Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 71

by Darcia Cobbler

  Just when he thought the coast was clear and he could dash to his room and maybe jerk off to some porn to relieve his sexual tension, the smiling gay son came back and whispered in his ear, “I am in room 310. Mother will be laying down soon. I can suck the shit out of that rod you got there, baby. Once you cum from one of my blow jobs you won’t want any woman. Hit me up. I’ll be waiting stud.”

  “Come on mother let’s get to our room. I will read you the bible. What verse would you like to read today?”

  Garry quickly turned away nauseous by the whole thing. His stomach churning in the pit of his lower torso he could feel this morning's light breakfast of onion bagel with cream cheese spin around as if it was in an endless spin cycle. For the first time in his entire life that he could recollect he felt sea sick the entire ship just spun around as he nearly lost his balance. Walking off from the main deck he hoped he could get to his room before he puked all over these gorgeous white fluffy carpets.

  Chapter 8

  Tossing her clothes on the bed in the cabin Kristy stood in her room alone replaying the horrid events she witnessed on the deck. Once again, life played and dealt its cursed hand on her as if she was to be kept in an eternal prison of misery. Doing everything she could to fight back those tears she just wanted to let go, she couldn’t believe Jenna was crying she had her chance with so many men and had a terrific career that anyone would die for. What she had was a deadbeat job in a bookstore with no hope of advancement, no money, no love life -- she had nothing.

  Collapsing onto the bed covering her eyes she felt the rage of disgust build up in her like a volcano about to explode after years of dormancy. Every bit of disappointment welled up in her with no room anywhere to go but out. The most gorgeous man she had seen in a long time and who actually showed the remotest interest in her, was gay. She saw how that older man with the tight cheeks whispered in Garry’s ear. He probably doesn’t want anyone knowing, being he owns a publishing company probably would ruin his precious business. Not a revengeful person by nature, her fury within was persuading her to hit the internet and just tell the world what he really was about. How dare he lead her on and then act like he was straight when in fact he had a lover?

  “What is wrong Kristy?” Jenna stood there her hair wrapped in a white towel her soft skin sprinkled with droplets of water.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all. Just a long week. You know.” The last thing she wanted to do was tell Jenna anything.

  “Well take that growl off your face. If you’re not careful it will remain a part of you forever.” Smiling Jenna pinched Kristy’s cheeks in such an amusing way it took her back to their early days of childhood when they first met.

  “You’re right. It’s silly to think of the past. I am so excited I won this trip and was able to take you, my best friend Jenna.” Jumping up she hugged Jenna enjoying her freshly showered watermelon scented skin complimenting of her favorite body wash.

  Slowly the ship rocked just a tad as it pulled off from the dock. The people standing there some still waving others quickly going to their tiny little cars hoping to beat the bitter cold as mother nature roared in a new storm. Steel gray clouds stampeded across the once teal skies promising a day of snow, biting winds, and ice. The Delaware River with its bluish-green tint rippled into petite white caps as the howling winds worked its way on the surface. Soon enough they would be away from this dreadful place of misery and onto the promised lands.

  Smiling she kissed Jenna on the tip of her lips. Her breath like hot fresh mint was so invigorating so inviting that Kristy wanted more of her. Jenna’s perky breasts practically protruded through the top of her towel promising pure beauty and warmth. Kristy felt feelings that she hadn’t felt before. Suddenly she wanted to just kiss her deeply, suck on her neck the way a kid licks a lollypop and run her tongue along her breasts. Where were these crazy thoughts coming from Kristy contemplated? Such things were crazy and didn’t make any sense to her.

  Perplexed she walked into the bedroom and shut the door. Now not only had she realized the man of her dreams was gay and unavailable, she was having feelings of lust for her best friend that she has known since the seventh grade. Life was so complicated and didn’t make a bit of sense.

