Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 11

by Tania Sparks

  The Oblivion guys all shuffle into place just behind the wings as they put in their ear pieces. The others grab their guitars and Cody gets given his drum sticks. Scott gives a thumbs up to the stage manager. The lights of the stadium go out and the whole place is thrown into pitch black darkness. I hear some shuffling and I know the guys are all sneaking off into position. The crowd are cheering and whistling in excited anticipation.

  Suddenly the stage bursts into life with an instant flash of color, pyrotechnics and fire cannons as Oblivion quite literally blast into their first song with wild drums, heavy guitar riffs and Scott’s rumbly vocals. Hell, I was right, their show is incredible. The sound at sound check was good, but this is louder, heavier and is even more intensified by the amazing light and fire show that’s exploding on the stage. The songs merge from one to the next in a never ending stream of awe-inspiring talent.

  They start to play ‘X-rated’ and I know that Cody’s drum set is going to do its thing. As the drums start to rise and move towards the front of the stage the audience explode in cheers of appreciation. Cody is in the spotlight and he’s totally the center of attention as he thrashes away in an extended drum solo. After an excellent display of drum-god splendor, he pauses for a few seconds, stands up and yells out, “Now that’s how you fuckin’ do it!” The crowd goes absolutely wild, cheering, whistling and yelling their enthusiasm. He sits back down and the guitars and vocals pound back into sync. The drum set slowly retracts back to its original position. Cody looks unequivocally elated. The show continues and all of Oblivion’s hits are played to an appreciative and exuberant crowd.

  By the time the concert is finished and the lights come back on I’m completely exhausted from all my jumping around and dancing. The guys take a bow at the front of the stage and then walk off towards me. I see Eve jump into Ash’s arms and Trixie literally jumps onto Nikki as they crash backwards until they hit a wall.

  Cody gets to within a few feet of me and then collapses on the floor, lying on his back panting in exhaustion, his eyes are closed tightly and he’s clutching at his chest. I quickly kneel at his side and start to panic that he’s having a heart attack or something! Why does no one else seem concerned? I screech, “Cody are you okay?”

  He doesn’t answer me. “Cody, Cody, are you okay?” I ask desperately as I give him a shake. After a few seconds he mumbles, “Come closer Kitty”. I think he’s going to tell me what I can do to help. Why the hell is everyone else completely ignoring him? He could be dying here!

  “Kitty come closer.” He groans again. I lean down and put my ear to his mouth so I can hear what he’s going to tell me, maybe he just needs a drink of water or maybe he needs a paramedic! I worriedly ask, “What is it Cody, what can I do for you?”

  The next thing I know I’m flipped over and it’s me who’s lying on my back and Cody who’s on top of me! He’s sitting on my hips, holding my hands securely at either side of my head as he hovers over me. He leans down, his mouth secures on my neck as he kisses, sucks and nips me frenziedly. I’m laughing hysterically and wriggling frantically as I screech for him to get off me. He continues to kiss me all over my neck, over my jaw and then on my lips. He lifts his head and looks me in the eye, his irises are burning with desire and in that deep rumble of his he purrs, “Thanks for waiting ‘round.” He just sits there, still straddling my hips, staring at me. He then he jumps to his feet, reaches down and grabs my hands and pulls me up. He wraps his arm around me and growls, “Come on, I need to go get cleaned up.”

  Chapter 10

  After freshening up, we head back to the hotel. I’m quite looking forward to a nice comfortable bed. It’s been an eventful evening and I’m exhausted.

  The whole band ride up in the elevator, but to my surprise we all get out one level below our penthouse and I realize instantly that there’s not much chance of getting any sleep tonight. The music’s blaring and an after-party is well under way. Jaded Souls must be staying in the same hotel but one floor down.

  As the Oblivion guys enter the crowd all holler and cheer in welcome. The Oblivion guys have massive smiles on their faces and high five various people as we walk through the crowd. There are so many people here already, the place is packed and pumping.

  Cody places his arm possessively around my waist and pulls me in tight. He nuzzles his face into my hair and mumbles, “Right, I learnt my lesson. This time I’ll pay you the attention you deserve. I’m not leaving your side all night, so you had better get ready to be smothered.”

