As the night progressed, attractive men from fire fighters to oncologists appeared on the stage and had women fighting tooth and nail for a chance to win a night with them. After loosing out on a tall well toned restaurateur at $675, Natalie had given up hope and chose to retire her paddle for the night. She sauntered over to the abandoned bar and ordered a glass of white wine. Before remembering the sobering reasons s shouldn’t be drinking, she had finished the glass. The alcohol had a calming affect on her and she quickly motioned for another glass. After her third glass, she hurried back to her seat to see the final three bachelors, hoping that they were saving the best for last. Now feeling invigorated, she reclaimed her paddle and shot Eric a look of assurance that suggested that she would leave tonight with a man on her arm. Her hormones were now raging out of control as she ignored the moisture accumulating between her legs when the next bachelor appeared on the stage.
He was so beautiful that she was speechless. The announcer went on to give his biography and what he offered for a memorable date. She heard nothing and could only see herself in his bed with her legs wrapped around his waist. Eric noticed and jokingly waived his hands in front of his sister’s face, which now seemed locked in an erotic trance. The moment the bidding started, Natalie snapped into action. She was obviously not the only woman in the room that he entranced, because the bidding easily slipped past the two thousand dollar mark. Some of the wealthier women stayed in only to make it interesting, but dropped off once there was a bid off between Natalie and another woman at $3500.
The woman, who was radiant in an empire waist gown that showed off her diamond choker, shot Natalie nasty looks as she raised the bid to $3800, challenging Natalie to counter. The man on the stage appeared disturbed by this and Natalie assumed that he clearly wanted the wealthy looking woman to win. Choosing to save herself the rejection and reluctance that her winning bid might offer, Natalie did not counter. The auctioneer was about to strike his gavel and award the woman her date with the bachelor when Eric thrust his paddle into the air and pledged $4000.
Natalie looked on shockingly as Eric told her that she deserved this and he was gonna make sure she got herself a man tonight. Both the bachelor and the woman seemed shocked by this and looked on as Eric spoke to his opponent.
“Sorry bitch, you can’t have this one tonight. Go ahead and get you one of those little escort boys. This one right here is taken.”
The woman responded with anger and equaled disdain.
“I’ll be damned if I let you get him.”
The crowd riveted and offered oohs and aahs as the bid soared up to $6500. Natalie tugged on Eric’s coat tail to tell him to let it go, but he refused. After the bid rose to $7000, the woman finally relented and hissed a comment in Eric’s direction.
“Some people need a date more than others, what can I say?” She angrily folded her arms when she could no longer bid and passed, allowing Eric to win.
The crowd burst into applause and quickly erupted into quieted chuckles as they noticed the discomfort on the bachelor’s face. Eric used the opportunity to address the crowd.
“Oh lets be for real, it’s not for me. Do I look like I need to buy a date? This is for my beautiful sister right here…Natalie stand up.”
Both the crowd and bachelor applauded when Natalie rose to her feet. She basked in their adoration for a moment before heading to the stage to be escorted by her new date. The woman that lost the bid to Eric now looked incensed and stormed out of the banquet hall with her friend in tow. Eric and Natalie looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, miffed by her dramatic exit. By the time Natalie reached the stage, she was feeling flirtatious.
“So what can a girl get in this town for $7000?” Natalie asked while batting her eyes seductively.
The bachelor, clearly impressed by her long legs and very short dress took her by the hand and kissed it.
“Whatever she wants.” He remarked with equaled seduction. Natalie giggled with pleasure as the two walked over to take their pictures for the event’s commemorative booklet. As Natalie nuzzled against his broad chest for the picture, she allowed herself to inhale his clean scent. After the flashes went off, Natalie, now in ecstasy induced by alcohol and carnal attraction, looked up suggestively at her date.
“I know this is gonna sound silly considering that I just paid a small fortune for you. But I forgot your name.”
Her date’s smile broadened. He wondered when she would ask.
“My name is Marc. Marchevis Campbell and it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Natalie, with eyes full of lust responded.
“Funny, I think the pleasure will be all mine.” The two headed for the lobby where they would make their plans for the night and possibly for the morning as well.
Chapter 36 Sherise
“Girl can you believe this shit?” Sherise screamed to LaChan as they stormed into the lobby of the Washington Court Hotel.
LaChan was at a loss of words as she mentally recollected the events that had just transpired. She watched her friend escalate to hysterics.
“Oh my God, this muthafucka better not be on the down-low. Did you see how he looked when he saw the dude bidding on him? It’s like he was mad at me for trying to stop him.” Sherise conveniently chose to ignore that Marc’s anger was born out her infringement on his privacy and adamant plea for her not to come to the event.
LaChan finally spoke.
“How about the broad that he was bidding for? She was cute, but she aint all that.”
“Please! All of those broads in there were some high suddity bitches with money who couldn’t buy a date. You know I had to let Marc know that the shit wasn’t gonna go down like that.”
“Girl, you better handle your business, cause that chick looked like she was ready to give him some ass right then and there.”
“She saw me looking at her. She knew the deal when I walked out. I will hurt Marc if he even thinks he’s gonna tap that.”
