[2] battleship; 5,234 (9,286); 1870–1906 Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh; Milford Haven
SUPERB [1] battleship; 18,600; 1907–22 Charles Forbes; Gough-Calthorpe; Pound
[2] cruiser; 8,885; 1943–60 Le Fanu
SURPRISE [1] 5th-rate; 1,072; 1812–22 Cochrane
[2] despatch vessel; 1,650; 1885–1919 Tyrwhitt
SUSSEX [1] 3rd-rate; 1,203; 1693–94 Nortis
[2] cruiser; 9,830; 1928–50 Creasy; Hill-Norton
SUTHERLAND 4th-rate; 675; 1704–44 Clinton
SUTLEJ armoured cruiser; 12,000; 1899–1924 Kelly; Somerville
SUVA armed merchant cruiser; 1915–19 Cork and Orrery
SWALLOW 4th-rate; 612; 1703–28 Chaloner Ogle
SWIFTSURE [1] armoured ship; 3,893 (6,660); 1870–1904 Lyons; Salmon; Edward Seymour
[2] cruiser; 8,800; 1943–62 Ashmore
SYBILLE [1] 5th-rate; 1,091; 1794–1833 Codrington
[2] 5th-rate; 1,633; 1847–66 Elliot
TALBOT 6th-rate; 500; 1824–55 Codrington; Elliot
TAMAR 5th-rate; 999; 1796–1810 Thomas Martin
TARBAT NESS fleet auxiliary; 15,000; 1967–81 Lewin
TARTAR [1] 5th-rate; 420; 1702–32 Chaloner Ogle
[2] frigate; 2,300; 1960–84 Ashmore
TEMERAIRE [1] 2nd-rate; 2,121; 1798–1813 Whitshed
[2] barbette ship; 8,540; 1876–1904 Brock; Noel
TENBY frigate; 2,150; 1955–75 Lewin
TERMAGANT [1] sloop; 378; 1780–95 Cockburn
[2] destroyer; 1,098; 1915–21 Cunningham of Hyndhope
TERPSICHORE 5th-rate; 683; 1785–1818 Gage
TERRIBLE [1] 3rd-rate; 1,644; 1762–81 Peter Parker
[2] paddle frigate; 1,858; 1845–79 Commerell; Edward Seymour
[3] 1st-class cruiser; 14,200; 1895–1920 Madden
THAMES 5th-rate; 656; 1758–1803 Pole
THESEUS [1] 3rd-rate; 1,653; 1786–1814 Bowles
[2] aircraft carrier; 13,350; 1944–62 Oswald
THETIS [1] 5th-rate; 946; 1782–1814 Cochrane; Gage
[2] 5th-rate; 1,086; 1817–30 Mundy
[3] 5th-rate; 1,524; 1846–55 Codrington
THRUSH gunboat; 805; 1889–1917 George V
THULE submarine; 1,090; 1942–62 Fieldhouse
THUNDER bomb vessel; 305; 1779–81 Gambier
THUNDERER [1] turret ship; 4,407; 1872–1909 George V
[2] battleship; 22,500; 1911–26 Oliver; Vian
TIGER [1] 5th-rate; 613; 1647–1743 John Forbes
[2] (captured TIGRE) 3rd-rate; 1,887; 1795–1817 Stewart
[3] battle-cruiser; 28,500; 1913–32 Cork and Orrery
[4] cruiser; 8,800; 1945–80 Pollock
TIPTOE submarine; 1,090; 1944–71 Fieldhouse
TISIPHONE 6th-rate; 425; 1781–1816 Thomas Martin
TOBAGO brig-sloop; 1777–83 George Martin
TONNANT 3rd-rate; 2,281; 1798–1821 Sartorius
TOPAZE [1] frigate; 2,659; 1858–84 Wilson
[2] 3rd-class cruiser; 3,000; 1903–21 Tyrwhitt
TORBAY [1] 2nd-rate; 1,202; 1693–1749 Norris
[2] 2nd-rate; 1,573; 1730–84 Hawke
TOTEM submarine; 1,090; 1943–73 Fieldhouse
TOURTERELLE 6th-rate; 581; 1795–1816 West
TRAFALGAR battleship; 11,940; 1887–1911 Beatty; Brock; Kerr
