Love Caters All

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Love Caters All Page 10

by Nicci Carrera

  The image of him as a little boy struggling with making a cake for himself all alone in his parents’ house squeezed her heart. “Oh, Rick.” She examined his face. He still wore a half smile as he shook his head as if to deny having feelings. “I am so sorry I gave you crap about your baking.” The thought of what she now knew to be cruel words sickened her.

  He unwrapped his arms, patted her hand and smiled. “It’s okay. I gave you a lot of crap about everything too. I’m sorry.”

  “Yours wasn’t crap. Yours was good advice. I was being stubborn.” She pulled her hand away.

  He sat up against the headboard and pulled her against his chest, stroking her back. “I like your stubbornness.”

  “You’re agreeing I’m stubborn?”

  “Of course not.”

  Rick asked about her past, which she answered simply. “His name was Garth Anderson.”

  “I dislike him already.”

  She laughed. “He wasn’t mean to me. But he misled me. I was just a summer fling to him, which is fine if it’s understood.”

  Rick’s eyes grew serious. “I don’t think of this that way.”

  “Nor do I, but I know the reality. It’s fine. My eyes are wide open.”

  He looked like he was about to say something but didn’t. Which was okay. More than okay. She’d never had anyone like him. He was good for her.


  His caress over the sheet covering her back woke her from their second nap. She moaned, found she couldn’t move.

  “You burritoed,” Rick said with a chuckle.

  “What?” Oh. His name for wrapping all the sheets around herself while she slept was burritoing. “I’m sorry.” Unrolling, she came around in time to catch his grin. “Were you cold?”

  “I survived.” A wicked gleam lit his eyes. “Come on. Let’s shower.”

  Ridiculously, given what had just occurred in his bed, she was self-conscious being naked with him in the shower. Rick allowed her to shampoo without ogling, turning instead to attend to his grooming ritual. Her comfort level grew. Rick used a small mirror with a suction cup that he’d stuck to the tiled wall. It was intimate and somehow comforting to watch this masculine man at work lathering his face in shaving cream.

  “You’re doing a good job shaving.”

  He cut her a sidelong glance without turning his face away from the razor. “In case I run into Mama when I drive you home.”

  “I think it’s interesting you call her Mama.”

  He chuckled. “Your mama?”

  “You said earlier you and she talked. About what?”

  “We had a heart-to-heart, so to speak. More about her than me.”

  “Like what?”

  “I told her she needed to start dating again.”

  What? Jealousy flashed. Maya was the only one who was supposed to tell Mama what to do. The bar of soap popped from her clenched hand, flew through the air and hit the tub with a loud thud before bouncing and landing again, this time with a painful crack across her toes. “Ow!”

  Rick’s eyebrows hiked. “Shit! Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” His concern brought a smile back to her face.

  Rick rested his hand just above her pubic bone and knelt. This was the part of her body where excitement had coiled for days. His hand’s pressure amped her hunger.

  “Let me kiss your toes and make them better,” Rick whispered. He meant to do it! With his head down, he didn’t see her reaction. He settled on his knees, lifted her foot. His lips grazed her toes. A tingling sensation jumped across her nerve endings. He guided her until her back connected with the cold tile wall with a soft slapping sound.

  “Do your toes feel better?” he said with a mischievous smile.

  “What toes?”

  He stopped.

  “Keep going!”

  The glass door slid open. Her fingers tightened then released, allowing him to step through the steam onto the bath mat.

  Where was he going? Her body clenched.

  Rick opened the mirrored cabinet and withdrew a condom. He opened the foil packet and slid the condom over his erection.

  Her tongue slipped out and wet her lips. A smile curved her lips when he turned to her. He stepped back into the tub and started to slip. His hand shot out, his palm connecting with the wall. Balance regained, he spanned her abdomen with his wet hand. He drew her to himself. His six-pack shot a jolt of anticipation through her body. His solid sinewy build belonged to her. How could this be? Tears of pleasure and arousal stung her eyes.

  He gazed deeply into her eyes, a hint of a smile on his wicked hard mouth.

