The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 27

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Nevertheless I’m coming to the Command Center with you. If the Simulins have found a way to penetrate the nebula, this is going to affect all of us.”

  “I’ll be in the Command Center,” Ariel said as she vanished.

  “When’s Ariel going to start using the AI body Clarissa brought?”

  Jeremy frowned. “I think she’s afraid to. I asked her about it the other day, and she’s greatly concerned people will treat her differently.”

  “Clarissa doesn’t seem to be having a problem.”

  “Clarissa woke up in that body,” Jeremy pointed out. “Remember, her memory crystal was destroyed when the Distant Horizon entered the intergalactic vortex at the black matter Dyson Sphere.”

  Kelsey began to dress. “You go ahead, I’ll join you shortly.”


  Kelsey watched as Jeremy hurriedly finished getting ready and then left their quarters. She knew he had been very uncomfortable the night before when she had brought up the subject of children. Now they might be facing a full-blown Simulin attack if this small force succeeded in penetrating the nebula. Maybe Jeremy was right and they should wait until this war was decided one way or the other.


  “What do we have?” asked Jeremy as he stepped into the Command Center. He could see increased activity at several stations and he was surprised to see Kevin hunched over the sensor console. He had thought Kevin was down on Gaia with Katie. He must have returned early.

  “Four Simulin battlecruisers and ten escorts are inbound for the nebula,” reported Kevin, shifting his eyes to Jeremy. “They should be dropping out of hyperspace in six more minutes. The Benson has them on their long-range sensors.”

  Jeremy nodded and proceeded to his command chair sitting down. “Instruct the Benson to keep all sensors on those ships when they exit hyperspace. I want to know if they can detect any anomalies.”

  Jeremy pressed the ship-to-ship comm on his command console. “Attention all ships; we have a potential Simulin force that may be attempting to breach the hyperspace jamming in the nebula. All ships are to go to Condition Three though combat is not expected.” Jeremy didn’t want there to be any surprises if the Simulins did manage to make it into the Gaia System.

  Several minutes passed as everyone’s eyes were glued to the tactical displays showing the inbound Simulin fleet. The anxiety in the room had increased as everyone knew what it would mean if the Simulins managed to pierce the nebula.

  Kelsey came into the Command Center and walked over to where Commander Malen normally sat. “Is that them?” she asked, looking at a nearby tactical display.

  “Yes,” answered Ariel, who was standing just slightly behind Jeremy.

  “Dropout,” reported Kevin as the Simulins exited their spatial vortexes close to the nebula.

  “Benson is reporting no anomalies detected,” reported Lieutenant Lantz.

  “Simulin ships are holding their position,” added Kevin. “Maybe they’re just taking routine scans.”

  More minutes passed and then suddenly the Simulin ships began to vanish as they jumped into hyperspace.

  “Benson has a firm track on them,” Kevin said. He turned toward Jeremy with an ashen look on his face. “They jumped straight into the nebula.”

  It became so quiet in the Command Center you could hear a pin drop. All eyes were focused on the tactical displays. Everyone was hoping the Simulins would fail in their attempt to reach Gaia.

  Jeremy activated the ship-to-ship comm once more. “All ships. We have confirmation the Simulins have entered the nebula. All ships are to keep their long-range sensors activated and report any detection of the Simulin vessels.

  Minutes passed and then more minutes. Jeremy was beginning to hope the Simulins hadn’t been able to deal with the hyperspace interference when the warning alarms on the sensor console sounded.

  “Contacts!” reported Kevin. “Four Simulin battlecruisers and ten escort cruisers have just dropped out of hyperspace in the outer region of the system. Estimated distance is six point four billion kilometers.”

  “Do we have any ships in the vicinity?”

  “No,” answered Kevin as he checked his sensor screens. “The nearest vessel is an AI warsphere, and it’s over six hundred million kilometers away.”

  “They’re scanning us,” reported Kelsey as she watched Commander Malen’s console.

  “We have numerous ships confirming the contacts,” added Lieutenant Lantz.

