Swept to Sea

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Swept to Sea Page 19

by Heather Manning

  With a final grunt, Caspian pulled Eden down from the rail onto the deck then watched as Rutger slid over the edge with a cry just as loud as the thunder that was echoing across the sea.

  The man’s arms swung about madly. He was trying to catch hold of something, anything, before he plummeted to his death.


  After a moment, Rutger hit the water with a splash that was drowned out by the sounds of the storm.

  He sank below immediately, disappearing in the riotous waves.

  Caspian trained his eyes on the spot where the man had vanished for minutes, but to no avail. His head never popped back above the surface.

  Finally, Caspian tore his gaze from the tragic sight.


  The rain ceased just as Caspian scooped Eden up in his arms and carried her across the bulwarks and back to their cabin, where it was blissfully dry.

  The moment they entered, Reed rushed up to them from where he had been sitting in one of the leather armchairs. “Papa, what happened? Is-is Miss Eden all right?” He spoke the words tentatively, as if he was afraid that just by saying them he would make his beloved “Miss Eden” not all right.

  “She-she fainted, is all, Reed.” Caspian suppressed a sigh. He did not need the young child underfoot at a time like this. “Umm, Reed, why don’t you go up on the main deck? You can ask one of my men to take you over to see if Master Thompson needs any help. I am certain he would be pleased to have it.”

  Reed simply stared at Eden, his bluish-purple eyes wide as saucers. The child was no doubt every bit as worried about the woman as he was. Well, Caspian could understand that. Lady Trenton was a special woman, and she had suddenly become close to both him and his son. Caspian decided he needed to comfort the child in at least some small way.

  He stooped toward his son. “Reed, I assure you I will notify you if she recovers or for some reason something worsens. She will be fine, son. You have no need to worry about her. Go.”

  Reed studied his father’s face for a moment, looking back and forth between him and Eden. Finally, he nodded slowly. “You promise to tell me if anything happens, Papa?”

  Caspian’s throat constricted when he realized his son cared for this precious woman just as much as he did. They would become a pleasant little family, if only the lady agreed to be the wife and mother. He hoped she would. He fingered the chain around his neck that held his mother’s old ruby and gold wedding band. She had given it to him, her sole child, before she died, and told him when he had a wife of his own it could be hers. That day had been far off since he was only five years old at the time, but he had kept it around his neck every day since then. Isabelle had objected to taking the ring, claiming it was frivolous and they should just sell it. Caspian had bought her a simple metal band instead and kept this one close to his heart as a reminder of the mother he could barely remember. He had a feeling Eden would appreciate this ring and cherish it as he did. That was if she would accept the promise that accompanied it.

  Caspian gently deposited Eden on the bed, and then took a step back to examine her. Her long black eyelashes were lowered onto her creamy cheeks. Those brown curls of hers were tangled about her head and that normally bright face had grown pale and ashen. A tick of worry floated through him. Maybe he should have sent Reed for the ship’s surgeon.

  He ran his fingertips across her scalp, searching for bumps or cuts and lingering as he went. Caspian thanked the Lord when he realized she had no fatal head wounds; she had just been knocked unconscious. Maybe she had even fainted rather than suffering a blow to that pretty little head of hers.

  At his touch, her eyelids fluttered open.

  "Caspian." She blinked rapidly.

  Relief swept away his anxiety like a cool breeze on a hot Caribbean afternoon.

  "Yes, 'tis me, milady." He nearly laughed in relief, and then gently slid the back of his hand across her forehead and moved to caress her cheek.

  "Where is… where is Lord Rutger?" That familiar, tiny line appeared between her dark, delicate eyebrows.

  "You know, milady, I should like it if I were the first thing you thought of when you woke, not that wretched dandy named Lord Rutger," he teased, kissing her hair and feigning a wounded look.

  She whacked his arm playfully. Well, it was a good thing she felt up to joking around with him. That had to mean she was not in too bad of shape.

