A Little Bit Naughty

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A Little Bit Naughty Page 3

by Anne Rainey

  Feeling a little more confident, Amanda murmured, “I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  One side of Leo’s mouth kicked up into a crooked grin. “Good answer, sweets.” He stepped back and dropped his hand. “Now, how about dinner? I don’t know about you, but I’m starved.”

  He moved around her and headed toward the kitchen. Amanda took a few seconds to calm her racing heart. When she heard him call out to her, she smiled. For the first time in her life she was actually going to enjoy one of the Harding family reunions. Go figure.

  Leaving the bedroom behind, Amanda went in search of Leo. She found him bent over, peering into the refrigerator. She licked her lips at the sight of his jean-covered ass. When he straightened and turned, Amanda’s cheeks heated. Had he noticed where her gaze had been?

  “Your mom thinks of everything doesn’t she?”

  Okay, so he hadn’t seen her eyeballing his butt. Whew. “Uh, yeah, pretty much.”

  “She’s left us hamburger meat, hot dogs and there’s even potato salad in there. Looks homemade too.”

  At the mention of her mother, Amanda relaxed a little more. Moving toward a cupboard, Amanda found two plastic cups, took them out and placed them on the little table in the center of the room. “Mother wouldn’t have us eating store-bought potato salad. In her opinion that’d be tacky.”

  Leo leaned against the counter, as if content to quietly watch as she took out plates, utensils and napkins. It wasn’t until Amanda opened the refrigerator and took out two cans of pop that he finally spoke. “So, what are you in the mood for?”

  You, she ached to admit. Instead she said, “How about hot dogs?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “There’s a grill out back, but that’s a lot of work and we’re both tired. How about we just nuke them?”

  “That’s fine by me.” He pushed away from the counter and took her by the shoulders, turning her to face him. “In fact, how about you go take a nice long bath. I’ll get this.”

  Amanda thought of the Jacuzzi and practically moaned. Massaging jets of hot water? Oh, yes, definitely what she needed to relax her frayed nerves. “Are you sure?”

  Leo chuckled. “I’m not helpless, Amanda. I can microwave a few hotdogs without help.” Leo reached around her body and swatted her on the bottom. “Go. Relax and enjoy. Let me take care of this.”

  Amanda stiffened. Leo had delivered a friendly little spank before. It didn’t mean anything. Except this time his hand had lingered a second longer than usual. And, Amanda admitted, she liked it. Too much. Unable to speak without possibly revealing how easily his touch affected her, Amanda silently and swiftly left the room.

  A bath. That’s what she needed. A hot soak, some food to settle her rumbling stomach and a good night’s rest. Tomorrow she’d feel more like herself. As she stepped inside the bedroom, Amanda’s gaze strayed to their luggage. Why had she agreed to share the same bed? How in God’s name was she supposed to actually sleep knowing Leo lay mere inches away?


  Leo’s cock hardened. He’d knocked. Twice. He’d even called her name a few times. Entering the bathroom uninvited had been his only option. Hell, she could’ve drowned, right? What else could he do but check on her? As he stared at the bubbling water, Amanda’s head back, eyes closed, he knew a moment’s guilt. He should look away. At the wall, the sink, the damn toilet, anywhere but at his friend’s naked body, which, by the way, just happened to be barely covered by hot, bubbly water. He couldn’t really make out anything, he told himself.


  Pink. Bubble gum pink to be more accurate. Now he knew what shade her nipples were. And there went his cock, again. More of that and he’d have a friggin’ zipper print tattooed permanently on his dick.

  “Amanda?” he called out, unwilling to wake the sleeping beauty, but much more of this and he wouldn’t be able to keep from reaching out and stroking something. Anything. Everything.

  A slow smile spread over her face. “Hmm?”

  Christ, that was a sexy look. “Uh, sweetheart, you need to get out of the tub now.”

  Her eyelids shot wide, and she yelped. “Leo!” Slick, feminine hands covered round, firm breasts as water sloshed over the sides of the tub. “What are you doing in here?”

  Quickly turning away, he rushed to say, “I’m sorry, but I tried knocking and you didn’t answer. I was worried.” Yeah, look away now, asshole, after you’ve had a good eyeful. “Uh, dinner’s ready.”

  “I… You—”

  “You’ll be right out. Got it,” he helpfully supplied.

  “Yes,” she squeaked. “Right out. Yes.”

  Leo left the room, and the slick, sleek goddess behind. It was no easy feat. In fact, he would have rather stood under a beehive covered in honey than leave Amanda in that moment. Damn, what he wouldn’t give to go back in there. To watch her rising out of the water. Little droplets streaming down her voluptuous body. She wouldn’t even need a towel—he could just lick her dry. Leo glanced down at his crotch and groaned. “Christ, you need to chill, bud. She needs time.”


  The feminine voice had him stiffening, and not just his spine either. He sent up a silent prayer that Amanda was naked, that she’d decided to put him out of his misery after all. He turned slowly and then Leo’s hopes fell. She wasn’t nude. ’Course, the little pink tank top and black cotton shorts did wonders for her curves. His cock sure as hell approved. Large, round breasts and wide hips had his mouth watering. A bite, a suck, that’s all I’m asking. Is it so much?

  With her hair wrapped up in a towel and feet bare, she looked sweet, adorable, innocent. He was none of those things. And it didn’t matter because she wasn’t going anywhere. Before the weekend was over he’d have her naked and in that great big bed. And he’d finally get to taste all that creamy satin.


  Too late Leo realized he was just standing there, staring, probably making her nervous as hell. “Uh, the hotdogs are probably cold. But the rest is ready. Hungry?”

  She smiled and looked down at the floor. “Yeah.”

  Was she embarrassed? Okay, that was a stupid question. Of course she’s embarrassed. Leo stepped forward and cupped her chin in his palm, forcing her to look at him. “Sweets, it’s okay. I didn’t see anything except a boatload of bubbles. It’s cool.” A lie, but he figured he could be forgiven this time. He didn’t want Amanda uncomfortable.

  She grinned. “Leo, your body language is telegraphing the fact that you definitely did too see something.” She patted him on the cheek. “But thanks for saying you didn’t.”

  Shifting like a schoolboy caught looking at the popular girl in class, Leo asked, “You noticed that, huh?”

  She shrugged. “It seems to be happening quite a bit lately.”

  No way could he go down that road, not unless the woman was ready to be tossed onto the bed and ravished from head to toe. And he really didn’t think she was ready for what he had in mind. Soon, Leo consoled himself.

  Taking her by the shoulders, Leo steered her out of the room. “Food, woman.”

  “I’m famished. I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks.”

  He’d known she was hungry. Amanda didn’t function well on an empty stomach. “You didn’t eat on the plane.”

  After entering the kitchen, she sat at the table and picked up a fork, then dug into the potato salad. “I was too worried.”

  Leo took the seat across from her and dug into his own food. “And now?”

  She swallowed, then picked up her glass of pop. “This might sound crazy, but I think this weekend is going to work.”

  He waited for her to take several drinks before replying, “You doubted me?” He slapped his palm over his chest. “I’m crushed.”

  She laughed and shook her head before turning her attention back to her plate. By the time she finished it off Leo had cleared his plate. He sat back in his chair, happy to watch her devour her meal one delicate nibble at
a time.

  “This pie is heavenly,” she said, spooning up some of the cherry treat.

  “It was tucked in the back on the bottom shelf. I could kiss your mom for thinking of it.” Leo rubbed his stomach and said, “Cherry is my favorite.”

  Amanda peeked up at him, then winked. “I know, silly. I told her that on the phone.”

  Leo sat up straighter. “So the pie was your idea?”

  Dabbing at her lips, Amanda said, “Yep,” clearly pleased with herself.

  Leo pushed the plates aside, then leaned across the small round table. “Then maybe I should kiss you instead.”

  Amanda licked a stray crumb. Her brown gaze seemed glued to his mouth. “Maybe you should.”

  Ah, Leo thought, the magic words. “Close your eyes for me, sweetheart.” When she obeyed without question, Leo’s cock saluted. He wanted to play. To drive her so wild she’d do everything he wished. Her lashes began to flutter open, but he touched each lid with a kiss, effectively keeping them closed. “No. I haven’t thanked you properly yet.”

  She remained quiet, her eyes staying closed, thrilling the hell out of him by her gentle submission. Leo reached out and took the towel wrapped around her head and tugged. It loosened and fell to the floor freeing her long, golden blonde hair, still damp from the bath. He caressed the shiny wet strands, letting them filter through his fingers. “You have such beautiful hair, Amanda. So soft and baby fine.”

  Leo trailed his hand down the length of it, then smoothed one finger over her neck. Her head fell to one side and she let out a breathless moan. When he touched the pulse beating wildly in her throat it seemed to quicken right under his fingertip. He leaned in closer, as close as the table would allow, then inhaled her feminine fragrance. “You always smell like cinnamon rolls.” He inhaled, then adjusted his assessment. “No, that’s not it. It’s the icing on the cinnamon rolls. Tasty. Makes me want to lick you from head to toe.”

  “Leo, please,” she begged, leaning toward him, as if as turned on as he.

  “I’ve been thinking of this, sweetheart. Every second since that kiss in your backroom. Kissing these pretty lips and hoping it won’t stop there.”

  Amanda’s mouth fell open. As if to protest? He wasn’t going to wait to find out. Covering her mouth with his own, Leo tasted the sweetness of the cherry pie, and if he wasn’t mistaken, hot womanly arousal. He kept it quick, a gentle touch of lips and tongue. Damn, he really didn’t want it to be quick, but there were things that needed to be settled before they moved further. If they moved further.

  “Do you know what I want, Amanda? Can you guess?”

  Her eyes slowly opened, and she bit her lip. The heat of her espresso colored gaze tore a path straight to his groin. “What do you want, Leo?”

  The huskiness of her voice nearly did him in. Hell yeah, she was most assuredly aroused. But was she ready for more than a few tame kisses in the kitchen? “You’re sure you want to know?”

  She bobbed her head and reached a hand across the table, covering his fist with her palm. “Please, tell me.”

  Opening his hand, Leo entwined their fingers. The act seemed as natural as breathing. “I want you lying under me in that king-sized bed, baby. Naked,” he answered. Amanda’s fingers tightened. It urged him on. “Your soft, curvy body pressed against mine while I sink my cock deep. I’ll be slow and easy, sweetheart. I promise. All I can think about is watching you come all around me. I want to touch you. Suck you. Fuck you.”

  “God, Leo.”

  She started to release him, but he held firm. “Do I stop?” He badly wanted to continue. “Tell me. Whatever you ask, it’s yours, Amanda. I won’t push. Not unless it’s what you want.”

  “It’s shocking to hear the words coming from you of all people. But I’m not going to sit here and pretend I don’t like them all the same. Everything you said, it’s what I’ve been imagining too.”

  He shook his head and murmured, “Christ, baby, you can’t know what’s been going through my head. I have a hell of a dirty mind, sweets. And I’ve had my fair share of hot, sweaty dreams of you these last few nights.” His voice grew raspier with the fever that ran through his veins. “There’s nothing I want more than to drag you off to the bedroom and make love to you until dawn. But you have to know I’m feeling pretty damn intense about you lately. I don’t want a fling here. This isn’t a what happens in Lake Tahoe stays in Lake Tahoe sort of thing. Not for me.” He bent his lips to her pulse and licked the length of the vein pounding beneath her satiny skin.

  “I-I’ve never been the fling sort, Leo.”

  It wasn’t exactly the answer he wanted, but for now he’d make it work. He’d just have to prove to her how good they could be together. That their friendship had been nothing more than foreplay to the main event. That there could be so much more between them. Leo knew it in his gut.

  Chapter Five

  Walking into the bedroom, Amanda felt an immediate sense of panic. What had prompted her to say yes to Leo? Her nerves were frayed, and she was sure he could see her trembling. Even her anxiety couldn’t hinder the zing of anticipation that ran through her bloodstream though. She'd known this moment would come. Deep down she’d known what would happen if Leo came along with her on this trip. She’d nearly convinced herself it would all be make-believe but her body had known the truth.

  As Leo turned on the little lamp next to the bed, Amanda clasped her hands in front of her and waited, suddenly unsure. Determination appeared to be stamped into his untamed features as he watched her from the other side of the bed. She took in the sight of him, from his mussed dark hair, to the way his hands fisted at his sides. In that moment, he seemed large and dangerous—and more man than she knew what to do with. The teasing friend she’d come to know was no longer present. In his place was an unyielding and dominant man hungry for sex. Amanda shivered.

  As she stood there, Leo began to make his way around the side of the bed, each step bringing them closer together. A rush of feminine pleasure went through her when he took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

  This kiss wasn’t the delicate touching of flesh that it had been before. This time Leo took her mouth in wild abandon, dipping his tongue inside the wet cavern, then back out again, teasing and tasting. Amanda melted against him, moaning as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with everything she had. Never in her life had anything been so good. So deep and all consuming. His lips demanded. His tongue teased and dueled with hers. Butterflies sprang to life in her stomach, and a quick burst of damp heat flooded her pussy.

  Without warning, Leo pulled back, his green gaze fierce with arousal. “You’re scared, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

  How could he know that from a single kiss? Unable to look him in the eye, Amanda’s gaze shot to his chest. “A little.”

  Leo cupped the back of her neck and used his thumb to tip her chin up. “I’m going to make you feel so damn good. There won’t be time for fear, sweets.” He smiled, and his hands smoothed their way down her back to her bottom where they cupped and squeezed. Her flesh molded to his hands as if made for him.

  “I fucking love your ass, Amanda. I’ve watched you walk. Did you know that?”

  She shook her head, her throat dry as dirt.

  He bent at the knees and pulled her so close that her pelvis cradled his rather impressive hard-on. “Good. I never wanted you to know.”


  “Because we were friends and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable around me.”

  Always Mister Nice Guy, that was her Leo. “Well, it worked. I had no idea you ever looked at me, not like that.”

  He licked his lips and stared at her chest, as if mentally picturing her naked breasts. “Mmm, you can bet I did, sweets. And now I want a better look. May I?”

  Amanda swallowed hard as his hands began to massage her backside through the thin material of her shorts. Leo had somehow managed to wiggle the material higher, exposing the tinies
t amount of her cotton panties. His rough fingers were there, teasing. Just as she was about to shout, “Take me!” he spoke again, driving her a little closer to insanity.

  “Jesus, Amanda, the thought of being inside your soft, tight cunt is enough to make me come in my jeans here.”

  “I’d really rather you didn’t, Leo.”

  His eyes darkened. “You’re such a sweet surprise.”

  She frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “I was all set to sleep in the other room. I didn’t think you’d let me anywhere near you tonight. I hoped. Hell, I prayed that wouldn’t be the case, but I never figured it’d be answered.”

  She snorted. “Great, so now you’re saying I’m easy?”

  He chuckled. “Not at all. I’m just glad I’m not the only one feeling desperate and hungry here.”

  Amanda pushed out of his arms and let her gaze take in the male perfection in front of her. “No, you aren’t the only one hungry.”

  “Then maybe you’ll take those clothes off for me?”

  After taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Amanda began to inch the tank top up over her belly. She was plumper than the average woman. Would Leo be turned off when he saw her in the flesh? Only one way to find out. With Leo’s gaze zeroed in on her every move, Amanda tugged the top up and off. Tossing it to the floor, she tried to force herself to remain still. Not to cover herself from his roving gaze. When she’d put the tank top on she’d been thinking of sleeping in it, which meant no bra. Now, Amanda sort of wished she’d worn one anyway.

  “I pegged it earlier,” Leo said, his voice low and deep.

  Unsure what he meant, Amanda asked, “Pegged it?”

  “You’re a goddess, pure and simple,” he murmured. “My sweet, fair-haired goddess.”

  The way he said it, so sincere, it gave Amanda the confidence she needed to stand there, in the dimly lit room and let him look. In the meantime, there was certainly no harm in her doing a little looking of her own. From Leo’s short, dark hair, which curled up around his collar, to the jeans pulled tight over his straining erection, he was all male. Sexy and masculine and completely edible. Amanda licked her lips, her entire body vibrating with tension and excitement.


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