Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 66

by Darcia Cobbler

  "It makes perfect sense, Ms. Crawford. It is why I love you so much." Kissing her on the tip of her lips, his hot breath sending waves of pleasure through her tingling body, she wanted to just lay down and let him make sweet passionate love to her.

  "I know what you want, naughty lady, but this is an open area and one never knows who is going to be around. Plus, it's daylight." Darryl said reading her mind.

  “You’re right, honey." She licked her soft lips.

  "Hey, let's get the camping equipment. Judging by my watch, sunset will be soon and we really don't want to get lost out in these parts. The woods of the Poconos are no place for a damsel in distress. You have heard of Little Red Riding Hood, right love?" Darryl teased.

  "Oh gosh, yeah. That was my favorite story in the first-grade class. Poor girl almost got gobbled up by a wolf and he ate her grandmother. Terrible thing that happened to her." Waving her hands in that oh-my-god fashion, Darryl burst out into a ball of laughter.

  Mia was grateful that the weather proved to be non-threatening. Not a cloud in the sky on this late mid-May afternoon. Nothing but endless pristine cerulean skies and a few wispy cirrus clouds. With no sign of bad weather to come their way, Mia reassured herself that this would be a trip, they would never forget. If anything, she felt herself connecting to Darryl in a more personal way than ever before.

  Chapter 4

  Darryl hated keeping things from Mia more than anything else. It went against every principle he was ever taught as a child. Growing up he recalled how his parents resembled a story perfect marriage. They did just about everything together whether it was going to mom's weekly Bingo games in that old russet building on the edge of town or to dad's night with his friends where they would all come to the Crawford cabin and have a night with drinks and good food. Many of his father's friends also married would bring their wives and children and the kids would play out in the big sprawling yard behind the property having hours of fun in the summer months. He never recalled once in the entire time from his childhood up until the day that God took his father that anything was kept a secret between the two.

  Here they were traveling up the winding south path observing mother nature at her finest as a school of geese fluttered their snow white wings against the sky, not a care in the world except for finding food and shelter and he was keeping something from the woman he claimed to love and cherish. Ever since leaving the scene with Cory as they drove away that afternoon he sensed Mia's soft yet inquisitive glares gazing at him. Even though he had focused on the traffic and the circuitous roads that these parts were known for, he sensed that Mia radar on him. It was that subtle, yet eerie, sense that every facial and body movement is being keenly observed.

  The temperature was a cool, yet warm, seventy degrees so far, however, Darryl felt his skin radiate on fire as if he were in the oppressive flame of some oven. Hammering in his chest he could hear his heart beating vibrantly its thumping sound, pulsing in his temples demanding he lay down or rest for the time being. That thought was the craziest one he had so far. Doing such a thing would admit a weakness that was one thing Darryl would never admit to any woman let alone his lover.

  "Hey, you ok?" Mia asked already several yards ahead of him, her beady eyes narrowing in on him as if he were some prey.

  "Yes, I am fine. Just letting you get ahead. Go ahead. You’re doing a great job, honey. I am really proud of you." Darryl responded encouraging Mia to keep going.

  "Hmmm... ok," Mia replied shaking her head as if to say I know you're hiding something, Darryl.

  Disregarding her glares waving her on he knew he would have to fess up to the secrecy sooner than later. For years he put off questions about his life here like it really didn't matter. Most of the time, he had a really great upbringing. Things changed when dad died.

  The medical bills and other bills started piling up with threats from the county that they would be evicted if they didn't pay their tax bill. Darryl had to do something, anything to get the family back on track. After all, he was the oldest and the man of the house. The last thing he would do is stand there and watch his entire family be thrown out of their home. The disgrace and the embarrassment would be more than his already frail mother could stand.

  Quitting high school against his mother’s desperate pleas he took a job in the local supermarket thanks to the store manager Mr. Mapley. Long working hour weeks sometimes even creeping up to the sixty-hour mark were enough to put food on the table and keep the bill collectors at bay. Sure, he gave up a high school diploma and a possibility of a college scholarship but his family came first.

  Things were just fine Darryl recalled for several years until he met Sally with her perky breasts and slender perfect body. She was the essence of sex with her skimpy cut off shorts and low cut tee shirts showing all of her womanhood for the entire county to see. Speaking in that loud voice that was as deep as any man's was the total opposite of any type of girl that Darryl would date in the future. He was naïve, foolish and downright horny but looking for a girl that would just want to be with him and him only.

  "Hey, you sure you're ok. Look how far ahead I am." Sure enough standing at the peak of the hill Mia asked suspiciously, the sweat soaking her tee shirt.

  "I am fine. Just giving you a head start. I can get there if I wanted to really quick." Laughing Darryl did his best to play off his impending worries the best he could.

  Mia with all her education and proper upbringing would never understand anything Darryl explained to her about his life here. She would never understand not finishing his education and falling in love with Sally, a local girl, who he thought would be the mother of his children only to find out she was a complete whore.

