Captured at Nightfall (Capture My Heart Love Story)

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Captured at Nightfall (Capture My Heart Love Story) Page 8

by Rasmussen, Kitrisha

  “Not at all,” she muttered.

  “Oh. . . shit!” He fell back on the bed like he’d just been run over by a semi.

  Allie scrambled up straight and tucked her legs beneath her.

  “How the hell is that possible?” His eyes met hers. “You’re gorgeous, Allie. A complete knock out. . . How?”

  Her fingers knotted in her lap. “I dunno. I just never wanted to with anyone before.”

  “And so you decided on me?” His eyebrows were on the level of his hairline.

  She frowned. “Why not?” She felt ridiculous justifying this to him. “I want to. Isn’t that all that matters?”

  His hand raked though his hair. “Yeah, but . . . damn it, Allie. I don’t know what to do here.”

  “Why can’t we just keep doing what we were doing?”

  “Because you’re a virgin, that’s why.” He glared down into her face.

  Her insides begin to boil with frustration—and probably a lot of pent up lust. “You’re right, Matthew, I am a virgin. A twenty-four-year-old virgin. I would like to remedy that tonight, if you’re up to it.” She shot a scorching glare at him. Was he always going to be this big of a pain in her ass?

  He swallowed. “Allie. I told you. I’m no good. You shouldn’t waste something as important as your virginity on me.”

  The romantic was back again in full force.

  Allie sighed, feeling tenderness and annoyance battle inside her. “Look, Matthew, I know a ton of girls who lost it in the back seat of cars and the basement of their parent’s houses. My roommate lost hers in a freaking movie theater bathroom. I like you . . . way more than like, actually. I really want to do this with you. Now. Tonight.”

  He looked like he was going to be sick, waging some kind of internal battle with his conscience probably. “Okay,” he finally conceded. “But we’re going to go slow this first time. I don’t want to hurt you.”


  He pulled her to him and kissed her gently, putting so much gratitude and flat out worship into the way he held her that Allie felt tears burn at the corners of her eyes. The tender way he cradled her face brought warmth into her soul. No matter what he may think of himself, there was goodness in him.

  His head dipped to the base of her throat, and tingles of pleasure sizzled through her. “I’m going to make you ready so it will hurt less, okay?”

  She didn’t care what he did, drunk as she was on the taste of him.

  His fingers began to wander and she bucked in surprise. “Easy, Allie,” he breathed.

  He continued to explore her until a cry of pure joy poured from her lips. Her fingers dug into his hard shoulders. “Oh, Matthew. Oh.” She burrowed her head into his chest, sunk her teeth into his collarbone while his heart pounded against her cheek. It was so much; almost too much. The feeling radiated up and out, distributing this hot, frantic feeling of heaven to the rest of her body. She was surging toward her first orgasm, and it was even more amazing than she’d imagined. Her hips were moving faster now, her breath wild and animalistic, while his fingers worked to keep pace. She cried out as the world suddenly shattered into a million shards of golden ecstasy around her.

  When she came back down to earth, Matthew was holding her loosely in his lap, and pressed a soft kiss to the center of her while his fingers began their lazy onslaught once more.

  “No, Matthew.” She tried to pull away. “It’s too much. Too soon.”

  “Shhh, Allie. Don’t fight it. I want you more than ready . . . begging for me by the time I have you.”

  He laid her down on the bed, shucked his boxer briefs, and tossed them in a pile on the top of his other clothes before he climbed back up to her. Her panties slid down her legs, baring that most intimate part of her to him.

  “Take that tank top off, Allie. I want to watch you.”

  Allie sat up, getting that deer-in-the-headlights feeling as she took in his hungry gaze. Fumbling with the bottom hem of her shirt, she slowly pulled the fabric free from her head, pretty confident she wouldn’t be winning Sex Kitten of the Universe any time soon. Her hair crackled with static and she quickly pushed it behind her ears.

  Matthew’s voice dripped choco caramel sundae supreme, “Your breasts are perfect, Allie. Shit.”

  He covered her with his body and his mouth did things to her flesh that should be criminal in all fifty states. When two fingers slid inside of her she cried out, arching high off the bed.

