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Trust in Me

Page 7

by Lydia Rose

  On the seventeenth hole Karen and Jules were back to even. Neither woman was giving an inch. Both women wanted to win as much as the other. The last hole was a par five and Karen’s stroke from the tee was perfection. Jules stood back and watched as Karen’s ball dropped leaving her perfectly lined up to easily make it to the hole. Jules was next and she took a few practice shots before she addressed the ball, but before she could swing her club, she paused. Her hands began to shake and she stepped back trying to calm her nerves. Her mind was tumbling with thoughts. Keep your head down, don’t lean, and follow through with your shot. Do it just like you’ve done for the last seventeen holes. Calm down. Calm down. Jules went back to her ball that was sitting on the tee and swung her arm back and let the ball fly. It wasn’t a perfect shot, but it was good enough to give Karen a run for her money. Jules stood next to her caddy as he encouraged her.

  “You’ve got this, Jules. Don’t let her psych you out.” He handed her the iron and she approached her ball.

  Jules took her visor off and wiped her brow with a towel. Karen shot first and she was on the green. It was at the edge, but she was there to make an eagle on this shot. Jules swallowed hard as her club came back and struck the ball. She watched as the ball sailed and landed just short of the green. Fuck. Karen’s posture was suddenly standing more erect. She figured she had the tournament in the bag. Karen took her shot and putted the ball within inches of the cup. The crowd cheered as she tapped the ball into the cup. Karen’s hand came up in a wave and she tipped her hand to Jules as if to say it was over. You can do this. Just concentrate. Again, Jules had her iron in her hand and she hit the ball. The crowd watched as the ball rolled across the green and went into the cup. Jules jumped five feet off the ground and tossed her visor in the air. The tournament was over and she had won. She now calmly walked over to Karen and stuck out her hand. “Great round, Karen.”

  Karen forced a smile and took Jules hand in her own. “You got very lucky today,” she said through gritted teeth. They both faced the crowd smiling as flashbulbs went off.

  Jules walked over to the crowd where people were patting her on her back, but all she cared about was getting to Paige. They stood in front of each other giggling like teenagers. “You did it, Jules. You beat her.” Jules put her arms around Paige and lifted her off the ground. “Put me down, you goof ball.” When Jules put her back down on the ground, she added, “I am so proud of you.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you.” Jules now looked at Paige’s face. Her eyes searched her eyes and now dropped down to her lips.

  “I know what you want to do,” she said with a slight grin. “But there are too many cameras. Hold that thought for later,” she added with a pat on Jules’s arm.

  It was another hour before Jules could get into the locker room to shower and change clothes. The awards were given out and speeches made. Jules stared at the crowd as she approached the microphone. “I want to thank everyone for coming out today and making this tournament a success. I want to thank my caddy for all his wisdom today.” Jules looked down into the faces and stopped on the only one that mattered. “I want to especially thank my coach, Paige Carter. I couldn’t have done this without all of your expertise and training.” Jules could see the tears in Paige’s eyes as she spoke. “Now that I’ve said all that, I think Paige’s list of clients will double.” The crowd laughed. “Thank you all.” Jules held up her trophy and left the stage.

  Jules couldn’t believe when she exited the locker room there were a few girls standing there asking for her autograph. She smiled down at the girls and then into Paige’s face. As she signed their programs, Jules asked, “Did you know that Paige Carter,” she nodded with her head to Paige, “was a professional golfer. She won a lot of tournaments before her retirement.” The girls all turned and went to Paige next to add her signature to their things. The girls left with their thanks and giggling with each other.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Paige said taking Jules’s arm.

  “Of course I did. Those girls didn’t know they were in the presence of someone so famous.”

  Paige chuckled, “I was far from famous.”

  “Yes, you were. I googled you.” Paige turned and looked at her. “You were on your way to being the number one player.”

  “I doubt that would have ever happened,” she answered softly and then changed the subject. “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving,” Jules said quickly. “Where do you want to go?”

  “How about we just pick up something and take it to my house?” Paige asked without looking at her.

  “Great, because I’m beat.”

  “Was Eileen disappointed that you didn’t want to go out and celebrate?” Paige asked without turning.

  “No. She understood the tournament took a lot of out me and I would have probably fallen asleep if we went out. I told her next weekend we’d go out. That is if you want to?” Jules asked, wondering if her time with Paige would diminish now that the tournament was over.

  “I would and so would my family,” Paige paused, “unless you don’t want them to come with us.”

  “I would love for them to come with us,” Jules said, taking Paige’s hand in her own.


  The women went back to the house, anxious to get some food into their stomachs, but once Jules sat down, she began to fade. Half of her meal remained on the plate until Paige said, “Jules, go relax in the living room. I’ll clean this up and you can eat later after you’ve gotten some rest.” Jules nodded as she walked toward the living room and the couch that awaited her. The tournament and the stress had taken all of Jules’s energy and the moment she laid down and closed her eyes, she was asleep. Paige walked into the living room and smiled as she saw the exhausted woman asleep. Not wanting to awaken her, but wanting so much to touch her, she sat on the edge of the couch and gently stroked Jules head.