  Chapter 9

  After a day in the hot sun and throngs of gorgeous ripped men catering to their every whim, Kristy suggested they check out the hotel’s Cabaret Show featuring muscled ethnic men prancing around in tight speedos singing a variety of music. Apparently, the men had female counterparts Jenna realized as the girls equally attractive in their skimpy pink feather attire pranced around the dimly lit arena enticing the audience to chime in and participate in the fun. These girls were so young and innocent Jenna realized with their soft olive toned skin and soft dark eyes. It was as if they had never been touched by any man or anyone for that matter. Jenna couldn’t help but wonder what making love to one of them would be like. Taking their innocence away in one steamy moment her tongue down one of their skimpy throats the other hand cupped on their perky breasts.

  Everywhere in this tightly packed setting with its sturdy deep brown chairs and tables were gorgeous men many of them seemed boyish in nature with their spiky hair, dimpled faces, and trendy attire. It must be Spring break in full swing in this place Jenna thought to herself. A mix of both worlds the locals and the young studs that frequented places like this. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a group of what appeared to be college boys sitting around two tables their sinewy builds sending a wave of lust through her body. Going through sex withdrawal not having a dick in any of her crevices for nearly a week now brought out the worst in her. Fantasizing these men laying her on one of the sandy white beaches the island was known for a while, they took turns shoving their hard cocks down her throat and in her wet pussy she wanted to get fucked in the worst way possible. Another thirty seconds of this and she would need to excuse herself. Luckily she had brought her trustworthy mechanical friend its elongated pink shape hidden discreetly in her luggage.

  “Hey there. Aren’t you the two girls from the parking lot back in Philadelphia?” Out of nowhere appeared the guy that Kristy couldn’t even have the balls to go after.

  “Oh yes. I forgot your name is it-”

  “Garry. Garry Albright. I remember yours. It’s Jenna and your cute little girlfriend is Kristy. I have been looking for you guys. I haven’t seen you since that day. Where is your friend?” He was so cute with his sparkling smile reminding Jenna of one of those sports illustrated superstars that the world loved to know more about.

  “Oh, she is in the ladies’ room. She should be out in a moment.”

  “Well listen, I have an engagement. I wanted to invite you and her to go on my yacht tomorrow. I can meet you in the hotel lobby say 10:00 AM. Can you both come?” Garry asked.

  “Certainly. It sounds like fun. We’re leaving the day after tomorrow. What an awesome way to spend our last day here.” Jenna thought lustfully to herself and a great opportunity to get the fuck of her life. She couldn’t help but notice the impressive bulge in the center of his white tennis shorts.

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll cya then Jenna. Can a guy get a hug?”

  “Certainly.” Standing up hugging him was like clinging onto a mass of steel he was so strong and smelled like fresh pine needles. It took all the strength she had within her not to have a major orgasm.

  “We’ll have some fun tomorrow. For sure. Can’t wait to see you both.”

  Walking off, Jenna had a new fantasy as she gazed around in the dingy ceilings of the tavern. The dusty russet ceiling fans twirling around their swishing noises reminding her of the crashing ocean surf, her naked body sprawled about as Garry’s skinny taut body dominated hers. Penetrating her tight pussy walls, he moaned as his tight muscles rubbed against her soft skin. Shaking he caressed her swollen breasts running his tongue along every crevice. Pumping his hard dick deeper than any man has gone as the roar of the sea clashed against the dark rocky inlet his mo
ans deafening her conscious she desired to have every bit of him in every available hole.

  “Hey, wasn’t that guy Garry? What was he here for?” Bringing her back to the land of reality with her battery of questions as if she was a DA, Kristy bellowed demanding explanations.

  “Calm down detective. He was just making some small talk and he invited us to go on his yacht tomorrow. Isn’t that cool? He must be rich and he has a hot body to go with it.”

  “Well, he owns his some big publishing business. I am sure he has plenty of money.” Kristy answered her face conveyed all her feelings in that stone cold glare.

