Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 7

by Tania Sparks

  He gently coaxes me out the door.


  We spend the afternoon wandering around the city. Cody constantly has his arm around me or is grasping my hand securely in his. This feels so very normal and I’m surprised. Throughout the afternoon we gradually get more and more touchy-feely. We can’t seem to keep our hands off each other and by three o’clock we both eagerly agree to go back to the hotel.

  As we ride up to the suite in the elevator, the electricity is zinging between us. The lift dings to indicate that we’ve reached our floor and we get out and quickly stride down the corridor to the suite door. Cody swipes his card and pushes the door open. He holds out his arm, allowing me to enter first. Before the door is even closed, I’m spun around and I’m pressed up against the wall. Cody’s hard muscled body holds me in place. His hands grasp mine and he restrains them above my head, pushing them firmly into the wall. There’s a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. His lips are so close to mine that I can feel his breath whispering across my face. His focus moves from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes again. He shakes his head slowly and in a raspy sexy voice groans, “You know your big brother is gonna fuckin’ whip my ass when he finds out what I’ve done.”

  I bite my lip and look up at him through my eyelashes. I whisper back, “He’s not gonna find out. This can be our little secret, nobody needs to know. This can just be between you and me.”

  Cody chuckles wickedly and desperately groans, “I think he might figure it out when he realizes I can’t keep my freaking hands off you.”

  I murmur back, “We’ll find a way. We’ll just have to be careful.”

  And although that’s what I say, I very much doubt that we’ll be able to keep it a secret, not with the way he’s looking at me now, all smoldering eyes and burning desire. That look is unmistakable and it’s not easy to disguise. Not only that, but if everyone already knew I had a crush on Cody before, there will be no hiding my all-too-obvious craving for him now.

  Cody takes a deep breath and growls, “The others won’t be back for a couple more hours, so we’re gonna take this slow okay?”

  I smile and nod my head in total agreement. That sounds perfect.

  Cody slowly guides my hands down to my side, but they’re still securely held in his. He grinds his body against mine so I can feel his unmistakable erection. He rumbles, “I’m gonna touch every single inch of you. Hell, I’m gonna make you scream so darned loud that the whole hotel will hear you.”

  My body’s instantly turned on and is tingling at just the thought of what his words are suggesting. He releases my hands and takes a step back from me. The loss of connection is so noticeable that I take a fraught step towards him. He takes another step away from me. I tilt my head and squint my eyes in question. What’s he up to?

  He grins then turns his back on me and walks over to the stereo. He switches it on and a heavy sexy beat radiates loudly from the speakers. From the tone of the music, I guess Cody’s idea of taking it slow is still very wild. I feel elated at the prospect of our next intimate encounter reflecting the music that’s thumping rhythmically.

  He saunters back to me and with each step he takes he starts to discard his clothes. He tilts his head to the side and with that unmistakable cheeky grin tugging at his lips, he rumbles, “Take your clothes off Kit.”


  Hell, he’s insatiable! We’ve been exploring, teasing, touching and tasting for nearly two hours. My skin is so sensitized and Cody was right, he’s made me scream so loud and so many times that I’m sure the whole hotel has heard every single mind-blowing orgasm that he’s pleasured me with. And even more incredibly, he’s done this all with just his mouth and hands – this man is talented! No wonder he turned the music up, otherwise my shrill shrieks would have been clearly heard all the way down to the hotel lobby.

  He shows massive restraint, he hasn’t come yet and I wonder how long he can hold out. Just as I start to think he might be able to resist for even longer, he positions me so I’m in the center of the mattress, kneeling in front of him on all fours, my hair is splayed and is falling over one of my shoulders. He’s behind me and I can feel him put a condom on and position himself where I’m aching to feel him. He holds his cock with his hand and nudges it firmly at my entrance. He rubs himself up and along my pussy, spreading my wetness and causing me to ache even more. He rumbles, “You’re so fucking beautiful, I can’t wait any longer baby, let me inside.”

  I hold my breath as he grasps my hips and pulls me towards him. I feel myself stretch to accommodate him as he slowly eases inside me. It feels so damn good that I groan, “Oh God, that feels amazing.”