  Jeremy leaned back in his command chair feeling as if the whole world had just come crashing down. The Simulins had finally penetrated the nebula. No doubt they would soon attack.

  Several minutes passed and then the Simulin ships began to vanish as they jumped out.

  “Simulins have entered hyperspace and are outbound,” reported Kevin. “We can’t track them in the nebula.”

  Jeremy took in a deep breath. The Simulins had scanned the system, and there was no doubt an attack would soon follow. “All leaves are hereby canceled. Call up all crews from the surface of Gaia. Inform the Clan Protector any ships in her repair bays fit for combat are to be launched immediately. I want all three patrol fleets recalled. Ariel, help Lieutenant Lantz with the messages. We have a lot to do and probably not enough time to get it all done.”

  “What about the Dominator?” asked Kelsey worriedly. “What if Zafron and Kazak decide to leave?”

  “I’m going to find that out now,” Jeremy replied, his eyes meeting Kelsey’s. “Lieutenant Preston, have my shuttle prepared. I’m gong to make a quick trip over to the Dominator.”

  “What about Gaia?” asked Kelsey. “Should we sound the alarm? It will take hours to get everyone to the shelters.” She was greatly concerned about Angela and Clair as they lived in one of the primary targets on the planet.

  “Contact General McGown and inform him of the situation. I want the entire planet placed on alert. Kelsey, stay on the Avenger and help Ariel coordinate everything. Make sure the other fleet admirals are aware of the situation.”

  Kelsey nodded. She knew that if they were to survive this, they needed both the Distant Horizon and the Dominator.


  Jeremy arrived on the Dominator and was met by Commander Malen. “Admiral, we may have a problem. Second Officer Zafron has been confirmed as the Dominator’s commanding officer by a majority of the surviving Originator adults. He’s given the order to Kazak to prepare the ship for immediate departure.”

  “What about Bartoll?”

  “That’s the interesting part. Bartoll and six other Originators are on the Alton science ship and are refusing to come aboard the Dominator.”

  “Is Zafron prepared to leave them stranded here?” Jeremy couldn’t imagine that. There was no way Zafron would abandon Bartoll.

  “I don’t know,” replied Commander Malen. “The appearance of the Simulin warships has Commander Zafron deeply concerned. He’s convinced the Simulins are preparing to send in a massive attack, one so large that not even the Dominator can survive.”

  “He may be right,” admitted Jeremy. “However, if Gaia has any chance to survive we need the Dominator to stay and fight.”

  It only took them a few minutes to reach the Command Center. Stepping inside, Jeremy sensed the confusion on the faces of the crew. Both Zafron and Kazak were present.

  “Admiral,” Kazak said respectfully. “I regret the situation we’ve put you in. I fear the Simulins will be returning in force shortly.”

  Jeremy nodded and turned toward Commander Zafron. “What are your intentions?”

  “I can’t risk the Originators on this vessel. I have no choice but to withdraw to ensure their safety. There are two hundred and forty-seven children still in stasis.”

  “What about the Simulins who are in the vortex Control Centers on the Dyson Spheres?” Jeremy asked. “Without our help you will never be able to remove them.”

  Zafron seemed to hesitate. “Yes, Bartoll mentioned the same thing.”

�Suppose we reach a compromise,” suggested Jeremy. “I need the Dominator to stay and fight and you want to ensure the children in the stasis compartment survive.”

  “What are you suggesting?” asked Zafron. “I see no solution that does not risk serious damage to this vessel.”

  “Kazak, how much damage can the Dominator take and still be able to activate its hyperdrive?”

  “The hyperdrive chamber is located in a very secure area of the ship. The ship can be 80 percent disabled and still able to jump.”

  “The stasis compartment?”

  “There are emergency energy shields which protect the compartment from harm.”

  Zafron frowned. “If I wait until my ship is 80 percent destroyed, the Dominator will be a wreck.”

  “You have the repair nanites as well as the repair robots,” Jeremy pointed out. “You could still repair the ship. Worst case scenario you could go to Ornellia. Admiral Jackson is there, and he has some fleet repair ships. They could help repair the damage to the Dominator.”

