Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 90

by Darcia Cobbler

  And then, suddenly, as if summoned, there she was. Deacon stared. He thought maybe he was dreaming, or had mistaken some other slender brunette for her, but no, the longer he looked, the more undeniable it was: Avery was sitting on a park bench sipping a green smoothie and reading Mrs. Dalloway. Her rich chestnut hair was out of its tight bun and fell over her shoulders, glowing in the golden sunlight. As he watched, she tucked it behind one ear, frowning adorably at her book. She’d changed into a simple pink cotton dress that highlighted the rich warm hues of her skin.

  I am the luckiest man on earth, thought Deacon Wolfe as he watched her.

  Quickly, a little scared that she would disappear into thin air if he waited too long, Deacon crossed to her bench. “Avery?” he asked, a smile spreading across his face.

  Startled, the concierge jumped slightly as she looked up, lowering her book. “Holy shit,” she said. Her eyes grew wide as she realized she’d just sworn in front of a client. “I mean….Mr. Wolfe. Sorry. I – I didn’t see you there.”

  Deacon chuckled at her flustered response. “May I?” he asked, gesturing to the bench.

  “Of course,” she replied, her eyes flicking up and down his body surreptitiously. She swallowed and cleared her throat. “Are you enjoying your stay? No problems with the room, I hope.”

  “Of course not,” Deacon shook his head, soaking in her pretty face. “Everything is perfect. I can’t imagine you let anything get by you, Avery. Not when it comes to the hotel, at least.”

  She smiled happily, clearly pleased by the compliment. “I do my best,” she replied.

  “And it shows,” Deacon told her. “Are you enjoying the book?” He nodded at the novel she’d let fall to her lap.

  “Mrs. Dalloway? Oh, yes. I’ve read it a million times. I love Virginia Woolf. I always have. Have you read it?”

  Deacon nodded, making a face. “Yes. We read Mrs. Dalloway in high school, but I have to admit that I never got into it.”

  “Well there’s your problem right there. Nobody likes anything they read for high school. High school ruins books,” Avery grinned mischievously at him. “You’re just going to have to give it another try. Besides, I think Virginia Woolf just gets better as you get older. Teenagers don’t always have the patience necessary for her. But every time I read her stuff I find some new meaning. Every time is like the first time.”

  “Wow, you really love her,” Deacon said, raising his eyebrows.

  Avery nodded. “Some people read Jane Austen to relax, some people like Harlequins, some people Cosmo…me, I read Virginia Woolf.”

  “Well,” Deacon grinned at her, his deep blue eyes twinkling in the setting sun, “no one can accuse you of having bad taste.”

  Avery giggled a little. “To be honest, most of my friends think I’m a totally stuck up snob when it comes to reading material. But, I mean, I love a good Cosmo as much as the next girl. But I like to balance that out with something a bit meatier when I have the time. What about you?” She smiled up at him in a way that made Deacon’s slacks feel awfully tight in the crotch.

  He shifted on the bench, trying to make himself comfortable. “Personally, I don’t have a lot of time to read. But if I have to choose, I’d say I’m a Hemingway man.”

  Avery laughed. “Only men are fans of Hemingway.”

  Deacon raised his eyebrows. “Oh? Do you think so? And why is that?”

  “Because he was the kind of witty, womanizing drunk that men look up to and think that women want to sleep with.”

  Deacon’s eyebrows rose even higher. “And women don’t want to sleep with men like that?”

  Avery shrugged. “Some women, sure. But I like my men with a little bit more moral fiber and a little less alcoholism.”

  Deacon laughed long and loud. “That’s fair,” he said. “That’s very fair.”

  “On the other hand,” Avery held up one finger and smiled, “I will always be grateful to Hemingway for having invented the mojito. That is a beautiful, beautiful thing.”

  Deacon had a stroke of genius. “Oh yes?” he asked softly.

  Avery nodded. “My favorite drink of all time.”

  “Have you tried the ones at Doppelganger?” Deacon asked, referring to one of his favorite bars in New York.

  “No,” said Avery, looking surprised. “I’ve never actually gone to Doppelganger.”

  Deacon stared at her as if she’d just declared herself to be a Coldwar sleeper spy. “Okay, well, first of all, you’re a blasphemous heathen.”

  Avery giggled again. “Is there any other kind of heathen?” she asked.

  “And second of all,” Deacon continued, ignoring her valid point, “we’re going there right now and having mojitos. That is the best bar in the city, and its mojitos are a-ma-zing.”

  Avery blinked at him. “Oh, I’d love to, really, Mr. Wolfe—”

  “And third, you’re going to stop calling me Mr. Wolfe and start calling me Deacon. This isn’t the 1950s.”

  She laughed again and Deacon smiled. She was so beautiful when she laughed. Her whole face lit up in happiness. “Deacon. Thank you. But I really can’t. The hotel has very strict policies about that kind of thing. I can’t go for a drink with a guest. No matter how much I’d like to.”

  Deacon looked her in the eye. “And how much would you like to go for a drink with me?”

  Avery gave him a half-smile. “I think you know the answer to that already.”