  I nuzzle into his shoulder and mumble back, “Sounds pretty perfect to me.”

  We make our way over to the bar area and get ourselves some drinks then we find ourselves a couch to sit on. We’re sitting enjoying each other’s company, talking and appreciating the music when a familiar person wanders up to us. Cody grunts in disapproval. It’s Jared, the rocker that I had almost kissed.

  Jared confidently plonks himself down on the chair beside us. Cody eyes him suspiciously, his dissatisfaction with Jared’s presence is all too obvious.

  “Jared.” Cody growls confidently.

  Jared replies back just as curtly, “Cody. Kitty.”

  After a few seconds of very awkward silence Jared continues, aiming his words directly at Cody, “Look man, I thought I’d just come and clear the air. I don’t want any sort of shit between us. What happened before your show, I was just being friendly man, I didn’t know that Kitty was your girl or I never would have…”

  Jared looks my way and the look in his eye tells me that he’s not overly impressed with me not telling him I was involved with one of the Oblivion guys. I shrug my shoulders and mumble, “It’s complicated.”

  Both Cody and Jared raise their eyebrows at me in a scolding way. I roll my eyes and they both chuckle. I consider myself well and truly told off.

  Jared continues, “So anyway man, I just wanted to make sure that you realize no offence was meant. I wasn’t thieving your girl or anything. If I’d known she was with you, I would never have…you know, never have tried…” He pauses awkwardly, “Anyway, I just thought I’d come over and make sure that we’re all good.”

  Cody holds out his hand to Jared in an offering of peace as he mutters, “No harm, no foul.”

  Cody and Jared shake hands and bump knuckles. Cody turns to me and scans his eyes over me possessively, “Anyhow, she was by far the most stunning girl in the whole stadium. If it had been the other way around I would have tried my luck too.”

  They’re talking about me like I’m not even here. I wave my hands between them and indignantly comment, “Hey, I’m still here you know, I’m not some toy that you’re negotiating over!”

  Both guys chuckle as they apologize. Cody gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  Jared gets up, nods once at Cody and asks again, “So all good?”

  Cody replies, “Yeah, all good.”

  Jared holds out his hand to me, “Nice to meet you Kitty, I guess I’ll be seeing you around. Hopefully you’ll be sticking around on the tour for a while?”

  Cody answers, “Yep, she sure will.”

  I hold out my hand to shake Jared’s hand, but he lifts it up to his lips a kisses it tenderly.

  Cody squawks, “Hey man!”

  Jared lowers my hand gently to rest on Cody’s knee, and with a big grin on his face, just shrugs his shoulders.

  I look over to Cody, expecting him to be fuming, but he’s smiling too and shaking his head in exasperation. They give each other a chin nod and Jared steps away. He’s quickly accosted by a couple of girls who wrap themselves around him. He places his arms around their waists and disappears into the crowd.

  Cody pulls me in close, but to my surprise he grabs my hand where Jared had kissed me, lifts up the hem of his T-shirt and roughly scrubs at the back of my hand with it. “There, that’s better, the only lips that are allowed to touch your skin are mine.”

  I’m sitting grinning at Cody’s antics. “I agree, feel free to put those lips on an
y part of me.”

  Cody’s eyes snap to mine, “Any part?”

  I flirt back, “Yep…any part…”

  Cody jumps up, snatches my hand and pulls me up. “Right, we’re getting outta here.”

  I laugh at his enthusiasm, “But Cody, we’ve only just arrived!”

  “There’ll be plenty of other after-parties. Right now there’s nothing more I’d rather be doing than putting my lips all over…” he dramatically scans me from head to foot, “any part of you.”

  We quickly make our way back through the corridor. There are crowds of people flooding the entire space so we push our way through. Once we reach the elevator Cody stabs his finger at the button impatiently. While we’re waiting he wraps his arms around me and pulls me in tight. After a very short while, the doors open and we step inside. A few people try to follow us in but Cody literally blocks their way and with an angry death stare rumbles, “Sorry, this one’s full. No admittance.” We get a few irritated scowls from the people that had been trying to get in with us, but nobody else should be coming up to the penthouse floor anyway.

