Scandalous: The Senator's Secret Bride

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Scandalous: The Senator's Secret Bride Page 13

by King, Imani

  “I want to watch you come again when I’m inside of you.” I nodded, catching my breath for a moment. I knew I would come—and fast—when he entered me. I watched as he pulled off his button-down, several buttons popping as it tightened over his broad chest. I bent down to help him with his buckle, moving my hand over his cock, already stiff and wanting. He unzipped himself and stood, stepping out of his pants and his boxers. “You want that too? To feel me inside of you.” He brought his hand to my chin and tilted it towards him.

  “Yes,” I whispered. My body thrummed with longing. I brought my hand to his cock, stroking it, listening to his breath come in shorter gasps. Falling to my knees, I brought my lips to his thick, gorgeous cock, giving into the deeply physical need I felt whenever I was with him. I wanted to taste him, to touch him, to make him groan with pleasure. I flicked my tongue over the head, and took him in my mouth, all the way back. I swallowed, listening to his breath change as I massaged his cock with my throat. I sputtered for a moment, still not used to taking a man like this, not used to welcoming sex back into my life… and having nothing go wrong. Gently, he bucked against my face, and I welcomed him in deep in my throat, flicking my tongue over his head and shaft.

  “Hold on, baby. Oh God, that’s good. Wait baby.” He groaned again and pulled away from my mouth. “I want to come while I’m inside of you.”

  He helped me up, his fingers moving to the buttons on my shirt, tossing it aside. He reached around and unhooked my bra, tossing it on the sofa and exposing my sensitive, aching breasts to the air. He cupped them gently, moving his lips to one nipple and sucking ever so gently. John took my other nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it, sending fire through my veins and into my waiting sex. I groaned, throwing my head back, the pleasure pouring through my body in great, rolling waves. In one smooth, swift motion, he lifted me and carried me over to my bed.

  “Studio apartment. Everything’s within reach,” I said, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing his clean, smooth skin.

  “I like it that way.” He placed me on the bed, moving me to the edge, his hands firm and gentle. John lead down and kissed down over my belly and to the tops of my thighs. “You want this?”

  I nodded. “Right now, this is the one thing I know I want.” He leaned into me, pressing his cock against my aching, needy sex. He pushed himself into my entrance, and I groaned, throwing my legs around him and pulling him in, desperate to be filled. I thrust my body against his, welcoming him. He panted and groaned, leaning back and thrusting hard inside me. John slowed, his eyes meeting mine.

  He fell into a slow rhythm, pushing all the way inside and hitting against my clit with each movement. I gasped. This is what it would be like to fall into him, to welcome him in my bed each morning. He pumped into me, slow and sweet, bringing me closer and closer to the edge. My muscles began to tighten, each cell in my body full of sweet, agonizing pleasure. I groaned and clutched the covers in my hand as he pumped into me, sending me into a wild, soul-shattering release. My legs shook, wrapped around him, as he thrust into me hard, panting and letting out a long moan. John shuddered, pushing inside of me harder, reaching his climax and pulling me into him as he came deep inside of me. He fell down onto the bed beside me, and I sighed, pressing my lips against his shoulder. It was sweet and quick—like we’d been together for years. My body hummed with the pleasure of being close to him, breathing his scent, taking him in just like a woman in an ordinary relationship.

  “No matter what you decide, I’ll be here waiting for you. Can’t you imagine that it would be a beautiful life… you and me?”

  “Yes, I can imagine it.” The words slipped out of my mouth.

  “The next time you see me, we’ll be a week away from the election. Maybe we can talk then. Figure out a plan.”

  “John, you know I’m still conflicted. I’m not the type of woman who can be a senator’s wife, play the game. Head up the Junior League. I need the thrill of the political game. I need it like my own lifeblood. It’s what I was born to do.” He nodded.

  “I know you do.”

  “For now, we could just start by spending the day together, not thinking out the rest of our lives.”

  “Okay,” he said. “I can do that. And for the next few weeks, we can stay a secret, avoiding all the trouble of the outside world.” I nodded, wondering just what this was, this secret thing we had tried so hard to keep hidden. When I was with John, there was so much that was good, so much that was right.

  “Why do we have to keep it hidden? I mean, if we were going to give it a try?” I covered my hand with my mouth, shocked to hear those words falling out of my mouth.

  “We can’t give ourselves over to the scandal of it, not yet… to the people who would try to hurt us. The people who would try to hurt you. The marriage, the contract. It ties you to me so that people won’t accuse me of having a secret affair—and so that they can’t accuse you of going after me. But not if we go shouting it to the world just now.” I turned away, wondering what lay hidden in his words. For someone so impulsive, for someone so joyful, he was hellbent on protecting his election. And he said all those things about protecting me—how could he protect both?

