Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 57

by Darcia Cobbler

  “We’re being silly,” she said. Bryan nodded — and then his eyes lit up with the spark of a new idea.

  “I think I know what we could do to make it clear that we’re interested,” he told her, and Stacy raised an inquisitive brow.

  “Yeah?” she murmured, savoring the dark thrill that slid through her body, settling between the legs; she knew she was already wet at the thought of what could happen.

  Bryan let out a low chuckle. “Yeah. C’mere, we’ve got some planning to do.”

  Chapter 4

  The following morning, Stacy rapped on the door of the guest room with one hand, the other balancing a small wooden tray against her hip. The heart pounded loudly in her ears, and she took a shuddering breath when Audrey’s sultry voice called, “Come in.”

  Too late to turn back now, she thought to herself as she turned the knob and pushed open the door. Not that she wanted to.

  Audrey and Xavier’s eyes widening at the sight of her as she sauntered into their room in nothing but a set of sheer, sparkling lingerie and stockings, gave her confidence — as well as her ego — a much-needed boost. On the room’s small dresser, she set the tray of a light breakfast that she had prepared for them as a thank you on the last day of their stay, though the lingerie had been Bryan’s idea. According to him, there was no clearer way to get the message across.

  Stacy turned to the couple, still in bed, noting that both of their chests were bare. She left a lingering look upon both Audrey’s stiffened nipples and the bulge that steadily rose beneath the sheets on Xavier’s lap. She gave them a coquettish smile, her lips painted an enticing berry red.

  “My husband and I just wanted to show you how happy we are that you stayed with us,” Stacy murmured, her voice thick with desire. She deliberately brought a hand up to her chest and trailed her fingers idly across the breasts, aware that her own hard nipples were perfectly visible through the thin, lacy fabric as she added, “I mean with this, by the way. The breakfast, we do for everyone. But if you two would like a little something… extra. Feel free to stop by our bedroom.”

  Stacy turned and strolled back out of the room without looking back, her hips swaying as she shut the door gently behind her. As soon as she was out of sight, she raced back to her own bedroom.

  Bryan sat on the bed, naked as the day he was born. His eyes lit up at the sight of her, and he beckoned her close and tugged her onto his lap, delighting at the excited squeal she gave. “What did they think?”

  “Not sure, but they’d better eat fast if they want to get here in time,” Stacy replied breathlessly, already tugging at the clasps on her bra and tossing it aside. She moaned as Bryan lowered his head to take a stiff nipple into his mouth, laving it roughly with his tongue just the way she liked. Stacy snaked her hand down between both of their fronts and gripped Bryan’s cock roughly, feeling him twitch at the same time as her ears caught his pleased gasp.

  A few moments later, their door creaked open. Stacy’s heart leaped into her throat, and she glanced down at Bryan and caught him throwing a pleased smile over her shoulder at the couple who had just entered.

  “Thank God you asked,” came Audrey’s velvety voice. Beside her, Xavier chuckled.

  “You beat us to it,” he said, and Stacy turned in Bryan’s lap to look at them. It was only then that she realized that between the four of them, she was the only one who was dressed — even if only halfway, and perhaps barely that.

  She gasped when Bryan caught ahold of her again and turned her body so that her back was to him, her thighs splayed over either side of his legs. She caught the questioning look he shot her, and she smiled reassuringly and nodded. Turning back to the couple whose gazes were glued to her body, Stacy brought her hands up and cupped her breasts enticingly, giving her nipples a tweak as she did so.

  “You’re not going to let my beautiful wife do all the work, are you?” Bryan murmured teasingly, and the French couple chuckled and made their way to the bed, climbing towards them. Audrey settled on one side, and Xavier on the other, and the both of them ran a hand across the length of Stacy’s body in tandem. Xavier’s hand replaced one of her own upon the breast, and Bryan shifted behind her and took the other, laying sweet kisses across the length of her shoulder as he did so.

