Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 81

by Selena Kitt

  This stalker upped her game and actually came after us? Tried to kill us? I thought I only had to work on getting more equipment and a new vehicle for the band, but now, I had to catch the person responsible too before anyone else ended up six feet under. We didn’t even have a damn manager to handle all this extra shit because ours dropped us when we got dumped by Middleton Records. We needed a new guitar player too? I hated losing Puck. He struggled mentally and emotionally for a while, but he had his shit together finally. I don’t blame him for telling us to fuck off. I would’ve done the same. I hate disloyalty as much as lying.

  I did know one juicy detail about this bitch. She had to be pretty rich. Fifty grand on a kill is no drop in the bucket. Most people don’t have ready access to that kind of dough. And she also must have some kick-ass BS ability, or maybe good looks, if she convinced some down-on-his-luck dude to mess with our bus, which could have killed everyone and did result in one death.

  What if she’s someone I’ve already fucked or made out with?

  When IF first launched to fame, I was enjoying the titty ride a little too much before settling into a relationship.

  I walked into my room and over to my bureau. I opened the top drawer and moved around the cigar packs, foreign money and shit around, until I found my old phone. I turned it on and looked through my pics. I often took pics of women who wanted to meet. I took it into my office and booted up my laptop to see if details had emerged about the woman who paid for the hit.

  Yes, aha. The guy said she was about 5' 10" with long, light brown hair, a pretty face, and an athletic build. I put the microdisc into an adapter, popped it into my laptop and went hunting.

  I didn’t know if I could go by hair because chicks change cuts and colors all the time, but I started there and looked through all the images I took at various gigs and places. There were six possibilities here, if hair can still be counted on.

  I like talking dirty just to rile women up and get them all slick for me, and then I like shooting them down by making them think they misunderstood me or got me all wrong. It charges me up, watching smiles melt and confusion bloom. But what if my not-so-funny-or-cute game ticked off the wrong girl?

  On my phone, I had captured so many distraught faces, right after I fired my arrow of meanness. So many selfies with me smiling and them, not so much. Glossy eyes. Cringes. Teeth biting down on bottom lips. I used to love this shit. What the hell’s wrong with me? Damn power trip. I very well could’ve brought all this hell down on myself, my bandmates, and my lovely Alexa. I am the worst douche.

  I went downstairs and handed the microdisc off to Jed to see if anything struck a chord with him, and I also gave him the extra details I read online.

  He saw her running from the estate but couldn’t catch her because she was so damn fast. He was the only one in my circle who might be able to shine light on her identity. She’s definitely athletic and well-to-do, but she’s stupid and sloppy, and I’m gonna catch her. I have to.

  I finally read the emailed class schedule Lex sent me on Sunday, and then called Nina to set up a meeting for Monday. Once she confirmed and penciled me in, I told her I’d let Lex know. I texted Lex the info in my bedroom and stared at my phone waiting for some kind of response. She didn’t write or text anything back. She was mad at me now. Man, I hated this tension and weirdness. I hated all this shit.

  I was nervous about seeing her, even on video, when Matty and I strode out of the elevator on the top floor at Momentum for our meeting. