Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 55

by Darcia Cobbler

  “Too long,” Bryan agreed, sliding his hand down over the curve of her lush ass and giving it a firm squeeze; his other hand moved down her front, and his fingers slid to the sweet spot between her legs. His brows rose at the sensation that met his hand, and Bryan put his lips right to Stacy’s ear and whispered, “God, your pussy’s so wet for me.”

  Stacy’s thighs reflexively clamped together at those words, trapping his hand between her legs. Dirty talk was one of her weaknesses, and he knew it. She let herself enjoy the sensation of his probing fingers as they slid into her with ease and curved, searching for that little patch of flesh within that would make her writhe as he moved within her. Stacy cried out at the feeling, but mere fingers weren’t enough for her now. Bryan had ignited a fire within her, and she needed the feeling of his thick cock stretching her wide as he drove inside of her again, and again, and again.

  But before she could open her mouth and demand that he disrobe as well, he surprised her by pulling back and then moving to lay his head against the pillows. She blinked, confusion breaking slightly through her lusty haze. “Babe?” she murmured, letting him take her hand.

  He gave her a wolfish grin and tugged her towards him; she yelped and nearly fell over, but he caught her just in time and urged, “Sit on my face.”

  Stacy’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates. She didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, he’d managed to make her even wetter with just four simple words. “Yeah?” she gasped excitedly, even as she was already shifting her legs towards his head.

  Bryan groaned and tugged down the waistband of his pants, exposing himself at last. His cock bounced, so hard that it practically throbbed in the dim light of the bedroom; Stacy’s mouth watered. “Yes,” Bryan grunted, snapping her attention back up to his face. “God, please sit on me.”

  A dark sensuality curled low in Stacy’s belly. “Yeah...” she purred, swinging one leg over her husband’s head so that her knees were perched carefully on either side of his face. Bryan reached up to tug her down upon him, but she resisted the pull, keeping her pussy just out of his tongue’s reach. “You want this reward?”

  “Yes,” Bryan whined, secretly loving the way that Stacy toyed with him when her arousal reached its peak. When she knew he was desperate, that was when she struck, and his cock grew impossibly harder at the sound of her low and commanding voice. “Please, Stace. Please let me.”

  A devilish grin spread across her face, and she slowly swiveled her hips above him, taunting him. Bryan groaned as he watched her glistening lips move tantalizingly in front of his eyes, and she giggled at the sound. “Let you what?” she murmured coyly.

  She missed the mischievous glint in Bryan’s eyes as he managed to tear his gaze away from her body and meet her sight as she looked down at him. “Let me get a taste of that delicious pussy,” he growled, and Stacy’s moan filled his ears before she dropped her hips down and his tongue drank in the taste of her soft, soaked flesh.

  Stacy trembled and keened from her place above him as he drove the flat of his tongue hard and fast right against her clit; she leaned back and wrapped a hand tightly around his cock and squeezed. She laughed breathlessly at the moan he let out that vibrated pleasantly between her legs as she vigorously began to jerk him off, feeling his hands tremble as he spread her lips apart even further and matched her pace with his mouth.

  She felt the coil in her belly curl tighter and tighter and the pleasure built, practically radiating from her core, but Stacy held on just long enough to hear Bryan’s muffled but desperate cry as his cock twitched in her hand and then pulsed repeatedly; she moaned as heat spilled thickly over her hand, coating it.

  Stacy let her moans rise to shouts as she furiously ground her hips down over Bryan’s face, her own orgasm bursting through her body mere seconds later; she loudly cried Bryan’s name out as she crested over that beautiful peak of pleasure, relieved that they were finally able to enjoy this intimate moment without worrying if their renters could hear them through the walls.

  The pair of them came down from their respective highs and fell into the sheets together, curling their bodies around each other as their heart rates began to slow. Stacy met Bryan’s eyes, and warmth filled her chest at the adoring look he gave her. She smiled at him and brushed the sweaty hair back from his forehead, scooting in to place a kiss upon his brow.

  “Thank you, babe,” she murmured breathlessly. “That was incredible.”

  “I’m the one who should be thanking you,” he said, huffing a gentle laugh. He wound his arms around her, not at all bothered by the sweat cooling on their skin, sticking them together. He gave her a deep kiss on the lips, and she giggled at the taste of herself on his skin.

  “Well then we’re thanking each other,” Stacy smiled, and then her mouth stretched wide into another yawn right as Bryan’s did the same.

  He blinked sleepily at her and grinned. “Sex in the morning?”

  Stacy giggled and gave him a tired nod, agreeing, “Sex in the morning.”

  Chapter 2

  A delayed start of the next day followed thanks to another romp in the sheets and then an unexpected one in the shower — the both of them were honestly a bit surprised at the intensity with which they had missed intimate moments together in the true privacy of their own home. But after round two and then an actual shower to clean up, they spent the day cleaning up the spare room in preparation for their new guests.

  By the time late afternoon was beginning to bleed into the evening, Bryan had handled the laundry, delivering folded, fresh scented sheets and pillows to the spare room and straightening any leftover mess from the previous couple that they had hosted, and Stacy was well into preparing a delicious spaghetti alacarbonara dinner.