  But I let him hold me, let him stay. There was nothing else I could do. As surely as the gravity held me to the earth, I was bound to him, now more than ever. The next time I saw him, at his final campaign speech in Richmond, I would still feel the same way, bound to him for a brief moment in time.

  But we had no idea what trouble lay ahead.


  October 28, 2016

  Nine Days until Election Day

  The next weeks went by in a blur. There were times I would forget I was pregnant—that I’d ever married John. Election season was at a fever pitch, and John and Janice were neck and neck in the polls. I worked my magic with supporters, pulling both parties to our side as John started to pull ahead of Janice in popularity. We had John’s charm going for us. Not to mention the handsome face, the salt-and-pepper hair, and his perfect physique. Those things went over well with our consumers.

  When I walked into the gorgeous old hotel in Richmond, though, everything came crashing back to me. And I felt my need for John sweeping over me in a wave. Kelly took my arm as soon as she saw me, and she rushed up to me, drawing me into a hug.

  “I have a bad feeling about tonight,” Kelly said. “Everything has gone too well, Sonia.” She looked around the grand hall at the Jefferson. John had just delivered his final Richmond speech before the election. And this was the first time I’d laid eyes on him in three weeks. Since then, my belly had become much more conspicuous. I pulled my shawl around my shoulders and over my stomach, glad that full skirts were in fashion.

  “What kind of bad feeling, Kell? It seems like the wedding shut Janice up for a while.”

  “Sonia, lower your voice. I think Janice knows something. Our guy got the pictures off of her laptop, but she’s been way too quiet recently. She’s going to do something, hit us somehow.” She leaned into me. “Who knows about the pregnancy?”

  “John, me, you. And my doctor. He’s in Maryland. I don’t think he knows who the hell is running for Senate in Virginia.”

  “That’s all good and well. But I had the thought… Those people at the hospital.”

  “We went under different names. John knew some head surgeon at Alexandria Hospital who arranged everything, covered it all up.”

  “I just have this feeling, Sonia. That it’s too good. Polls are too high. John looks like he’s going to win, and that makes me nervous.” She drew out the last syllable of “nervous” and gripped onto my arm.

  “For once, Kelly, I’m going to say we’re okay. Maybe. For right now. We’ll just enjoy tonight.”

  “Alright my darling.” Kelly kissed me on the cheek and ran off to one of the tables people were crowding.

  I followed her into the grand hall where John was chatting with supporters. The Jefferson was a histo
ric old hotel in Richmond, grander and more beautiful than any I’d seen in DC. And the food was some of the best I’d ever tasted. But tonight, I wasn’t worrying about the food from anywhere. I was worrying about Janice Howell and the information she might or might not have. Kelly’s words stuck with me. I watched John talking to his loyal followers, wondering if we were safe. I hadn’t taken too much time to consider if we were or weren’t recently. There were too many other things that seemed important.

  She’s going to do something, hit us somehow.

  I gulped, moving my hands down to my belly. At twelve weeks pregnant, I was beginning to show ever so slightly. All of the people at the office were far too invested in their own lives—and in the goal of getting John into office—to notice. John hadn’t laid eyes on me in three weeks, and we hadn’t even had a chance to talk since our wedding day. There were a few emails here and there, mostly reminding me to take my vitamins.

  Each word from him hurt me, scorched me in a way, reminding me of the pregnancy I was trying so hard to forget. But knowing that he was somewhere, thinking of me—sometimes it got me through the day. It was a strange thing, this limbo we were in. There were moments I couldn’t keep my mind off of him, off of his body and his hands. John was so charming with all of his fans, all the people who loved him. He hadn’t seen me, and for once, I just observed him.

  John leaned down to grab a card for one of his growing band of fans. When he looked up, he saw me. His eyes rested on mine for a moment before sweeping over my body. He handed the card to his supporter, looking back into my eyes. All at once, a great warmth spread through me, filling me with the sparks and light of John’s warmth. I hadn’t felt that for weeks, not since he went home with me on the day of our wedding.

  “Just a second,” he said to the crowd around him. “There’s someone I need to talk to.” Unabashed, impulsive as ever, John walked over to me and took my hands in his, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

  “John! You can’t!”

  “You’re my wife,” he whispered, leaning in close again. “I can do whatever I damn well please.”

