Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 45

by Darcia Cobbler

  “So modest,” Matt tutted. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it, Gemma!”

  “But not too much,” Brandon joked.

  “You two are ridiculous. I’m going to get the hors d’oeuvres.” Flustered, Gemma retreated into the house, trying to make her blush go away.

  Matt’s beers were long gone, and the first of the bottles of wine was already well underway, when Brandon finally flipped the last of the burgers onto a plate, asking, “You guys ready to eat?”

  “I was born ready,” Matt replied, tucking a napkin into his collar. When Brandon and Gemma raised their eyebrows, he shrugged sheepishly. “I always make a huge mess when I eat burgers. Everything always seems to come out the other end each time I take a bite.”

  Gemma giggled, emptying her wine glass. “At least you know your weaknesses,” she said.

  “Acceptance is the first step to overcoming,” Brandon agreed, pouring the last of the bottle into his wife’s newly-empty glass. “Pass me the bottle opener, would you, sweetie?”

  Gemma picked up the corkscrew then paused, pointing it at Matt. “I never introduced you to any of the girls,” she said, eyes wide. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. You could have been getting laid and instead, you’ve been going to lunch with us old people.”

  Matt laughed. “We’re the same age, Gemma.”

  “Yes, well, we live like old people,” Gemma clarified. “You’re young and single. You should be out there sewing your wild oats or whatever it is you hip young things do.”

  “It must keep things interesting, always moving from city to city,” said Brandon, taking the corkscrew from his wife and opening the bottle. “You never get stuck in a rut.”

  “With girls, you mean?” Matt asked. “Yeah, that’s certainly true. Plus you meet some pretty wild ones.”

  Gemma sipped the wine in her glass while Brandon poured himself and Matt more. “Where’s the craziest place you’ve ever done it?” she asked.

  “Me?” Matt thought about the question. “I think probably an abandoned radio dish.”

  “What?” Brandon and Gemma chorused.

  “You know, those enormous satellite dishes that radio stations have.”

  “Yeah, we know what it is, man,” Brandon replied, laughing. “But how did you end up getting laid in one of those?”

  “I met a girl while I was working in Boston and she knew about this abandoned government radio station out in the woods outside the city. One day we went for a hike and…well…” Matt grinned. “You must have been able to hear us for miles. The dish amplified every sound she made, and she wasn’t exactly trying to be quiet. What about you guys?”

  Brandon and Gemma looked at each other. “We had sex on a beach in Turks and Caicos once,” said Brandon. “But that’s not very exciting in comparison.”

  Gemma giggled, “Plus sand gets everywhere when you do that.”

  “What about before you were married?” Matt picked up the bottle and refilled Gemma’s glass. “Or is that off limits?”

  “No, no…” Gemma swirled her wine thoughtfully. “But I think that was the usual mixture of single beds and the back seat of cars. Oh, though once I did have sex in a crane.”

  “I didn’t know that,” said Brandon, looking impressed. “When?”

  “In my second year of college, I briefly dated a construction guy. One night he took me to his site and showed me around and we did it in the cockpit or whatever it’s called. He was the operator, so he had the keys.”

  “Atta girl,” said Brandon. “My wife is so much cooler than me. Did she tell you she studied art in college?”

  “She did,” Matt laughed.

  “Now that would be something I would love to do,” said Gemma wistfully.


  “Have sex in an art museum. Like in the Louvre or something.”

  “But all the paintings would be watching you!” Brandon replied, looking horrified. It was getting dark, and he fished a lighter out of his pocket, reaching for the closest citronella candle.

  “Yeah, I’m with Brandon on this one,” said Matt, passing Brandon another candle. “Personally, my dream is the top of the Empire State building. I mean, not the very top, but the viewing platform. I’d bend her over the railing so that we’d both have an incredible view. Maybe on July 4th. That way there’d be fireworks,” he grinned.

  “And you’d put them on a timer so they went off just as you came?” Brandon suggested, laughing and putting away the lighter.

  “Ooh, I hadn’t thought of that. You, my friend, are brilliant. So,” Matt nudged Brandon’s leg with his knee, “what about you?”

  “Oh, I’m boring,” said Brandon. “I’ve always wanted to have a threesome. You know, just me and two ladies.”

  Gemma raised an eyebrow, trailing one finger up and down the stem of her wine glass. “Should I ask around at spin class?”

  “Would you, sweetheart?” Brandon joked.

  “Though you know, I wouldn’t say no to a threesome with you two,” Gemma giggled, pointing her wine glass at Brandon and Matt. “It’s not every day a woman finds herself with two such handsome men in her home, after all!”

  Suddenly realizing what she’d said, Gemma blushed. “Oh my God, I mean…I don’t know what came over me. The wine’s really gone to my head. I’m so sorry.”

  Brandon and Matt glanced at each other then back at Gemma. “Don’t apologize,” said Matt.

  “I mean, we are both extremely good-looking, it’s true,” said Brandon. Matt nodded, but Gemma still looked embarrassed.