  Soon, however, her expression slid back to all seriousness. "What happened? I. … I guess that I must have fainted again. But what happened between then and now? I know we are back on your ship now, but is Lord Rutger still bent on taking me? And. …" She gulped. “Killing me? What happened, Caspian?”

  "Lord Rutger fell into the sea trying to do just that to you. I caught you by the waist just before he lost his balance or you would have fallen over with him." Caspian shook his head, trying to clear its image of Eden falling over the rail, her arms flailing, her hair flying. He cringed at the splash his mind conjured up.

  "You mean Clive — Lord Rutger is… dead?" She brought her hand over her chest.

  "Aye, my dear lady. He drowned just moments ago. The storm was so violent we could do nothing to save him. His head sunk under right away and never resurfaced.

  “I disliked the man greatly, but I did not want to see him die like that. I would have much preferred to see him spend the rest of his life in a prison or be executed by the law for what he did to you, sweetheart." His voice shook with emotion.

  She looked down at his comment, but not before Caspian noticed the sheen of tears in her eyes and the pinkish hue that rose on her cheeks. "What… what happened to his ship?"

  "I made Master Thompson the captain of Rutger's ship. We captured the previous captain who had been sailing Rutger around. He’s in the hold. That man had to have known Rutger’s plan all along, and a man like that should not be free to roam as he pleases. Besides, it’s not like I could use that ship. Gage deserves to be a captain after how he saved your life when I could not. He is sailing beside us to Port Royal," Caspian explained.

  "Master Thompson is a good man." She smiled sleepily.

  "Aye, that he is, milady. And a wonderful friend at that," he added. "How are you feeling? You’ve taken quite a few hits to that sweet head of yours since you met me, sweetheart." He gazed at her face, glad to see much of her pretty coloring had returned there.

  "I have a headache, and I am tired, but other than that I think I’m fine," she answered.

  Caspian gazed down at her tenderly and noted how heavy her eyelids appeared. The poor dear had been through a lot lately, and even a strong man would be sleepy by now. He glanced down at her dripping, wet clothes. Maybe he should not have set her on the bed after the pouring rain they had been through.

  “You just change out of those wet clothes and then get some sleep, love. I will stay out of here and make sure Reed remains with me so you can sleep peacefully. Right now, you need some rest, and I think after that you will feel worlds better.”


  As soon as Caspian left the cabin, Eden removed her dress and undergarments which had been soaked through and tossed them into a corner. She was far too tired to fold them or lay them out to dry. Besides, she did not want to see that lavender wedding gown ever again.

  Eden selected a white nightdress from the trunk lying next to Caspian’s sturdy desk and draped its warmth over her arms. Although she probably should wash the muck off her face from the past few days and brush her hair, she was lucky to even lift her arms due to fatigue. She had endured a lot today.

  Instead, Eden crawled into the bed and fell asleep almost immediately when her head hit the pillow.


  Eden awoke hours later to see Caspian leaning over her, grinning. Reed stood behind him, a similar smile on his adorable little face.

  She yawned and stretched slowly.

  “Good morning, milady. How do you fare?” The handsome captain leaned forward and planted a light kiss on her foreh
ead. He brushed some hair out of her eyes.

  “I-I feel much better, thank you, Captain. What time is it?”

  “It is almost five o’clock in the morning, milady. You slept straight through the evening meal and all the way ‘til dawn. You went through a terrible ordeal yesterday. I can’t say I know many women who have had a knife at their throats who were nearly as brave as you proved to be.” Caspian took her hand and helped her up from the bed.

  She glanced down, grabbing a quilt from the bed and wrapping it around her shoulders. “I was not very brave, Captain. I do believe I fainted.”

  “That you did, milady, but who could blame you?” He gently chucked her under the chin. “Now, I want you to change out of that nightgown and put on a pretty dress. I have a surprise for you when you can come up on the deck.”

  “A-a surprise? For me?”

  With a simple wink and a nod, Caspian exited the room, silently closing the door behind him.

