Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 21

by Darcia Cobbler

  "I heard he did have a girlfriend but no one was really sure who it was," Ana commented.

  "Well, I guess we know who it is now!" she feigned cheerfulness but it sounded cheesy and pitchy to her ears. So she decided to change the topic. "What time is your break today? Want to go get lunch Ana?"

  "I have my break in five minutes. Want to go then?"

  Ariana nodded. "Sure."


  When she got back from her lunch break, Ariana was asked to come to Jayden's office. She had managed to pull herself together while she was out with Ana. They had a long conversation about the most random stuff, and Ariana found herself enjoying it since it. It had been a long time since she had spent time with her friends with the drama she had going on with her boss.

  She walked in and found the brunette gone. Ariana was half expecting her to open the door and yell at her face again the way she had earlier. She was the girlfriend of the owner of the company so she had no choice. She bet Jayden would just stand around while his girlfriend belittled her. Well, it was too bad that she had no time for people's bullshit.

  "Sit down," Jayden ordered as soon as she saw him.

  He was standing by the window again. His posture brought up the memory of that night in his office. It was the first time they had made love then. It had been hot and passionate and without a care in the world. Oh, how she wished to bring back the past and change it from the moment she decided to work overtime that night.

  "They said you called for me?" she asked as she took his order and sat.

  He pushed away from the window and sauntered over to his desk so that they were facing each other. He had his hands clasped in front of him and he stared at her with intensity, she almost broke under his gaze.

  "Why did you let her come in?" he demanded so suddenly she didn't realize what he was talking about for a second.

  "You mean the brunette woman?" she echoed.

  Jayden nodded. "That woman, yes."

  "She said she's your girlfriend. Besides, I wasn't the one who let her in. The guards did at the first floor. I just happened to have bumped into her and she was looking for you. Where is she anyway?"

  "She went home already," he said. "But that's not the point. You know I don't invite ex-girlfriends in here. I thought you knew better, Ariana."

  "Ex-girlfriend?" she repeated. "That woman said you two are a couple. So what was I supposed to think anyway?"

  He looked pissed, eyes flashing with anger. "She's no longer my girlfriend. We didn't even date for a long time. If I had a girlfriend, you would be the first to know. You're the one who handles my transactions with the women. So you should have known better than to entertain a gold-digger."

  She sucked in a breath, unable to believe her ears. "She didn't look like a gold-digger to me."

  He was about to say something but he paused. Leaning forward, he studied her face closely. "Are you jealous, Ariana?"

  Chapter 5

  "Why should I be jealous?" she asked.

  Something flickered in his eyes--understanding, maybe? She would never know and she didn't want to anyway. As far as Jayden was concerned, she no longer wanted to get involved with him. Not when he had lied to her after she found out he was still with another woman.

  "Can I go Jayden?" she said, impatient.

  "No," he said just as stubbornly. "I want to know why you are acting so pissed off, Ariana."

  "You really have to ask me?" she said, exasperated.

  "Why would I be asking if I knew the answer?" he shot back.

  "I can't believe this," she whispered before shaking her head.

  He leaned over her, intimidating her as his tall frame crowded over her. She remained on her feet, never backing away from the big bully in front of her. Ariana was confident he would never hurt her. Not physically, anyway. But she had to admit that having him so close to her brought a mixed of fear and desire, gripping her tightly with its fists.

  "Answer me honestly, Ariana. Were you jealous when you saw Aileen?"

  Ariana knew immediately that Aileen was the brunette that came looking for Jayden. She thought about lying, but decided to be honest with him. "I was jealous, I admit it, Jayden. Now what's your excuse for looking the other way when you were obviously going out with her?"

  An invisible curtain fell over his eyes. He looked reserved, unapproachable for a second. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Oh, please," she said, mocking. "Don't pretend you don't know what I’m talking about."

  "I'm afraid I don't have any idea," he insisted.

  "So you had no idea that you were still dating another woman when you slept with me?" Ariana pointed out, hurt and angry that he would lie about something like this.

  "We're not together," Jayden drew out slowly. "We haven't been for years."

  "Don't lie to my face, Jayden. Not when I saw her come into your office with my own two eyes. You looked pretty happy when you saw her earlier. That doesn't seem like nothing to me."

  "You're being stupid now, Ariana." He said, exasperated as if he had the right to be.

  "I guess I am," she agreed without looking away from him. "I guess I've been so stupid to overlook the fact that I've been played. And the man that I had given my all to happened to be a lying pig. Even up until now, you still can't admit the truth."