  “It doesn’t matter. Tomorrow we will have fun.”

  Chapter 10

  Staring out into the twinkling sky from their third-floor hotel room, Kristy was infuriated with Jenna and at the same time deeply depressed. Once again, she found herself wanting something she just couldn’t have. Her feelings for Jenna this past week have increased in more ways than she could ever imagine. Making it worse, Garry the man of her dreams not only was he bisexual but he would soon be swallowed up by Jenna. Jenna with her slender perfect woman looks. Jenna with the career that anyone would die for working for the city government not having to even put in one weekend hour. From her long flowing blonde hair to her slender perfect body she can rake in any man she wanted.

  Recalling her own childhood her mother always said every night before she and her sister went to bed that their dreams could be as numerous as these stars out here. Pointing to the dark sky amidst the sea of twinkling lights, a gazing moon would overlook their Philadelphia neighborhood as hundreds of families prepared for sleep she went to bed many times believing those words. She could have anything she wanted her mother would say in that broken Irish accent of hers whether it be a good career, husband, children, whatever it was, it was within reach. Looking out into the sky on this balmy night she couldn’t help but wonder if it was one of many things that parents tell their children to put them asleep and keep their little worlds safe from harm. In reality, no one can get what they want unless you have looks, money, and power Kristy thought as she sunk down into the patio chair.

  “Hey, you ok?” There was she -- Ms. Sex herself Jenna wearing a sheer negligee practically teasing Kristy with her plump melon size breasts.

  “I’m fine. Just bummed we have to go home soon.”

  “Ok. I know it sucks. But tomorrow we’ll have a blast. I’m sure of it.” Smiling she went back in holding a glass of red wine in her dainty hands.

  Banging the unyielding surface of the glass table Kristy felt years of rejection and disappointment begin to well up in her again. Not even experiencing an orgasm as her dear friend had so many countless times she feared she would be just like her mother -- an old maiden left working a dead end job that provided no room for opportunity, happiness, or financial security. Life was so damn unfair Kristy thought as a well of tears streamed down her cheeks.

  Chapter 11

  Bright and early the following day Garry arrived in the hotel lobby dressed in loose fitting jean shorts, tennis shoes, and a multi-colored t-shirt. Kristy couldn’t help but notice his firm chest peeking out, the results of many many workouts. His legs too were well defined his calves standing out amidst his bronzed skin. Every inch of him spelled out stud a man with lots of money who can take any woman to bed he wanted.

  Jenna dressed for the event as always came prancing down the lobby corridor dressed in a skimpy hot pink bathing suit. The material which was practically transparent barely covered her perky breasts just waiting to bounce out in the open, had a spaghetti strap that lightly held up the top piece. It seemed as though one gust of the wind or a mere push of that strap and the entire hotel would see what she had to offer. Surrounding her bottom half equally liberal if not downright bold, the loosely fitting material practically appeared as a pair of underwear teasing the world with hints of her butt cheeks. Those slender legs of hers were flawless and drew the attention of many of her suitors and Garry was no exception. Kristy saw how his roaming eyes scanned her friend’s body the way a kid eyes up a candy store where he is given free rein to pick anything he wants.

  “Hey, you guys ready? I am so hot standing here.” Kristy interrupted the obvious physical attraction these two were sizing up.

  “Sure. Let’s go ladies. We will have such a great time. It’s a gorgeous day out here. You ladies really picked a great time to come.” Putting out his elbow he grabbed each of their hands and paraded out of the hotel while the locals observed the whole thing with crazed looks.

  Kristy hated she was being observed and judged in such a way. After all, she lived her life modestly and was the complete opposite of Jenna. Never even kissing a boy unless she had true feelings for him, she kept her mother’s rigid upbringing always in the back of her mind. Whenever she saw a gorgeous guy she wanted, she could hear her mother’s thick accent telling her a lady never kisses a man until she truly knows he is the one, my love. Thoughts of her mother sitting in their small home on Frankford Avenue while she knit those tiny baby sweaters she sold faithfully every weekend at the local swap meet to make ends meet brought a flood of emotion to Kristy.

