Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 23

by Selena Kitt

  “I could only see her hips and her huge tits in my hands. I saw myself pounding her pussy until she screamed out for mercy and I also saw you looking at both of us while I took her from behind. You love watching when we both take a woman. It’s been so long, Jake. My daydream felt so real. I jerked off so hard my legs were shaking after I came. Dammit, I had to hold on to the wall to avoid collapsing. It was that intense.”

  I should be upset at Hunter’s admission, but I’m not. I’m as guilty as he is.

  “I did the same.” I inhale through my nose and I run my tongue over my lip when the flashback hits me.

  “What? The way you’ve been lecturing me about keeping my distance made you sound like a monk.”

  “I don’t have any monastic aspirations. I also jerked off thinking of both of us taking her. Listen, I want her as much as you do.”

  Hunter keeps pushing this, but I know if I’m not the voice of reason, this may get dirty real fast and we might end up compromising things for my sister.

  “You won’t let go?”

  “No, I won’t.”

  “Fuck, she’s hot. Even after jerking off, just thinking about her gives me a hard-on.”

  “Good, so what are we going to do about it?”

  I didn’t expect to be so taken by her hourglass figure. In any case, it doesn’t matter. Allison is here to support Riley’s growth, not to become our playmate. But goddammit, my mind goes straight into the gutter every time she walks by me swaying those tempting hips.

  “Let’s see if sparks fly tonight.”

  “Yes!” I’ve barely finished my sentence before Hunter is already pumping his fist in victory.

  “But there are some ground rules.”

  “Do we really need them?” He rolls his eyes at me.

  “If we don’t have them, you’ll scare her. We can’t put any pressure on her—you’re not allowed to flirt hard like you usually do. If she shows interest in either of us, then it’s worth exploring things further. If not… we back off.”

  “Now you’re talking.”



  I’m lounging luxuriously like Khaleesi would in Game of Thrones and both stunning men are sitting on chairs across from me nursing beers. This evening is way up there on my list of unforgettable moments. I’ll admit it was fun to be a little bit more unrestricted than I usually am. My new boss impressed the heck out of me with her ability to hold down her booze, but there was no way I was ever going to be able to compete. After a few too many drinks, I had to take a break because I’m feeling so lightheaded.

  After a scrumptious dessert and piping-hot mugs of coffee with a shot of brandy, Riley retreated to her home a few minutes ago, but I’m feeling so buzzed from an exciting evening, I can’t convince myself to move. The three of us are still hanging out in Jake’s living room relaxing to the sultry sounds of jazz music. All in all, this evening has been so enchanting, I don’t want it to end.

  My eyes are half closed from the copious dinner when Jake’s voice brings me back to life.

  “I hope you enjoyed dinner.”

  I prop myself on my elbows and swerve my body to look at him. “Dinner was even more spectacular than you predicted. I had to exert some serious willpower when Riley offered me a third piece of lasagna because hers is the best I’ve ever had.”

  “I always have three servings. I can’t resist. There’s a reason why Riley’s recipes are so popular on the Internet and she’s sold hundreds of thousands of copies of her cookbooks.”

  “I really shouldn’t be surprised since I’ve been following her for such a long time, but I must say this celestial meal caught me off guard.”

  “I’m proud of my little sis. She made history when Food TV approached her and offered her an eye-popping salary to host her own show. It’s amazing considering she’s a stay-at-home mom who is self-taught in the kitchen.”

  “I can’t thank my lucky stars enough. I still can’t believe she selected me amongst all of the candidates who applied for this position.”

  I was worried about Riley’s fame before arriving here. In New York, it doesn’t take much for someone to become unbearable the minute they taste a little success, but my new boss is very friendly and so down-to-earth.

  “Seems like the two of you are getting along.”

  “I have to agree. My only challenge is your sister’s frankness.” I quickly bring my hand to my face, worried I’ve said too much. Damn booze. “Not quite what I wanted to say,” I babble, hoping to redeem myself. “I mean, I’ll have to get used to the fact she doesn’t mince her words and she speaks her mind freely.”

  Both men laugh at my obvious discomfort.

  “I’ve known his little sister since we were kids and Riley still shocks me sometimes.”

  “Yeah, I have to agree with Hunter. Motherhood has done nothing to slow her down.” Jake chuckles before continuing. “She might be single, but she has the dirtiest mind.”

  “His sister said so many things that made you blush during dinner, I lost count. It was amusing to watch you change color.”

  “I noticed you guys didn’t do a thing to come to my rescue.” I shift my body on the couch.

  “Sorry, we were in stitches.”

  “Yeah, buddy, I’m sorry, but the funniest was that last story your sister shared right before she served dessert. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it and I was there when it happened, but it’s still hilarious.”

  “Oh my God, Hunter. I nearly lost it when she shared the story of how little four-year old Erika found her vibrator by mistake and dragged it to Jake’s house during a Sunday afternoon lunch.”