  What made Stacy gasp as a positively electric shock of pleasure jolted through her body was when Audrey’s soft hand slid beneath her panties and cupped her mons, a delicate finger pressing gently against the top of her clit. Stacy moaned and wriggled her hips towards the sensation, feeling the length of Bryan’s stiffened cock pressing against her backside. He moved his other hand to her thigh and spread her wider, inviting Audrey to touch her even deeper.

  The French woman smiled and took the hint, gently rubbing two fingers together against the moisture between Stacy’s legs before plunging them inside her; Stacy jerked in all of their grasps and cried out, grinding against the digits that moved within her body. Her mind blanked with the intense pleasure of it, like nothing she had ever felt before. Perhaps it was just the sensual touch of a woman, or maybe the joy of this unique experience with her husband, but Stacy never wanted it to end.

  “Do you have something to make this experience pleasurable for your husband as well?” Audrey murmured in her ear, and Stacy nodded even as she was gasping and twitching from the sensation.

  “Lube on the nightstand,” she breathed, and it was Bryan himself who reached for the bottle and passed it off to Xavier who took it with a sly grin and a chuckle.

  “Perhaps a slight change in position?” Xavier suggested, and Audrey stopped her movements long enough for Stacy to come slightly back down to earth and pay attention to what would be said. “As the gracious hosts, how would you like to do this?”

  “Everyone can take me for a ride,” Bryan quipped, and Stacy snickered at the flush that had risen to his cheeks. As flippant as his tone was, Stacy knew that he secretly wanted it. She glanced to Xavier and nodded to convey that truth, and the two of them shared wicked grins.

  Stacy turned in Bryan’s lap and pushed him flat on the bed, relishing in his wide-eyed, sharp intake of breath as Xavier moved behind her. She grabbed Audrey by the wrist to pull her close and pressed her lips to the other woman’s ear, whispering, “My husband loves it when a beautiful woman sits on his face.”

  Audrey giggled, her breasts heaving with the excited breaths that she was taking. She bit her lip and coyly replied, “I will do my best to please.”

  From the low whine that Bryan let out when she swung her curvaceous hips over his face, giving him the perfect view of her glistening lips and luscious ass, Stacy could tell that she was pleasing the both of them more than enough. She wriggled out of her panties and glanced behind her at Xavier, who was liberally lubing up his cock with a roguish grin.

  “How does he like it?” he asked her. Bryan would have answered, if not for the fact that his tongue was buried deep in Audrey’s pussy, and she was rolling her hips sensually over his face with the most alluring little mewls of pleasure escaping from her lips.

  “Hard,” Stacy breathed, trailing her fingers down between her legs at the sight; she rubbed desperately at her clit, not wanting to sink down onto Bryan’s beautiful, thick cock until he was already being pleasured from every other angle. After all, if it wasn’t for him, they wouldn’t be having this incredible experience together at all.

  “But make him feel good,” she commanded, reaching her free hand down to tug at Bryan’s cock; his moan vibrated through Audrey, making the other woman cry out.

  “Your wish is my command,” Xavier replied, and Stacy giggled as she watched him gently finger Bryan, who twitched beneath her and let out a low, desperate groan. Once he was ready, she kept her eyes on Xavier and paid close attention to the moment when he rubbed the head of his cock against her husband’s ass and then slid home. The gasp that Bryan let out choked off into silence as Stacy plunged down onto his cock at the same moment, letting out a satisfied moan at the famili
ar way that he stretched her.

  Stacy met Audrey’s pale eyes once more, entranced by the way that they shimmered with lust as she rocked over her husband’s face. She reached towards the French woman and tugged her in for a passionate kiss, their tongues twining together as they both panted in pleasure; Stacy cried out as Audrey slid her thumb over her clit, flicking it as she rode Bryan’s cock.