Just as the two women finished their conversation, Marc emerged hand and hand with his new date. LaChan eyed Sherise to see how she would react. Marc instantly noticed Sherise, made dismissive and malignant eye contact, and quickly returned his attention to his date. His date smirked at his slight of her and leaned her head on his shoulder as they continued to walk further into the hotel.
“Girl, I know you not gonna go out like that. You better go get your man.”
Now seething and overcome with anger, Sherise battled herself to remain composed. She also knew that LaChan was watching her for a crack in her armor. Then, as if she remembered a sacred secret, she slyly smiled at LaChan.
“Nope, I’m gonna let him have her tonight. She’s just some tramp who he hit off at a hotel one night. I know he’s not gonna get her pregnant. Hell, he probably won’t even bother to remember her name. Me, on the other hand, I’m here to stay.” She punctuated her statement while rubbing her well-concealed pregnancy bump.
LaChan, still apprehensive, chose not to express her discomfort. “Alright girl, make it do what it do! This shit was wack anyway. Lets go, maybe we can still catch a few ballers buying out the bar at Fur.” Sherise smiled as the two agreed to return to their normal regiment of collecting and exploiting men willing to trade their fortunes for good sex and a pretty face.
Chapter 37 Ilene
Ilene drove slowly as she made her way to the hospital. The fateful call she been waiting for happened only hours after Charles had summarily dismissed any idea of saving their marriage.
She had successfully managed to sound concerned and shocked as Charles called her from Northside Hospital after being car jacked and pistol whipped. She literally held back her laughter as Charles, now humbled and meek, tearfully recounted the incident. She made a mental note to commend her “business associate” for being so prompt in his delivery.
Charles called her after regaining consciousness in the hospital and told her that he barely even saw the man that shoved the gun in his face
and demanded that he give up the Cadillac. Ilene was relieved by this relation. She wondered if the sense of security that Charles once commanded was shaken. She had hoped that his brush with death would give him a renewed sense of commitment to his family and their importance in his life.
As she slowed her pace and moved into the lane for slow moving traffic, she contemplated stopping for something like a cup of coffee just to further emaciate Charles’ now frantic state. It would be a small reward for how he spoke to her earlier today.
After pulling into the Krispy Kreme, she decided to change her approach and pulled back onto the freeway. She chuckled when she imagined the look on Charles’ face as he gave up his precious Cadillac. In the midst of the Atlanta area traffic, Ilene noticed the beauty of the mountains just north of the metropolis. They appeared serene and calm compared to the masses of people rushing to get nowhere quickly. She allowed herself to be serenaded by Miles Davis as she drifted closer and closer to the mountain range.
By the time Ilene pulled into the visitor parking garage of the hospital, it was an hour and a half from the time she received Charles’ frantic call. She pulled her hair down from its tight bun and ran her fingers through it wildly to deliver the impression that she was beside herself with grief. It only took her four minutes to locate Charles and compel a few tears at the sight of his swollen lip and black eye. She halted when she eyed his ex-wife standing over his bed talking to him. She bit her bottom lip and swallowed her rage that now ripped through her body. She knew that if she went off on her, she would destroy what she had worked so hard to build. Instead, she delivered a saccharine smile.
“Brenda! I had no idea you would be here. Thank you for coming, but everything is under control. I know you’re busy with those kids of yours, so don’t worry about MY HUSBAND. Yours must be worried sick with all that traffic out there.” Ilene leaned in and gave her husband a peck on the cheek and then continued her speech.
“Chuck will be fine. I’ll take care of him.” Ilene’s attempt at gratitude was ill received and transparent. Brenda did not neglect to reveal her true sentiment with an icy stare.
“No, no, no Ilene. It’s not a problem at all. He called and told me what happened, and I insisted that I get down here to see how I could help. So I switched my flight and was able to get here in no time. I wouldn’t have come so quickly, but he said that he called you and hadn’t heard back. He really needed someone here, you know…family. I’m glad you finally made it. Looks like you been through hell too. You sure you don’t want to get some rest? You look a mess.” Brenda’s words were mixed with sugar and venom as she rubbed Charles’ back.
He remained stoic and silent, undoubtedly uncomfortable with the union of his former wife and the mistress he left her for and married. Ilene, far from conceding defeat, remained firm in her plan to reclaim her marriage.
“Yeah, I stopped and got a few things from the drug store that his doctor said he might need to have around OUR house.” Ilene ran her fingers through Charles’ mini afro for added affect. “I’m gonna play nurse for a little while until my man is all better. You know, a little TLC.” Ilene’s smile told Brenda that her presence was quickly becoming obsolete.
Brenda, noting Charles’ discomfort, opted to diffuse the tense scene.
“Well alrighty then. Chuck, I’m gonna get out of here. But you call me if you need me.” Brenda collected her purse and jacket and headed for the door. Charles looked up through the eye that wasn’t severely swollen and replied.
“Hey Bren, thanks for everything. Really.” Brenda gave a knowing smile and walked out of the door.