  "You didn't give your all to me, Ariana. If you did, you would trust me and believe me when I say that Aileen and I aren't together." She could tell by the tightening of his jawline that he was just as mad as she was. She almost laughed from disbelief. How could he be pissed when he was the one who had played her for a fool?

  "I loved you, damn it!" she said, throwing her hands up in the air.

  "What?" he said, as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

  Tears started to sprang in the back of her eyes and she dashed them away with trembling fingers. "I loved you with all of me, Jayden. I thought that you were different from other men out there. But I was wrong. So wrong that I wish I could take back everything. I just wish I had never met you!"

  The last part hit him in the chest so painfully he almost staggered. She was looking at him with eyes that showed the contempt she felt toward him. He had fucked up everything and now he was paying for it. If only Ariana would choose to listen to him. To listen to his heart and hear everything he felt for her. But he was an asshole and didn't deserve a second chance. He had broken her heart and he wished, no, hoped that she would hear him out. Let him explain, but he had started out badly. Now he was losing the only woman he had ever loved.

  "Ariana--" he reached for her but she backed away from him.

  "But you don't have to worry anymore, Jayden. I won't get in the way of your relationship with Aileen. I'm not that type of person. But I just wished that you had told me in the beginning that you were still with her. That way, I could have saved myself from all the heartache you caused me."

  "Wait, Ariana!" he called but she was already drawing away from him.

  "I can't work for you anymore. I quit, Jayden." She said as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks. "I'm going to send my resignation letter in a couple of days. Until then, please don't try to contact me. I want this to be over with. Just don't ever look for me, ever again."

  She ran out of the room with tears blinding her. The only goal right then was to get away. She had to put distance between them as much as possible for the fear that she would take him back in a second. With one apology from him, Ariana knew she would take him back without questioning herself. That was how much she loved him.

  She ignored the call of her name before she rushed to the elevator. Luckily, no one was inside. As soon as she reached the ground floor, she headed to the parking lot and hopped inside her car. She had never felt so much pain in her entire life. And the fact that it had been partially her fault for playing right into his hands meant she had no one to blame but herself. She was stupid. A fool who fell for the wrong person.

  She drove hom
e as tears continued to stream down her face. Part way home she pulled over and cried her heart out. She felt empty inside. As if Jayden had taken everything away from her. Her happiness. Her heart was left in pieces.


  Days had passed since she last saw Jayden. And then those days turned into weeks and then eventually, months passed. She was slowly making progress. She had gotten over him, but not completely. It still hurt when she thought about what happened. But after sending her resignation letter days after that encounter, she deleted her number and social media accounts that would give him a way to contact her. Not that she hoped he would. She was finally starting to change her way of thinking.

  Now, seven months later, she had started a florist shop in town from what was left of her savings. Finally, she was doing what she loved. It was risky at first to be starting a new business. Especially one that didn't have any guarantee. And even though the pay wasn't as much as her previous employment, at least it gave her a purpose - to get up in the morning and arrange bouquets for special occasions. She had built up her customer list and there were also a lot of new clients coming in for a flower or two. She didn't mind, really. Rather, she enjoyed it.

  Her friend, Ana, came by a few times a week to check up on her. She was still working for Jayden, but her friend never brought him up while she was around Ariana. Which Ariana really appreciated. She had gotten over him, and even though there were other men out there that tried to take her out on dates, she knew she wasn't ready yet. She was still healing from the disastrous experience she had almost a year ago.

  Besides, there was no point in her rushing. She was enjoying being single for once. Before, she had been eager to get men's attentions. Especially her ex-employer. Ariana had done her best to get him to notice her, and how wrong she had been then. From the lack of love that she had received as a child she figured that she looked for it from other people when she should have really looked deep inside herself and loved what mattered most, herself.

  "Someone left this behind," Ana said as she picked up a small sunflower in a box container off the counter by the cash register. It was a simple one and Ariana knew the plant came from her.

  "This is from the shop," she said, frowning.

  "I know," her friend agreed as she inspected the sunflower. Her face lit up when she saw a small note just inside the container. "Look, there's a note, Ariana."

  "Oh, really?" she said before taking it from Ana. She opened it and saw a small note inside.

  For Miss Hanes.

  Love from a secret admirer.

  "Must be from one of the guys who comes in every day to ask you out on a date," Ana said as she bumped her with her hips.

  "Must be," Ariana said, smiling.

  It had been a while since anyone had left anything nice for her. She appreciated the gesture and made a mental note to ask one of the guys to thank him properly.

  Later that afternoon as she was arranging a few flowers, Ana brought up a topic Ariana never expected her friend would bring up.