  Eden quickly removed her nightgown and donned a turquoise, silk gown, her favorite of all that were on this ship, all the time wondering at the thought of a surprise from the man.

  Reed remained by her side, politely looking away as she stepped behind a screen Caspian had found a couple of days ago for her to dress behind.

  “Reed, darling, do you know what surprise your papa has planned for me? I am certainly eager to learn what it is.”

  “Not at all, Miss Eden. He did not tell me of a surprise.”

  She poked her head around the screen at the boy. He looked terribly confused about the whole situation and slightly disappointed.

  “Well, I promise I shall tell you what my surprise was as soon as your father lets me come back down here. Now you be a good boy while I’m gone, and I will return as soon as I can.” She tapped her finger on his nose lightly.

  Eden approached the main deck as fast as she could, eager to find Caspian and to discover what her surprise was. Why, she had no idea what it could be. What would Caspian have or know to give her or tell her as a surprise? Maybe he had some good news for her. Maybe they had discovered where Adam was or something like that. She sighed and cancelled that thought out. That was just dreaming.

  Eden discovered the captain standing at the rail, overlooking the sunrise that cast a golden-pink hue on the horizon. His hands were planted firmly on his hips, like he owned the entire sea and not just this ship.

  "Whatever is my surprise, Caspian? I have to admit, I have been most eager to find out." Eden placed her hands on her hips.

  He slowly drew something out of his pocket and kept it cupped in his large, strong hands, a mischievous grin illuminating his handsome face.

  "Close your eyes, sweetheart, and I will show it to you. Close them tight."

  She immediately clamped her eyes shut, her heart fluttering like a nervous butterfly. Eden felt like a little child, unable to wait to take a peek at her gift.

  Caspian slipped something cold and hard around a finger on her left hand. She opened her eyes a crack to see an exquisite ruby and gold ring. The ring Caspian had always worn on a silver chain around his strong neck.

  "I didn't tell you that you could open your eyes yet, milady," Caspian teased, winking at her. “You are nearly as impatient as little Reed.” Amusement sweetened his deep, masculine voice.

  Eden giggled in response and found herself looking into those crystal-blue eyes, unsure if she understood the meaning behind the gift he presented. What did he mean by that ring? Was it just a trinket for her to remember him by when they reached Port Royal and she had to say good-bye or… or… did he want it to mean something… more? Because he always wore it around his neck, she assumed it held some significance to him. The man did not seem to be one to collect feminine trinkets.


  He wrapped her in his arms, kissing her in reply. That was all the answer she needed.

  Eden threw her arms around his neck and responded to the kiss, happier than she could imagine at what the ring surely meant. She would quite enjoy being his wife. She was certain of it. After a long few moments he pulled away from her, panting for air.

  She was doing much the same, feeling almost lightheaded, either from the excitement of the kiss or the lack of oxygen.

  "I would be honored if you would agree to be my wife, Lady Eden Trenton. Would you, sweetheart?" He bowed low and brought her fingers to his lips.

  "Yes, of course, Caspian, but…" she gave him a saucy grin and a coquettish fluttering of her eyelashes, "perhaps I just need a little more convincing."

  "I know exactly what you mean, milady," he laughed heartily, his voice coming out husky. And with that, she slowly drew his face down to hers and kissed him, not caring if the entire crew saw.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Only a matter of days later, Caspian sat at his desk early in the morning watching his beautiful wife as she ate her breakfast of porridge in one of their armchairs. She giggled with Reed, who sat across from her. His little body was dwarfed by the large armchair. The boy had been overjoyed when Caspian told him Eden would be his mother.

  Caspian studied Eden. Her cheeks were flushed a light pink from laughter. The sweet woman’s doe-like eyes flashed with excitement, and her umber curls fell in wild disarray about her shoulders, untamed and not yet combed. He decided he liked her like this. She had left her nightgown on and simply wrapped a blanket about her shoulders because she had decided it was much cozier than getting into her normal dress so early in the morning. Reed had joined them in their cabin even earlier after spending the night with Gage. Reed had been eager to see his “Mama” as he now called Eden.