  Garry had more money than Kristy anticipated. Standing outside in the hotels winding driveway was a sleek tinted black limousine. The driver who was equally attractive in his ebony suit and glossy hat had piercing turquoise eyes, fair skin and pieces of brunette hair poking through the top of his forehead. His hands were huge like that of a tree bark. Standing there at the attention his eyes looking into the distance as if she nor Jenna made a bit of difference to him, Kristy couldn’t help but notice the beads of sweat dripping off his forehead. He sure must be hot underneath all that clothing, she thought to herself. Secretly she imagined his naked body his muscled arms cradling her on the beach after a hot session of intense sex. For the first time in her entire life since puberty, she felt her own hormones flow through her. She was in dire need of some physical connection anything that would give meaning to her pathetic life.

  “Freddy, these are the two young ladies I was telling you about. This gorgeous beauty is Jenna and this young lady is Kristy. Aren’t they stunning?” Garry spoke to his lifeless driver.

  “Yes, sir they are. To the yacht, I presume.”


  “Yes, sir. Onward we go.” Saluting Garry as if he were a high-ranking officer in the military, Kristy couldn’t help but smile at the silliness of it all.

  “Freddy is ex-marines and still has a hard time realizing he is no longer in the strict environment that the government demands of its soldiers. He is a good guy still single and a blast to have a good time with.” Garry chimed in noticing Kristy’s muffled laughter.

  The inside of Garry’s limousine was something out of one of those rich people magazines. The seats made up of a velvet material were like sitting on silk. The floor a soft fleece vibrated a tickling swoosh of fresh air up into the compartment. Protruding from the center of the tinted backseat window separating Freddy from them, a silver tray appeared with three sparkling glasses filled with champagne. In the center of the tray sat an oval white dish tiny crackers and what appeared to be caviar. Right above them playing on one of those tiny television screens you would see in a nurses’ station in bright colors was a couple of young college guys screwing a skinny brunette.

  “Ah, I thought you ladies would like some viewing material before our trip on the sea.” Garry smirked the dimples in his cheeks giving him that sweet innocent boys look that must have gotten him laid multiple times.

  “Oh yeah. My kind of fun indeed.” Jenna smiled back loosening her bra giving Garry a sneak preview.

  “You would.” Kristy responded back sighing in disgust regretting she even invited her on this trip.

  “Oh, lighten up. Why don’t you drink some champagne and have some of these delicious crackers with the appetizer?” Smacking her lips running her tongue along them in that seductive way that she must have done countless times with a
ll her men she grabbed one of the crackers and put a nice amount of the fish on one of them.

  “Yuck. What hell is that shit, baby?” Grimacing spitting out whatever she just ate Jenna grabbed a napkin off the silver tray and wiped her mouth.

  Enjoying Jenna’s displeasure for just a moment Kristy thought to herself that is what you get for being a whore and a bitch. Trying to hide her smile didn’t work too well judging by Jenna’s darting eyes looking at her in that dagger-like glare that said if you say anything I’ll kick your ass. Sitting back closing her eyes she contemplated that maybe today would be a good day after all. Anytime Jenna made an ass of herself which wasn’t often was always a good time.

  “Oh, that you just ate caviar. Did you not like it?” Garry asked.

  “Hell no.”

  Laughing Kristy and Garry burst out practically falling onto the floor. His boyish looks and dazzling smile locked with hers. For a brief moment, Kristy could feel that missing emotional connection that one she had been yearning for as long as she could remember. If it weren’t for Jenna’s glaring looks she would have snuck in a brief kiss. Maybe she should have made out with him that day in the bookstore Ms. Coyle or no Ms. Coyle, he was worth it.


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