Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 78

by Selena Kitt

  She set her purse on the table in the corner with the same drowsy, slow-mo speed as she eyed me with dubiousness. “No problem, honey,” she said to me.

  I curled my lips in to block a snicker when she went up to Danny Zane, the sexy rock star who just finger-fucked his stepsister at the rail she was now at, and said, “How are you doing, dear?” like he was some five-year-old kid. My eyes strained when she bent over him and grabbed the talented fingers that just worked me up to a climax. “I was so worried about you. You and your crazy, fast-lane lifestyle. What were you thinking, partying on a bus like that? Your mother, if she were still alive, would slap you upside the head right about now.”

  He shrugged and lied, “I’m sure she would. Uh, the details are still a little hazy, Auntie.” He tapped his head. “Slight brain damage and all. Sorry.”

  “Oh, oh, of course.” She sat down and pitched forward like she was gonna ask him a shit pile of more questions. Hopefully, none of them would be about me.

  I waved with a finger wiggle. “Later, Dan.”

  “Yeah.” With my hand on the door, before I could walk out, he said, “Hey! I got a special drink saved just for you, Lex. Be on the lookout for a big cup.”

  I had to bite my lip to keep myself from busting a gut. He actually said that in front of his aunt! His aunt? I just turned my head and said, “Sure. I’ll be right on top’a that,” bringing a wicked curl to his sexy lips.

  As I opened the door, snickering under my breath, she cried, “Drinking, Daniel? Seriously? How can you even think about giving some to your sister at a time like this, with everything that’s happened?”

  “Giving some. Hmm. Don’t worry. There’s not even a dash of alcohol in what I got. Lex knows.”

  I stormed down the hall, cracking up under my breath. “Giving some? Oh my god.” I laughed harder. “Can’t believe she said that.”

  As I approached the waiting area, I saw my ‘escort’, Jed, waiting for me.

  “I’ll be in the house with you tonight,” Jed said. “Just in case.”

  “In case what?”

  “Unwanted visitors show up. I don’t want you to be all alone.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I said. “Whatever. Do what you have to do. I just need to crash. Let’s jet.”

  Kate and Matty were leaving as well, so we walked out together, talking about the tragic accident and the poor girl’s family.

  When I got home, I ended up having a restless night’s sleep, despite my exhaustion. I was worried about Danny, worried about the band, worried about my rapidly growing affection and lust. I never would’ve dreamed I’d want anything to do with Danny, moreover, crave something real and vivid, something beyond mere sex. But it was true. I wanted him in every way.

  After my morning shower, I was refreshed and ready to take on lions, which incidentally, I did kind of have to do in my meeting with disgraced billionaire, Forrest Specter. He was pissy and pretentious, and he did not like anyone’s ideas until I found the nerve to speak up. Everyone seemed impressed with my suggestion. My friend and co-worker Raquel hit a grand slam too.

  After we wrapped up and the client left, Nina Bedinelli, CEO of Momentum, excitedly asked Raquel and me to follow her into her office. She set down her stack of folders and the laptop she was carrying and pointed to the two blue chairs in front of her desk. “Aahh. Those are the kind of meetings I just love. Don’t you?”

  We both sat down, nodding.

  “Yes, definitely,” Raquel said.

  I shrugged and said, “I guess,” since that was my first. “Seems like it went really well.”

  “Oh, it did, it did. Swimmingly well.” Nina freed her dark hair from its tight bun and it fell loose around her shoulders in thick waves with a head shake. She unbuttoned her top button, then kicked off her high heels, and slumped into her puffy swivel chair with a long sigh of contentment like she was about to drink tea. “Wow, those were just brilliant ideas, ladies. Just brilliant. Especially, you, Alexa. I am so just impressed.”

  The poisoned darts Raquel flung to me with her eyes stung my cheek with smarting fire, even with me only having a peripheral view of her evident fury. What the heck! I thought she liked me. I thought we were friends. Wouldn’t she be happy for me, that I got a tiny little pat on the back? I’m certainly happy for my friends when they rock something.

  Raquel ran both hands over her sharp-angled pixie cut, dyed a cherry-red to seem more edgy and bold, and took a deep breath, probably to cool off her steam.

  Nina continued gushing with her hands now whirling in the air and talking along with her mouth. “I absolutely loved the tie-in of Forrest’s jazz passion used as a launching pad for him being a champion for the arts for children. Oh my gosh, that was simply fantastic. His eyes gleamed. Even in the public eye, his marriage has been on the rocks anyhow. Not only will this put him in a more positive light after his exposed affair, it will also have school boards reconsidering such drastic cuts. I am very passionate about inspiration in youth you know.” She balled her hands together and leaned forward on her desk and looked me dead in the eye. “And, in that vein, I think we might be able do something to help your brother’s band.” She looked at me with a big grin and I scrunched my face in confusion.

  “Whaa … what do ya mean? Itchy Fringe is not even a client of ours. I mean, yours. Your client.”

