Scandalous: The Senator's Secret Bride

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Scandalous: The Senator's Secret Bride Page 6

by King, Imani

  “What are we in here for? The last time you pulled me into a strategy meeting, we were convincing the mayor of Alexandria to go to a fundraiser with an actress.” I laughed, and Kelly looked at me with a gleam in her eye.

  “It’s something like that. We want Mr. Reynolds to be our movie star. Look at President Obama. He is handsome, and he has a gorgeous wife. Beautiful kids. He’s magazine ready. He’s dorky but he’s cool too. A sexy dad.”

  “Kelly, what are you—” John walked into the room, closing the door behind him.

  “What is this all about, ladies? I don’t see Sonia in days. She’s rolling all over the state, and Kelly, you’ve got some secret agenda before the fundraiser next week. Now, will one of you tell me what’s going on?” He looked between the two of us, and my mouth went dry.

  “Kelly, I don’t think this is—”

  “Mr. Reynolds, to put it simply, you don’t have a family life. And that’s not going over well with our voters over twenty-five.”

  “And?” John glanced at me and then sat down, straightening his tie. In the fluorescent light of the room, I could see that he was just as tired as I was.

  “You need a girlfriend. And you need to be seen with her at the campaign fundraiser, dancing, drinking, having a good time.” My stomach twisted and I put my hand to my forehead.

  “Oh God,” I muttered.

  “And why exactly do I need that? I have my policies, my desire for a better country… I thought those things were the legs I should stand on. Not some fake relationship for the cameras,” John said, his voice defensive.

  “Sonia, you hated it but you know how well it worked for the mayor. The American people like a bit of romance in their politics. And let’s face it, he’ll need someone to go to the inaugural balls with. To all of the fundraisers. To the galas. We’re ramping up, and he needs someone on his arm.”

  “I don’t think this is—” John waved his hands, unable to complete his thought.

  “It did work for the mayor. She’s right. And it’s worked in other campaigns. You might even find someone you want to be with.” I glanced down, and a pang struck me at my center. What if he did find someone he wanted to be with? I sighed heavily.

  “I don’t think it’s an option at this point, Greg,” Kelly said. “There are several women I’m thinking of for the role. You can go on a number of dates this week, and you can premiere with her at the fundraiser next week. Otherwise, you’re going to be the subject of unfortunate gossip. And that’s something we can’t have at this point in the process.” John rolled his eyes and turned to me again.

  “What do you think about this, Sonia? As the voice of reason?” I paused and put my hand to the back of my neck. All at once, the room felt oppressively hot and small. My gut pitched, queasiness coming over me. How would the practical, reasonable Sonia answer his question? I sighed again.

  “Kelly’s right, John,” I said. Kelly looked at me quizzically. I flushed red and swallowed hard. If this was Kelly’s strategy, that would be just fine. “She’s always right about things like this. You leave the outreach to me. I do the groundwork. She always does the magic.” John threw his hands up.

  “Fine. Just fine. It’ll piss Janice Howell off, Kelly. Are you sure we want that?” She nodded, a gleam in her eye. She had her master plan. “Okay, okay. Kelly, if you’ll get the team ready for the speech this afternoon, I’d appreciate it. You can go. And, dammit, I guess, keep me informed about whatever woman it is you want me to be seen with.” Kelly stood up to go, and I followed her, looking down at my shoes.

  “All right, boss.”

  “Sonia, you stay,” John said, reaching out and brushing me on the sleeve. The gesture was tender, awkward. “Please,” he added. Kelly looked back at us for a moment and then closed the door behind her. My pulse quickened, and I tugged at the bottom of my jacket, pulling it down over the waistband of my skirt. “You can sit down. Please.” I sank down into the chair where Kelly had been sitting, crossing my legs and leaning over my stomach. A wave of nausea hit me; I hadn’t been this close to John since the day he’d accused me of being a spy. I looked up at him.

  “What? What do you want?”

  “Why the tone? What is all this, Sonia? I thought we’d at least be… friends.”

  “You knew exactly what we were all along, John. I told you that what we had… it was just for one night. And when we discussed what I’d be doing with the campaign, I told you it was strictly professional.”

  “So you won’t mind when I start dating some woman Kelly picks out?”

  “No, why would I mind?” I glanced up at him. Those blue eyes were boring into me.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I was hoping you would.” I rose from the chair, ready to bolt from the door as soon as he let me go. After all, I have an election to win. I don’t have time for this funny business.

  “I don’t mind at all, John. In fact, I think it’s a marvelous idea.”

  “Really? A marvelous idea?” John rose and stood between me and the door.

  “Absolutely,” I said, pressing my lips together and stepping to the side.

  “Then why do I want you so much?” He stepped toward me, and I backed up, my ass pushing into the wall behind me.

  “That… that has nothing do with me,” I stammered. He lifted his hand to my cheek, brushing a stray curl behind my ear. My breath stopped in my throat, heat pouring through my core. Tilting my face toward his, he pressed his lips to mine, gently at first, and then harder, surer. His tongue glanced against mine, and I melted into him. He moved his hands down to my hips, squeezing hard before hiking up my skirt and running his fingers along the outside of my panties. My body responded with a quick rush of wetness. My center—the part of me that screamed to be loved and taken like a woman—screamed out, pulling for his body like a drug. I moaned, my legs parting as he hooked one thumb in the waistline and pulled my panties all the way off. They fell over my legs and down to my feet, and all at once my sex was throbbing, wet.

  “Doesn’t it?” he asked, moving his fingers to my clit and making one small circle over my sensitive flesh. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Your taste. The look on your face when you came.” He teased my clit again and then moved his fingers lower, slipping one inside and then pulling away. “Tell me you want me to stop thinking about you… and I’ll try, I swear.”

  “Don’t… stop,” I panted, taking his hand in mine and pushing his fingers deeper inside. His palm pressed against my clit, and he hooked his fingers, working my pussy slowly. I gasped as he pressed hard against my clit, moving his hand so that he could circle the sensitive bundle of nerves with his thumb.

  “Maybe it’s best, best that you’re out of sight… Because whenever I see you, this is all I want to do.” His thumb moved with aching slowness overly clit. “And we’d never win this damn election.” He moved his fingers in my sex, sliding in and out. I bucked against his hand, each agonizing movement sending waves of hot desire through my system. I closed my eyes, my mind focusing only on his hand against my sex, his thumb pressing hard on my clit.

  “Ah! Someone… someone will hear us. Someone will find out.” Even as I said it, I spread my legs apart further and threw my arms around his neck, moving my fingers to his thick, dark hair. He chuckled, pressing his palm hard against my clit, working the base of his hand in slow circles.

  “No one will know,” he said, kissing me hard. I moaned and leaned against him as he worked his fingers in and out. I trembled, my muscles tightening, my body on the brink of explosion. “Come to my room after the fundraiser.”

  “You’ll be there with some other woman… ohhh God,” I whispered, my voice raspy. He had hooked his fingers, pressing into my g-spot and massaging it hard as he circled my clit with his thumb.

  “But I won’t take her to my room and make her come,” he said, moving his thumb faster. My breath caught, my brain went blank, and the muscles of my stomach tensed hard. The tide of orgasm rose and crashed through my b
ody, the vibrations of release cascading through every nerve in my system. I groaned quietly and leaned into him, arching my back and bucking against his hand as the climax began to recede from the shores of my consciousness. “Say you will.”

  “Maybe,” I said, panting to catch my breath. He leaned in and kissed me again. He moved his free hand up to my breast, moving his thumb over one sensitive nipple. I stifled a yelp, glancing to the door.

  “Just this once,” he said. “Just one time more. Or… you could fess up to Kelly. Tell her you want to be the girlfriend for the pictures.” There was a knock at the door and my stomach dropped.

  “That wouldn’t be… that would be a terrible idea.” I flushed bright red and picked up my panties. Even with the shame I felt, my body still screamed out for more. God, how I wanted that man. There was no denying it.

  “Come on guys, we’ve got to get going!” Kelly’s accented voice lilted behind the door, and I prayed that she would at least respect John’s personal space. John pulled his fingers away, and I quickly bent to pull up my panties.

  “I’ll be a moment, but Sonia is coming now,” John said, his voice steady. I glared at him, smoothing my skirt down and grabbing my bag.

  “I’ll see you at the fundraiser,” he said.

  “Maybe,” I said again, opening the door and looking back at those cool blue eyes.

  I gritted my teeth as Kelly took my arm in hers. My body sang from the release he’d given me. For the first time in weeks, it felt as if my body had come back to me, the sexiness filling my body and soul.

  Damn him, I thought. And even then, I knew I’d be headed to his room, no matter the consequences.


  September 30, 2016

  Six Weeks until Election Day

  I stumbled back into my apartment at the end of a long, unseasonably hot day. I fell onto my couch, grateful that I’d mostly avoided John for the past week. Just like I’d done before, I had his schedule memorized. I made sure I arrived at campaign headquarters long after he’d departed for the day, and I always ran out before lunch, planning all of my external outreach meetings for the afternoons. I was gaining supporters and spreading the word about the campaign, garnering excitement at every turn. And at the end of the day, I fell into my own bed—alone—falling into a deep, dreamless sleep until I had wake for the next event. The pervasive exhaustion that I’d felt in Richmond had followed me home to DC, but that was all part of the campaign trail.

  Things were going smoothly.

  Well, almost.

  Tonight, I wouldn’t be falling into my own bed. Tonight, I’d be at the campaign fundraiser. And John—Greg—would be there with another woman. And from the emails and texts he’d sent me, it was very clear that he still wanted me to accompany him back to his hotel room.

