For The Death Of Me ob-9

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For The Death Of Me ob-9 Page 23

by Quintin Jardine

‘That’s true. We’re going to have to keep a close eye on that boy as he grows up.’ I finished the Pinot Grigio.

  ‘What about you and the girl in Singapore?’ Prim asked suddenly. ‘You were taking a chance, with Mike around.’

  ‘I didn’t take any chances. Nothing happened. It’s all in Dylan’s lurid imagination. I’m giving Marie a part in the movie of his book.’

  ‘He said you had her on the casting couch.’

  ‘He’s dreaming.’

  ‘You fancied her a bit, though; admit it.’

  ‘No. I fancied her a lot, but she’s a nice, proper girl and nothing happened.’

  ‘My God,’ she chuckled, ‘am I listening to Oz Blackstone?’

  ‘You are now.’

  She looked at me for a while. ‘You want to know what I think?’ she whispered, as if someone was eavesdropping, although there were no other occupied tables within earshot.

  ‘Would it matter if I said no?’

  ‘Not a bit. I know you love Susie; that’s beyond question. But one of the reasons you do is because she’s safe, sound, solid, loyal and reliable. Did I say safe? Well, I’ll say it again, because that’s what you crave the most these days, safety. But in truth, you’re going against your nature: you might not be the devil, but you’ve got some of him in you. You can act the wholesome home boy all you like, my love, and show the world your funny, user-friendly face, but you can’t hide the other one from me.’

  I said nothing as we walked to the lift to go up to our rooms. But I knew full well that she was right. And so I stopped trying.


  Next morning, after a deli breakfast in the Stage, just along from the Carnegie on Seventh Avenue, we went for a walk in the park; Central Park, that is. The place used to have a bad reputation, and maybe you still shouldn’t venture in too deep after dark, but on a sunny Saturday morning in summer, as Manhattan is rising into wakefulness, it’s an absolutely beautiful place to be.

  I looked around, and upwards: it’s important to look up as you walk at the spectacular skyline that surrounds it, a jagged line of buildings like the Essex House, the Plaza Hotel and, most recently, the towers at Columbus Circle.

  I was wearing jeans and my last T-shirt. Prim was in a halter top, her midriff bare, and in a pair of shorts so tight that she couldn’t have slid a postage stamp into the pockets. At some point I realised that we were holding hands, and in public too, but I wasn’t bothered. It didn’t mean anything in the greater scheme of things, and Primavera had hit the nail on the head about that bond between us. I’ve had three wives, and my relationship with each has been special and unique in its own way.

  I found myself telling her the truth that I’d discovered about Jan. I don’t know why I did that, for what I was doing was adding to the power that she had over me. Maybe I wanted that. Maybe I needed an excuse for giving in to her and her whims. She wasn’t shocked when I told her. All she did was shrug her shoulders and say, ‘Mac’s a very attractive man, even in his mid-sixties. Forty years ago he could probably have pulled half of Fife if he’d had a mind to. If he was anything like you, he probably did.’

  Prim wanted to take a ride in a buggy, but I vetoed that for two reasons. We didn’t have time, although we could have kept Dylan waiting, but most of all I had no desire to spend any part of my day staring at a horse’s arse, watching it fill the bucket, which, in New York, they tie to its tail. I wonder if that was an election pledge of Mayors Bloomberg or Giuliani: ‘Vote for me and I’ll keep the streets shit-free.’

  We’d both checked out of the hotel when Dylan arrived, and my wardrobe had been swelled by a few items I’d bought in a clothing store on Sixth. They were packed away in a new cabin bag: I may possess a world-record number of small suitcases on wheels, such is the unpredictable nature of my life, but my inherent Fife instinct never allows me to throw anything out while there’s another mile left in it.

  There were more than a few miles left in the car that the boys from Hertz delivered. It was a Cadillac De Ville, complete with satellite navigation, something I never go without in the US.

  ‘So, where are we heading?’ Mike asked, from the back seat.

  ‘Not all that far, actually: we’re off for a drive in the country. I’m told that it’s very pretty, although I’ve never been there.’

  ‘Try me with a clue.’

  ‘Have patience, my boy.’

  ‘Since it’s in the country, might there be lots of wild geese around?’ Prim put in.