  “John,” I said, putting my hand on his arm, “I’m nobody’s wife. Not really. I haven’t even seen you in—“

  “If you were my wife,” he said, taking my arm in his and walking me out into the hallway, “You’d be the wife of a man running for US Senate. And if you were my wife and the outreach director for my campaign, well you’d hardly see me in the month of October.” He led me out of the room and down an empty hallway.

  “Hey now,” I said. “I haven’t even seen you in forever, and the first thing you’re trying to do is make out with me?”

  “I missed you Sonia.” He encircled my waist with his broad hands and leaned in, his lips crushing against mine. His kiss pulled me in, his lips tender and sweet, searching and hungry against my own.

  “I missed you too. It’s been a while,” I said, pulling away slightly. “I appreciated the emails. But I do remember to take my vitamins.”

  “I know. I just didn’t know what to say. Is it okay if—if I ask about the baby?”

  “The baby. The baby is fine, I think. I’ve been to my doctor once since the wedding, and he says everything is going well. My iron count is higher since I started taking the pills. Everything is okay.”

  “I know you still don’t know what you’re going to do, but I just think about you. That’s all.”

  “I know. I am keeping the pregnancy, you know. I just don’t know about… adoption, or anything like that.”

  “For what it’s worth, you’d be a great mom.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “You’re kind when you need to be, stern when you need to be. And there’s a core of you, something beautiful and good. A child would be lucky to have you for a mother.”

  “I just don’t know a thing about being a mom. And I’m no more decided than I was a month ago. And we’re no further along in our—”

  “Relationship? Yes, we can call it that,” he said. John twirled me around and caught me in his arms. “I’d be there. I’d be more than happy to give this a try. Take you on a date, at least. You’re the kind of woman I’ve always needed. And it took being away from you to know it.”John brushed my hair aside and kissed me on the cheek, moving his lips to mine again, hungrier and more insistent this time. He pushed me against the wall, lifting a hand to my breast and moving his thumb over the highly sensitive nipple. I moaned, a rush running through me as he gripped my waist and leaned in to kiss my neck. His lips were hot against my skin, his fingers reaching up to trace the neckline of my dress.

  “John, come on.”

  “I can’t help it. I’ve been thinking about you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve wanted you, Sonia. And I can’t help but say… pregnancy suits you. You look incredibly sexy. I have to get back to the event, but I want to see you tonight.”

  “John, I thought we were through with that. It’s only gotten us into trouble.” He brushed his thumb over my nipple again, bringing it to stiffness. A hot rush ran through my body, sending that aching need to my sex. I knew I would see John that day; I just didn’t know how it would affect me.

  “But we’re married. At least a little bit. Why can’t we do what we want for once? Wouldn’t it be nice to come back to my office here at the hotel for a moment after the speech? I can show you what I’ve been thinking about.”

  “John, I don’t know. Yes, it would be nice. But we have to think about Janice and what she knows. She could very well have cameras planted here too.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Married,” he said, kissing me again. The flames traveling through my body took me over, sparking and growing steady through my thighs and into the pit of my belly. Yes, yes I do want this man. I’ve been wanting him. I need him, I thought. He’s mine. I have every right.

  “She can still get us. I know it. She’ll find a way to spin this thing that isn’t good for either of us. I know she will,” I said.

  “She would have made her move by now. We don’t have to walk on eggshells anymore. We really don’t. Let me convince you just this one time.”

  “Maybe this once, but we can’t keep doing this unless we have plans for... I don’t know, everything.”

  “I’m trying to convince you, Sonia, that this is real. It’s just a secret for the time being. We can’t afford to lose the election—”

  “Let me stop you right there, John. It’s secret because neither of us knows what we’re doing. You’d admit to the world if you thought it was real.”

  “Sonia, so would you. You keep running away—”

  “It seems like you’re the one running. Not running away from me, but running to the election.You know what? Let’s not do this again.” I pulled away from John, but he caught my hand.

  “Please. You know I want you.”

  “I want you, too. I think I want something else as well.”

  “Then let’s tell the world. Let’s tell everyone. We can announce it tonight, Sonia.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Kelly would put you out of your misery before she let you do that,” I said.

  “She doesn’t have the final word. I do,” he said.

  “What if I said yes? What if I told you that’s exactly what I wanted?”

  “I’d tell you you’re crazy. And I know that you wouldn’t do it before the last vote was cast.”

  “I might.”

  “John, we’re still on shaky ground. It’s not sturdy enough, not right now. It’s built for sex—not surviving a scandal. And one of our own creation.” John let my hand go and nodded.


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