  Sonia, I can’t stop thinking about you.

  Sonia, I saw you leaving the office yesterday, and you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

  Throwing my keys down on the table, I sighed heavily. Why did he have to creep into my mind whenever I had a moment of solace? The emails had all come through on my phone while I was traveling, and each one of them brought him back into my mind.

  His hands, pushing me against the wall. His lips on mine. His skin touching my skin.

  I paused for a moment before shaking my head, as if to rid myself from thoughts of John. I walked into my bathroom and hopped into the shower, making sure to condition my curls and shave my legs. Even if I didn’t think it was a good idea—even if it could jeopardize his campaign—I knew that I’d be meeting John, come hell or high-water. After my shower, I selected one of the dresses Kelly had lent me at the beginning of the campaign. I still felt a mess from my weeks on the road, suffering from a sore body and nausea that wouldn’t leave the pit of my stomach. But when I slipped the dress on, the graceful autumn blooms that adorned the full skirt made me feel more at home, more myself. And for the event, I’d have to be at my best and most charming. Otherwise, people would talk. Otherwise, people might notice my secretive glances at the Senator Hopeful, and something like that was the very seed of scandal.

  I ran out of my apartment, confident that I could balance it all. Excitement bubbled through my body, like champagne bubbles making their way to the surface. After all my time spent thinking about John, I’d get to be with him that night… even it would never happen again.


  As my cab pulled up to the Four Seasons, my body and brain flashed back to that first night I’d met John. Before I knew that he would be a senatorial candidate. Before I knew that he would be my boss. A thrill of heat and desire ran through my center, sending tingles through my nerves. I stepped out of the cab and made my way up to the front of the hotel, pausing for a moment in panic.

  Girl, what are you doing? Don’t you know better than this? I sighed.

  “Apparently I don’t.” I smoothed out my skirt and dabbed on the coral lip gloss I loved so well. I had precisely zero business messing with my boss, and I knew it was all doomed to failure. I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking about his hands gripping my hips. Warmth flooded my body, slickness coming to my sex. I nearly swooned right there, miserable with need. My body had been denied access to the man for only a week, and it was yearning, propelling me forward with an undeniable, primal yearning. I sighed and walked into the grand lobby of the Four Seasons. The room was already filled with campaign supporters, talking to each other and taking advantage of the open bar.

  “Champagne, miss? I hear Reynolds is about to make his speech and have the first dance with his new girlfriend.” A stabbing pain hit my gut, and I grabbed a glass of champagne.

  “Thanks,” I said, taking a sip. The alcohol tasted strange and metallic in my mouth. I swallowed, but my stomach lurched again.

  Great. I can’t even enjoy alcohol. I walked over to the bar and sat the glass down. It seemed like food even tasted strange these days, but it was quite likely because I couldn’t keep John from my mind. Like a silly schoolgirl crush.

  I walked into the main ballroom to a hubbub, tables set with perfectly arranged green salads and hors-d’oeuvres I didn’t recognize. Some of the constituents were already eating, nibbling at stuffed mushrooms and seared scallops. Just as I took a seat at one of the empty back tables, John’s voice boomed across the room. I trembled, that warmth shooting through me again. I was coming to this fundraiser not as the hardworking woman I’d always been—but as the toy that a man had requested. And even worse, I was turned on thinking about John using me, throwing me up against a wall and fucking me. My body nearly went slack at the sound of his voice, and I had to hold myself up from falling against the table.

  “Welcome, welcome. It looks like we have a lot of supporters who are showing their interest in a third party having something to say.”

  Cheers from the crowd.

  “And for that I thank you. But most of all, I’d like to extend my thanks to the leadership of my campaign team, Kelly Hernandez and Sonia Mills. These women have been keeping me in line, and they’ve planned the whole damn thing from start to finish.” My mouth went dry, and I sipped at my water, the condensation cool against my fingers. I saw John pull a woman to his side, and my body went uncomfortably tight. She was tall, blond, and looked like she was clearly from one of Virginia’s big families. Just like John.

  And so unlike me.

  “And to the newest addition to our campaign family, Sabrina Madden. She’s actually been keeping me company for some of these events, and yes, the rumors are true. We are dating.” I nibbled at some of the green salad, trying to drown out his words. There were cheers and laughter from the audience. I cringed. What if this woman really was someone that he cared about? What if she really wanted to be with him? I finished my salad, barely paying attention to John’s voice. I felt the vibrations of his speech where I sat. Though I didn’t hear his words, his presence wound its way through my body. I shifted in my chair, glancing up at him, uncomfortable with d
esire. His blue eyes seemed to come to me from across the room, and in that moment, my consciousness narrowed in on him and only him. Looking at him felt like stepping into the great divide, taking a dive over a cliff. He held onto the woman’s hand and raised their clasped hands high above their heads. The audience went wild, and I felt that stabbing pain again.


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