  “Yes,” he agreed airily, “but I’m vain. I want to hear you say it.”

  Avery rolled her eyes but she was smiling. “Very much,” she told him finally.

  “Just one drink,” said Deacon. “No one’ll ever have to know.”

  Avery bit her lip and Deacon knew she was tempted.

  “The best mojitos in New York,” he reminded her with his most rakish grin.

  The woman’s shoulders slumped and she shook her head at him. “You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?” she asked with a faint smile.

  He shook his head. “Not when that means you’ll be missing out on a) New York’s finest rum-based cocktail and b) my company.”

  “So humble,” Avery joked.

  “What can I say?” he asked, joking too, “I know my own worth.”

  She hesitated for a moment. “But I’m not dressed to go out drinking,” she argued finally.

  Deacon looked her up and down, admiring the way the thin cotton highlighted her slender waist and small, high breasts. “You look beautiful,” he said honestly. “No one’ll care.”

  Avery blushed and Deacon had the almost uncontrollable urge to sweep her into his arms right then and there. He couldn’t believe how attractive he found her. Everything she did just went straight to his heart. “I haven’t eaten dinner yet either,” she admitted.

  Deacon grinned. “Even better. I haven’t either. First we’ll go for a dinner and then we’ll go to Doppelganger. Do you like sushi?”

  She looked at him for a moment without saying anything. Finally she sighed. “Yes,” she replied. “I love sushi.”

  “Then let’s get this show on the road,” Deacon said, standing up and offering her his hand. “I know the best place for sushi.”

  Avery shook her head, laughing. “Why does that not surprise me?” she asked reaching up and slipping her hand into his.

  His fingers closed around her soft, cool skin and he smiled at her, running his thumb along the back of her hand. “This is going to be a good night,” he said.

  Avery looked up at him and gave him the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen.

  Chapter 3

  Three hours later, Avery and Deacon stumbled, laughing, out of Doppelganger and into the dark street. “Oh my God,” Avery gasped, grinning and clutching a stitch in her side. “You have to stop making me laugh. My abs can’t take this kind of a workout.”

  This just made Deacon laugh even harder as he stood on the curb, one hand raised for a cab. “Then you clearly have not been living right, Avery.

  Avery giggled, following him off the sidewalk. But she slipped on the curb and a teetered forward, landing with a soft thump against Deacon’s chest. He smiled down at her, one arm coming up to encircle her waist.

  “Careful,” he said softly.

  Slowly, Avery looked up at him, her eyes meeting his. His face was so close to hers. She could smell the zing of their mojitos (how many had it been in the end? Three? Four? He’d been right. They had been amazing) on his breath. Her heart thundered in her chest. “This is what happens when you laugh too hard,” she said, her voice catching in her throat. “See? It’s dangerous.”

  He smiled and her knees turned to jelly. Tenderly, he brushed a stray curl from her face, his thumb tracing her cheek. “You just need more practice, that is all,” he replied.

  God, thought Avery, I could come right now just from the sound of his voice. “Is that what you think?” she asked, a little breathlessly.

  “Yes,” he smiled. “We’ll just have to keep practicing.”

  She laughed. “I’d like that, Deacon,” she whispered.

  He didn’t reply. Instead, he buried his fingers in her hair and pulled her into a deep kiss. The arm around her waist tightened, luckily, because her knees had completely given out.

  Avery wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning into his mouth. All evening they’d been dancing around each other, dancing around their mutual attraction, while, by each moment, it got harder and harder to fight the desire for a kiss. Now that it was finally happening, Avery could hardly believe how good it felt. She wanted this moment to last forever.

  Slowly, reluctantly, they broke apart, though they kept their arms wrapped around each other. “Stay with me tonight,” Deacon whispered, trailing his fingers through her hair.

  Avery knew she should say no. She knew this was an enormous breach of policy and could end up getting her fired. She also knew she’d never wanted anything so badly as she wanted him. “Yes,” she replied.

  Deacon kissed her again, his body flush with hers, his mouth desperate against her lips as his tongue made her shiver with desire. Then, just as suddenly, he ripped himself away from her, almost flinging himself into the street as he hailed an oncoming cab.

  The taxi screeched to a halt and Deacon yanked the door open, pulling Avery inside with him. “The Hilton,” he gasped at the taxi driver. “As fast as you can.”

  Of course, they couldn’t go back to Crosby Street together and the Hilton was only a few blocks away. In what seemed like only a matter of minutes to Avery, Deacon had gotten them out of the cab, through the Hilton lobby, and into an amazing top floor suite. It had all happened so fast, and she’d been so focused on how his hands were traveling along her body – even as they crossed the lobby – that Avery wasn’t even sure if they’d paid.

  The room to the suite shut behind them, halfway through their valet’s explanation, and Deacon grabbed Avery by the hips, his desperate desire clear in his eyes. She had no complaints. She wanted him just as badly. If she was honest, she’d been wet since sushi. She dug her fingers into his silky hair and pulled him into another passionate kiss.