  That night at his parents’ house came to him in one horrific wave. The memory flashed before him in one blurry cloud, the players in that event moving slowly along as if they were stuck on glue. Sitting in the backyard at the cherry red picnic table a pile of silver beer cans spiraling up in a pyramid as he and Cory sat looking at each other. With each sip of alcohol Cory's facial gestures tensed as if he were ready for a fight to the bitter end.

  "Rumor has it that you dumped my sister. Claiming she is a whore. Who the fuck you think you are saying such things about my little sister?" Cory said his eyes darting around. If they could shoot bullets Darryl would have been the second Crawford to be buried in the family plot in the past year.

  "Hey, I am just saying the truth. I caught her sucking Paul Green's dick. Right here in this very yard. To be exact, over there. That night after the party." Pointing to the white shed his father kept his tools in. At dusk, it was a perfect hideaway for anyone to screw around in.

  "Come on dude. You expect me to believe that fucking bull."

  "Yeah, I do man. I hate to say but rumor also has it that all your sisters are big whores. Not one of them knows how to keep their panties on. Come on, didn't Annie just have a kid last year. I know the stork didn't drop her off."

  Banging the table his, fist a bright crimson, Cory knocked down the pile of cans. His face equally flushed as if he were going to explode into a million pieces. The boy who never so much lifted a fist against anyone was ready to do the deed. Reaching across the table grabbing one of the squashed cans smashing it into Darryl's face. He could still feel that incisive metal rip his flesh as its rigid edges cut his skin.

  "You fucking asshole!" Standing up Darryl pushed the table over the top of it landing on Corry's lap.

  Till this day Darryl never recalled feeling such a rage as the one he experienced in that night. Every part of him went into a black abyss, one that would keep him hostage until after the event was over. A silent observer through the whole thing wanting to stop, it was almost as if someone else was in charge as he bolted across to the white shed. There standing against the metal shelf not touched since the last hunting trip he quickly grabbed it off the hook. His vessels filled with rage and fury one that wouldn't be quenched until this was said and done he aimed straight fo
r the stomach of Cory. In the back of his mind, that night he could hear his father begging him to stop: it is not worth it son. You are better than this. I raised you to be a man of worth, not one who hurts or kills. Despite this, the enraged fury welling within wouldn't relent until Cory was seen doubled over in pain. One quick jolt of the trigger the sound of the cracking of the bullet entering Cory's torso his muffled cries piercing through Darryl's clouded memory and there was no going back. Laying on the ground Cory's eyes rolling into the back of his head clinging to the blood wound was more than Darryl could take.

  "No!!!!!! I am sorry Cory!!! I am so fucking sorry!!!!" Darryl screamed his facial muscles tightening as he relived every horrifying moment of that night.

  "Darryl, sweetie. What is it? I need to know, Darryl, and now." Mia stood next to him panting as she must of ran down that hill in lightning speed.

  There was no going back on this. Years of being evasive would finally come to an end. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father again standing there in his crisp navy blue suit and dark tie. His eyes shining a glorious blue silver almost like silver dollars, he spoke to him in a soft melody. Son, it is time to tell her. You must be upfront. Trust me, she will understand.

  "I have something to tell you." Darryl said as he motioned to the grass beneath them. "Let’s sit, this may take awhile."

  Chapter 6

  As they walked up the long winding path that led from the base of the south mountain into the heart of the forest, Darryl couldn't believe he was still with Mia. Any other girl would have heard his tale and just cleared out dumped him, good looks or not. Mia was special in more ways than one Darryl realized. With her soft-spoken approach, her nurturing spirit and compassionate desire to help mankind, she had a gift, an aura, that he has never seen in anyone before. It probably was one of the reasons she succeeded in the profession she was in.

  Holding hands as they traveled through the thicket that has been a part of this area probably since the beginning of time, Darryl felt his lover’s tiny hands cling to his, depending on him for guidance. This was the part he wanted to play -- to be a man of confidence and strength. He never wanted her to see the feeble side of him again. Though he wasn't entirely cool with the idea of seeing Cory and talking with him about what occurred in that terrible night, it was essential for him so that he could move on.

  "Darryl, look. It's adorable." Pointing to the top of the oak tree was a pretty bright blue jaybird. Its long black beak almost invisible against the dark tree branches, the creature just sat there observing all that surrounded it.

  "It sure is, honey. I know you want to get a picture right?" Daryl asked knowing all too well that Mia would want to take a snapshot for her class.

  "You know it."

  Walking closer so she could get a better shot, Mia tip-toed along the path. But the sound of leaves crumbling under her feet was enough to wake the little feathered friend up from its trance. Darting its eyes directly at Mia but not appearing to be frightened in any way it made a boisterous cackle probably calling out to its young or mate, Darryl thought. How interesting wildlife can be sometimes, he thought. Just when you think a creature is going to flock away from you or disappear, it shocks you by just standing there holding its ground. He wasn't entirely surprised, though, as this was their home. He and Mia were just visitors after all.

  Snapping the camera's tiny black button its quick click sound ensuring that the picture was taken, Mia smiled as she observed the image on the device's clear screen. Always on teaching and learning mode, Mia was looking for new things which she could bring to her classroom. This weekend trip would provide a wealth of material she could use probably for the rest of the term.