  “I didn’t think I was ever going to be able to stop laughing that day.”

  “So it really did happen? Riley wasn’t trying to be colorful?” I say.

  Jake shakes his head, fighting off a smile. “Oh, it happened all right. As things were winding down, Erika declared it was time for karaoke and my little niece pulled Riley’s vibrator from her Hello Kitty backpack and started singing like a diva. I squinted to take a better look at what she was holding in her tiny hands and it hit me. Riley’s face was so horrified I had to bite my tongue to avoid laughing aloud. I mean, you don’t want to traumatize a child for trying. Hunter was kicking my leg under the table, incredulous about what he was witnessing. Their reaction nearly sent me over the edge.”

  “Riley is so expressive. I could see the scene as vividly as if her daughter was standing in front of me pretending to audition for The Voice or American Idol using her mom’s vibrator as a mic.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “So you knew it was a vibrator?”

  Did I actually ask that question or was that my inner voice? Both Jake and Hunter are as surprised as I am by my question. Yup, it came out of my mouth.

  “Uh-huh.” Jake pinches his lips and nods.

  “We’ve bought our fair share of vibrators. It was pretty unmistakable since I know that model really, really well.”

  “Hunter.” Jake hits his best friend’s arm and I instantly turn beet red.

  “What? She asked a question and I answered.” Although Hunter is speaking to Jake, his eyes are riveted on me and suddenly I’m burning up.

  Holy hell. He has to stop looking at me as if he wants to devour me.

  Without thinking I sweep my hand from my neck all the way down to my chest in the hopes of containing the fire that’s ignited between my legs. When I realize how suggestive my actions might seem, I attempt to remove the hand resting at the swell of my boobs, but my finger gets caught and a few of the buttons pop open.


  I quickly sit up, trying to pull myself together, hoping they don’t think I’m flashing them, but my fingers tremble as I try to cover up. To make matters worse, my hair falls into my face, making it impossible to see. I brush my long mane back and when I look up, I nearly gasp.

  “This is so embarrassing,” I manage, but neither of them say a word. They simply st
are at me like they’ve been doing pretty much all night long.

  I swear both men have been checking me out all evening. When I arrived, Hunter’s expression turned shocked when he saw me and he tapped Jake on the shoulder to catch his attention as Riley hugged me. Both men were beaming like boys who had been granted permission to stay up late to play video games. It was only when my new boss made a fuss of my hair that I clued in.

  Throughout the evening, I could feel Hunter’s gaze on me. Every time I glanced in his direction, he’d hold my gaze for a few seconds, searing me with his brown eyes—just like he’s doing right now. I found myself holding my breath every time that happened. Jake, on the other hand, had this almost boyish grin on his face every time he answered one of my questions. I became so paranoid, I excused myself to run to the powder room for a quick inspection, worried I had salad stuck to my teeth, but the only things staring at me were rosy cheeks and an air of blissfulness I hadn’t seen in a long time.

  “You guys don’t have to look so freaked out. It’s not as if you could see anything.” I’m desperately trying to redeem myself, but Jake and Hunter simply bounce their gazes from my flushed face to each other.

  There’s a long, heavy silence, as if neither of us is able to find something clever to say. Hunter brings a fist to his mouth before clearing his throat and the next thing I know he’s on his feet.

  “All right, I’m off to bed. I have a long day tomorrow, but it was a pleasure spending time with you tonight, Allison. I’m looking forward to your stay here.”

  I try to get up from my seat to wish him goodnight, but I freeze when he leans down towards me. He drops a kiss on each of my cheeks and shockingly, the contact of his lips instantly hardens my nipples. Oh, boy.

  “I’m sure you’re going to sleep like a queen tonight, Allison. If you don’t, let me know tomorrow and I’ll see what I can do.”

  Is he coming on to me?

  Either I’ve had one too many drinks or Hunter’s comment is laced with double entendres. I take a breath in to slow down my racing heart before answering him.

  “I’ll keep your offer in mind, but I suspect I’ll crash like a log.” I try to remain as cool as I possibly can and I turn my head to avoid Hunter’s burning gaze. When I swerve to the left, I meet Jake’s stare and I read the same intensity I saw in Hunter’s gaze a second ago. God.

  “One last thing before I go.”


  “Your hair,” Hunter says, bringing his hand to my mane. “It’s so magnificent. Why in the world would you ever put it up? You nearly gave me a heart attack when you walked in for dinner with your hair flowing all the way down to your waist. Promise me you’ll wear it down more often,” he says before dropping a soft kiss on my forehead.

  “Hunter, stop it, you’re going to scare her off. Go to bed. I’ll take Allison back to her place in a few minutes.” Jake’s tone is stern, but the playful glee in his eyes suggests he’s finding this quite amusing.

  “All right. I’ll be off to bed, but Allison has to promise first.”