TRIBUNE corvette (3rd-class cruiser); 1,570; 1853–66 Clanwilliam; Hay; Hornby
TRIDENT 3rd-rate; 1,366; 1768–1816 Nugent
TRITON (TRYTON) [1] 6th-rate; 620; 1745–58 Howe
[2] 5th-rate; 849, 1796–1803 Austen
TRIUMPH [1] 3rd-rate; 1,825; WOLVERENE (WOLVERINE)
[2] corvette (3rd-class cruiser); 1,703 (2,431); 1863–81 Callaghan
TRIUMPH [1] 3rd-rate; 1,825; 1764–1813 Wallis
[2] battleship; 6,040; 1870–1904 Erskine; Oliver
[3] battleship; 11,800, 1903–15 Burney; Fraser
[4] aircraft carrier (after 1964, repair ship); 13,350; 1944–81 Ashmore; Begg
TURQUOISE corvette (3rd-class cruiser); 2,120; 1876–92 Keyes
TWEED 6th-rate; 500; 1823–52 Keppel
TYNE 6th-rate; 633; 1826–47 Bowles
ULYSSES 5th-rate; 887; 1779–1816 George Martin
UNDAUNTED [1] 5th-rate; 1,086; 1807–56 Hope
[2] frigate; 3,039 (4,020); 1861–82 Fanshawe; Meux; Sturdee
[3] armoured cruiser; 5,600; 1886–1907 Wemyss; Pound
UNITE 5th-rate; 1,040; 1793–1832 Charles Ogle
URANIE 5th-rate; 1,110; 1797–1807 Gage
URCHIN destroyer (later frigate); 1,710; 1943–67 Lewin
URSA [1] destroyer; 1,085; 1917–29 Tovey
[2] frigate; 1,710; 1943–67 Ashmore
UTRECHT 3rd-rate; 1,331; 1799–1810 West
VALIANT [1] 3rd-rate; 1,799; 1759–99 William IV
[2] armoured ship; 3,893 (6,713); 1863–88 Salmon
[3] battleship; 27,500; 1914–48 Lewin; Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
VALOROUS paddle frigate; 1,257 (2,300); 1851–91 Erskine; Fisher
VANESSA destroyer; 1,300; 1918–47 Pollock
VANGUARD [1] 3rd-rate; 1,644; 1787–1812 Hamond
[2] battleship; 42,500; 1944–60 Creasy; Oswald; Staveley
VENERABLE battleship; 15,000; 1899–1920 Chatfield; Milford Haven
VENGEANCE [1] 3rd-rate; 1,627; 1774–1808 Charles Ogle
[2] battleship; 12,950; 1899–1923 De Robeck
[3] aircraft carrier; 13,190; 1944–56 Ashmore; John; Lambe
VENUS [1] 5th-rate; 722; 1758–1817 Freeman
[2] 2nd-class cruiser; 5,600; 1895–1921 Keyes
VERNON 4th-rate; 2,080 (2,388); 1832–76 Cockburn
VERSATILE destroyer; 1,300; 1917–47 McGrigor
VERULAM frigate; 1,710; 1943–72 Oswald
VESTAL 6th-rate; 913; 1833–62 Symonds
VETERAN 3rd-rate; 1,397; 1787–99 Nugent
VICTORIA [1] 1st-rate; 4,127 (6,959); 1859–87 May
[2] battleship; 10,470; 1887–93 Jellicoe
VICTORIA AND ALBERT royal yacht; 2,470 (2,345); 1855–1904
Beany; Bumey; Kerr; May; Meux; Milford
Haven; Noel; Wemyss
VICTORIOUS [1] 3rd-rate; 1,724; 1808–26 Hamond
[2] battleship; 14,900; 1895–1916 Backhouse
[3] aircraft carrier; 30,530; 1939–69 Ashmore; Fraser; Oswald
VICTORY 1st-rate; 2,124; 1765–1824 (still in commission at date of
publication); Cockburn; Gage; Howe; St Vincent; George Seymour
VIGILANT paddle despatch vessel; 835 (1,000); 1871–86 Edward Seymour
VIGO destroyer; 2,315; 1945–64 Pollock
VILLE DE PARIS 1st-rate; 2,351; 1795–1825 Moresby