  “Hell yeah,” Cody growls as he grinds his hips and buries himself even deeper. He now has both hands securely gripping my hips as he digs his fingertips firmly into my flesh. I can feel the heat of his legs against the back of my thighs and the way he’s rotating his hips to embed himself even deeper inside me is driving me crazy mad, it feels so good.

  I’ve already come numerous times but I know I’m going to quickly come again with him inside me. We start to move rhythmically, the sensations are vibrating through me, my heartbeat is pounding and I can sense that it’s not going to be long before we both explode in unadulterated bliss. I’m practically trembling.

  Suddenly he pulls out and scrambles off the bed as he yells, “Un-fucking-believable!”

  I sit up onto my knees and turn to him worried that I’ve mucked up somehow. Cody’s frantically trying to pull his jeans on. I start to panic as I worriedly ask, “What’s the matter, did I do something wrong?”

  Then I notice that Cody’s smiling brazenly from ear to ear as he leans over and affectionately strokes my shoulder, “No sweetheart, you’re absolutely perfect, but did you not just hear the front door to the suite open and the voices…your brother just came back!”

  “Oh shit!” I shriek as I quickly jump up and frantically search for something to put on. We’re both laughing uncontrollably but trying to remain as quiet as possible as we try to frenziedly yank our clothes on.

  The next thing I know Cody grabs me in his arms and kisses me passionately. Once his lips move away from mine he tells me, “We’ll finish this later okay darlin’?” He kisses me again and then holds me by my shoulders as he stares into my eyes, “You need to see if you can stick around, come on tour with us for week or two, because there’s no fuckin’ way I’m finished with you yet. I need more time.”

  He lets go of me and continues to do up his jeans, “But right now I’d better go out there so Nikki doesn’t get suspicious. You follow in a few minutes and I’ll try to distract him so he doesn’t notice that we’ve both come out of the same bedroom.”

  I’m speechless and my heart is pounding rapidly. I don’t know whether it’s just the fact that we’ve practically been caught in the act by Nikki or whether it’s because Cody has asked me to stick around. I must look panic-stricken because as Cody makes his way towards the door, he looks over his shoulder and reassures me, “Don’t worry Kit, Nikki won’t figure it out.” He smirks defiantly then as he disappears out of the room he adds, “The dumb-ass isn’t that clever.”

  The music gets turned down and after a few minutes I make my way out into the living area. Luckily Nikki doesn’t notice the chemistry that’s still zapping between Cody and me. I’m pretty sure that we’ve managed to avoid any major suspicion. Except for Trixie of course, that girl must be damned psychic or something. She senses something’s up almost immediately as she eyes me suspiciously with a wry smirk on her face. Then her eyes drop to the floor as she spots my red lace panties and a condom wrapper that we recklessly discarded to the floor earlier this morning. She quickly and discretely kicks them under the sofa, thankfully preventing Nikki from seeing them and discovering our secret. I’m so grateful and I sigh a breath of relief. Trixie raises her eyebrows at me and I can almost read her mind as she silently conveys her message, I’ll hide your secret for now, but Nikki will figure it
out sooner or later.

  Chapter 6

  The rest of the afternoon goes pretty quickly. Everyone comes back, catches up with each other briefly, and then gets ready for the evening’s activities. They soon all disappear and Cody and I are alone again. Cody strolls up to me and stands so close that we’re practically touching. The heat from his body surrounds me. He places his hands on my waist, his eyes penetrate into my soul, sparking instant desire. He asks, “So Kit, you gonna stay for a while and come on tour with us?”

  “I’d really love that Cody, if you’re sure it’s okay with you. You know, I don’t want to cramp your style or anything…”

  “Sweetheart, you’d never cramp my style.” He considers my comment for a few seconds then he frowns and adds suspiciously, “Besides what exactly is it that you think my style is anyhow?”