  His hands stilled. “Is that okay?” he muttered gruffly.

  “Oh, yes! Please, don’t stop,” she begged.

  Holy hell; she was going to burn up with lust.

  His hands drew away, replaced by the part of him she craved so much now.

  “Yes,” she hissed, this was just what she needed. She grabbed onto his shoulders to steady herself.

  “This may hurt, baby,” his words gritted between his teeth, “best to just do it.”

  He thrust into her and Allie sucked in a sharp breath as pain ripped through her, the fullness overwhelming. Matthew’s breath was a cool, ragged whisper over her too-sensitive skin. He pressed his forehead into the curve of her breast, his body unmoving. “You okay?”

  “Yes. I’m good,” her words sounded braver than she felt.

  When he started to move again the soreness and too-full feeling was replaced with so much pleasure. She grabbed onto Matthew’s perfect ass, the hard muscles bunching and releasing as he continued to move.

  “Oh, Allie. You’re so perfect,” he rasped. “Baby, I’m almost there.”

  Allie met him thrust for thrust, loving the sounds they made; craving the rush of power it would bring to send him over the edge. She was sent spiraling into the abyss of pleasure with a surge of violence and euphoria that had her hands twisting in the sheets. With a final thrust of Matthew’s hips he followed right behind her.

  Chapter twelve


  Just . . . Wow.

  Allie’s heart fluttered in her chest as she slowly floated back to earth. Hand resting loosely over her breast, her fingers curved around so the tips could trace its outline. Her eyes roamed over the white patterns on her ceiling where shadows dipped between each crevice of stucco and gave it the same texture as the moon.

  That was how she felt, after all . . .

  Like she’d been transported to some other world.

  Within a month she’d somehow left behind her life of considerable responsibilities and been morphed into this creature that now lay in bed with her very own, bronze Adonis.

  For however long it lasted.

  It was so, totally . . . wow.

  Matthew leaned on a propped up arm next to Allie, both their bodies tangled together in a twist of arms and legs, all warm and rosy with the afterglow of what they’d just done radiating around them.

  “Sore, baby?”

  Ruddy hair flopped over lazy green eyes, half closed and sedate. Matthew’s hands—so scared and hard—were gently drawing invisible lines up the curve of her hip, to her ribs, and up again to circle around her shoulder before backtracking down once more.

  Allie lay in a semi-coma, her own limbs loose and unhinged, her heartbeat slowly returning to normal.

  Her eyes moved to Matthew’s body, devouring every inch. His wide shoulders; the way his chest bunched to accommodate the motion of his arm; his abdomen, even in repose holding the lines of a six-pack.

  “Allie?” Matthew asked again.

  Her eyes rolled up to his and the corner of his mouth twisted with a smile. “What did you say?” she mumbled like a drunkard.

  “Are you sore?” His fingers had moved from her hip to her buttocks.

  She shifted a little. “Not really.” She looked down at the sheets and saw that there was some blood.

  “Sorry.” She burrowed her head into the crook of his arm. “I made a mess.”

  Matthew rolled onto his back, taking her with him, one arm resting behind his head. He lounged, completely comfortable in all his nak
ed glory. Allie felt her mouth pop open. Damn him and all his sexy muscles. They were turning her into a gaping idiot.

  She pushed off his chest and sat up.

  Matthew’s teeth flashed. “Little publicized fact: sex is messy.”

  She grimaced down at the sheets while her cheeks flushed with heat.

  “Allie.” Matthew caught her wrist and pulled her down on top of him again. His eyes were intense, searching as they ran over her features. His hands cupped her jaw, thumbs at the corners of her mouth. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice laced with awe and so much affection it sent Allie’s heart soaring up to the clouds. His lips pressed against hers, incredibly soft and full for such a hardened man. His kiss was filled with worship, his tongue running over hers with tender laps.

  He pulled away, taking her breath with him. She was momentarily befuddled, lost within the pull of his deep green gaze.

  How had she found someone like him?

  “Why don’t you get a shower going? The heat’ll feel good. I’ll take care of your bedding,” he suggested.

  She blushed again and bit her bottom lip.