  “What’s so funny?” She tilted her head to study him.

  “Absolutely nothing.” Rick lifted her into his arms and brought them both back under the spray of water.

  His warm hard thigh slid between hers. Her head fell back beneath the spray.

  “Mine,” Rick whispered. He was at her opening, power and ownership in his golden eyes. For the first time in her life she didn’t mind being owned. Maya’s arms slid around his neck. Their lips met.

  The kiss lasted a minute before he released her mouth to lap the water from the grooves around her collarbone. Rick’s tongue tickled her sensitized skin. Maya rubbed her nipples against his chest.

  Sexual fire burned in Rick’s eyes. His palms cupped her butt and lifted her. “Put your legs around my waist.” His voice was husky. Her arms locked fast around his neck and her fingers threaded into his thick hair. His hard shaft slipped inside her. She arched into him, ankles secured at the small of his back. Mouths found each other again. She drank in the tenderness of his kiss.

  He rocked her with slow sensuous thrusts and pauses. With each opening of Maya’s body Rick thrust. With each tightening, he paused. She tore her lips away from his. The tingles in her stomach grew and her mouth fell open. His gaze was locked on her face.

  “I’m close,” she whispered.

  “Let it go.” His hands tightened on her hips. He lifted her, brought them closer. Pent up tension ripped through her.

  “My turn.” Rick threw his head back, the cords of muscles standing out on his neck, his breathing harsh and fast. He came down to earth. His lips captured hers once again in a greedy kiss.

  Rick Nordan was hers. He belonged completely to her. Satisfaction filled Maya.


  A soft rap on her door sounded. Maya opened her eyes to bright light splashed on the floor below the curtains. Sexual images flashed, followed by a trickle of guilt.

  “Come in,” she said, with forced cheeriness. Couldn’t she be alone to sort out her feelings? Where was the guilt coming from?

  The door swung open, revealing Cara in all her glory. Even in a baggie night-shirt she looked like a goddess.

  “ got home late last night.” Cara sashayed across the room and sat on the foot of her bed.

  “What time is it?”


  Maya groaned, sinking into her pillow, pulling the other one over her face. Thank goodness it wasn’t a workday. A thought intruded. The pillow went flying as she scrambled to her feet.

  “What is it?” Cara said, jumping back a little, eyes widened.

  “Candy Dalton’s birthday party for her little boy. I said I would do it. I need to get baking.”

  Cara stood. “What time is the party?”


  Cara sat plopped on the bed, arms crossed. “What are you making for Bobby? A multi-tiered, layered cake?”


  “With buttercream frosting?”

  “No.” In the bathroom she turned on the shower trying hard not to think about all the good clean fun she’d had with Rick yesterday.

  Cara appeared. “A cake rocket ship?”


  “Is that whisker burn on your chest?”

  “No! Get out of here.” Maya lathered her hair. Cara was visible through the citrus scented steam, standing in the middle of her bath mat with her
knowing stare. Why had she ever missed her sisters when they were away at school?

  Chapter Seven

  Maya perched on the edge of the driver’s seat outside the community center, trying to get oriented. The downtown area swarmed with people. The success of the Oil and Water Art festival overshot all expectations, drawing tourists from far and near. Locals too. Between this, the Fourth of July carnival, the Lobster Crawl in August, and the Harvest of the Sea Festival in October, the town was booming.

  The Chamber of Commerce had been right to approve the traveling art show for the cove. Crowds milled not only around the show tents but all over First Street, Oak Street, and Maple Avenue in addition to Main Street and Pier Two where they were expected. The spillover was unintended, but wonderful. Not only was the show a boon to local artists, it generated a gold rush for the local businesses.

  Of course it was a tad crazy to have the Dalton boy’s birthday party, which was to be held in the community center on the main square, on this particular day. But what could you do? A birthday’s a birthday. Maybe an adult could deal with celebrating on another day, but not a little boy. Festival staff ensured the parking spots around the center were kept free for those actually using the facility. They had done their jobs well.

