Arranged Marriage To The Rogue (Victorian Romance)

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Arranged Marriage To The Rogue (Victorian Romance) Page 26

by Veronica Wilson

  Among the team members whom she recognized, she also saw Arab men dressed in their flowing white robes milling about and laughing with the westerners in tuxedos, obviously special guests and therefore unimaginably rich. There were also a few drivers and higher-ups from a couple of the other Grand Prix teams, which was surprising. She guessed that, even though they were on separate teams, they were all still colleagues of sorts.

  She gave herself an imaginary pat on the back for being right about the boobs too. The sponsors’, owners’, and bosses’ wives, naturally in the more mature age range, were all decked out in Versace, Yves Saint Laurent and Vivien Westwood evening wear, enjoying the freedom to bare shoulders and drop necklines.

  Then came the driver’s wives and girlfriends and the younger partners of the sponsors and managers going through mid-life crises. Their attire was clearly expensive and enhanced with plenty of bling, but they looked like they were going clubbing. Each one wore a dress that barely covered the butt and the highest of heels, and seemed determined to show as much cleavage and side boob as possible. Currently, they occupied a table near the dance floor, unintentionally covering it in body glitter and knocking back champagne as fast as the waiters could bring it.

  Then there were the grid girls, the models who kept the sun off the drivers as they waited for the start of the race with umbrellas, normally while wearing skimpy outfits. The local laws ensured that even they, in their professional capacity, had to be covered on the track, but here about a dozen milled about all dressed in short-shorts and bikini tops in the team colors. Merry observed that if this were the seventies, they would all be on roller-skates. Plus, the looks they were getting from the traditionally-dressed sheiks told her they were one of the primary incentives for attending this party.

  She noticed the PR table just down and to the left of the top table because a couple of co-workers were occupying it. She made her way there and sat down. She smiled at Alex, a gorgeous, down-to-earth and very bubbly red-head qho was doing the same job as her, only permanently. They had hit it off immediately and she had squealed and hugged Merry in genuine delight when Merry had recounted the tale of her altercation with Shannon that afternoon. No, Alex was not a Shannon fan either. Sat next to her, with an empty chair between them, was Geoff the catering manager. He was a bit overweight, balding, and sullen, but seemed to be a good guy. Merry had resolved to reserve judgment on him, but he did smile warmly at her when she sat down. A waiter brought her a tall flute of champagne and she and Alex began talking about nothing much. She tried to involve Geoff in the conversation but he would not commit, preferring to sit apart looking like he was developing an ulcer.

  The night wore on. She saw her mother having a great time with the older wives and occasionally being whisked away by Donald, who seemed quite an accomplished dancer. He asked Merry to join him, obviously at her mother’s behest, several times, but she politely declined. She could not help wondering where Michael was. Troy sat at the top table brooding, drinking sparkling water while Shannon got drunker and more outrageous with her gal-pals. He waved her away every time she tried to pull him off his chair, and the one time he caught Merry looking at him, he gave her an embarrassed, almost apologetic smile. Maybe I misjudged him? it made her think. He didn’t know who I was. To him I could have been another F1 groupie that he’s tired of having to deal with. She cursed inwardly. His beauty made it hard enough to hate him, no matter how obnoxious his girlfriend, but now he had to go and show a different side.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by another waiter, who quietly passed her a note. Her heart back flipped as she read it: I can’t stop thinking about you. Michael. Room 3215. Her head spun. Alex was talking to her, but suddenly she could hear nothing but the thud of her own heart. It was bold, she would give him that. He was basically booty calling her. Still, she found it hard to resist. She looked around. Her mother and Donald were dancing, Mommy clearly having enjoyed a few too many. One Arab-Prince-looking guy had a bikini-clad blonde more than half his age sat in his lap with three or four more around him as he talked loudly. Shannon and another sexy young thing were slowdancing together, trying to attract Troy’s attention but being more successful in provoking whistles and cheers from the drunk and baying mechanics. The noise was becoming deafening. She decided she would rather be anywhere but here, and luckily Michael had provided just the place. She downed her glass—only her second—told Alex she was still tired from the flight, and left.

  In the express elevator,heading to the 32nd floor, she stared at herself in the mirror. It’s time, she told her reflection. You need to move on. Get over yourself and enjoy your youth before it’s all gone. You’re not a freak anymore, you’re an attractive, sexy woman, and a millionaire racing driver wants to sleep with you. Just do it already!

  Considering herself told, she stripped off her suit jacket. She felt hot, so she let the air conditioning cool her off, and she felt a little dizzy, which may have been the champagne, or may have been the promise of things to come.

  Before she knew it, she was outside his door. She knocked and he answered almost immediately. He had only a towel around his waste. His wet hair was dripping onto his tanned, sculpted chest, and he flashed her a dazzling white smile. Oh, you have got to be kidding me, she thought to herself. You won’t even give a girl a chance!

  He invited her in. “I’m so glad you came,” he almost whispered as she squeezed past him in the entryway. “Can I get you a drink?”

  Merry shook her head as she looked around his suite. It had twice as many floor-to-ceiling windows as her room, plus an elegant white couch and chairs aimed at the wall-mounted flat screen and a small dining table with six chairs behind that. “Where do you sleep?” she asked, and immediately regretted it.

  “My, you’re forward aren’t you?” he mocked her. She turned back to him, shaking her head again. He stood not two paces away. He was the most delicious thing she had ever seen and, fuck, she was starving. She could think of nothing to say that would not sound cheesy, so she reached up and pulled the clips from her hair, letting it fall to her shoulders. She kept her eyes on his and slowly closed the gap between them, pulling her blouse out of her skirt and undoing the buttons. I can’t believe I’m doing this, she thought, over and over, as she reached him and let her shirt drop to the floor. His large brown eyes swept over her flat stomach, her breasts pushing against the confining material of her white lace bra, her slim and elegant neck, until he reached up and gently pulled the glasses off her face. She blinked at him as he gently laid them on the sideboard, then cupped her face in his big hands, bent down and pulled her mouth onto his.

  She almost went limp as he kissed her, but as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, the surprising taste of whiskey brought her back to her senses. She did not care for whiskey, but she would be damned if she was going to let that spoil things. She put a hand on the back of his head and forced their lips together harder. His hands travelled down to her shoulders, down her arms and across her breasts. She shivered, the urgent probing of his tongue forcing muscles low in her body to tighten. His hands slipped down to her waist, found and effortlessly released the catch holding her skirt up. The material dropped silently, pooling at her feet. Thank God she had worn matching underwear. His knuckles brushed her sides ever so softly, causing a murmur to escape her still-kissing mouth, and caressed gently over her hips until his hands firmly grasped her buttocks. Another groan came from her throat as he lifted her off the floor and pulled her crotch to his. She wrapped her legs around his waist and could feel him hard against her despite the towel, despite her panties. He carried her effortlessly to the back of the couch and parked her butt on it. They finally broke apart the kiss. Their faces separated by a few inches, she opened her eyes and gasped sharply as she saw Troy’s face looking at her for a heartbeat. She blinked and it returned to Michael looking at her.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he breathed, sensing her discomfort. She answered with a nod. Am I? she wondered. Wh
y am I thinking of Troy? Do I want him instead? She pushed her uncertainty to the back of her mind. Her whole outlook on life had to change, and it needed to start with this first step. She reached back and undid her bra, pulling the garment away in one smooth move. She tried a coy look, biting her lip playfully as she pushed her firm breasts together with her upper arms.

  “Oh, my God!” he exclaimed, his eyes filling with lust. He stepped back and pulled off his towel. He stood there, long, hard and proud before her. His thick shaft definitely looked like exactly what she needed, and she could feel the juices flowing to her loins in preparation to receive it, but there was an arrogance on his face, something she had never seen before. Like he expected her to get on her knees and worship him in his glory.

