Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 38

by Darcia Cobbler

  I really wanted to go home and avoid crossing any boundaries with Aiden. We had so much work to focus on and I was nervous about getting involved with this sex trap. But it would also take me two hours to get home on the subway at this hour. He put his strong hand around my waist. His scruffy hair and full lips were irresistible. My brain started sending more warning signals about work, but they were drowned out as I gazed into his eyes.

  “It would take me a long time to get back to Brooklyn at this time. You don’t mind if I stay?”

  He pulled me towards him; I could feel his bulge pressing up against me. Everything in my periphery became blurry. “I don’t mind at all.” He dangled a piece of fresh strawberry over my mouth. My body craved some fresh fruit after the salty Chinese food. I went to bite it, but he pulled it away. “Uh uh…not yet. First, tell me where you want it.”

  I licked my lips. “In my mouth.”

  His bulge was getting harder. “And when do you want it?”

  “I want it right now.” I stretched out my tongue and he slowly lowered the strawberry onto it.

  The cool, fuzzy skin of the strawberry touched my mouth and sent tingles down my whole body. I chewed the fruit and grew increasingly wet between my legs. I wanted more than just the strawberry on my tongue. He cupped my neck with his hand and pulled in for a kiss. My body instinctually submitted to him and my eyes closed. My strawberry-flavored tongue explored his mouth.

  His available hand slipped up the back of my shirt, undoing my bra with ease. He clearly had experience. He pulled off my shirt and lowered the bra to my waist; my full tits fell into his hands. He circled his tongue around my aching nipples, sending shivers through my body. I helped him take off his shirt and marveled at his chiseled physique. He dipped his hand under my skirt, pulling down my underwear. My legs trembled as he ran his fingers along my womanhood. “Wow. You’re so wet for me.”

  My eyes rested on his large bulge; I wanted to reach in and pull it out, but I was nervous. He removed a condom from his pocket and I took a step back.

  I whispered, “Aiden…It’s been a long time.”

  He ran his fingers through my hair, relaxing me. His gaze was understanding and his tone of voice, caring. “It’s okay. We’ll take it slow.”

  I nodded as he guided me back to the couch. He lowered me onto my back and pulled down his pants, revealing his thick, long shaft.

  “Oh my God…Aiden, I don’t know if I can fit all of that.” It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. He wrapped it with a condom while holding me in his eyes. “You’re going to take it one inch at a time.”I nodded as I spread my legs.

  He leaned over me, surrounding me with his broad shoulders. He entered me slowly, making me moan in a quivering, high pitch voice. He pulled out and then pushed himself back inside, this time going deeper. He smirked. “You sound like a choo-choo train.” I pressed my hands on his firm chest as he penetrated me completely. “Ride me like a train then.”

  He stretched me open with his massive girth. His pace was slow but steady. My thoughts were no longer lucid; my body was entering a pool of pleasure. I was already close the edge, but I tried to hold myself back. He sensed it and thrust faster. My legs tightened around his waist. “Oh, Aiden…yes.”

  He gripped the couch with his hands and pounded me. My head tilted back as waves of ecstasy pumped through my body. His cock penetrated me in a constant but relentless motion, bringing me to a point of dizzying euphoria.

  “Cum for me now.” As the words left his mouth, my legs convulsed and a storm of light-filled particles spiraled up to the crown of my head. My hips pressed against him, swallowing every inch of his firm cock.

  After a final exhale, I released him from my clench and rested back on the couch. He fell down next to me and opened his big arms for me lean into. “I can’t believe you were so nervous. That was some of the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  I didn’t believe him. “Really?” He ran his fingers gently along my bare shoulder. We looked out at the Manhattan skyline and I dozed off, staring at all of the little lights, glistening on the buildings.


  Already dressed and showered, I placed a tray with scrambled eggs and bacon on the bed beside Gloria. The first hints of morning light leaked through the curtains. We had an hour to kill before starting work. Gloria sat up in bed, showing me a picture on her phone of a black, button-down Channel blouse that was for sale. “What do you think?” I took the phone from her hand and discreetly emailed myself the link. “It’s nice.” I handed her the phone back. She sipped from the orange juice. “Ughh…I’d love to wear something like this at the event. It’s sexy but still professional.”

  It made me happy to see her happy. She stretched her arms, making a groggy sound. “Is it true that you’ve never had girlfriend or been married?” She had a way of asking direct questions in a very casual way. “Yes, what you’ve read in the papers is true.” She nibbled on another piece of bacon. “Why not?”

  Just because I was a private person didn’t mean I was ashamed of my beliefs. I just didn’t like to share them with everyone. Gloria wasn’t everyone, though; I felt a strange magnetic pull towards her and I wanted to be honest with her. “I’ve been waiting for the one.”

  She chuckled. “You have a lot of dating experience for a man who’s ‘waiting’ around for the one.”

  I smirked. “I’ve been actively waiting.”