  His thumb moved to her lip and popped it free. Allie took the opportunity to draw his thumb into her mouth, tickling the soft pad with her tongue.

  His eyes darkened and the corner of his mouth tipped up. “You’re not going to make it to the shower if you keep that up.” He withdrew his thumb and put it in his mouth. “Mmmm,” the word a low purr.

  Desire pooled deep inside her belly and she decided a shower could definitely wait for a while. Her eyes closed as she leaned in to kiss him again. Only a few seconds later, though, they flew open when she gave a startled little yip! Her behind was tingling where Matthew’s hand had just landed a playful slap.

  “Shower, baby. Now,” he growled.

  She touched two fingers to her brow—imagining she made a better girl scout than a naval officer—a cheesy smile cracking her face in two. “Yes Sir!” She saluted him and fumbled off the bed before he could smack her backside again.

  Deep laughter bubbled over her bare skin as she rummaged in her drawers for her bath essentials.

  Wrapping a towel around herself, and giving Matthew one more appreciating look, she creaked open her door and tiptoed down the hallway, headed for the bathroom.

  A cringe tightened her lips as she neared Lainie’s bedroom door and she prayed she didn’t wake her. She couldn’t imagine how embarrassing that conversation would be. Not that she’d never bumped into Lainie making her own post-sex run before.

  Breath held, she opened the bathroom door, cursing its squeaky hinges; but, thankfully, Lainie didn’t show.

  Allie turned on the water, waited for it to get nice and hot, and filled the small room with billowy, white steam, then dropped her towel and stepped inside.

  Oh, man, Matthew had known what he was talking about when he’d said a shower would feel good. She groaned in appreciation as the water pelted over her sensitive skin. The heat of the room had a way of loosening all her newly-discovered muscles.

  When she looked up she jumped as Matthew’s shadow appeared on the other side of the curtain. “Shit!” she whispered, still conscious that Lainie’s room was right on the other side of the wall. How hadn’t she heard him come in?

  Matthew slipped inside and she turned to face him. It was so weird, sharing something as domestic as a shower with another person. At least it gave her the opportunity to gawk at all his hotness. Her mouth went dry and her tongue darted out to run over her lips as she admired the view

  A ruddy eyebrow cocked back at her. “What?”

  “Oh,” Allie’s eyes jerked up to his face. “It’s nothing.”

  Geeze, why was he so intimidating, even now?

  She felt her cheeks heat for the fiftieth time. “It’s just . . . I’ve never seen a man completely naked before,” she blurted. Her eyes dropped.

  “Oh, really?” his words were a carnal whisper in the cocoon of the shower. He took a step toward her. Allie sucked in her breath, eyes closed. His hips swiveled against hers and the ache between her legs skyrocketed into DEFCON 5 territory.

  He pulled her against his chest to drop wet kisses over her shoulders and neck. Allie’s thoughts melted to mush and were lost, dripping out her ears and probably down the drain.

  This man was so hot.

  His teeth clasped the bottom of her earlobe in a way that might have hurt had she not been so turned on, before he sucked it into his mouth. Tingles of pleasure shot down to curl her toes and she moaned out loud before she could stop herself.

  His breath was an icy contrast to the brush of his warm lips and chin. “Like it, baby?”

  Allie’s eyelids fluttered. “Yes,” she moaned again.

  His hips swiveled and she braced her hands against the shower walls. “Do you like it now?”

  “Yes, Matthew. Oh, yes.” She could weep with the joy that swelled inside her.

  “Are you feeling well enough to try something?”

  “Yes . . . please.” Her words were softly desperate for him. Anything! her thoughts shouted. She’d die if he stopped now.

  “Good.” Grabbing a bar of soap, he dropped to his haunches in front of her. Allie would have cried out in the frustration of not having him inside her had she not realized what he intended to do to her. As it was, Allie’s eyes had grown wide as saucers while Matthew’s steady gaze met hers across the flat and trembling expanse of her stomach. He held their connection, refusing to let her go as he began to slowly rub the bar between his hands.

  When a good amount of froth was coating them, he placed them on the inside of her thighs. Allie sighed, her head lolling back against the tile wall when his fingers began working in little massaging circles over her skin. The movement crept up her thighs.