  Bryan let out the telling, desperate cry that he always did when he was getting close, and Stacy bounced vigorously on his cock, swiveling her hips in tantalizing circles as she squeezed around him and moaned, “Oh, come on baby.”

  From her place over his face, Audrey giggled and matched Stacy’s movements, letting out a high keen as she began to reach her peak. Stacy let out another shaking moan as she felt herself beginning to tighten at all of the sensations that bombarded her mind and body—the feel of Bryan’s cock steadily hardening within her as he got close from being fucked by two people at once, the sensation of Audrey’s gentle but skilled touch as she rubbed her pussy, and the sight of Bryan’s tongue rapidly flickering against the soft, pretty pink flesh between the other woman’s legs all mixed together into the most heady cocktail of pleasure that she had ever experienced.

  Behind her, she felt Xavier stiffen and heard him groan in barely intelligible French, reaching his peak with a harsh shudder; beneath her, Bryan cried out and did the same, and Stacy gasped and screamed her pleasure as her own orgasm ripped through her, sending waves of ecstasy rippling throughout her body. She rode those waves until even the aftershocks passed, leaving her twitching and gasping, utterly satisfied.

  Audrey fell against her, breathless, as Xavier leaned forward and pressed his brow to her shoulder, sighing in contentment. Stacy looked over the other woman’s shoulder and gave Bryan a lethargic smile, which he returned with a broad, ecstatic grin of his own. They reached for each other and linked hands, and he let out a soft chuckle, his eyes gleaming brightly in the light of day that streamed through their bedroom window.

  “Ten out of ten,” he murmured, and Stacy snorted. “Would bang again.”

  Chapter 5

  “What do you mean they didn’t say that in the review?” Bryan cried a few days later from his place by the stovetop. Dinner was coming along wonderfully, Stacy having handed him the kitchen reins for once.

  She glanced up from her place on the couch, phone in hand and the SleepEasy app open on the screen. She giggled and shook her head, saying, “Honey, that joke was only funny the first time you made it.”

  Bryan rolled his eyes and let out a mock-exasperated sigh and replied, “Okay, fine. What did they say about us?”

  Stacy grinned and turned back to the review that had just been left on their page. “Stacy and Bryan were the perfect, attentive hosts. We spent hours having all manner of fun together, and we hope to visit again someday soon. They took care of our every need. Five stars,” she said, grinning at the suggestive undertones that she could read in the words that Audrey and Xavier had left on their page.

  Bryan chuckled and stirred the pot on the stove. He shot Stacy an impish grin and said, “It really was fun. I wouldn’t mind doing it again sometime.”

  Stacy’s brows flew up, but she gave him a grin of her own as the heart fluttered happily in her chest. “Really?” she asked, and she only beamed wider when her husband nodded. She sat back with a pleased laugh and said, “Well who knows? Maybe the next couple we host will have the same… inclinations.”

  “I was thinking maybe we should host our home to only couples from now on, actually,” he said, sounding almost sheepish. “You know… so we might be able to have another fun experience sometime.”

  Stacy gave him a suggestive look and slowly nodded, and his eyes lit up when he realized that she was completely on board with the idea. “You know what?” she chirped, tapping her phone’s touch screen to edit their settings. “I think we’re going to do just that.”


  Full Helping

  Chapter 1

  It was spring in Boston and everything was lush and glistening from last night’s rain. Boston was one of Simon Kavel’s favorite cities to visit because, in his opinion, it had some of the best running paths in all of the United States. Secretly, that was one of the reasons he’d decided to open the latest branch of his restaurant there. It would give him one more excuse to visit.

  Simon’s preferred running route was along the Charles River, the green waters of the river taking him through Cambridge and past the Science Museum. The only drawback was that, because the route was so scenic, it was also very popular. Simon had to get up extra early if he wanted the path (mostly) to himself. But he didn’t mind. He was used to getting up early and he loved Boston’s pastel-colored dawns - especially in the spring when the cherry trees were blooming and the grass was covered in dew.