  “It would take some time,” Zafron said with doubt in his eyes. “Possibly several years without the use of a shipyard.”

  “You also don’t have the intergalactic drive like the Distant Horizon,” Jeremy added. “If you leave us, you have nowhere to go.”

  Zafron seemed to be undecided. “We have the designs for the drive. However, it will take considerable time to construct a functional one for the Dominator.”

  Jeremy turned back to Kazak. “What if I placed one hundred AI warspheres under your command? If you combine their firepower to the Dominators would it make a difference?”

  “Can I use the warspheres to protect the Dominator as needed?”

  Jeremy hated the answer he was about to give, but he had no choice. “Yes.”

  Zafron looked from Kazak and then back to Jeremy. “Sixty percent damage and I’m jumping out. Once outside the nebula I”ll set a course for Ornellia.

  “What about the Humans and Altons on board?”

  Commander Zafron stared long and hard at Commander Malen. “They may stay. Once all damage to the Dominator has been repaired, I will allow the Humans and Altons who are serving as crewmembers the choice of remaining on the ship or transferring over to Admiral Jackson’s vessels.”

  “Who will be fighting the ship in the battle?”

  Zafron hesitated and then answered. “Kazak. That’s what he was constructed for.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Kazak, I’m assigning one hundred AI warspheres to your command. I’ll leave it up to you as to how they will be used.”

  “One other thing,” Commander Zafron said. “I’ll be using the Originator AIs from the Distant Horizon as a command crew as they have neural implants which can be used to instantly carry out commands.”

  “I’ll reassign the current command crew to other ships,” Jeremy replied. “Is there anything else?”

  “Yes,” replied Zafron, his eyes shifting back to Commander Malen. “I would like Commander Malen to remain as she has combat experience. I will leave it up to you as to whether your wife returns to the ship or not. I would also like the Alton science ship that Bartoll and the other Originators are on to be sent to a place of safety.”

  “That will be done,” promised Jeremy.

  “I have calculated we can expect a Simulin attack in six to ten hours,” added Kazak. “One thing you should be aware of, Admiral: the Simulins know that both the Distant Horizon and the Dominator are in orbit above the planet. The only way they can achieve victory is to attack in overwhelming force. I expect an attack by at least ten thousand Simulin warships, most likely more.”

  Jeremy felt his breath catch in his throat. He had been expecting it but to hear it put into words made him realize everything that was at risk. Everything they had built on Gaia, what the AIs had constructed at Borton, and even the Originators would all be in danger.

  “I’ll be getting back to the Avenger,” Jeremy said. “Commander Malen, you will remain here on the Dominator. I’ll have Kelsey take your place on the Avenger until after this battle is over.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Commander Malen replied with a wolfish grin. “I’m anxious to see what the Dominator can do against the Simulin fleet.”

  “You will be surprised,” Kazak said. “We did manage to upgrade the ship’s gravitonic cannons by nearly 60 percent from the weapons research that was done on the ship.”


  Supreme High Commander Altrab gazed at the viewscreens in the Command Center of his flagship. Twenty-two thousand Simulin warships were assembled in the system waiting for his order to commence the attack. Ninety-six percent of all the warships the Simulins had were in that massive formation.

  “The scout force has returned. They successfully penetrated the nebula,” reported High Commander Jarald. “They are downloading the scans of the organic and AI system.”

  Altrab stepped closer to a holographic display, which was showing a three-dimensional image of the defenses. It was as he had feared. The defenses around the planet were massive, and there were more ships than he had expected. This battle would be costly, and there was no guarantee of victory.

  “The enemy possesses two ships armed with the weapons of the ancient Sphere Builders,” Jarald pointed out. “One of the vessels is the ancient ship that destroyed our worlds; the other is the one that defeated our forces at Ornellia.”