  “Hey, Gemma, don’t worry about it,” Matt reached across the table and put his hand on hers. “We’re all friends here. It’s ok. Honestly, I’m flattered.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled. “I’m -- I’m going to go get dessert. I’ll be right back.”

  When she’d disappeared into the house, Brandon turned to Matt. “Have you ever slept with a guy before?”

  Matt nodded, sipping his wine. “Once.”

  “How was it?”

  “It was great. He really knew what to do with his tongue,” Matt winked. “What about you?”

  Brandon toyed with his wine glass. “No, never,” he replied. He looked up at Matt, “But that’s not to say I wouldn’t.”

  Matt’s knee was still touching Brandon’s thigh and he leaned forward, resting his hand a little higher up. “Well, there’s no time like the present,” he said, his mouth next to Brandon’s ear.

  Brandon turned his head, looking down into Matt’s dark smiling eyes. He licked his lips and pressed them to Matt’s. He tasted like wine.

  There was a crash as Gemma dropped the plates of pie she was holding. The men broke apart, turning to her. “I…,” she said, standing frozen in the open French doors.

  “Why don’t you come join us?” Matt asked.

  “I…” Gemma said again. Slowly, she came towards them, still looking unsure. “Am I hallucinating?”

  The men laughed, and Brandon turned so that he was straddling the bench. He patted the space between him and Matt, “Sit here, sweetheart.”

  Gemma sat, resting her back against her husband’s chest so that she faced Matt. Brandon pulled her hair up in one hand, planting kisses on her neck, his other hand stroking her thigh. Matt turned to face Gemma, inching closer. Gently, he kissed her mouth. She gasped.

  Wanting a better angle, Matt slid closer still, pulling Gemma’s legs over his thighs and hooking his own over Brandon’s so that they were all straddling each other. He kissed Gemma again, with more force, and reached around her, grabbing hold of Brandon’s hips and drawing them closer together. Brandon bit his wife’s neck, his hands running under her shirt to cup her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, and she moaned into Matt’s mouth.

  Gemma could feel their erections pressing into her, Brandon’s hard against her ass and Matt’s nudging her thigh. Brandon pulled her shirt over her head while Matt undid her bra. She arched her back, wrapping her arms around her husband’s
neck. One hand still kneading her breast, Brandon undid the fly of her jeans and slid two fingers into her, his thumb teasing her clit. Matt bent forward, taking one of her breasts into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the rigid nipple again and again. He put his hands down the back Brandon’s jeans, squeezing the other man’s ass.

  Gemma gasped and moaned, one hand clenching in each man’s hair. Brandon’s fingers were curled inward, rubbing her G-spot faster and faster. Above, Matt licked the pale skin between her breasts then pushed them together, sucking both her nipples at once. Her body tightened around Brandon’s fingers and she bucked her hips as, unable to control herself any longer, she came.

  “God, we need to get out of these clothes,” said Matt hoarsely when she was done. He picked Gemma up, putting her on the table before turning back to Brandon. Pulling the other man’s shirt off and undoing his jeans, Matt bent over, lowering his mouth to the tip of Brandon’s dick. Gasping at the sensation, Brandon buried his fingers in Matt’s hair, turning to watch his wife. She was panting, her mouth open, her tongue licking her lips as she watched Matt blow her husband. She had kicked off her pants and Brandon could clearly see her masturbating, her fingers teasing and rubbing her slick, swollen vulva. Brandon groaned.

  Matt sat up, kissing Brandon, who pulled off the other man’s shirt. Gemma moved quickly, sliding between the two of them on the bench. Kneeling, her ass pressing against her husband’s erection, she trailed kisses along Matt’s chest, pushing down his pants and taking his cock deep into her mouth all at once. Matt moaned, grabbing her by her hair. Brandon raised her hips, dipping his face to kiss the cheeks of her ass, lightly running his tongue between them, flicking her hole. She groaned around Matt, her tongue working furiously as she moved up and down his shaft.

  Suddenly, Matt stopped her. She looked up, confused, as he moved to sit on the table, his legs spread. He smiled at Brandon over Gemma’s head, turning Gemma around and guiding her head back down to his throbbing cock. Brandon, getting the drift, stood up, getting into position. And, finally, while Gemma gorged herself on Matt, he buried himself deep inside the warm wet folds of her pussy. Gemma’s fingers clenched on Matt’s thighs as Brandon began to thrust, gently at first, then harder and harder, his hands tight on her hips. Matt gasped above her as Gemma pumped his slick cock faster and faster, keeping pace with her husband’s deep plunges. The sound of her ass smacking against Brandon’s stomach as he drilled into her drove all three of them wild.

  Suddenly, Gemma stood up, shocking both men and Brandon moaned piteously. But, one hand on each of their chests, she turned and slowly, gently, eased herself down onto Matt’s glistening dick. It had a long time since she’d tried anal, but she remembered loving it. Matt couldn’t believe his luck and he groaned, biting her shoulder at the feel of her impossibly tight ass close around him. “Come here, baby,” she whispered to Brandon, opening her arms to him.