Ilene felt sickened by the bond that the two shared, even after her twenty five year marriage to Charles. She never could emulate the intimacy that the two of them shared. She struggled to restrain her desire to slap Charles in the back of his head for blatantly showing his adoration for his former wife in her presence. Sensing her burgeoning anger, Charles grabbed Ilene’s hand. It was his attempt to connect with her and she didn’t resist.
“Ilene. Look, I know I acted like a jackass with you earlier today. Hell, I didn’t even think you would come after how I spoke to you…What I am trying to say is that I am sorry and I really appreciate the fact that you’re here.”
Ilene said a quick prayer of thanks as Charles spoke and decided to take the devoted wife role a little further.
“Of course I’m here. I’m your wife. That’s what I am supposed to do.” She fluffed the pillow behind his head for added effect. Charles felt compelled to respond.
“Ilene, about the divorce…”
“Nope. I don’t even want to talk about it now. Plenty of time to discuss things once we get you better. Meanwhile, I am going to go hunt down your doctor to see when we can take you home.” Charles’ face morphed into a half smile. He tugged Ilene back as she turned to get his physician.
“Ilene, look, I really need to tell you something. Last week, I…”
“Shhh. Whatever you did Chuck, I don’t care. It’s over now. I almost lost you and all I want to do is enjoy the time we have to together. Okay? Let’s just try and get past this. We can work out all of the details later.” Ilene said quietly to Charles, surprised by her ability to be so convincingly sincere. He smiled gratefully and kissed her hand lightly.
“Now let me find this doctor so I can get you home.”
“You are something else Ilene. You’re just something else.” Charles said as he gazed at her in awe.
“I try to be.” Ilene responded and headed to the hallway to find his doctor.
Ilene had hoped that two days of nursing Charles would make him reconsider his silly notion of divorce. She had moved back into the family home and wasted no time discarding the sheets stained with evidence of Charles’ infidelity. Though they were not intimate since he had severe bruising on his rib cage where he was kicked, Ilene attempted tender moments with him, nonetheless.
“I made your eggs sunny side up, the way you like them, Chuck.” Ilene said as she served him in their breakfast room.
Charles glanced up from his newspaper and smiled as Ilene placed the plates down and sat facing him. Ilene had a mission today. It was two-fold. First, she had to get Charles to completely dismiss his suit for divorce and second, she had to make sure that he attended her birthday bash as a happy and proud husband. Though she was a little disappointed that much of the swelling hadn’t gone down, she reasoned that it might earn her a few more points with the friend-foes if she appeared standing loyally with her recovering husband, battling back from a severe attack by random hoods. Charles interrupted her thoughts.
“Marc called. He’ll be in tomorrow night. He said that he missed his flight and had to grab the next one.” Ilene wondered why her son hadn’t called her directly. She wondered how news of their divorce would impact their relationship, since he was always so much closer to his father.
“Did you mention your attack?”
“Naw, didn’t want to upset the boy. He’s got a lot on his plate.” Ilene raised an eyebrow.
“Really? Like what? He never said anything to me. He always acts like everything is just fine when we talk.”
Charles regretted his statement and tried to redirect the conversation.
“Nothing serious, really. You know…bachelor stuff. A guy his age with so much going for him. I think he just needs to see us to reconnect. Too proud to say he’s home sick. He’s gonna be fine.”
Ilene didn’t believe a word Charles said. She decided to wait and see what happened when he got there.
“Speaking of reconnect Chuck, have you told him about our marriage issues?”
“I will get into it when all three of us are together. The boy is not te. People get divorced all the time.” His statement struck Ilene like a dagger. His mind was certainly made up, despite her very expensive scheme to get him back on her team. She would try anyway.
“So, I guess you haven’t softened your stance then. I mean, people have problems in their m
arriage all the time. They go to counseling, they get over it.”
“Get over it Ilene? I slept with a woman in our house and since my attack you’ve been acting like nothing ever happened. You’ve been sleeping with other men for most of our marriage, and you think a counselor can make it work. This isn’t a marriage for you, it’s an arrangement. I am not about to pretend that just because you spent a few days over here to help me out that everything is okay.” Ilene felt anger pulsing through her veins.
“So what am I supposed to do Chuck? Throw away a twenty five year marriage because of some insignificant people that we could care less about? We are a family, and families make it work. Okay, so I made some bad decisions, but does that mean that you don’t want me as your wife anymore? You haven’t exactly been perfect yourself.” Ilene peered into her husband’s expressionless swollen face.
“So I guess that makes us even, huh, Ilene? Look, I am not going to do this with you. Not today. This morning, you were all hyped up on your big party tomorrow. Let’s just focus on that. When it’s over, we’ll see. I’m gonna go lie down. I feel a little tired and I think it’s time for me to take my medication. You coming upstairs?” Ilene sat looking at Charles wondering if she should have invested a little more money to have her business associate finish off the job.
“No, you go ahead. I have a few vendor calls to make to see if everything is set.”
“You know you’re really good at this. You should think about working for one of those big event planning companies like Ridgewells or something. They have those shows all the time on TV.”
Ilene grimaced as she considered how much her husband consistently underestimated her.
A Price to Pay for Everything Page 25