  ‘No, but I’m betting that we’ll find a pretty bedraggled bird, who’s flown a hell of a long way to get there.’

  I kept them guessing as we set off, crossing Sixth, Seventh and Eighth, before taking a left turn and heading for the Lincoln Tunnel ramp that headed to New Jersey. I cruised on, letting the navigation system take charge and obeying its commands as it guided me on to I-95, heading for Newark.

  I drove slowly, below the speed limit, enjoying the comfort of the Caddy on the frenetic highway. We’d been on the road for around forty-five minutes when I took one exit then another and joined US-1 heading for New Brunswick and Princeton.

  ‘I spoke to Maddy’s mother,’ I told my companions, finally letting them in on our destination. ‘She has an older sister who’s a professor at the university down here.’

  ‘And you think that’s where she’s headed?’ Dylan said sceptically.

  ‘This is her last bolt-hole, the way I see it.’

  ‘What about back home to dear old Mum?’

  ‘She’s forgotten how to get there, going by what Mrs Raymond said. There’s no fatted calf grazing in the garden in Uxbridge, waiting for the chop. Besides, she wasn’t in London yesterday, she was in New York.’

  We had run out of the urban sprawl of northern New Jersey, and into leafy countryside, the way I had been told it would be. A few months before I’d been invited to take part in a debate organised by one of the university drama clubs. I’d almost accepted, but it fell into a period where a movie schedule might have overrun, and I didn’t want to have to withdraw: bad for the image.

  After a few miles the car told me to turn off the highway, then take a right on to Washington Road. We drove past the university football stadium on the right and on until I was directed left on to Nassau Street, and immediately left again. We stopped on command, right outside Nassau Hall, the university’s main office. Bloody marvellous, these systems, aren’t they? Sure, but there’s always a downside. We were International Rescue, on the trail of a damsel in distress, but if we’d been the forces of darkness, well, our sinister mission had just been made a lot easier. Nowadays even the Keystone Cops can get where they’re going without mishap.

  ‘So this is Ivy League?’ said Prim, as she slid out of the front passenger seat into the sunny morning.

  ‘I believe so.’ I looked around. It was the leafiest town I’d ever seen in America, all neat brick and clapboard buildings, much more rural than Oxford or Cambridge. . or Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Harvard, Princeton’s greatest rival, is located.

  It was also very quiet.

  That’s when it dawned on my companions that the mastermind who was running the operation had failed to account for the fact that universities tend to be on vacation in July and even more so on any given Saturday. The bloody office was closed, wasn’t it?

  ‘So what do we do now, Clouseau?’ Dylan growled.

  ‘You’re the fucking author, Benny,’ I shot back. ‘Make something up.’

  ‘Let’s go for lunch,’ he proposed. ‘When we find a place, we’ll ask for a telephone directory. That may provide what we mystery writers sometimes call a clue.’

  We climbed back into the Cadillac. I didn’t bother with the clever system this time. Instead I headed along Nassau Street, until Prim spotted a seafood place called the Blue Point Grill. They were still serving and we were very lucky, the waiter told us, because they had two tables left. They also had a telephone directory, which contained no listings for either ‘R
aymond, T.’ or ‘Raymond, Professor’; there was only one and his forename was Norman.

  ‘She may commute,’ Prim suggested. ‘She may not live anywhere near the campus.’

  ‘No. Her mother definitely said that she comes here for Thanksgiving every year.’

  ‘Why don’t you call her and ask for her address?’

  ‘That’s a last resort. I don’t want to have to explain what’s going on to the old lady. She’s got enough trouble with her son facing a stretch inside.’

  ‘You could ask him,’ Dylan volunteered. ‘You know where he is.’

  ‘The last thing Trevor said to me had the word “fuck” in it. I don’t imagine he’d react any differently. We’ll ask around here before we get to Plan C.’

  The food was good, but the information was lousy. They didn’t know Theresa Raymond, and if she was anyone important in Princeton, they were sure they would have. ‘Unless she’s allergic to seafood,’ I said to the waiter.

  ‘I’ve never met anyone who’s allergic to seafood,’ he replied.

  ‘Maybe that’s because you work in a fish restaurant.’

  We left no wiser than we had come in, but Prim had a bright idea. We should split up and go into as many shops as we could until we found someone who knew the Prof, and could point us at her. She volunteered to do the dress shops. Surprise?