  "It's been a while since we brought up Jayden," her friend said carefully.

  Ariana smiled, actually not minding at all. He was in her past. She had come to an understanding that her past would always be there. They lived in a city that would somehow bring up Jayden Adams.

  "I know," she said. "I guess I have kind of forgotten about him."

  "Really?" Ana said, surprised. "That's good. Although, he's been all right lately. He's done really well with the company, Ariana. He has built up an empire with how he managed his business."

  "That's awesome!" Ariana said, actually happy that he was doing well. "But how is his girlfriend, Aileen? They must be engaged by now."

  Ana looked at her in surprise. "Who told you about Aileen?"

  She shrugged. "She came into the office that day, remember?"

  "Right." Her friend said, nodding and looking slightly troubled. "But they hadn't dated in years though. They broke up after Aileen cheated on him. She never really accepted that fact so she did her best to harass Jayden for more money even though they aren't together anymore. He got fed up with her though. He told her he would file a police report if she didn't stop coming into his office."

  "What?" Ariana said, shocked. "He said that?"

  Ana nodded.


  "Exactly my words."

  Ariana let herself think about him for a dangerous minute. What if she had been wrong about him all this time? Oh, the guilt and the shame she had to live with for the rest of her life.

  She tried not to think about it as the days blurred by. There were different flowers that got left behind every day with the same note. She had already asked the guys that came in every day if any of the flowers belonged to them. But all of them had shaken their heads no and kept on asking her if she wanted to go on a date with them. As usual, Ariana refused.

  She was so clueless as to who could possibly be leaving her flowers.. It couldn't be a mistake that someone had left it behind. It happened every day so there was definitely something going on. Until one day around midday, the door chime that told her there was a customer. She was alone, and busy sorting out the new deliveries.

  She turned around, a smile automatically on her face as she greeted the customer. "Hi, there. What can I help you with--" she trailed when she saw who stood in front of her, dressed in faded jeans with a white shirt that hugged his body. Hands deep in his pockets and wearing a black cap that hid his hair.

  It was Jayden.

  "W-what are you doing here?" she stammered.

  "I came by to look around," he answered. "I wanted to buy a bouquet of flowers for a special woman."

  Just as quickly as she had felt hopeful that he was here for her, the force of disappointment hit her. "Oh, right. What does she like anyway?"

  "Oh, she's a simple girl. So I'm going to guess a bouquet of white roses, please."

  "Almost like a wedding bouquet," she muttered.

  "Exactly," he agreed quietly.

  She gathered every white rose she had and wrapped them up in colored paper and bows that made it nice. As soon as she was done, she headed over to the checkout counter and made the payment. She was surprised to find her fingers shaking against the machine. She quickly curled them into a fist and dropped her arm to her side.

  Once everything was done, she handed the bouquet over to him and waited for him to leave. But instead of leaving, Jayden lingered around. She felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. Emotions she had buried ages ago were starting to come back slowly. She was crumbling to pieces and it was all because of Jayden.

  "This is for you," he said all of a sudden before sliding it toward her again.

  "What is this for?" she asked, heart thumping against her chest.

  Instead of answering, he walked around the counter and faced her. "What do you think it’s for?"

  "You said you were going to give this to the woman you love..." her voice trailed and her eyes widened. A small smile lingered on his lips, confirming what her brain had already formed.

  "You are the only woman I've ever loved, Ariana. Seven months ago, I wanted to chase you and tell you that. But since you wanted nothing to do with me, I chose to give you the space you needed."

  "But how did you find me?" she whispered.

  "It's easy," he shrugged. "You chose the easiest place to see and besides, Ana helped me throughout."

  "That girl," she muttered.

  "Now don't be angry at her," he said. "I asked her to help me out and I'm glad she did."

  "So she was the one who has been leaving those little surprises for me," Ariana said as realization dawned on her.

  "That's right. I handed her the cards every day and she would put it there for you to notice. I'm glad that you appreciated them, Ariana."

  "I do," she said nodding. "But that doesn't mean that I can bribed into coming back, Jayden. I've been doing well since I left."

  "And I'm glad that you do," he agreed, much to her surpris
e. "I'm glad you're doing well up until now. But I can't lie to you, Ariana, and say that I don't want you back. I do. I badly do. And I would do anything that you want just so I can get you at the end. Even if it takes years, I'm willing to wait. As long as you choose me in the end."

  She was afraid to trust her heart to him again. He had broken it once before and he was capable of doing it again. She believed Ana when she told her that he had never gotten involved with his ex-girlfriend after they broke up. So what was exactly holding her back?


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