  The doors close and as soon as Cody has swiped his access card I’m immediately pushed up against the mirrored side of the elevator. Cody’s hard chest and hips pin me against the wall as my hands are held firmly above my head. His mouth is instantly on mine, our lips crush together and our tongues tangle. A groan vibrates in his chest as he ravishes me hungrily. His grip on my hands releases and he lowers his arms to my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and he moves lower, wrapping his fingers around my upper thighs as he lifts my legs, securing them around his hips.

  I’m pinned to the wall and it’s obvious he’s desperate to claim me. He leans back slightly and quickly removes his T-shirt. Hell he looks incredible and I can’t wait to run my fingers and tongue over every inch of him. But are we going to do this here, practically in a public place? He grabs the hem of my tank top and slowly drags it up and over my head, revealing my black lace bra. His eyes scour over me slowly and when his gaze finally meets mine he rumbles, “Hell Kit, you’re one damn beautiful woman. I still can’t fuckin’ believe it.”

  I guess we are doing this here! Cody’s eyes leave mine and I wonder why he seems to be staring straight past me and into the wall. It’s not until he flips me around and presses my chest against the side of the elevator that I realize our reflection is repeated a hundred times over in the reflection of the mirrored sides of the elevator. The image illustrates the desire not only on Cody’s face but also on mine too. It’s as hot as hell seeing us like this. In fact, I’ve never really been into getting it on in public places, but this is definitely hot. The excitement of possibly being caught, coupled with the images of us repeated in the reflection a hundred times over is making this experience incredibly exhilarating. Cody’s lips drift over my neck and my collarbone as he sucks and nips at my skin. Our eyes meet in the reflection and the lust between us is totally consuming, I can think of nothing else but how good we feel together. I want more.

  Our focus is rudely interrupted by the dinging of the elevator which indicates all to quickly that we’ve reached the penthouse floor. Cody releases me from where I’ve been pinned against the wall and leans down, picks up both of our tops and tucks them into the back of his jeans, he spins me back around so I’m facing him then lifts me up so that I once again have my legs wrapped around his hips as he carries me straight into the suite and into his bedroom. He closes and locks the door behind us.

  I expect him to take me straight to his bed, but instead he walks me over the floor to ceiling glass window at the back of the room. The view outside the window is amazing. We’re up extremely high and we’re looking out over the city lights. It’s a beautiful clear night and with a full moon it looks absolutely stunning. Cody unzips my jeans and tugs them down my legs. My panties, bra and shoes quickly follow. He then removes his shoes, socks and jeans so we’re now both completely naked. We’re standing right in front of the window, where anyone could see us if they looked into the penthouse windows. The thrill is exhilarating. His warm hands glide over my body, exploring, touching and leaving trails of warmth over my skin.

  He takes a step back from me and in a low rumble says, “Lie on the bed sweetheart.” I willingly do as he asks because I know for sure he has a plan that will make my body sing. Once I’m lying down on my back in the center of the bed I look up to him to see him standing watching me, pure lust is radiating off him. His cock is prominent and proud. It’s so huge and engorged it looks almost painful. Cody’s gaze travels over me slowly. I can’t stop looking at him, his chest is chiseled and solid, his tattooed arms look so strong and masculine. I watch as his hand moves slowly to his cock and he grips it firmly. He briefly closes his eyes in pleasure as a satisfied groan rumbles from deep in his chest. He opens his eyes and his line of sight moves to the junction between my thighs as he growls, “I want to see how you touch yourself baby, show me.”

  I move my hand and slowly start to touch myself, my fingers slide through my folds and I brush over my clit. I move my fingers firmly, causing my body to respond wantonly. I watch Cody as his hand starts to move up and down his shaft in a slow and deliberate stroke. Seeing him like this, seeing what I do to him and feeling how he’s making me feel, it causes goosebumps to prickle all over my skin. I can feel the warmth and wetness drip down my inner thighs. I think that even if I wasn’t touching myself, I’d be wet with desire just watching Cody pleasure himself. After a few minutes of enjoying the thrill of this shared intimacy, I definitely need more. Although my fingers feel good, it’s Cody’s touch that I’m craving. I practically whine, “Cody, please touch me. I need to feel you.”