  I cringe with awkwardness and feel my face flame red. I look down at the floor, “Well…I’ve been on tour with you guys before…I know what y’all get up to…and…umm, you know…” I look up at him through my eyelashes feeling extremely embarrassed. Could this be any more humiliating? I feel so stupid. I know what Cody and the guys normally get up to with groupies and I don’t want him to feel that I’m suddenly going to get all possessive. I knew what this was between us. I don’t expect us to suddenly be exclusive, although I’m pretty sure that if any skank tries to touch him I’ll be right there to tear her away by her hair! Anyhow…

  Cody’s eyes suddenly start twinkling as he comprehends what I mean. He grins knowingly and chuckles, “Ahh, you mean groupies!”

  “Well yeah.” I mumble ashamedly.

  Cody softly grips my chin in his fingers and lifts my face up to his so that we’re again looking into each other’s eyes. “Kit, I’m not that much of a scumbag. I asked you to come on tour with me. I asked you because I want to spend some time with you, explore you, touch you, taste you. I’m not about to go off with some tramp for a quick fuck.”

  I hesitate before answering and then quietly murmur, “Cody, I know we’re not in a relationship. We agreed to just a hook-up and I don’t want you to think that I’m going to get all clingy…”

  I try to look away again, but Cody pulls my face back to his. He looks determined as he growls, “Kit, I know we agreed to a hook-up, but you know as well as I do that what we’re experiencing here is a bit more than just a one-time fuck. How ’bout we just see how this goes. I know I want more time with you and that’s not somethin’ I’ve normally wanted with any girl. I think we shouldn’t over analyze this too much. Let’s just take it easy and see what happens.”

  I smile nervously and whisper, “Okay.”

  “But Kit we’re definitely gonna have to be careful. We don’t want Nikki to find out. I’m sorta attached to my balls and I know for sure that if he found out I’d corrupted you, he’d come at me with a freaking knife.”

  I chuckle at his comment. “I don’t think you’ve corrupted me Cody, if anything it’s been me that’s corrupted you. I can be pretty convincing! But yeah, I agree, we need to be careful. I guess I’ll need to ask him if I can stay on tour with you guys. It might be a bit odd if I just don’t go home.”

  Cody chuckles and wraps his arms around me affectionately, “Yeah, good idea. You’ll have to ask him in the morning though because we go back on tour tomorrow afternoon so you’ll need to get it sorted before then.”

  “Okay, I’ll ask him at breakfast tomorrow. So, what shall we do tonight?” I ask expectantly, hoping that it’s more of what we were doing this afternoon.

  Cody kisses me on my forehead and then spins me around. He gently pushes me towards my room. I feel a tingle of excitement. Maybe he wants the same thing as me – to go straight to the bedroom! But to my surprise instead of following me he just slaps me on my ass and says, “Go get ready beautiful, we’re going out.”

  Hmm, out? Okay, not quite what I expected, but any time with Cody is good. I’m going to enjoy every minute he gives me. There’s always more time for bedroom antics later.


  Once we’re both ready we head out of the hotel where there’s a limo waiting for us. Cody is very gentlemanly and ushers me in first and then follows close behind. I know Pete the driver well. He’s been part of the support crew for quite a few years. As I jump in I cheerily chirp, “Hey Pete, how’s things?”

  Pete does a double take when he sees me getting in. A broad friendly smile covers his face, “Well hello there Kitten. You’re a very welcome surprise. I haven’t seen you for about a year or so and I must say, you’re looking absolutely stunning!”

  Cody quickly shuffles in beside me and promptly wraps one arm around my shoulder and places the other one on my leg just above my knee in an all too obvious display of possession.

  Pete’s eyes travel back and forth a few times between me and Cody, he grins then he says, “So you two huh?”

  Cody answers with a cheeky smile, “Yep.”

  “So what does Nikki think of that?”

  Cody shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, “What Nikki doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

  Pete looks flabbergasted. “Oh shit man, do you have a fuckin’ death wish?”

  Cody leans forward so he’s leaning across the front seat with his elbows resting on the seat in front of us. “Nikki won’t find out – will he Pete?”

  Pete just laughs and says, “Nah man, you know me. Absolute discretion is part of my job. What goes on tour, stays on tour and all that shit. Besides, I have way too many secrets on you guys. Hell, if I shared it all I’d make an absolute fortune!”