  In an instant, he was back against her, kissing her hard. He moved his mouth to her neck, urgently nuzzling and licking her, while at the same time he took her hand and dragged it onto his staff, enclosing her fist around it and pumping her hand up and down. Merry was steadily being turned off. His free hand groped at her breasts, pinching and flicking her nipples uncomfortably. He left her hand on him and started to force his fingers under her panties. Merry was enjoying herself less and less. Stop being a prude! she shouted inside her head. Just go with it. Sure it doesn’t feel great right now, but it should in a second. Loosen up, for fuck’s sake!

  “What’s wrong?” he asked more urgently, as Merry’s legs closed a little, impeding his progress beneath her underwear. “Just loosen up, for fuck’s sake!” he growled. Merry stiffened. He bodily yanked her off the couch and spun her to face away from him. Before she knew what was happening he had whipped down her panties and was bending her forward. She flashed back to Eric and how she had felt that time with him. Suddenly, she had never been more scared.

  “No! Stop! Please stop! Don’t!” she screamed, and mercifully, Michael backed off. She turned round and sat down hard on the floor, covering her naked body as best she could. Tears were in her eyes, but she was not going to cry.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “It seemed like you wanted this.” He did not sound happy.

  “I did, I do,” said Merry, as controlled as she could. “It just all went so fast. I don’t have much experience with this, I’m sorry.” She felt vulnerable and hated it. She just wanted to go. She slowly stood and made to put on her skirt.

  “So you’re just going to go then?” Michael sounded more as though he was angry, rather than disappointed.

  “I think its best just now, sorry.”

  “For you maybe,” he sounded really threatening now. “You can’t just leave me like this!” He indicated his still hard penis, waving in the air. “At least fucking suck me off or something!” he wailed.

  Merry had no patience for this. She said nothing else to him. She pulled on her skirt and blouse, left her underwear and walked out.

  “Merry, I’m sorry,” Michael called after her. “Please come back! Have a drink and relax.” She made it out of the room and shut the door. She thought she heard him yell ‘bitch’ at her, but the door was far too thick to be sure.

  An hour later, Merry lay in bed. She could not stop replaying the encounter in her head. Stupid bitch, she scolded herself. That’s two important people you’ve pissed off today. So, it might have been a remote and uncomfortable fuck. Take it as a compliment that he was so eager. She had a vision of his iron-hard cock pointing directly at her hot, wet hole, desperate to enter, and it made her clit throb again and the breath catch in her throat. He was surely fit enough that he could have taken care of your needs after. No wonder he was mad—you got him all worked up and then just left him there. What did you think, he’d be happy?

  What she was thinking was making a lot of sense. “Screw it,” she said out loud. She jumped out of bed, grabbed her long raincoat and wrapped it around her nakedness, stuffed her feet in her favorite black heels and stormed out of her room. In the elevator again, looking at herself in the mirror, she was grateful she had not cried or removed her makeup. She’d been feeling too low. She had simply undressed and crawled into bed, so she still looked damn fine. Actually really sexy. Her hair was slightly ruffled, and knowing she was naked under her long coat caused her nipples to harden and her juices to flow again. She closed her eyes to picture Michael, but again it was Troy’s features that floated before her. Dammit! She summoned an image of Michael. That was better. She could be a temptress, a slut, for tonight at least. She was going to bang his brains out.

  Arriving at his door, she could not believe her luck. She must have not closed it properly, as it was still on the latch. She stealthily slipped in and shut it behind her. The room was dark. She crept through the suite, trying to avoid bumping into any furniture as she picked her way towards the bedroom door. She heard muffled noise from behind it and figured he was watching TV. She tried the handle and pushed it open.