  Maya climbed out of the van. She ambled around to the back where she almost ran into Rick. He leaned against the truck with his arms folded, one foot propped against the side. She didn’t expect to see him for at least a day. Yet here he was. Dressed in gray shorts, blue running shoes, and a cream T-shirt. Perfect for a catering gig.

  “Hi.” Rick’s low voice wasn’t husky like it had been last night. It was disappointing to be back to normal conversation. He stood at attention, feet shoulder-width apart.

  Their shower scene ran through her mind. She smiled. “Hi, Rick.”

  “I’m here to help you with Bobby’s birthday party.”

  Warmth spread through her chest. “Well, step out of the way. You’re blocking the door.”

  Rick snorted. He shifted over a bit but stayed close enough she could feel his electrical currents in her space. “How are you doing today, by the way?” His tone was intimate, suggestive.

  Maya opened the van doors. Rick’s arms slipped around her belly. He pulled her into a spoon-hug. She indulged in a quick snuggle. “Better now!”

  The community center was decorated for a five-year-old’s birthday party. Balloons, toys, banners, but best of all, a dozen screaming kids. Bobby was laughing too. The happiness on the kid’s face as he played with his friends filled Rick’s chest with warmth. Rick had no opportunity to participate in normal, natural activities like this back home. He was too busy working.

  Maya worked too hard. Not that Rick could do anything about it. Best to embrace the fact that, if you wanted to see her you’d better be ready to roll up your sleeves. So much for a vacation. And yet it had been a break for him.

  He refilled the punch bowl. Today, Maya did double duty. She set up the cake and the other food plus played games with the kids whenever possible. She would be a good mother, just not with him, if her “eyes wide open” comment last night meant what he thought. Too bad she had those intentions just when he was starting to think long term. I wonder what it would take.

  Somewhere between pin the tail on the donkey and tag, during which Rick was called into duty, Maya disappeared.

  “Do you know where Maya went?” Rick asked Candy.

  Candy shrugged. “I don’t know. She went out the front door a minute ago. Looks like it’s just you and me now.” She batted her eyelashes. “It’s nice of you to help Maya out like this.”


  “You sure help Maya a lot.”

  “It’s the only way I get to see her.”

  “Oh, sounds serious.”

  What was he getting into with this woman? “Excuse me.” He headed outside.

  Maya was talking to some guy beside a new Porsche. She bent over, her hands on the windowsill. The driver was about Rick’s age. He wore a suit.

  “Get a load of those wheels.” Candy had arrived at his side.

  “Do you know him?”

  “Nope, but I wouldn’t mind.”

  Maya stood up straight, a huge smile on her face. The guy revved his engines. She stood poised on the curb. Her hand came out for an extended wave to the stranger.

  Rick went back inside. Candy followed. Candy batted her eyelashes. “I hear you were the one who cooked all the blueberry muffins served at Love Caters All the other day.”

  “Yep.” Who was that guy? Maya seemed to know him. Or else seemed very interested in him. Last night she’d made it clear she was just interested in short term flings. Something about having her eyes open now. Did she have her eyes open to another guy already? Was she already done with him? On to the next rich guy?

  “You know a guy named Garth Anderson?”

  Candy did a double take. “Garth? Yes, of course I know Garth.”

  “He dated Maya last summer?”

  “I guess you could call it that.”

  “Well what would you call it?”

  “Sugar daddy?”


  “I tried to get his attention after but no dice. Just so you know, I don’t mind taking Maya’s cast-offs. You can cook for me any time.” Candy batted her eyes.

  Oh geez. What was this? Pass-the-rich-guy around time?

  Bobby called for his mother, and Candy sashayed away. The door to the center opened.

  In waltzed Maya. “Hi, Rick. Sorry. Is everything okay in here?”

  “Sure.” He slopped some punch onto the tablecloth. “Damn, sorry.”