  Cody settles back down on the seat next to me and once again puts his arm around me possessively. “Yeah man, what goes on tour stays on tour.”

  The car starts moving and Pete asks where we’d like to go. I look to Cody and shrug my shoulders. Cody considers the options for a few seconds and then asks, “How does a movie and dinner sound?”

  His suggestion surprises me, “That would be really great. I just didn’t think that you’d be into that sort of thing.”

  Cody smirks and replies, “Well, we’re sort of on a date aren’t we? Isn’t that what people normally do when they go on a date?”

  I smile and reply, “Yeah I suppose…”

  Cody chuckles and says, “Well you tell me sweetheart, I don’t normally do the whole dating thing, so I’ll have to take your advice on that one.”

  I frown in confusion. What does he mean he doesn’t normally do the whole dating thing? He’s constantly with girls. Surely he goes out on dates almost nightly. I ask curiously, “What do you mean you don’t normally do the whole dating thing?”

  Cody grins sheepishly, “Well you know, I don’t normally get the opportunity to date, don’t have the time or need. Besides I never really had the desire to spend too much time with one particular girl, it’s normally just a hook up. I don’t need to do the whole wining and dining thing to get into their pants. The girls I come across are usually pretty much a sure thing!”

  I raise my eyebrows in a scolding fashion but Cody just shrugs his shoulders and flashes that cheeky grin of his. I ask, “So you think you have to wine and dine me to get into my pants?”

  Cody shakes his head as he slowly peruses my body and then rumbles, “Nah, I’m pretty confident that you’re a sure thing too, but a movie and dinner sounds cool.” He pauses dramatically for a few seconds, then he continues, “But later I plan to strip you naked and fuck you senseless.”

  I slap him playfully on his arm but I can’t stop myself from grinning. I ignore his last comment and reply, “Yeah, movie and dinner do sound sorta cool. I haven’t been to the movies for ages.”

  “Well that makes two of us.”

  Cody leans over to Pete and commands in a ridiculous posh accent, “To the theatre please driver.”

  Pete turns his head, raises his eyebrows and gives Cody a what-the-fuck look. Cody just grins at him. After a few seconds Pete decides to play along and smiles, “No problem Mister Sticks, theatre it
is.” Pete returns to his driving with a goofy smile on his face.

  It’s only a matter of minutes before we arrive at our destination. Cody instructs Pete to drop us off down the block so we don’t attract too much attention getting out of the limo. We get out and walk hand in hand up the road to the movie theatre complex. When we get inside there’s a cute lounge bar where we sit and have a drink before the movie starts. Luckily we don’t attract too much attention, mainly due to Cody wearing a beanie to disguise his easily recognizable hairstyle. He’s also wearing a long sleeved top that covers his distinctive tattoos.

  Pretty soon we’re told that the theatre is ready. We grab ourselves some popcorn and Coke and make our way inside. Cody guides us straight to the back row and as soon as we sit down he places his arm casually around my shoulder.

  The lights dim slightly and the previews and advertisements start to play. Cody leans over and gives me a chaste kiss on my cheek. His eyes twinkle mischievously then he announces, a little too loudly, “How does this work? Do I grab your tits now or do I have to wait until the lights go out?”

  I few people turn around and snicker at Cody’s crude comment. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. How embarrassing! I bury my face in the crook between his arm and his chest to hide my humiliation.

  “Well?” he prompts loudly, attracting even more attention.

  I mumble shyly, “Shush, keep your voice down.”

  Cody cringes and then whispers in an over-dramatic fashion, “Oh sorry sweetheart. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  Thankfully, as if on cue, the lights go out completely and the theatre is thrown into darkness.

  Everyone surrounding us is chuckling quietly at Cody’s antics and some wise ass yells out, “You can grab her tits now.”

  Cody yells back, “Cheers. I think I will.”

  He reaches over and gives one of my tits a squeeze. Jeez, I wonder what the hell I’ve got myself in for. I’m sitting in a dark movie theatre with a rock star that seems to have no idea of what appropriate behavior in a public place is. And even worse he has absolutely no shame at all. I’m not sure this was the wisest move on my part.


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