  “Oh, Matthew.” Allie looked down at him when his nose began nuzzling against her belly.

  Moss green eyes were on her once more; his gaze penetrating her all the way through. The water had washed the remaining suds away. Rivulets streamed through Matthew’s hair, turning it to a dark brown wave against his forehead before running down the sides of his jaw and dripping off the tip of his nose.

  His eyes turned away, and back to her body. When Allie realized what he was about to do, her hands threaded through his hair and she tried to back away. “No, Matthew. Stop. I’m gross.”

  His hands clamped down on her hips, preventing her from wriggling away. “You are not gross,” he growled. “I don’t want to hear anything like that come out of your mouth again.” His hand swatted her butt. “Now hold still, baby. Don’t think. Just enjoy it.”

  Her body was ridged with a whole flood of expectation and fear. She knew people did this all the time, but holy sweet bajeezus . . .

  Whatever had been rattling around in her head disappeared with a poof! when Matthew went to work. Electricity shot through her, zigzagging off all her nerve endings before sparking right out her fingers and toes.

  A loud moan erupted from her lips, and some other words strung together—some kind of worshipping nonsense in cavewoman-talk. Honestly, she had no idea. She’d given up all control to Matthew by this point.

  His dark chuckle rumbled over that same electric spot. “That’s right, baby. Hold on tight.”


  Hold on . . .

  Her hands dug into his heavy shoulder muscles just as his tongue did something incredibly wicked.


  His hands clenched around the globes of her ass, kneading and rubbing.

  And then, suddenly, she was tossed headfirst over the edge and into pure bliss.

  Matthew captured her when her knees gave out. Water streamed over them as he stood and devoured her again, all tongue and mouth and hands.

  She hadn’t had a chance to recover yet—waves of pleasure were still rocketing through her, in fact—when he lifted her bodily and made them one.

  “Oh, geeze. Oh, boy,” her voice was a hoarse whisper as she wrapped her legs a
round his hips. She didn’t know if she had much left to give him. Her inner muscles quivered, every movement just this side of too much.

  Matthew burrowed into her neck, suckling and kissing as he used her to bring them both the pleasure they needed.

  Holy crap.

  Her pleasure was building. . .

  Not again!

  His intensity grew more desperate and she could tell he was growing close as well. She was hot and sweating; the steam of the room filling her lungs as it wrapped around them. They were back in their own world again.

  There was no time; no worries; no other people.

  Only this.


  Their two bodies joined as one in the animalistic demand that they reach satisfaction.

  Matthew cried out, his teeth sank down into the flesh of her shoulder. That was all she needed to shatter all over again into an exhausted, hazy euphoria once more.

  His breath was hot inside her hair as he sat her on her feet. When he grabbed the bar of soap and began to rub it in between his hands again, Allie’s eyes widened with panic.

  “Oh, no. No, no, no. Not again.” She slipped beneath his arm and flattened herself against the tile of the opposite wall.

  His eyes darkened, a smile tugged up the corner of his mouth. “What’s the matter, Allison Young?”

  She swallowed. “I may have gotten more than I bargained for with you and your ceaseless sex drive. You’re like a little kid with a new toy. You’re gonna’ break me if we’re not careful.”

  He started lathering the soap again and Allie stopped mid-rant to gawk. His phenomenal chest was mesmerizing—damn him to eternal hell and back—the way the muscles kept jumping each time he moved his arms, the eagle tattoo rising and falling above his hard forearms. . . .

  “Turn around, Allie.”

  Yikes! How’d he gotten so close?

  She swallowed again and he leaned right into her. “Turn. Around.” It was a clipped command of teeth.

  So she squinched her eyes shut and did as he said, grumbling all the time about bossy drill sergeants under her breath.

  Warm hands settled over her shoulders, smelling of floral soap. He massaged her back and neck, wrapped his hands around her sides to capture her breasts. Then, pausing for more soap, he moved down onto her ass. His hands ran over her backside and down each leg. When he was done with her feet, and now kneeling, he pulled her into him and planted heated little kisses over each of her backside’s cheeks.


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