  We agreed to meet in front of the Blue Point Grill in an hour for an update on progress. I crossed the street and started walking, feeling more than a little daft. I tried a pharmacist first: she was a woman, so she must need. . things; makeup and stuff. . and the campus was nearby. They had no clue; I could have asked the people in there for the time and they’d have had trouble. I tried a hardware store: as far as I knew Theresa Raymond lived alone, so she probably handled her own DIY. If she did, she didn’t shop there.

  I almost walked past the Cloak and Dagger bookstore. In fact, I would have, if I hadn’t spotted in the window Lethal Intent, the brand new Skinner novel I’d begun at Ellie’s. Alongside it a sign, ‘signed by the author’. I’d met the guy, when we did the movies of the first two books.

  I went inside; the place was neat, and full of well-displayed stock. ‘Have I just missed him?’ I asked the lady behind the counter, as I handed her the book. She wore a name-tag which identified her as ‘Aline Lenaz, proprietor’.

  ‘No,’ she admitted. ‘These were signed in London. He has been here, though; last year, in fact.’ She took a closer look at me. ‘Aren’t you. .?’

  Instead of replying, I handed her a credit card. ‘What brings you to Princeton?’ she asked.

  I’d taken a punt once before in a bookstore and it had paid off. In my experience, such as it is, the independents stand or fall on the strength of their mailing list. The ones that make it keep in touch with their regulars at every opportunity. There’s a place I use in Westwood Village, Los Angeles, and I’m often invited to in-store events there.

  ‘I’m trying to find somebody,’ I told her. ‘She’s the sister of a lady I know, and I promised I’d look her up, but being basically disorganised I’ve lost the damn address.’

  ‘What’s her name?’

  ‘Raymond, Professor Raymond. She teaches philosophy at the university.’

  The woman’s friendly face lit up. ‘Ah, Trey. Theresa Raymond, she lives at seventeen Mimosa Avenue. She’s one of my best customers, reads a lot of Sarah Paretsky, Val McDermid, Patricia Cornwell.’ She tapped Lethal Intent as she bagged it. ‘And this guy, too.’

  ‘How do I find her?’

  ‘Easy. You go along Nassau past the main campus, until it becomes Stockton. Then you turn right into Elm Road. Mimosa Avenue is second left.’ She handed me a credit-card slip and a pen. ‘That’s how you find her house,’ she said as I signed, ‘but you won’t find Trey. She’s on vacation or, rather, a lecture tour, in India.’

  ‘Damn,’ I muttered. ‘I should have phoned her. Of course, I don’t have the number either, do I?’

  ‘I can give you that.’ She took a bookmark, wrote on the back and handed it to me. I thanked her, and took my purchase. I was about to leave when she asked if she could have a photo taken with me to go on a board at the back of the store. Naturally, I agreed. ‘Jerry!’ she called. A tall slim guy came out of a back office. ‘My husband,’ Aline said. ‘And photographer.’

  I was really pleased with myself when I left. The team leader had come up trumps. I walked back towards the Blue Point, and saw Prim standing there waiting for me. ‘Mimosa Avenue,’ I told her.

  ‘I know. I found her hairdresser.’

  We’d have had to wait another half-hour for Dylan, but I spotted him coming out of a coffee shop and gave him my best piercing whistle. ‘Any luck?’ I asked, as he drew close.

  ‘Not a bit.’

  ‘Just as well you’re with us, then. Come on.’


  If I’m ever a Princeton academic, and my life has been so strange that I will never discount the possibility, I’ll want to live in a place like Mimosa Avenue. It was quiet, it was secluded, it was exactly the sort of place you would want to hide out if you were on the run from a murderous gang. . and from a movie star.

  We sat in the Caddy, parked outside number six, with a clear view of Trey Raymond’s place. It was a white two-storey house, the sort of dwelling I’d hire as a location if I was making a movie and needed a home for a model American family. But it was still and silent: nothing was moving, the garage door was closed and there were no toys, or anything else, in the yard.

  ‘And now?’ asked Prim. ‘We go up and ring the doorbell?’

  ‘That would be a very bad idea,’ Dylan, in serious mode once more, told her. ‘The last guy who walked in on this lady had a gun placed against the back of his head and his right eye blown out.’