  Jules feeling the soft fingers going through her hair opened her eyes. “Hi. Have I been asleep long?”

  “Not too long.” Paige’s hand now caressed her cheek. “I think you might be more comfortable in my bedroom.” Jules opened her eyes wide. “To sleep, Jules. To sleep.”

  “I thought we had a bet?” Jules asked with a yawn.

  “We did and I’ll make good on that bet when you aren’t ready to collapse from exhaustion.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. The mind is willing, but the body isn’t.” Jules sat up. “Would you lie down with me for a while?”

  “If you’d like.”

  “I would love it,” she said kissing Paige’s hand.

  “I think you can do better than that,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Yeah, I can.” Jules moved forward and kissed Paige softly before deepening the kiss. Their arms went around each other, pulling their lips tighter together.

  Breaking away, breathing hard, Paige cupped Jules’s face. “Let’s get you in bed so you can get some rest.”

  “At this point, I think I have other needs,” she said pulling her shorts away from her body.

  Paige giggled. “I promise to take care of that need later.” Jules looked at her with disappointed eyes. “I promise.”

  In the bedroom, Paige helped Jules out of her shorts and she laid back on the bed. Now patting the spot beside her, she said, “Join me, please.” Paige smiled and moved to the other side. She removed her shorts and the prosthetic legs and laid next to Jules. Her hand came out and took Jules’s and they both fell into a restful sleep.


  Paige was the first one to awake and saw it was only five o’clock in the morning. Jules was crushed up against her back and her right hand was caressing her breast in sleep. Paige’s hand took its place on Jules’s arm which caused the woman behind her to stir. “Are you trying to collect on your bet?” Paige asked with a low giggle.

  Jules realized where her hand was resting, and she slowly began to pull away from her breast. “No.” She rolled over onto her bac
k. “I didn’t win the tournament to win any kind of bet.” Jules took a deep breath. “I wanted to win so you would be proud of me.”

  “I am proud of you. I told you that yesterday,” Paige said rolling onto her side.

  “I want to make love to you, Paige. Desperately, but I want you to want me as much as I want you.”

  “Oh,” Paige said softly.

  “I know you said you’ve forgiven me for my foolishness, but I think deep in your heart…” Jules sent out a strangled breath trying to keep her emotions under control, “you will always hold that against me.” She got off the bed and began to walk away.

  “Don’t leave, Jules. I can’t just run after you.” Paige pleaded and watched as Jules’s shoulders slumped as she stopped in her tracks. “I told you I forgave you and I have even forgiven myself.” Paige sat up against the headboard. “I thought we were starting over?” Jules turned and faced her. “I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t feel that we were starting fresh.”

  Jules now sat on the edge of the bed facing Paige. “You really feel that way?”

  “Of course I do.” Paige reached out her hand and took Jules’s hand in her own. “Feel better now?” Jules nodded and stood up. “Where are you going?”

  “To jump in the shower,” Jules said walking toward the bathroom.

  “Go ahead.” I guess we aren’t going to fool around, Paige thought with a shake of her head.

  Jules came out of the bathroom wearing her robe and sat on the edge of the bed.

  Paige watched her face and thought, maybe she does want to fool around. Her eyes were smoldering as she watched Jules as she took a seat. The robe was short enough that Paige had a great view of Jules’s legs.

  “Do you see something you like?” Paige’s head went up and down. “Don’t get shy on me now, Paige,” she said watching Paige blush with shyness.

  “I’m not,” she answered trying to wish away her blush. She watched as Jules moved closer to her.

  The robe she was wearing quickly came off. “I don’t want you to hide yourself from me, Paige.”

  “I’m not,” she answered weakly.

  Jules put her hand on the edge of the sheet and said, “So if I pulled this back, you’ll be all right with it?”

  “Ah…” Paige couldn’t form any words that would make Jules think she was okay showing her body to her. She didn’t want to see the look of disgust or worse a sick look on her face as she looked at her injuries. “I want to give you whatever you want. If it’s seeing all of me, I can try and be comfortable with that.”

  Jules rolled closer to Paige and cupped her chin. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I just want you to know I want all of you. Not just the parts that are perfect.” She kissed Paige’s lips softly. “Okay?”

  “I’ll try to remember that,” Paige answered pulling Jules onto her body.

  Jules needed no other encouragement at that point. Her body fit perfectly into the V of Paige’s legs. This time she felt the difference in Paige’s body because her mind wasn’t filled with alcohol. She now removed the tie that was holding Paige’s robe closed as her lips went to her neck. Jules hit a spot on her neck that made the woman underneath tremble. Her hands went to Paige’s beautiful breasts and she had to comment, “Your breasts are so beautiful. You hide them under a sports bra so no one can tell how beautiful they are.” Paige’s head went up and down in acknowledgement. Her fingers fondled her nipples as her lips went back to her neck. Jules’s assault was making the woman underneath her lift her hips for contact, but Jules’s lips and hands were making her tremble until she tumbled into ecstasy.