  “Do you think they’re on their way from the airport yet?” Stacy asked, and despite Bryan’s move to respond, the sharp knock on their door provided her with an answer. They chuckled at the timing, and Bryan moved through the living room to answer it just as Stacy moved the food to a large serving bowl set in the center of their table. It had initially been a wedding gift that the couple had never intended to use outside of the holidays, but thanks to their hosting guests through the SleepEasy app, it was a regular feature on their table.

  Though the French couple that they were hosting now — Audrey and Xavier, they’d introduced themselves via the message box — hadn’t paid extra for regularly provided meals, Stacy liked to prepare one on their first night as a welcoming, warm gesture. She’d traveled via plane a few times in her life and had been starving by the time she arrived at her destination every single time, so she knew her efforts would be sincerely appreciated.

  “Hi, I’m Bryan. Great to meet you guys,” she heard her husband say from the doorway; the sounds of activity filled their entryway, and Stacy smiled and took care to adjust the table settings one last time before she went to greet their new guests.

  “I am Audrey,” spoke a lightly accented voice, and Stacy went over just in time to catch sight of a tall, brunette woman with the most voluptuous figure she had ever seen outside of the pages of a centerfold extending her hand in greeting. Bryan nodded and shook it briefly, and then she gestured to her male companion and said, “This is my boyfriend, Xavier.”

  “Thank you for agreeing to host us in such a short time,” he said, reaching out to shake Bryan’s hand as well. He was easily the tallest of them all, practically towering in the entryway, and he wore a light button-down shirt that exposed a hint of his tanned chest; it must have been terribly hot outside. He was leaner than Bryan, but Stacy caught sight of the slight bulge of muscle as the two men shook hands.

  They were a lovely couple together, she noted, and then she blinked when Audrey looked over and met her eyes; the woman had strikingly icy irises despite the fact that her gaze was kind — enthusiastic, even — as she moved forward with a smile, her heels clicking softly over their hardwood floors. “And you must be Stacy! We messaged last night; it is good to meet you,
” she called, reaching out for her.

  Stacy reached out an arm, expecting a handshake, but a shock ran through her as the woman leaned in and kissed her gently on each cheek; she caught the luscious scent of cherries and vanilla.

  Audrey must have noticed the light flush on her face when she pulled away because her own cheeks reddened slightly. She played the momentary awkwardness off with a throaty laugh. “Oh, so sorry!” she said. “A habit from France; you are not the first American I have scared with that.”

  Xavier chuckled from the doorway, throwing a look to Bryan and quipping, “And she was doing so well.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it,” Stacy blurted, snapping out of the daze that Audrey’s greeting had put her in, the woman’s perfume lingering in her senses. She gave them a breezy wave — surreptitiously trying to fan the heat from her face — and said, “It’s not weird; we want you to feel comfortable here as our guests. Our home is your home, and all that.”

  She heard Bryan muffle a suspicious sounding cough into his hand as he shut the door and helped Xavier carry their guests’ bags into the spare room; Stacy shot him a warning glance, but he grinned cheekily and gave her a teasing wiggle of his fingers as he departed the room.

  Stacy rolled her eyes and then glanced back over at Audrey, who was observing their interaction with sparkling eyes and barely concealed amusement. She grinned at Stacy, who then let out a helpless giggle and shook her head. “My husband always thinks it’s funny when I turn red. He tries to get me to do that often,” she remarked ruefully, gesturing for Audrey to follow her into the kitchen.

  The other woman let out a gasp and clapped a hand to her chest. “Xavier does that to me as well! He is a tease. Men,” she said, lowering her voice in mock-exasperation.

  Stacy smiled, whatever tension having developed in her before completely dissipating at the easy conversation that she had fallen into with her guest. “They’re lucky we like them,” she joked, and Audrey let out another low, soft laugh. For some odd reason, Stacy felt her heart skip a beat at the sound. She wasn’t the type of person to stereotype all French people as exotic and sensual creatures, but Audrey certainly seemed the type, her hips swaying as she walked and her eyes low-lidded. She was a beautiful woman, to say the least.

  Trying to tamp down the blush that threatened to overwhelm her face once more, she gestured to the set table and told Audrey, “This is a meal on the house from us; you both must be tired from your flight, and we just wanted to do something nice for you both after your trip.”

  Audrey’s pale eyes lit up with delight at the sight, and she clapped her hands together; Stacy caught sight of a stunning deep red polish on her long nails, and she idly wondered where she could get her hands on some. Audrey’s voice brought her out of her thoughts as the foreign woman gasped, “This looks incredible.” She took a seat at Stacy’s insistence and allowed herself to be served by the host; Stacy didn’t want to brag, but the hunger she saw in Audrey’s eyes as she watched her was immensely flattering.

  “I’ve been taking cooking classes lately,” she said, setting a full plate down in front of Audrey and beginning to fill the rest. “So I hope it’s not too bad since I’m still learning.”