VINDICTIVE 4th-rate; 1,741; 1813–62 Austen
VIXEN paddle sloop; 1,054; 1841–62 Richards; Ryder
VOLAGE [1] 6th-rate; 523; 1798–1804 William Parker
[2] 2nd-class cruiser; 3,080; 1869–1922 Field; Kelly
VULTURE [1] frigate; 1,191; 1843–66 Commerell
[2] torpedo-boat destroyer; 300; 1898–1919 Cunningham of Hyndhope
WALT ACE destroyer flotilla leader; 1,750; 1918–45 Cunningham of Hyndhope; Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; Willis
WALLAROO 2nd-class cruiser; 2,575; 1890–1906 Oliver
WALRUS submarine; 1,605; 1959–87 Fieldhouse
WARRIOR armoured ship; 6,109 (9,210); 1860–1902 Fisher
WARSPITE [1] 3rd-rate; 1,881; 1807–62 Bowles; Codrington; Elliot; Gage; William Parker; Wallis
[2] armoured cruiser; 8,400; 1884–1905 Chatfield; Hotham, Meux; Somerville
[3] battleship; 27,500 (31,100); 1913–46 Begg; Creasy; Cunningham of Hyndhope; Fraser; Kelly; Le Fanu; Pollock; Pound; Somerville; Willis
WARWICK [1] 4th-rate; 1,073; 1767–1802 William IV
[2] destroyer; 1,300; 1917–44 Willis
WASP sloop; 973; 1850–69; Hay
WAVENEY torpedo-boat destroyer; 550; 1903–20 Tyrwhitt
L (WEASEL) sloop; 102; 1721–32 Anson
WELLESLEY 3rd-rate; 1,746; 1815–54 Hamond; Mundy
WESER paddle gun vessel; 590; 1855–66 Commerell
WEYMOUTH 2nd-class cruiser; 5,250; 1910–28 Kelly
WHELP destroyer; 1,710; 1943–53 Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
WHIRLWIND frigate; 1,760; 1943–74 Ashmore
WHITSHED destroyer; 1,325; 1919–47 Le Fanu
WILLIAM AND MARY royal yacht; 199; 1807–49 Bowles; Stewart
WINCHELSEA 6th-rate; 679; 1764–1805 Charles Ogle
WINCHESTER [1] 4th–rate; 673; 1698–1774 Norris
[2] 4th-rate; 1,487; 1822–61 Hornby
WISHART destroyer; 1,350; 1919–45 Mountbatten
WIZARD brig-sloop; 283; 1805–16 Moresby
WOLF sloop; 244; 1731–41 Hawke
WOLFHOUND destroyer; 1,300; 1918–48 Tovey
WOLVERENE (WOLVERINE) [1] brig-sloop; 428; 1836–55 Hornby
[2] corvette (3rd-class cruiser); 1,703 (2,431); 1863–81 Callaghan
WOOLASTON coastal minesweeper; 360; 1958–80 Bathurst
WOOLWICH [1] 5th-rate; 825; 1749–62 Peter Parker
[2] 5th-rate; 907; 1785–94 Charles Ogle
[3] depot ship; 8,750; 1934–62 Tovey
WORCESTER 4th-rate; 694; 1698–1733 Chaloner Ogle
YARMOUTH [1] 3rd-rate; 1,058; 1695–1740 Chaloner Ogle
[2] 3rd-rate; 1,359 tons; 1745–83 Anson; Gambier
WOOLASTON coastal minesweeper; 360; 1958–80 Bathurst
YARNTON minesweeper; 360; 1956–86 Oswald
YORK cruiser; 8,250; 1928–41 John; Le Farm; Pollock
ZEALOUS 3rd-rate; 1,607; 1785–1816 Hamond
ZEBRA bomb vessel; 315; 1779–1812 Bowles
ZEPHYR destroyer; 1,710; 1943–58 Staveley
ZULU frigate; 2,300; 1962–84 Staveley
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British Admirals of the Fleet Page 48