  “Holy shit,” Paige screamed as her body continued to tremble. “How the hell did you do that without touching me?” She didn’t finish her sentence because she was still panting.

  Jules lifted her head. “You are so responsive, but I can assure you that that never happened to me before.” Paige attempted to flip Jules over on her back, but her movements were stopped. “I’m not through with you yet,” she said as she began her descent.

  Paige grabbed Jules’s shoulders before she could continue. “I’m not sure I can.”

  Jules looked into the hazel eyes smiling. “I bet you can. Don’t worry, honey.” Her grin opened wide. “I’ll take good care of you.”

  The moment Jules’s mouth met Paige’s nether lips, her hips rose. The sensations she was feeling were making her feel overwhelmed as her body succumbed to Jules’s ministrations. When Jules latched onto her clit, Paige let out a loud groan and her body began to tremble again. Jules could feel her body was ready to explode again and she pushed a finger up to her G-spot. The scream that left Paige’s mouth was loud and long. Jules eased her down until Paige collapsed onto the mattress.

  “Told you that you were very responsive,” Jules said as she climbed back into Paige’s arms.

  “What did you do to me? I think I passed out there for a second.” She was now squeezing Jules’s body to her before her lips took possession of her mouth. She opened her mouth and sucked on Jules’s tongue. They kissed over and over again until they had to stop for air. “I need to touch you, Jules. Please let me touch you.”

  “Whatever you want, sweetie,” Jules said with a giggle. Paige flipped her onto her back and began her assault on her breasts. “Sorry they aren’t as beautiful as yours are.”

  Paige took her breasts into her hands. “They were made for me. See how they fit so perfectly into my hands.”

  Jules giggled and allowed Paige to continue loving her. She wasn’t able to come just by Paige touching her breasts, but the moment she touched her clit Jules was gone.

  The alarm rang on Jules’s phone and she rolled over to turn off the annoying sound. They had both fallen back to sleep after their morning love session. Paige was still curled into a ball and didn’t even hear the irritating sound. She moved over to the sleeping form and kissed her shoulder. “Honey, I hate to wake you, but I have to leave.” Paige rolled back and laid on her back. “I didn’t want to leave without telling you.” Jules got off the bed and began to gather her clothes. She knew she needed the time to go home, shower again and change for school. “This is my last week teaching summer school.”

  Paige stretched. “Good. We will have plenty of time to practice.”

  Jules frowned. “Gee, I had other ideas,” she said with a shrug. The only thing she wanted to do was make love to this special woman over and over until the new school term started. Jules wasn’t even sure she wanted to enter the pro/am tournament, but she knew that Paige was looking forward to not only entering, but winning.

  “Don’t worry, Jules. We will have time for both,” she said with a wink.

  “Is there anything I can do for you before I leave?”

  “Yes. Please give me a kiss.” Paige’s arms came out and waited for Jules to sit on the edge of the bed. Their lips came together in a passionate kiss. “That should hold me for a while,” she said smiling.

  “It might hold you,” Jules said, “but I’m not sure it will hold me.” She came back for another kiss. “That’s better.” Finally standing, she walked toward the open doorway. “I’ll call you later.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” Paige said throwing her another kiss. This morning had been so different from the last time that Jules and Paige had been together. Jules didn’t run from her, but seemed disappointed that she had to leave her. Paige’s heart was beating strongly for Jules, but she also knew that maybe their affair might never develop into something serious. All she knew was that she was going to enjoy whatever time they had together.


  Jules walked into the house and hurried up the stairs to get ready for work without stopping to speak with her sister. When she finally came back downstairs, Eileen was standing there with a cup of hot coffee. “Thanks.”

  “Thought you might need this.” She looked at her sister’s face. “From the slits that are your eyes, I would say you had a good night.”

  Jules b
lushed at her comment and lowered her eyes. “Yeah.”

  Eileen lifted her sister’s chin. “I’m happy for both of you. You make a wonderful couple.”

  Jules smiled. “You really think so?”

  Eileen nodded her head. “Absolutely. When you two are together you can feel the electricity.” She patted Jules’s arm. “I hope I’m lucky enough to find that someday.”

  “You will, Eileen. I feel it.” Jules bent down and picked up her briefcase. “I’ve got to run.”

  “Are you coming back here tonight?” Eileen asked before Jules could escape.

  “I’m not really sure. I’ll see you after school lets out.”

  Eileen now went back into the kitchen and picked up her phone. “I hope you are as happy as my sister looks.” She sent off to her friend. The response was quick.

  “I am, but what time are you going to work?” Paige wasn’t sure what Jules had told her sister, but she wasn’t going to deny that she was happy even though she still had fears.

  “Not until noon. Come over and we’ll talk.” Eileen could tell that Paige was worried about something.

  “See you soon.” Paige said already walking toward the front door.

  Eileen opened the door with a cup of coffee in her hand for Paige. “Morning.”

  “Good morning, Eileen. I hope it’s okay that I’m here?” Paige asked following Eileen into the kitchen.


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