  A charmingly good-looking blonde Brad waved and made his way through the crowd to the bar. He strolled up to Drake, who stood maybe only a few inches taller. Both men were soaring towers of sexiness. A sexiness that Hannah could not begin to understand. Today she had seen more hot men
than she had ever seen before. And from the looks of Brad’s get up and watch, he was far from lacking in the funding department.

  “Hey! My brotha from anothamotha! Glad you made it out here, you big deal making son!” Brad grabbed Drake by the hand and pulled him in for a brotherly hug.

  “Hey, Brad! Sorry I missed golf this morning. Some...err..more pressing matters arose. I’m glad to be here, though! In fact, I’ve just run into a… friend.” Drake turned toward the two seated ladies at the bar.

  “Oh, Lizzy, I am so damn glad you made it. I never got a reply text from you, so I assumed you wouldn’t make it tonight. Great!” Brad addressed Lizzy as if he’d known her forever.

  “Oh, you two know one another already?” Drake seemed surprised.

  “Old chap, we not only know each other, we are about to blow this joint! You must excuse me, Lizzy and I have some, uh, well you know, we have to go take care of some...you know.” Brad allowed a cunning smile to overtake his face. He made a secret little thrusting arm motion that only he and Drake could see and sent a wink to Lizzy.

  “If you will excuse me...I’ll text you later, love, thanks for being my lesbian lover!” Lizzy then winked at Hannah, stood from her stool, and pounded down the last of her Mai Tai. She swooped in, wrapped her arms around Hannah, and whispered, ‘good luck’, into her ears.

  Brad and Lizzy capered off into the late evening, leaving Drake standing in front of a ghostly looking Hannah.

  This was awkward...

  “So, your lover of two years just left you for a big headed Brad? If you really are so sapphic, it seems to me that you are one hot date short now!” Drake had a humorous twinkle floating in his eyes. The small creases and folds that showed on his face gave hints that he smiled often. Hannah could see why. His smile was heart melting. She could not believe her cover had been blown just like that.

  Hannah could only smile back, that eye thing was happening again. She felt as though she may have fallen right out of her barstool and melted into the floor. The cat was now out of the bag. She had to come clean. If he only wasn’t wearing such a tremendous smile.

  “How about you let me buy you another round, and we can talk all about it? I want to make up for my approach earlier, if you’d give me the chance?” Drake couldn’t pull his eyes out of Hannah’s beautiful face.

  “Fine. But you better watch your tone, it’d be a shame for our acquaintance to end before it properly has the chance to begin.” Hannah spoke with a collected coolness with an equal amount of humor. Just five hours ago, she would have never even allowed Drake to be a fly in her thoughts. However, by this point, the alcohol was pulling its fabled deceptions out of a tall, black top hat. She couldn’t turn him down. Her great buzz added to the pure passion that flowed from his eyes to hers, and back again, kept her beyond an emotion of glee. Half of her thought it absolutely repulsive, but that was most definitely the crumbling half.

  “Pretending to be a lesbian! Ha, I’ve never thought that in my life!”

  “Well it most definitely beat the hell out of the alternative…”

  “Oh, but here you are seated, by me, at the bar, drinking a rum cocktail,” Drake chuckled at the funny antics of this dream woman.

  “You are lucky today, that is all I can say.”

  They ordered round after round, and the more they drank, the closer they inched to one another. They had some of the best conversation that either had had in many years. The bar area began to fill with more and more people. They stood around, elbow to asshole, and flooded the entire room. It was becoming hot and stuffy, and so loud Drake nor Hannah could scarcely hear the other any more.

  “What do you say we blow this joint?” Drake, slightly intoxicated, shouted the offer over the racket of the crowded bar, “I can hardly breathe in here! I’ll grab a bottle of wine to go!”

  Hannah had all but allowed the dramatic events of the morning to slip her mind. She pondered upon Drakes offer for a single moment. There was something in his eyes that she could no longer avoid. It pulled her in like the sirens of Odysseus’s wild world. She nodded in confirmation that she would ditch this hole with him.

  The two hit the streets laughing hard. As it turned out, they both quite enjoyed watching the funny monkey business that went on a late night in bars when a ton of money baggers gathered. Drake had procured a delicious bottle of champagne from the restaurant, and the two were strolling down the streets of Atlanta as merrily as Mrs. Poppins herself. That’s the precise moment a brilliant idea came over Hannah.

  “Hey, we are only a few blocks from the youth rec center! Would you want to walk to it, I can show you what it’s all about? Well, what it was all about.” There seemed to be no hard feelings in Hannah’s demeanor.