  “We’re fortunate then,” Altrab replied as he considered the ramifications of the damage those two vessels could cause to the attacking fleet. “It could have been more.” It would also be extremely satisfying to destroy the vessel that had ravaged his fleet at Ornellia.

  Altrab spent some time with the ship’s battle computer working out a strategy to use based on the scans from the scouting force. Once he was satisfied he had a strategy that might lead to victory, he quickly assigned targets to the different task groups in the fleet. They would be attacking multiple targets, making it impossible for the two ships with the ancient weapons to be able to engage the entire fleet at once.

  “We jump in twenty minutes,” Altrab said as his eyes took in his command crew. “There can only be Simulin.”

  “Only Simulin,” they answered.

  Altrab was satisfied. All that could be done had been. Now all that remained was the battle itself.


  Jeremy watched as the last of the three patrol fleets exited hyperspace and proceeded to their spots in the fleet formation he was sitting up. He had spoken with the Command AI, and both the Dominator and the Distant Horizon had been assigned one hundred AI warspheres. Thirty-two warspheres remained at Borton to aid in the protection of the facilities there. In addition there were four hundred and twenty-three of the big fifteen-hundred-meter AI spheres. One hundred and fifty of these had been reassigned to Borton, and the rest had been placed under Jeremy’s command.

  Overall he had eight hundred and seventy ships to defend the system. Sixty of those were light cruisers and seven were the older Monarch cruisers.

  “All ships are reporting ready for combat,” Kelsey informed Jeremy. “Two Gaia class cruisers have exited the shipyard. They are battle ready but the crew’s quarters and some other nonessential areas still require work. All crewmembers have returned from Gaia and all ships are reporting full crew complements.”

  “The crews on the Gaia class cruisers will just have to be uncomfortable for a few hours. I want all non-combat craft to jump into exit tunnel 1A and proceed to the second clear area. They are to remain there until summoned. Contact the Benson and have them fall back and rendezvous with the noncombatants. We’ll also send ten light cruisers and the Monarchs as escorts. Inform Commander Marshall he will have overall command of the task group. If we’re defeated, he’s to go to Ornellia and report to Admiral Jackson.”

  “What about the battlecarriers?”

  Jeremy thought over how best to use them. He had eighteen of the large ships. They were heavily armed but of more importance were all the fighters
and bombers they had in their flight bays.

  “Move them down to just below the defensive grid. Their fighters can intercept any missiles that get through and their bombers can be used to attack any damaged Simulin warship.”

  Jeremy was about to say more when Angela came into the Command Center. She was dressed in her fleet uniform.

  “Reporting for duty,” she said formerly.

  “Angela!” Kelsey said, her eyes focusing on her longtime friend. “What are you doing here, and where’s Clair?”

  “Clair’s safe,” answered Angela. “She’s with her nanny in one of the deep shelters designed for children. The best way I can protect her is to be here on the Avenger.”

  Jeremy hesitated and then nodded his acceptance. “Take over Communications.”

  Angela nodded and stepped over, relieving Lieutenant Lantz.

  “The Benson has contacts appearing on their long-range sensors,” Kevin said as he transferred the information over to the tactical displays.

  Jeremy leaned back in his command chair in alarm. There were so many red threat icons they appeared as a giant blob of red.

  “Can you tell how many ships are in that formation?”

  “Thousands,” answered Kevin grimly. “The sensors can’t determine how many.”


  “I can only estimate,” she replied. “Somewhere between eighteen to twenty-four thousand.”

  Kelsey stared in shock at the tactical screen, her mind numb at what was there.

  Jeremy took in a sharp breath and he felt a knot form in his stomach. “All ships go to Condition Two. We’ll go to Condition One when the Simulins enter the nebula.” Jeremy looked over at Kevin meaningfully. They both knew what those numbers meant.

  The Simulins must have called in all of their ships for this attack. Jeremy had expected a massive attack but nothing on this scale. He looked at a viewscreen showing Gaia. The green zone around the equator had been their home for years. Jeremy greatly feared that was about to be taken away from them. Looking over at Kelsey, he wondered if any of them would survive this battle.


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