  I smile, uncertain if Hunter is really flirting with me or if I’m making this all up in my head, but I feel so utterly sexy right now, I don’t care. “I promise to wear my hair down more often. Cross my heart,” I answer, giggling.

  “Good. Now I can go sleep soundly. Good night.”

  “Good night, Hunter.”

  “Bright and early tomorrow, buddy,” he says, turning to Jake.

  “As always.”

  I’m purposefully focusing on Hunter leaving the room and I pretend to be fascinated by the front door, because I’m afraid if I turn around, Jake will see how turned on I am from this playful evening with these two hunks. I know I’m kidding myself because I feel his gaze on the back of my head and when I pivot to meet his eyes, I nearly melt. Damn.

  * * *

  I thought Jake was going to get to his feet right after Hunter retreated to bed, but instead he’s been keeping me laughing with hilarious stories of his sister and her kids. I’ve not been this light-hearted in so long, I forgot how it felt. I could spend the rest of the night here with him, but I have a meeting at nine tomorrow with Riley so she can brief me on my new responsibilities as her assistant and I want to be fresh for my first day of work.

  “I don’t know how late it is, but maybe it’s time for me to get some sleep. I’m sure you must be exhausted,” I say, stretching out of my comfy position.

  “It’s not too late, but I’m sure the trip must be catching up with you. Let me put on my boots and I’ll walk you to your house.” He gets up and walks towards me where I’ve been struggling to get up. “This couch is so comfortable, when you sink into it, it’s practically impossible to extract your body from it. Let me give you a hand.” He reaches out for me. I extend my hand and he pulls me so hard off the couch I land on my feet before stumbling forward. Jake is quick and catches me before I embarrass myself any further. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Thank you,” I whisper. I’m suddenly aware he’s cradling me against him. The heat emanating from his muscular body is making me woozy and his closeness causes my pussy to throb. To hide my nervousness and arousal, I lower my eyes, but I think he sees right through me. Jake places his index finger under my chin and forces me to meet his gaze. He pulls me closer to him and I find myself pressed against an impressive erection.

  “Hunter is right.”

  “Umm, about what?” I ask with a shaky voice.

  “Your magnificent hair. I did a double-take when I saw you walk in before dinner. Don’t get me wrong, you look beautiful with your hair off your face, but when you let it flow like this…” He bites his lower lip as he strokes my mane.

  I lose myself in his sultry blue eyes, even though a part of me screams to extract myself from his warm embrace.

  “Both you and Hunter are full of compliments tonight.” I blush.

  Jake doesn’t answer. He simply stares intensely into my eyes, making it hard for me to breathe.

  The silence in the room is deceiving and doesn’t mirror the turmoil shaking my core. There’s no way this is happening, I tell myself silently, yet here I’m glued against a panty-wetting guy with his cock pressed so hard against me it’s as if he’s trying to penetrate me without me ever removing my clothing. We’re both standing there for a few lustful minutes and Jake has been gently stroking my hair until something in his gaze changes.

  “Allison, I’m going to kiss you now and if you feel I’m out of line, I’ll stop,” he says with eyes half closed.

  “Ohhh,” I exhale. Instead of protesting, I get on my toes and I offer my mouth to him.

  He lowers his head towards me and when our lips meet it’s as if I’ve never been kissed before. How can this be? I met this stud a few hours ago and now I’m making out with him in his living room. For the love of God, his sister, my new boss, can walk in here at any moment and find us locking lips. This is too good. It’s as if I’m living out someone else’s fantasy because stuff so amazing like this never happens to me.

  He’s an insane kisser.

  Clark was cold and distant throughout the last six months of our relationship and since I moved out two and a half months ago, it’s been a really long time since a man has touched my lips—nine months, to be precise. I lose myself in Jake’s tender kiss and I close my eyes, trying to drown out the cautious voice chattering inside my head. After a few minutes of this passionate embrace, I reluctantly pull myself away from him, snapping back to reality.

  Oh my God, get a grip, Ali. He’s your boss’ brother.

  “I’m sure it’s the booze talking, Jake. I mean look at me.” The minute the words leave my lips, I regret putting myself down like this.

  “I am, gorgeous. I haven’t been able to peel my eyes away from you since I turned the corner of my house and saw you struggling with your luggage after the limo driver had dropped you off. Every time you move, I’m mesmerized by your beautiful, sensual hips.”

  There’s no way
a guy like Jake can genuinely be attracted to me. “I’m sure you’re just saying that.” His charm is already weakening my will to refuse him.

  “I never bother saying things I don’t mean. I’m extremely attracted to your gorgeous body, Allison.”

  “You don’t have to lie.”

  He doesn’t even have to answer my question. The depth of his expression reveals that he’s very serious. “Lie?” He opens his mouth to speak again, but instead, he slams my body closer to his and once more I’m pressed against his undeniable arousal. “Do you feel that?” No sooner has he pressed his body against mine does he take a small step back without taking his eyes off of me.


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