  “No problem. It’s just plastic.” She gazed up at him through a fringe of dark lashes. “Sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah.” He was leaving in less than a week. How could he complain if Maya had already set her sights on someone new? Women liked money. Grow up. That’s called real life. Reality. Hell, he was practically a reality show himself. If the “Most Eligible Bachelor” people had anything to do with it, he’d be raffled off on a television show. Would that happen if he were poor? Ha ha! He wasn’t that good looking. Yeah, he’d better get with the program. Maybe he shouldn’t have dumped Loraine just because she wouldn’t sign the pre-nuptial agreement. At this rate, he’d end up alone forever.

  Maya went back to work, starting with cleaning up the spill. At one point she had to crouch down to take a full hug from Bobby. She mussed the boy’s blond hair. Something she said made the boy laugh. She may be going through a phase right now, maybe because the guy last summer had made her jaded, but she would be a good mother someday. Too bad he was just rebound guy. He flashed on Maya teasing Naomi about the “rebound shop,” and he expelled an involuntary gust of laughter. Maya was funny. Ah…he couldn’t get too mad at Maya. He hadn’t made any promises either. But how was he going to get along without her to make him laugh? To keep him on his toes? A vice tightened across his chest.

  Maya didn’t notice his mood, though. Rick pushed his thoughts back, finding ease with their now familiar groove. He waited until they were alone to say, “It was really nice what you did for Candy and Bobby. It isn’t always all about business. I’m sorry I made it seem so. You have a wonderful community here. Very special.”

  They were in her van. Maya crouched in front of the shelves. She shoved a pan into a narrow slot. “Thanks. I’m glad you’re starting to see how special our community is.” She glanced up at him. “Want a piece of cake?”

  “No thanks. I nibbled. It was great. Can’t believe you made a rocket ship.”

  “I can make anything. Cooking school was pretty rigorous.”

  He tried not to visualize frosting all over Maya’s naked body. Too late. “So...who was the guy you were talking to earlier?”

  Maya slipped the plastic plates into a can marked dishwasher. “Oh, his name is Hugh Yates. I just met him. He wanted to talk to me about an opportunity. It sounded like he wants me to cater a really big
party. He drove up in a Porsche so he must be rolling in dough. You know, it’s a really good contact.” She continued about her work.

  He wanted to help but didn’t know where stuff went, so he stayed out of her way.

  Finally everything was organized. She put her hands on her hips and looked at him like she was just remembering he was there. “So...what happened between you and your fiancée?”


  “Right. Loraine. You weren’t too specific.”

  This change of topic interested Rick. Was that guy Hugh more than just a business contact? Maya must have been thinking about relationships while she worked. “Does it matter?”

  “No. You don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable.”

  “We broke up because she didn’t want to sign a pre-nup.”

  “Oh.” Maya’s tone was cool.

  She said nothing more. Rick would prefer if she did. Instead he received only professional courtesy while she locked the cabinets and led the way out of the van. With a formal thanks topped off by a handshake, she said goodbye. Rick was left to watch the back of the pink van heading down First Street.

  Great. Frickin’ great. But why was she so bent out of shape over a pre-nup? If her attitude wasn’t a red flag about her motivations, he didn’t know what was.


  After Maya left Bobby’s party, Rick strode up Main Street to the library. He steered around the art show for the moment. It was time to get on the Internet. Doc’s orders left him electronics-free, but maybe “The Captain’s Library” had public computers.

  A woman in fashionable attire walked down the sidewalk carrying a purse with a little dog poking its head out. Maya wasn’t a city girl with an expensive dog in her handbag. Maya wasn’t a pampered useless woman. She was a hard-working resourceful woman. Rick recalled Bobby’s smiling face as the boy wrapped his arms around Maya’s neck. The glass doors slid open. The library had the smell of all libraries, but with new carpet. While bound books lined the shelves circular tables offered computers. The library appeared well funded, like everything in Lobster Cove seemed to be. The McClintocks and the active town members kept the place in top form. He logged on but avoided e-mail. Doc’s face kept floating into view with those knowing eyes, so he resisted the temptation to get caught up on the news, to check on the market, to click on a link to his company name. Instead, he limited himself to the words Garth Anderson typed into the search bar.


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