  ‘So? We just sit here? Which one of you two guys is Dumb and which one is Dumber?’

  ‘Neither,’ I said. ‘This is what we do.’ I took out my mobile, checked the signal strength, then keyed in the number Aline had given me. The phone at the other end rang, ten times, unanswered. I disconnected and tried again. The fourth time I called, it was picked up, on the sixth ring.

  ‘Yes? Is that you, Trey?’

  ‘Maddy,’ I said, as gently as I could, ‘why the fuck are you running from me?’

  ‘You bastard!’ she screamed. ‘Leave me alone. Come near me and I’ll kill you too.’

  ‘I’m not going to come near you if you don’t want me to. But I want you to tell me why you’re acting like this. We made a deal in Singapore, remember? I’m ready to complete: I’ve got fifty thousand dollars with me right now, as agreed.’

  ‘Sure,’ she snarled. ‘And when I show up to meet you, someone else is waiting, your other hired killer.’

  ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’

  ‘What happened to Tony?’ she shouted. ‘What happened to my husband? Are you telling me he isn’t dead?’

  ‘I’d love to be able to tell you that, Maddy, but if I did I’d be lying. Tony was killed in the Next Page, when he turned up to meet me, like you just said. Somebody was waiting for him. If Tony had the film, I guess he took it after he stabbed him.’ I heard her sobbing. ‘If it’s any consolation in the long term, you killed the guy on Dayang.’

  ‘And now the Malaysian police will be after me for murder. Very neat, Oz. If I escape from you, they hang me.’

  ‘The Malaysian police aren’t after anyone, Maddy. Sammy Goss had a very quick funeral at sea, well away from where the scuba-divers will ever go. Maddy, think about this: he had a cool box with him, and you know what that was for. Suppose I did want you killed, a huge overreaction by the way. When you consider the size of the threat you pose to my brother-in-law, why the fuck would I want your head? If I’d sent Sammy, I’d have told him to take a photograph of you dead, for Christ’s sake. That would have been all the proof I’d have needed. It’s the Triads who go in for extravagant gestures.’

  I looked at Prim as I spoke.
‘Ouch!’ she mouthed. ‘You’ll terrify her.’

  I ignored her. ‘Why, Maddy? Why would I do that?’

  ‘I saw you with him,’ she blurted out. ‘I watched you all the way up the hill at Fort Siloso. I watched you, with him and your other heavy. Then they went and hid and you met me on your own. You were showing them what I looked like.’

  ‘Is that why you didn’t turn up at the Next Page?’

  ‘No. I trusted you then. It was Tony who didn’t. He wouldn’t let me go; he insisted on making the trade himself, and he went armed. He sent me on ahead to Dayang, and told me that he’d pick me up from there in a boat and we’d cross to Vietnam.’

  ‘That’s five hundred miles.’

  ‘We could have done it in three days. But we didn’t, though, did we? Because it wasn’t Tony who showed up, it was your man, the little fair-haired guy. I watched him go to Aur, then head across to me in Dayang. When he got close enough I recognised him, and I realised that this wasn’t about me photographing some Triad boss, at least not any more. It was about you, taking care of family business.’

  I sighed. ‘Maddy, everything I know about these guys, and everything I’ve learned since we met, tells me that you were right to be terrified. You were in huge danger, and you still are. You’re right to run, but you’re dead wrong to believe you’re running from me. I didn’t know what Sammy Goss was. I didn’t find him, he found me, and I still haven’t figured out how or why. I want you to trust me and to meet me again.’

  ‘Where are you?’

  ‘If you come to the window and look to your right, you’ll see a car.’

  ‘I’m coming to no fucking window!’ she screeched. ‘I show myself and I’m picked off. Oz, I promise you, as soon as you step into this house, you or anyone else, I’ll kill you. I have another gun, my sister’s gun, and I’ll shoot the first person who comes near me.’

  ‘Okay, okay, I’m not going to rush you. You’re paranoid, woman, but you probably have a right to be. So I’m going to propose something else. I’m going to send someone across, someone you knew when you were in Edinburgh.’ I looked at Prim: I’d had a feeling it might come to this. She nodded. ‘She won’t be armed; given what she’s wearing, you’ll be able to see that. I want you to let her in, and let her talk to you. She’ll be your hostage if you want to look at it that way. She’ll even bring the money if you like.’


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