  As he ran, Simon reviewed the day’s schedule in his head. When he got back from his run he and his assistant Jack were going over scripts for next week’s episodes and then prepping for Simon’s interview with Oprah later that day. After that, he had a book signing downtown. Then lunch and then, Jack had promised him, he would have a few hours off to relax before going to meet Oprah. Ashley had already said she would be coming by to visit and Simon could hardly wait. Ashley was another reason Simon liked Boston so much.

  After Oprah, there were resumes for the new restaurant, then dinner, then menu-planning. Simon nearly groaned out loud. He did his best to keep his runs free of work-related thoughts, but it didn’t always happen. Simon was a celebrity chef with four (soon to be five) restaurants to his name. He loved his job, but it could be a bit all-consuming sometimes. But he knew that at the end of the day he would never trade it for anything else. He’d spent all his life working to be where he was now.

  Simon had grown up in San Diego with his over-worked single mother. On weekends, as soon as he was old enough, she would take him out to the country to stay with his grandmother so that she could have a moment to herself. It was his grandmother who had taught Simon to cook, using the vegetables she grew in her small back garden. It wasn’t long before his mother was coming home to freshly cooked meals. No matter what he cooked – and because he loved to experiment some meals had been a lot better than others – his mother would pronounce it the most delicious thing she’d ever eaten.

  Despite the taunts of his friends, he’d taken Home Economics all through high school, solidifying the techniques his grandmother had taught him. To keep the other boys off his back, he’d joined the rugby team – it took up less of his time than football and still made him too fit to picks fights with. Being the only boy in Home Ec. had its advantages as well: all the girls found the combination of his dark good looks and undeniable cooking abilities irresistible. By his senior year, he’d dated nearly all of them. He graduated a charming, confident, driven young man and was soon accepted to premier culinary academies from Los Angeles to New York.

  However, halfway through his chef’s training, he’d dropped out. The school moved too slowly for his liking. By the age of 20, Simon had opened his own restaurant in San Francisco, focusing on seasonal, local ingredients served with flair. His restaurant was an enormous success and soon he was opening branches in New York, Austin, and Los Angeles. His L.A branch became a hit with several Hollywood starlets and soon he was being requested as a caterer for private parties. If they could find him, guests would badger him about a cookbook so that they could have their staff prepare his recipes at home.

  But a cookbook wasn’t really his style and, instead, he began a cooking show, which was much more in line with his lively, chatty personality. Now, nearly a decade after opening his first restaurant, he was opening his fifth and, finally, publishing a cookbook. Between filming, interviews, and book signings, he was run off his feet. Not to mention the actual managing of his businesses. Luckily, he also had a small horde of staff that kept everything running more or less smoothly and, next month, he was taking a vacation for the first time
in three years. He couldn’t wait. He had the whole thing planned: a culinary adventure across Indonesia and Malaysia.

  Simon brushed sweat from his forehead. He and his crew only had three more cities to visit before he flew to Kuala Lumpur. He repeated their names like a mantra: Miami, Phoenix, back to Boston, Miami, Phoenix, back to Boston. As he pounded across the first of several footbridges, he could almost taste the fresh mangoes and spicy peanut sauce. Simon smiled as the sun rose over Boston. His life was a madhouse, but he loved it all the same.


  Simon had just gotten back from lunch with Jack when there was a knock at his hotel room door. A no-nonsense, you-will-open-this-door-right-now sort of knock. And Simon did just that.

  “Ashley,” he said, grinning like a ten-year-old who’d just been told he’d be having his birthday party at Disney World.

  “Hey, darling. Long time no see. I thought you’d forgotten about me.” Ashley stood in the doorway, arms crossed, one hip jutting to the side, straining the tight fabric of her minimal turquoise dress. She smiled, licking her glossy pink lips. A small, shiny gold handbag was tucked under one arm.


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