  “Oh… My… God! Oh… My… God!” She heard Shannon’s voice, breathless and husky, before she saw anything. The room was bathed in low light, but her heart sank as she clearly saw the two figures on the bed. Shannon, on all fours, her generous breasts swinging free as Michael drove himself hard into her from behind, every mighty thrust forcing another strained word from Shannon’s open mouth. “Oh… My… GOOOODDDD!” she screamed in ecstasy as Michael let out a huge groan and shoved as though he was trying to split Shannon in two.

  Merry closed the door and leaned against the wall outside the bedroom. Thank God they had been too wrapped up in each other to noticed her. She stole her way back out the room, but this time she could not stop the tears rolling down her cheeks. She did not know why; she did not love Michael. What was wrong with her? As she waited for the elevator to arrive, deep sobs began to wrack her whole body. She was standing there crying when, because the universe is like that, the doors opened and Troy stood before her.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” His stunning features were the picture of concern. Neither of them were sure whether he put his arms around her or she fell into him, but immediately they were in a warm embrace. Merry, still sobbing, already felt better. Troy soothed her in a voice so calming she never wanted it to end. They had been standing in the elevator for some time, doors closed, not going anywhere, when it autonomously started to descend.

  “Whoops,” exclaimed Troy, “there goes my floor. Let’s get you back to your room before you find yourself in the lobby wearing only a raincoat. What floor?”

  Merry was unsure how he knew she was naked under her coat, but all she could say was, “Uhm, six,” and sniff. He handed her the hanky from his suit breast pocket. He asked her again what was wrong, and she finally replied, “Men.”

  “Ah, yes. Heard that one before.” He helped her to her door. She opened it and he helped her onto the bed. He sat beside her and held her as she began to breathe normally. Eventually he asked, “You haven’t seen Shannon, have you? I’m sure she’s not your favorite subject to discuss right now, but I’ve lost her since she left the dinner. She said she’d be right back.”

  Merry wiped her face and handed him back his handkerchief. “Stay calm, Troy. I have some news for you…”

  She told him the whole story, her bad experience with Michael, her discovery of them together. She thought he was going to be mad and go start a fight. Instead, he just smiled.

  “It does make life a little easier,” he said. “I was trying to find her to break things off with her. I’ve met someone else. She doesn’t even know it, but I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  “Really?” asked Merry, her heart beating faster all of a sudden. In the course of her storytelling, they had gradually fallen to lay side by side on the bed, facing each other. Merry had not even realized how close their faces were until now. Troy leaned across the inches that separated them and gently placed his lips on hers. Sheer joy overwhelmed her and, feeling her respond, he increased his pressure, placing his hand on the back of her head and pulling her mouth harder to his. He broke off the kiss.

�It’s you, by the way, in case you were wondering.” He smiled. She screamed in joy and pushed him on his back. Laughing, she threw a leg over and straddled him. She started pulling his shirt out of his pants.

  “God, I’m so relieved! I’ve not been able to stop thinking of you either!” Troy helped her by pulling his shirt off and throwing it off the bed.

  “I have a question, though,” Merry continued, pulling at his belt and fly. How did you know I was naked under this coat?”

  Troy helped her get his pants off. She straddled him again, feeling the heat from his engorged member a mere hair’s breadth from her naked, aching sex. He slowly undid the belt of her coat and, equally slowly, she eased it off her shoulders to finally sit fully exposed before him. She felt him twitch between her legs. He stared at her naked beauty for what seemed like a century, before he replied, “Actually, it was a lucky guess.”

  She punched him playfully in his amazingly defined chest. He complained and she giggled, pulling his underwear off. Suddenly, it was her turn to stare. It was not just his perfect, long, hard penis that seemed to be carved from marble, but his whole, gorgeously cut body. She felt unfamiliar sensations again. She could not stop herself from wanting to run her hands all over him. She wanted to suck on his sculptured abs, lick her way across every tattoo that sleeved his muscular arms, have her breasts crushed against his firm chest, and feel that stiff, veined, pulsing member in her warm mouth.


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