  Deacon picked her up, pulling her onto his hips as he carried her to the ceiling windows, kissing her the whole time. When her back hit the cool glass, Avery gasped in surprise. Deacon smiled and, balancing her against the window, pulled her summer dress up and over her head, tossing it behind them. Avery hummed happily, arching her back so that her breasts rose to meet Deacon’s descending mouth.

  He covered her with kisses, sucking lightly at the sensitive skin of her neck and breasts. With one hand, he reached back and undid her bra, flinging it in the same direction as her dress. With a greedy smile, he began to massage her small, pert breasts, drawing first one nipple and then the other into his mouth, sucking long and hard, swirling his tongue around the sensitive buds.

  Avery moaned, pressing her shoulders back against the window, the dual sensations of the cold glass and Deacon’s warm mouth sending shivers down her spine. She wanted him to go lower, but also never stop what he was doing. It felt so divine.

  With a sudden movement, Deacon lifted her off his hips and onto his shoulders, bringing her pussy in line with his mouth. Avery squealed with surprise and then with pleasure as his warm lips closed around her wet folds. His clever tongue worked its way along her slick skin, sending waves of raw pleasure coursing through her as he sucked and nibbled and licked. Avery groaned, gasping his name as her fingers dug into his hair.

  As Deacon worked her pussy, he reached down with one hand and undid his belt, shoving his pants off him and freeing his throbbing hard-on. Gently massaging his eager shaft, he kept pleasuring Avery, taking her clit between his lips and rolling it gently back and forth, making her gasp and scream. Wide-eyed, she bit her lip to keep from making too much noise.

  Deacon chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about making noise up here, Avery. No one can hear us. Go wild.”

  She glanced down at him, a smile beginning to grow.

  “In fact,” he said, smiling back, “I’d prefer it if you did.”

  Avery giggled. “Well then keep doing what you’re doing and I will.”

  Deacon smiled and dipped his head to continue his work, gently massaging her clit with his tongue as he kept sucking it. Avery’s thighs tightened around him as she moaned long and loud. The pressure was building in her clit and any minute she knew it would overcome her. Deacon sucked harder, letting go of his cock to grab her ass with both hands.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she swore as his fingers dug into her flesh and tipped her over the edge. Her orgasm pulsed through her and she strained, caught between Deacon and the window. “Oh God,” she screamed as his tongue kept flicking along her, intensifying her orgasm. She flung out one arm, bracing herself against the cool surface of the glass. Her climax was so hard she couldn’t control herself and she arched her back, bucking against Deacon’s mouth as her juices ran down his chin.

  Finally, slowly, her body calmed and, gasping, Avery came back to her senses. “Oh my God,” she gasped, chest heaving. “That felt incredible.”

  Deacon pulled back from her pussy, wiping his mouth with his hand. “And that’s just the first course,” he said with a smile.

  Avery giggled. “I can’t wait.” Glancing down, she saw his erection bobbing against the cold glass and her breath caught in her throat. “Holy shit,” she whispered. “You’re huge. Do you really think you’ll…God, it’s a good thing I’m wet.”

  Deacon laughed and picked her up again, setting her back down on the floor. Her legs trembled as she put her weight on them, still weak in the aftermath of her orgasm. “I guess there’s only one way to find out,” he said with a smile.

  Avery glanced up at his grinning face and felt her own smile grow. “I guess so,” she said. Turning around, she bent forward, pressing her hands to the glass and looking out at New York at night – all while presenting Deacon with a perfect view of her glistening pussy and cute bum. She inched backward and down until the smooth skin of her ass brushed his hardened dick. Deacon groaned.

  Grabbing her by the hips, Deacon spread the cheeks of her ass, stroking her silky folds with his fingers, feeling the remains of the juices he’d been licking off her only moments ago.

  “Don’t make me wait,” Avery pouted, looking back at him over her shoulder.

  “Sorry,” he grinned. He spread her ass open even further and brought her pussy down hard onto his waiting shaft.

  Avery groaned, her fingers seeking purchase on the slick windows. “Oh fu-uck,” she swore, panting as she felt herself stretch around his long, thick cock. “Oh, Christ.”

  Deacon moaned incoherently, unable to believe she could take his entire length. Gently, he drew out a little, letting her adjust, but the sight of his cock coated in her juices made him want to come there and then and he had to look away.

  “I’m okay,” Avery panted. “It feels incredible.”

  “Tell me about it,�
� he replied, gripping her hard by hips as he sunk himself into her once more. Goaded on by her enthusiastic moan, he began to pump long and hard, burying his entire length in her with every stroke.

  Avery pressed her forearms against the windows and let his thrusts fill her, sending wave after wave of pleasure through her as his cock stroked places no one had ever reached before. Soon her moans had become screams and she loved not having to worry about the neighbors. Flinging her head back, she screamed his name, swearing as he fucked her harder, his fingers digging into her ass.

  Suddenly, Deacon reached forward, wrapping his hand in her hair and pulling her head back so that her body arched and his cock reached new depths, stroked new places, set new nerves on fire. Avery could feel tears well in her eyes from the ecstasy.


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