  “Yes.” She squinted and nodded like she had the ability to drill her explanation into me without words, but I did really need her to actually spill out what she was thinking because I was utterly clueless. I was only a freelancer and not even an actual employee here, and she was acting like I was. Weird. “Not yet, dear. Not yet. But I want you to fix that. You get me that client, and I will hire you. Part-time for now of course, but much earlier than we previously discussed.”

  “But … I haven’t even graduated yet!”

  She fly-swatted the air, as if I were being utterly ridiculous. “Oh, that is no concern of mine. We can work something out with you working remotely, as you’ve been doing. If you can get it done, I really need your mind on this, Alexa. Since Danny Zane is your brother, you have the inside track of knowing what would be best for the band and us to work together to repair its shattered image. What do you think?”

  “Um, yeah, I’m not sure he’ll be into that though. Or the rest of the guys. They hate corporate bull …” I snipped off the swear, leaving it there, and added, “and people telling them how to behave or what to say. They will not like this, not one bit.”

  “Oh, they will, trust me. They’ll like it a whole lot better than seeing their entire career and effort go up in flames. Wouldn’t you say? Being left to its own folly is not and has not been wise. Look where’s it’s gotten them. The band was just dropped by its label, which is a gutter climb on its own. And now this? No, no, they’re really in no position to balk.”

  I nodded in agreement. Yeah, that did make sense. “Okay. You’re right. I’ll definitely talk to them and see what I can do.”

  “Wonderful! You close this deal for me, Alexa, and I will not only hire you early, I’ll also make you the band’s personal liaison, as well as the head of its reimaging team.”

  “What! Me? Wow.” The bazooka blast from Raquel slashed my face with cutting shrapnel this time. “I don’t even know what to say. That’s so amazing, the trust you have in me. I will certainly do my best to convince them to hire Momentum to help turn the tide. I do know they need the help, whether they do or not. I can already see the band in ruins, and it crushes me. With everything within me, I want to prevent that from happening.”

  “And that’s precisely why I want you in charge. That passion! I have no doubt you will do your absolute best. Just get them to hear me out. Have their lawyer come. We can hash out the details and make this happen. It will be mutually beneficial for both sides. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Yes, definitely,” I said.

  “And, of course, I’d want you to lend your brains to this project as well, Raquel.” />
  “Yes … of course,” she said steely. “I’ll work wherever I’m needed. You know that.”

  After a lengthy brainstorming session with Nina, Raquel and I walked out and down the hall. Raquel suddenly backhanded my gut with her arm, pulling a squeal out of me, then she whipped around to further block me with her tall, lanky frame. “Don’t even flatter that silly little mind of yours by assuming she loves your scent or ideas or something like that. She’s only kissing your ass to get IF as a client. It’s the hottest thing on the news right now. I know for certain that beast is only putting you in charge because of your connection to it and because of the whole Molly incident.”

  “What Molly incident? I have no clue what you mean. And Nina’s not a beast. She’s always been nice to me.”

  “Right. Keep on believing that. Trust me, she’s a walking spike, waiting to skewer naïve victims, and that two-faced dragon lady only fakes nice to get what she wants.”

  I sneered and said, “Hmm, yeah. Seems she’s not the only two-faced one in the building,” before storming away in utter confusion. Molly incident? What the hell did that mean? Whatever. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was trying to fix this disaster for Itchy Fringe. Now I just needed to convince Danny and Co. to join forces with me and Momentum. The band desperately needed the boost. Plus, being a part-time employee here would only get that me much closer to no longer being Danny’s baggage or a lump of dead weight he unfairly got stuck with, all thanks to my wretched womb loaner.

  Maybe then … I could just be … his.

  His. Danny Zane’s.

  How delightfully terrifying and amazing would that be?

  To be his.


  Danny – 8 Hard Lessons

  Finally home from the hospital and satiated from a fabulous Alexa-prepared dinner, I was so thankful for food that didn’t taste like paste. Even with the salt and pepper packets, two days of maybe-meat and veggies was more than I could take.

  Rubbing my aching neck, I peered out the window of my library to see if the press was dissipating yet. Nope. Didn’t look like it. Though almost sunset, vultures were still milling about, waiting to shove a mic into my face for a comment. I guess it was good that anybody still cared about my rapidly imploding band.

  Holding my arm cast with a wince, I left the room of old books I’ve been collecting and walked into the theater where Alexa was lounging and looking hot.

  “It’s no surprise your arm’s giving you hell. You have a few Percs left. Take ’em, idiot. Why suffer?”

  “It’s not that bad. Shut up. My neck and upper back is what’s really killing me now.”

  “Same fix still applies.” She sat up from her sprawl and spread her legs with her feet on the floor. She wiggled back into the cushion to make room for me. “Sit down then. I can give you a massage. That’ll help a tiny bit. You know mine are the best.”