  Caspian could not help but grin at how charming his little family was.

  Just a day after Caspian had proposed to Eden, they had arrived in Port Royal. They were married days later in a small chapel in the city — a chapel that was completely out of place with the corruption of most of Port Royal. Caspian knew he should leave his wife and Reed safe on land while he went in search of Moore, but he could not bear to leave them behind, especially Eden, when they had only been a complete family for all of a day. He had decided they would be just as safe with him, rather than him leaving them unprotected in Port Royal.

  Glancing at his son, Caspian realized he would have to either get a new ship or do some remodeling. Although he loved this one dearly, he would need a cabin for Reed to stay in rather than allowing the boy to tag along with him and Eden all of the time. A man and his wife needed some time alone, and that would never be accomplished with a child in the room.

  Caspian would like some of that alone time right now. He rose from his desk where he had been attempting to map their route in search of Moore and moved over to his wife and son.

  “Why don’t you go up on the main deck, Reed, and watch the sun rise over the ocean?”

  Reed glanced back and forth between his father and Eden before answering, “By myself? Or will you and Mama come with me?”

  Eden glanced at Caspian. He gave her a reassuring wink.

  “We won’t be joining you just yet, Reed. I want to talk to ‘Mama’ first, but maybe we will join you later. You just go on up for now,” Caspian explained, feeling a little bad that he was wishing his son’s absence. But wasn’t it normal for a man to want to spend some time alone with his new wife?

  “As long as you and Mama come soon.” The boy left the cabin, humming a tune Caspian had caught his wife singing to Reed as she had tucked him into bed one night.

  As soon as the door shut behind his son — their son — Caspian moved to take his little wife in his arms. He loved the soft feel of her body against his. Caspian pressed his lips to her forehead and began trailing kisses down her neck, stopping at her collarbone. Then he buried his face in her neck, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent.

  Eden giggled. “Stop that, Caspian, it tickles me.” She playfully pushed against his arms. After a moment she gave up her struggle and leaned her head against his chest. He tilted her face up to his with his hand
and pressed his lips to hers, softly at first. Warmth flooded through him at his wife’s response. Snagging his fingers in her mass of brunette curls, he gently cradled her head with his hands. She let out a soft moan of pleasure.

  A knock sounded on the door, ending their intimate moment.

  Groaning, Caspian pulled away from Eden just barely and called out, "Who is it?"

  "'Tis Wilson, Cap'n. I wouldn’t have interrupted, but I saw your son leave. We spotted a ship, sir. She’s headin' straight for us, and she doesn't appear to be friendly."

  Caspian left the warmth of his wife’s embrace with a moan. Who could be after them so soon after their wedding? He had freed them of Lord Rutger. They obviously had a new enemy. Could it be Moore? He grimaced at the thought the monster could have found them before Caspian had hardly even begun his search. The man had run away from a fight last time, but maybe he was better prepared now.

  Whoever’s ship this was, Caspian vowed he would protect Eden and Reed with his life.


  Eden sped about the cabin like a madwoman, searching to find a dress to wear for the day. Her husband winked at her as he grabbed his plumed captain’s hat and perched it atop his black curls.

  She beamed back at him, selecting a coral-colored gown from the armoire. Deciding to just put it on over her nightgown and stays, rather than getting out her petticoats, she set it on the bed and tried to tighten her stays, but her fingers betrayed her and kept slipping. At home, she had a servant who had helped her with it, but normally, on the ship, she just spent a couple of moments before successfully tightening them. Now, however, there was no way to be dressed in time if she had no help.

  Eden moved toward her husband, who had a deep frown on his face. When he saw her looking at him, a grin spread across his face. "Caspian, would you please… help tighten my s-stays? I can’t seem to tie them quickly enough this morning." She felt herself blushing furiously, speaking of her undergarments to someone, a man, no less.

  Her husband.

  Her anxiety lessened as she smiled at the thought.


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