  I pushed the last piece of bacon towards her. “Normally, I can keep my emotions separate from sex.”

  She was wearing my T-shirt; the cotton outlined her perfect, ample breasts. I wanted to devour them. She glanced at me, her blue eyes softening. “Normally? When have your emotions gotten mixed up?”

  I ran the back of my index finger over the two, tiny beauty marks next to her right eye. “Last night.”

  She leaned her cheek against my hand, a gesture I was becoming addicted to.

  I fed her the last piece of bacon. “Why did you freeze when you saw me in my office? You noticed something.”

  She wiped her mouth with a napkin. “The two small beauty marks next to your eye; they’re similar to mine. I got a reading from a cheap psychic on a drunk dare from my friends once. And she predicted I’d meet someone important who had a similar mark on their body, but it was in regards to my career.”

  She pushed the tray aside and climbed out of bed, pulling my shirt down over her exposed thighs. “Thanks for breakfast. Where’s the bathroom? I’m going to shower up and check emails.”

  “Down the hall; third room on the right.”

  My phone rang as she walked out. I put Darek on speaker phone as I opened the blinds. “Mr. Ford, Gloria sent John Dee’s donation confirmation to Mr. Hayes, our donor who is considering other charities. Mr. Hayes called me early this morning, pretty upset. He said we’re putting him in an awkward position by revealing to him how much money John Dee is contributing.” I almost slammed my phone on the ground.

  Gloria entered, dressed in her business skirt and blouse.

  “Yes, find out what Jake’s availability is between now and the event, and resend his resume.”

  Gloria put her hands on her hips. “Why are you reconsidering Jake?” I hung up. If Gloria was responsible for this, then I would have to replace her. This was an unacceptable, rookie mistake. “Why did you send John Dee’s confirmation email to Mr. Hayes?” Gloria’s face turned white.

  She flipped open her laptop and checked her emails. “What? That’s not possible! I sent it to the email we have on file for Mr. Hayes.” She scanned through some files. “I used the email list Darek shared with me…wait a minute…that’s strange.”

  I walked around her computer and glanced at the list.

  “Look, the VIP donors contact sheet was updated yesterday afternoon and then again this morning at 5 am. Darek is the only person besides me who can alter the sheet.”

  Something about it was suspicious.

  She opened the settings for our file s
haring database and located the previous version of the VIP donors contact list. “Look, I told you! Mr. Haye’s email was originally placed next to John Dee’s name and then it was moved back at 5 am this morning.”

  I dialed Darek back, putting him on speaker phone. “Darek, the contact sheet you originally sent Ms. Haggerty had the wrong contact information for John Dee and then you reverted back to the correct email this morning at 5 am. You have 30 seconds to explain yourself.”

  Darek stuttered. He was clearly caught off guard. “Well, I am frequently altering the list. I must have made a mistake. I am very sorry.”

  My gut told me it was intentional. Darek had been resistant to working with Gloria from the beginning. “Darek, this is a rookie mistake and it is unacceptable with my charity. But, you’ve been working for me for six years and done a great job so far…I will take your word on this. But no more mistakes between now and next week’s event. Understand?”

  Darek maintained his defense. “Yes, Mr. Ford. Sorry about that. I’m not sure how it happened.”

  I hung up.

  Gloria had packed her briefcase and was putting on her coat. “I’m going to work from home until the event. We can communicate by email.”

  I helped her get her arms into her jacket sleeves. “Why? You have a desk at the office.”

  She grabbed her bag. “I’ve uploaded everything online so there’s no more need for me to come to your apartment or the office. I’ll just be more focused.”

  I could sense she was upset. “Gloria, you’re still the charity’s head coordinator.”

  She zipped up her coat. “You considered firing me for a moment. You asked for Jake’s resume.”

  I blocked her path to the door. “I am a businessman. I will always take the best decision for my company.”

  She looked at me. “And if we were a couple, would you have a backup plan for me?”

  She was strikingly beautiful, even when she was upset. “No. I would be all in.”

  For a brief second, she bit her lip, but then shook her head, and helped herself out the door.


  I threw my keys on the table. My apartment might have been dilapidated and there may be a tiny mouse living with me, but it was my home and I loved it. I opened my laptop at my desk and started working; I was on the clock after all. For the next few days, everything went pretty smoothly. I didn’t think of Aiden that much. I organized the whole event from my computer and Aiden was respecting my space.

  And then my new neighbors moved in and started having sex on the other side of the wall. All of the images from my night with Aiden came rushing back to me.

  They must have been college kids because I heard them five times over the course of the day. It was getting me hot and bothered, making it difficult for me to focus. I looked across my room at the plant Chuck gave me; the leaves had turned brown and the root was bent over like a little old woman. I had given it more than enough water throughout the week.

  “Hey, you…I don’t know why you’re dying on me. I’ve watered you three times this week just like Chuck said. You hear me…Katrina? It’s not my fault… There is nothing else I can do so I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.”

  I continued typing at my computer while my neighbor reached her climax.