  “True.” I laughed because she was so right. “All right,” I caved with a clenched jaw. “Fine. I’ll let you work your magic. Don’t go easy on me either. Do it the way you always do. It hurts at first, but it helps in the end and loosens everything up.”

  “Oh, I’ll make you scream for mercy, Danny. Don’t worry about that.”

  I laughed and sat my ass down on the couch between her legs, and she squeezed her sexy thighs against mine, making me groan in delight.

  She gasped when I let out a quiet moan. “This is turning you on, Danny? I was seriously trying to be professional about this.”

  “Yeah right.”

  She slid her hands up the back of my shirt and slowly scratched at my hot flesh with her nails. “I was! If I wanted to turn you on,” she said, sliding her hands to front of me, “then I’d do something more like this.” Still reaching under fabric, she grabbed at my carved pecs and rubbed my nipples with delicate fingertips. She swooped her touch down, then traced the ridges of my six-pack abs and hooked fingers into my waistband. “And probably this.”

  I sucked air through my teeth as she planted kisses all over my upper back.

  “Bad girl. Quit it.”

  She peeled my shirt off, gingerly working it over my cast, then sailed it to the floor in a ball. “In a minute.”

  I gasped when I felt her peeling her own off too. She tossed her shirt to meet mine in a discard pile and pressed her warm, naked breasts against my back. She was braless the whole time? Fucking braless?

  “Mmm. Nice.”

  “Yeah, thought you’d like that. I’ve never given you this kind of rubdown before.” She rubbed her luscious tits on me as her hands worked at my neck knots with hard, rough grinding that dug right in there. I winced and groaned.

  “Is that too hard?”

  “Mmm.” I grabbed her hand and forced it onto my throbbing package. “Is that too hard?”

  She laughed. “Nope. Who’s being bad now? That feels perfectly glorious and fuck-worthy to me. Sorry. I truly am trying to help you out, Danny. You’re the one with a mind that’s always in the gutter.”

  “You are the one rubbing boobs on me. You’re not exactly the epitome of innocence here, Alexa.

  A soft giggle escaped and that cracked me up.

  “Ah, your nipples feel so smooth and soft on my skin. Damn. If I weren’t in such agony, I’d fuck you senseless right now or squish those delicious mounds together and fuck them and jizz my pearls all over your face and neck.”

  “Yum. Another time’ll work for that. You can nail me however you want. Your cast should be off by the time I get back. We can pound parts and get kinky then.”

  “Uh huh. Really looking forward to that.”

  “Me too.” She slowed down and stopped using her nipples to perk my senses. She dropped down to all seriousness and worked gentle, rolling thumbs up and down my neck and across my tight trapezius.

  I hummed and relaxed into her massage because my muscles, pleading for some unwinding, trumped my near-erection’s call for relief.

  “So … um,” her hot breaths whisked down my back like feathers, “with kink, since we’re on that subject, that means you’re into BDSM or somethin’ right?”

  “Yep. I like and dream for the freedom to experiment in all sorts of kinky ways.”

  She let out a breath of joy like she was so relieved to hear that. “Oh … good.”

  That response quickened my pulse. She wasn’t just saying all the right things to get access to my cock. She wanted it as much as I did. “Good? All depends on your perspective. I wanna do stuff like bondage and discipline, sensation play, roleplay, things like that. I also like the power exchange aspect of it all. It’s so hot to me. I want to watch a woman get delirious at simply waiting in whatever pose I say, waiting with bated breath for me to make a move or speak. Being in control like that just … stirs up something primal and visceral within my being. I want to explore all that desire, and I’m not really sure where it will take me, which is scary but thrilling at the same time. The longing I’ve expressed in some songs isn’t fake.”

  “What about a Dom/sub thing, like a lifestyle concept? You into that?”

  “Um, I don’t know if I want that in everyday life. In the bedroom I want it, but since it currently sits untested, I’ll have to get back to you. Britt was certainly not a willing participant, did not want to go there, and I freaked her out.”

  She slapped me between my shoulder blades. “Well, your ex is a bitch. I told you that. She was never nice to me, not even once, not even in a fake way. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get frisky and wild. Lots of people do it.”

  My stomach dropped and I bit my lip with dread. “Have you?”

  “No. Not yet. But I’ve been curious too. And honestly, it was your songs that made me curious and piqued my interest.”

  “Hmm. That’s good to know.”

  “Yep. Danny, I know your head feels like a hammer pounded it for days, but wanna snuggle while we watch Lord of the Rings for the millionth time?”

  “Yeah, sure. Grab me a beer. And som
e popcorn too.”



  “I know you’re injured, but I’m not gonna wait on you hand and foot. This is my last full day home.”

  “It was a simple request, Lex. I’ll fucking get it myself.” I stood to get up but made it look like sheer agony.

  “No, stop! Sit down, you freak! I’ll get it. I’m just saying, I am not your slave.”

  “No, not yet. What’s the point of having a slave if I can’t get blowjobs.”


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