  Stacy couldn’t help but let her gaze be drawn to Audrey as she twirled a bite of the spaghetti around her fork and lifted it to her plump, red lips and take a bite. The other woman moaned around her fork, murmuring, “This is delicious!”

  Stacy blinked. She didn’t know if the sudden tightness that had just developed low in her gut was a result from being complimented or if it had been from the sound that the other woman had made. She turned her face away, already feeling the sensation of her cheeks going pink and trying to tamp down the sudden surge of… something within her. She let out a breathless laugh and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she sat down at her own place and replied, “Thank you.”

  Audrey let out a grin that was practically foxy. “You are welcome. Truly, this is good food.” She craned her neck in the direction of the spare bedroom and called in a mischievous tone, “Xavier! Come and eat the meal that Stacy has made for us. It’s rude to keep women waiting.”

  Stacy hid a smile behind her hand and watched as the men came out of the spare room, Bryan and Xavier laughing at something as they took their spots at the table. She accepted the light peck that Bryan pressed against her cheek, giving him a proud look. “She said it’s good,” she bragged, and Bryan chuckled at her.

  “I tell you that every time you cook dinner,” he pointed out.

  Stacy gave him a deliberate look and said, “I know, babe. But it’s still nice to hear it from guests!”

  “She is your wife,” Xavier spoke, glancing up from his plate with a sly grin. He gave Bryan a knowing look and said, “You should compliment her cooking anyway, no?”

  “True,” Bryan said with a chuckle as Stacy lightly nudged him in the side with her elbow. “Ow, babe,” he said, baiting her. “They’re gonna leave a review that says ‘super aggressive wife’ now.”

  The other couple chuckled over their meals, giving each other an enigmatic look. Audrey glanced back over to their hosts and said, “Well, we may have just met, but we like your home. It is welcoming —and very nice to stay with another young couple.”

  “The last place we stayed was rented by a pair of older people,” Xavier added, his tone more matter-of-fact than unkind. “Quiet. Which we were okay with, but… this is nicer.”

  Stacy and Bryan beamed at each other, and then Bryan said, “It’s lucky that we kept our listing open then. We were wondering whether or not we should host one last couple for the month, but Stacy said we should.”

  Audrey gave Stacy a grateful look from underneath her impossibly long lashes. “Well, we are grateful for your decision, then.”

  Stacy hoped that everybody else was so used to the flush on her face by now that they wouldn’t comment on it; she had no idea what was eliciting such intense bursts of sensation from her body, but she tried to put it down as the typical nervousness that came with hosting a new couple in their own home for a few days — exciting strangers, as it were. Yes, she decided that was all that it had to be.

  Stacy cleared her throat lightly and smiled back at Audrey, saying, “It’s nothing, really. We like having new people over; it’s really fun. And we like to make sure our guests know that they can feel comfortable here. Just consider this your home away from home.”

  The French couple shared another brief glance, and Stacy wondered if she was imagining the suggestive tone in the other woman’s voice when she looked back to them and murmured, “Well, I think we are going to like our time here very much.”

  Stacy found herself slowly blinking into awareness in the wee hours of the morning, darkness shrouding the bedroom and her throat feeling dry. She shot a cautious glance over to Bryan; he tended to be a light sleeper, and she knew he had a meeting to attend in the morning. She tried her best not to wake him as she gingerly slipped out of bed and tiptoed her way to the kitchen for a glass of water.

  The rest of their dinner with the new couple they were hosting had gone fairly well; Audrey and Xavier were funny and nice, and Bryan had quietly confided to her when they were washing the dishes that she had made a good call in deciding to host one last couple. Stacy had grinned at him cheekily and said, “I told you so.”

  While Stacy had shooed him off to go spend time in the living room with their guests as she finished the dishes, she tried to ignore the niggling little interest that had blossomed within the back of her mind as the night wore on.

  There was a certain something about the new couple that, if she were being quite honest with herself, made Stacy squirm more than a bit during their meal. As she moved quietly about the kitchen now, having this private moment to herself, she tried to come to terms with exactly what that something was.

  Audrey and Xavier were certainly attractive, that was one thing. She supposed that it was a natural reaction to think so of o
ther people —especially a young couple that looked like absolute models such as they did. This wasn’t a realization born in the wake of a dying attraction to her own husband, though; far from it, in fact. She loved Bryan’s looks over anyone else’s — but just like when she would catch his eye on the rare occasion that he glanced at a beautiful woman on the street, she was comfortable in the knowledge that they could accept that other people were attractive. And that was okay.

  But this went a little bit further than that. The way that Stacy felt when Audrey would give her teasing grins or suggestive glances, or the way that she would say something that sounded like a double entendre and then meet Xavier’s eyes with a sly grin, made Stacy wonder whether she was reading too much into it, feeling the way that she did.

  She couldn’t deny that she was attracted to them. Setting her empty glass down on the countertop, she let out a soft sigh and decided that it was probably too late to be considering these things. She was on her way back to the room when she passed the slightly ajar door to the room of her guests, a single sliver of warm light spilling out into the hallway from the opening. Reflexively, Stacy glanced inside as she passed by.


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