  “Oh God,” her husband moaned. Already near the brink, he hopped the bench and bent to slid himself back into his wife. Raising a leg, he put one foot on the table, using that to rock himself deeper into her. Gemma braced herself on Brandon’s shoulders. Matt’s hands gripped her hips. Brandon’s hands fisted in Matt’s hair. Gamma lowered herself onto the men, slowly at first, then faster, until she was fucking them as hard as she could. Their slippery, sweaty bodies moved in unison, pumping furiously. Gemma threw her head back, unable to keep from screaming when she felt them come, her own body tightening in orgasm, her nails digging into Brandon’s back, Matt’s hands clenching on her thighs, pinning her to him.

  There was silence for a moment as they gasped for breath, leaning against each other.

  “Oh my God,” Matt whispered finally. “Holy shit, that felt so good.”

  “Yeah,” said Brandon, leaning down to kiss Matt’s shoulder. “Great idea, sweetheart.”

  Gemma laughed weakly, exhausted. “You guys maybe want to go to bed?”

  Matt nodded, resting his head on her shoulder blades. “Would you mind?”

  “Not at all,” said Brandon. “Besides the night’s still young. Who knows what could happen?”

  They all laughed as they disentangled themselves. Leaving their clothes where they were, they went up to bed, their arms around each other. Sweaty and exhausted as they were, when they got into bed, their bodies next to one another, Gemma felt Brandon’s cock harden again and, catching Matt’s eye, she licked her lips in anticipation.


  “Well, I can’t thank you guys enough for the past two weeks,” said Matt. He was freshly dressed and showered and standing in their front door. “Especially last night. It was one to remember.”

  “We should be thanking you,” said Brandon. “You reminded us of what’s really important.” He put his arm around Gemma, kissing her hair.

  “And don’t you forget it!” said Matt with a smile. “I gotta run, though, or I’ll be late for my flight.” He looked at them then leaned forward, kissing both of them on the lips; long, lingering kisses.

  “Let us know if you’re ever back in town,” said Gemma as he left.

  “Of course!” he called, waving as he got into the taxi.

  Gemma shut the door behind him, leaning against it and looking up at her husband. Brandon moved closer, smiling down at her.

  “Brandon, what are you --” But, in one quick movement, he had picked her up, pressing her back to the door. “Aren’t you tired?” she asked a little breathlessly.

  “Not in the least,” he murmured, nipping her earlobe.

  Gemma threw her head back, laughing. “Good,” she said, kissing him. “Me neither.”

  Her legs wrapped around his hips, Brandon carried his wife back up to bed.


  Billionaire’s Confession

  Chapter 1

  Leah Branson hated nightclubs.

  Everything about them from the sticky, dirt filled floors to the smell of alcohol and urine made her skin crawl. That was not to mention the loud music, drunk patrons, and seemingly compulsory grinding dancing.

  She’d never set foot in a bar of her own free will.

  Until tonight.

  Leah sat in her small, used Toyota Corolla staring at the neon sign for the Palm Spring’s Night Club entrance.

  “It’s an assignment,” she told herself. “You’ve been asking for a real assignment for weeks. Even if this isn’t the one you wanted, it’s still a story.”

  Despite this self-exhortation, she couldn’t seem to force herself out of the seat. Leah also could not force herself to be nearly as excited about this assignment as she knew she should have been.

  Ever since she’d taken the “temporary” job at the St Augustine Gazette as an advice columnist, she’d dreamed of having a true assignment. To prove herself as a real reporter.

  She’d been pitching ideas to her editor, Mr. Ben Haynes for months. It wasn’t until she turned in an idea centering on the Gulf Coast tourist town’s annual celebrity charity golf tournament that he took any notice.

  When Hayes called her into his office one day before, she’d been ecstatic. Her joy seemed confirmed when he told her that he was assigning her a story.

  The excitement was soon tampered, however, when he said that the story she would be writing was not the one she had suggested. Instead, she would be interviewing billionaire, Brent Watt, who had strolled into the town he’d grown up in after ten years of being away and signed up for the Charity Tournament. Most likely to get cheap publicity for his company.

  But her editor insisted there was more to it than that.

  “He skipped town when he was eighteen,” Ben Hayes had told her. “Even when he and his brother created the biggest social media app since Facebook he never once came back to his hometown. Not even when his dad died. Now he suddenly comes back.”

  “Someone has to know why he left,” Leah said. “Why do I have to talk to him to get that story?”

  “There’ve been rumors about his dad being an alcoholic
and abusive but neither he nor his brother has said anything to prove it. I want you to get a quote from him confirming those rumors. Get me that story and you’ll be off the advice column.”

  It certainly was not the story she wanted to write about. But the promise of becoming a real reporter and not an advice columnist was too good to pass up.

  Taking a deep breath, she forced herself out of the car and moved towards the club’s entrance.

  Apparently, word of Brent Watt’s reemergence in his hometown of St. Augustine had gotten out. Dozens of amateur photographers surrounded the building’s entrance with the cameras on their phones poised and ready.


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