  "Did you get a good shot?" Darryl asked.

  "Yes, sir. This will be perfect for our science lesson next week. We will be discussing different animals that live in the world. This picture along with a little research will have my little kiddos excited for the whole lesson. I can't wait to see how they react." Mia's face glowed as she began to run off the ideas for her new lesson.

  "Well, let’s see what else we can find, shall we my sweet?" Darryl held out his hand.

  "Couldn't agree more."

  Continuing their path up the trail enjoying every minute of their adventure, Darryl saw the perfect spot that he wanted to make hot passionate love to Mia at. Amidst a sea of long stemmed bushes was a clearing where they could lay down and explore each other's bodies. The idea of caressing Mia's tender body and inspecting every area of her fair skin flesh began to play on his mind. Slowly, he would run his tongue up and down her navel licking every spot leaving not one part untouched until he reached her shaven pussy. Pink and moist her clit would await his tongue's far-reaching touch.

  Just as he was about to suggest their love nest, he heard the distant rumble of thunder. A gust of wind spiraled in from above the skies shaking the trees about as if they were mere twigs. Piercing through the break in foliage, Darryl saw silver streaks of lightening illuminating the pale gray skies. A heavy downpour exploded from the saturated sky above pelting him and Mia with its unrelenting speed.

  "Dammit!" Darryl yelled. Of all places, this was one area you didn't want to get lost in.

  "I am sure we can figure our way back to the car, honey. I think it was that way." Mia hollered pointing in the northern direction.

  Mia's sense of direction was one skill set she clearly didn't have. The last thing Darryl was going to do would be to take her word for where they came from. This, coming from the girl who got lost going to the local supermarket, was a chance Darryl wasn't willing to take.

  "Honey, we're over here." Taking her back down the rugged path they came from, Darryl was sure the car was at the bottom of the trail.

  Howling fiercely, the biting winds sent piercing hail from the roaring skies above. Tiny pellets of ice came from every direction stinging Darryl’s skin. A sea of blurriness surrounded him as buckets of rain blinded him. Clinging to Mia's hand her little fingers trembling with fear and he assured her they would soon be in the car.

  The fact of the matter was that he truly felt lost and confused himself. For the first time since growing up in these parts, he had no fucking clue where he was. There was nothing but swaying trees and wet mushy mud and soaked grass everywhere. It was like walking in quicksand -- their feet constantly falling knee deep into the shallow ground created by the endless puddles. He had forgotten how bad these parts flooded out. The mountains were nothing but an endless waterfall during these downpours sending a brown mush down the inclines. He can't recall how many summers he and his family had to evacuate due to flood alerts.

  What seemed hours was probably only minutes as the heavy rains trickled down to a faint drip. The gusty winds settled a bit as the storm quickly moved out of the region. The clamorous roar of thunder suddenly seemed to be miles away as it traveled to the next region where it would cause havoc.

  Darryl's sense of confidence returned as the storm quickly ceased. Wiping his eyes off his vision, still blurred from the rain, he looked around to see if he could recognize the path. But a quickly developing fog only added more confusion to an already upsetting experience.

  "Fuck!" Darryl yelled disgusted at himself for not being more prepared for such an event.

  "Honey, look over there." Mia motioned towards a black rickety roof protruding through the thickness of the fog.

  "Oh, thank God. Maybe we can find shelter or someone to help us." Darryl replied hoping that their entire trip wasn't going to be a waste. If they could find a shelter and dry off, then they could move on and get out of here before it got too late.

  Chapter 7

  The closer they got to the building the more Mia thought she should have never said anything. The chances of anyone with life living in that place were next to none. The building was on its last legs and that was an understatement. Sinking into the ground the structure was a shabby white metal that had a bunch of battered windows with more cracks and holes in
it than a car imploded by a bomb. An eerie squealing noise sent a shiver down Mia's arms as she envisioned a hungry family of gray furry mice crawling about the insides of the place searching for little crumbs of food. Flapping in the wind, compliments of the abandoning storm, were brown shutters, the paint peeling in huge chunks falling onto the grass beneath it. The shutters, made of some sturdy wood that obviously held them in place all these years, had tiny rusty nails drilled in the bottom of them. That endless motion of the shutters working against the rusty nails had been the culprit behind the squeaking noise.

  "Maybe we should try looking somewhere else," Mia suggested. The thought of even entering this place gave her the creeps reminding her of the time she went with her best girlfriend Ginny into a haunted house down the Jersey shore.

  "No, we're not turning back. I am wet and tired. I am sure you are the same. Listen, trust me on this. We are safe here. I just know it." Darryl said.

  Walking up to the property's main entrance this area was equally neglected. Long blades of grass surrounded the front suggesting that no one had taken a pair of clippers or a lawn mower here in probably a good many years, Mia surmised. The front door had a statue of a dead squirrel on it. Its tiny little jet black eyes stared at Mia. Standing on its hind legs, its gray fur bristled all around its lanky body as if it were killed seconds before it realized it though revolting to look at Mia kind of felt bad for the poor thing.


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