  With just a day remaining until the event, I got a phone call from Nancy. “Mr. Ford would like to speak with you.”

  I took a sip of water. “Put him through.”

  His voice came on the phone; it was deep and steady as always. All of my feelings came rushing back to me, and I realized how much I missed him.

  “Ms. Haggerty.”

  A few butterflies flew around my stomach. “Mr. Ford?”

  His voice was professional. “I need you to come to the office and have a meeting with me today at 2 pm.”

  Damn, I want him.

  My underwear was practically tugging on me to go see him, but I didn’t want to lose my concentration. There were only 24 hours left until the event. “You said I could handle everything by email.”

  His voice became firm. “I made it very clear in our first meeting that you must be available to me at all times until the event tomorrow. I will see you at 2 pm.” He was ultimately right, and I didn’t know how much longer I could go without seeing him.

  “Yes, boss.”

  I refreshed myself and put on some make-up, wondering what Aiden had up his sleeve.

  The elevator doors opened and thankfully Nancy’s attention was on someone else. Unfortunately, that person was Darek. After working at a diner in Cincinnati my whole childhood, I had learned how to greet anyone, no matter how much they rattled my nerves. “Hi, Darek. Good morning, Nancy. Mr. Ford is expecting me--” Before either of them could respond, the door to Aiden’s office opened.

  There he was, the most drop dead gorgeous man in New York City. He signaled for me to enter and I brushed past him, sensing Nancy and Darek’s eyes burning into the back of my head. The door closed and he stood casually with a hand in his pocket; his hazel-colored eyes penetrating into me.

  “Open the bag.”

  I glanced at the chair next to me, noticing a cute, paper bag. I reached my hand in and pulled out a black, button-down Channel blouse. It was the same blouse I showed him at his apartment. I couldn’t believe he found it. “How did you? It’s exactly what I wanted!” I looked across the room at him and everything work related disappeared. He walked towards me with his primal swagger and my heart rate increased.

  I leaned onto one hip, trying to keep my composure. Images of his rock hard cock, thrusting into me relentlessly, flashed through my mind. He was about to conquer me and there was nothing I could do about it. My lips parted in anticipation.

  “That is the last time you leave my side.”

  He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me toward him, claiming me with his lips.

  I had never been held by a man the way Aiden held me. My tongue circulated his mouth gently as his fingers clenched the back of my head. It felt so good to be under his touch again. I wrapped my hands around his waist and bit my lip. His eyes burned.

  “What do you want?”

  I crawled my fingers across his crotch and cupped his busty package with my whole hand. “I want to be your little choo-choo train and let you ride me until I go choo-choo!”

  I kissed him again, smiling. “Thank you for the blouse.” I peeled myself off of him. “I need to get back to work now.” I tucked my new Channel blouse in my bag and walked towards the door, sensing Aiden’s eyes on my perky ass. I opened the door, almost knocking over Darek as he fumbled his phone. He walked off, turning the corner with a suspicious air about him.

  I walked into the HR department and everyone was staring at me. I guess it had been a long time since I was in the office. I wrapped my arms around Stephanie, hard at work with her ear buds in. She noticed my face and yanked off her headphones, pulling me down by her side. “Did you hear the tape?”

  I looked at her, confused. I could sense something was wrong. “What the hell is going on? Why is everyone looking at me?”

  She entered a link in her web browser while lowering the volume on her speakers. “Just don’t do anything crazy.” She pulled up an audio file on the company server, posted by someone unknown. I braced myself.

  “Just hit play.”

  I heard Aiden’s voice, ‘what do you want?...I want to be your little choo-choo train and let you ride me until I go choo-choo.’ The audio ended and my heart sank. Stephanie was kind enough to hold back her laugh; she knew this was incredibly embarrassing for me.

  “Do you know who recorded it?” I suddenly realized why Darek ran away from Aiden’s office.

  “Yes.” She closed her laptop.

  “Darek?” I shook my head in disbelief. “What do you think? He has been out to get me from the beginning. I feel like we’re working in the white house.” She put her hand on my shoulder; I was deflated. “It’s ok, people will forget about it. Just nail the
event tomorrow. No pun intended.” I wanted to laugh but I didn’t have it in me.

  I was done. I had no more fight left in me. I grabbed my purse and stood up. If I hung around any longer I would crawl under my desk and cry. “I can’t show up at the event tomorrow. Everyone is going to think that I slept with Aiden to get the job.”

  I snuck into the stairwell with Stephanie following me from behind. “Everyone knows you are a professional. Who cares what they think of you and Aiden?”

  I shook my head. “I should have kept things professional and never crossed that line with Aiden.” I descended towards the lobby with Stephanie blowing me a kiss as I turned the corner.

  I walked through the main lobby of Eco-Farming Enterprises for what I hoped would be the last time. The cold air outside disoriented me and I looked around, forgetting which way my subway station was. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked up at a concerned look from Aiden.


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