  “Let’s go!” At this very moment, Drake would have followed this beautiful woman to the ends of the world. He was completely smitten.

  As they continued, block after block, they chattered away like two high school crushes that have only just learned what love is. They talked about everything under the sun and moon. Drake also confessed his love for soccer as they made their way to the center.

  “No way! That has been my favorite sport since I was a child!” Hannah exuded with excitement as they made the final turn and arrived at the rec center. She key opened the lock on one the outer gates, and they walked over to the double-sized soccer field. There was a lone, black and white soccer ball lying in the soft, lush grass. The two stared into one another’s eyes for a long moment.

  They grabbed each other’s hands and began to play like two children. Neither has felt the way they were feeling now, as they had both been forced by life to grow up faster than most children do. They kicked the soccer ball and ran and played in the big open fields of the youth center. They were drunk and having some of the best times of their lives. The feeling could not even be appointed a name. It was simply magical. Drake only now realized how phenomenal the youth recreational center really was. He simply could not get enough. He felt just like a kid again. It fell far beyond the grips of amazing.

  “Come on,” Hannah was nearly breathless from the playtime, “I’ll show you my office!”

  “This place is magnificent! I can’t get enough. I have not felt this free since...well, since forever!”

  They walked the grounds to Hannah’s office. The night was perfectly warm, and the full moon lit their way thoroughly from above. The love in their eyes shone brighter than ever before. Hannah’s office was slightly smallish, her desk covered neatly with pens, pencils, notebooks and stacks of paperwork.

  “These are my foster parents…” Hannah could hardly get the words out as Drake gently grabbed her by the waste. She wrapped her arms around his neck. They stared into each other’s souls momentarily. Drake then brought his hand around the back of Hannah’s head, his fingers became lost in the deep waves of her dark hair. He pulled her in, and they planted lips for the first time. All breath and life seemed to lift from their bodies. They inhaled one another.

  Drake, madly in love, whispered into the crevices of Hannah’s ears that he would do whatever he could in order to stop the mall plans. It had washed over him that the local children really needed this place.

  He then swiped the entire desk clear with one stroke of his massive arm and picked Hannah up, gently setting her down on the empty desk. Hannah untucked Drake’s shirt and started to slowly unbutton it from the bottom up, leaving a trail up kisses up from his navel to his neck. She could feel the outline of his cock as it grew between his leg and his pants. She began to stroke and caress it as it’s shape extended. He softly pushed her back down flat on the desk. With a delicate touch, he swiftly pulled her stunning dress up and over her head with ease. She had been wearing no bra under the dress and her plump breasts fell out. Drake softly took a nipple between his teeth and sucked at it gently. With a free hand, he massaged the other breast, slightly squeezing the nipple between his forefinger and his thumb. He went back and forth between breasts for a moment befo
re leading his tongue in a circular path down her flat stomach.

  Drake pulled Hannah’s black thong from around her waist and led it up the long, full length of her legs. He kept her legs up in the air with his muscular arms as he knelt to the ground. He could feel the heat from her steamy, succulent vagina. Drake kissed her lower lips, then slipped his entire tongue into her hot, wet hole. Hannah moaned, uncontrollably, as she lost all sense of control. Her legs quivered with earthquake force.

  He climbed back to his feet after a bit of suckling and licking and quickly undid his pants. Hannah sat up and assisted him in unbuttoning them. She pulled them down and his fully erect cock sprang up and out. She instantly took him into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down the length of his schlong; she could feel every single throbbing vein. His member was massive and slightly gagged her as she took it in.

  Drake picked her up off of the desk abruptly and carried her in his arms over to a black couch that was tucked against the right office wall. He laid her down gently and climbed on top. He pulled a condom out of his pants pocket from the floor and unrolled it onto his dick. Slowly, he slid himself into her dripping wet hole. As he glided in and out, she let out muffled moans of pure ecstasy. Her entire body began to quiver. Her pink painted toes began to spread and curl with each stroke. Drake gained momentum and speed as the moment built up. Neither Drake nor Hannah could hardly breathe as their groaning turned to howls. Hannah, legs quivering, pushed back on Drake’s chest, and flipped herself on top of him. She slid his cock back into her now gushing vagina. She rode him as hard as she could, clapping her ass down on his thighs as she took him all the way in. She could feel every curve and straight of him deep inside of her. Drake laid back, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He had never felt anything as pleasurable as what he was feeling right then. Hannah was now riding him at a warped speed, his cock penetrated her deep.


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