  I don’t have to ask him twice as he instantly crawls up onto the bed and straddles over my body so he’s firmly pinning me to the bed by my hips, the look on his face is just as desperate as I feel. I look to his hands and notice that he has somehow found a black silk scarf which is grasped tightly in his fist. He erotically drapes the scarf over my body letting it tickle over my belly. He then moves to my breasts, causing my nipples to harden in anticipation. He then drifts the fabric down one of my arms, when it reaches my hand, his fingers clasp my wrist firmly as he starts to skillfully wrap the silk around my wrist and knots it securely. He lifts my bound arm and secures it above my head to the headboard of the bed. Then he loops the fabric around the headboard and adeptly secures my other hand. I’m now completely unable to move my arms and I’m so turned on that I’m practically vibrating.

  That sexy smirk of his covers his face as he confidently says, “Hmm, what shall I do with you now, you’re completely at my mercy. Shall I touch you with my fingers? Shall I suck at those luscious nipples with my lips and tongue?…or maybe I’ll taste your pussy that’s already so wet and ready…”

  He lowers his head, his lips secure around one of my nipples and he sucks and laps. His hand moves to my other breast and he twists and pulls my nipple with his fingers. I swear, if he carries on, I’m going to come. I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter already.

  He lifts his head and grins, knowing full well what effect he’s having on me. He shimmies on back and positions himself so he’s now kneeling between my knees. He has a full view of how wet I am for him and he growls in appreciation. “Hell Kitty, you’re so fucking wet, I can already imagine just sliding inside you, you’re so ready, so hot and slippery. How quickly do you think I’d be able to make you come?”

  I shake my head slowly, my hands are still secured behind my head and having him here perusing me with such heat, such passion, I know it wouldn’t be long at all.

  “How quickly Kitty?” he repeats.

  “Very, very quickly,” I reply.

  “I think you’re right, let’s see.” His fingers slowly trace a path up my thighs, my heart is pounding fast and my breathing gets quicker. I can practically imagine what it’s going to feel like when he finally touches my most sensitive flesh. He’s taking his time, making me wait
, building the anticipation with every single second. His fingers move in tiny circles as he moves higher and higher. He’s right there, almost touching, almost where I want to feel him. I can feel myself getting even wetter then his fingers make contact with my pussy and a jolt of pleasure ricochets through me. He slides his fingers through my folds and quickly finds my clit, applying just the right amount of pressure as he pulses his fingers in a rhythm that drives me absolutely crazy. He’s playing me like an instrument as my body pulsates in time with his movements. Then a couple of fingers slip inside, my pussy instantly contracts around his fingers. We’re both making sounds of pleasure. He starts to pump inside me and I know this is going to be quick, so very, very quick. My limbs start to shake as the tension builds, higher, stronger, intensifying. I can feel my orgasm building, reaching the point where I’m going to detonate, then all of sudden I feel an explosion of desire as my orgasm encapsulates me, every part of me feels it vibrate through me in waves. I’m floating, I’ve left my own body and I’m swimming in a pool of total amazingness. I lose track of place and time as I’m completely consumed.

  By the time I start to return to my senses I can see Cody watching me in admiration. He’s now moved back and is straddling my hips again, this time he’s balancing up on his knees, his cock is firmly grasped in his hand and he’s stroking himself rapidly. His whole body is tense and his face is contorted in pleasure. I can see that he’s so close, so ready. A groan radiates from his chest as he stammers, “Oh hell Kitty, please tell me this is okay, I’m gonna come and I’m gonna come all over your tits, if you don’t want me to, you really have to tell me now…”

  He looks so turned on, so out of control. I want to see him come. I want to see him totally lose control. It’s extremely hot seeing him so consumed with lust. I assure him, “I want you to come Cody, I want to watch.”

  I’ve barely finished my sentence when a prolific spurt of cum escapes in a rush of pleasure. Cody’s muscles tense, goosebumps prickle over his skin and he grunts as more is gushed over my breasts and is directed all over me. His face is contorted but his eyes are still focused firmly on my body. When he’s finished he seems fascinated with the wetness he’s created as he spreads it with his fingers all over my breasts and stomach.


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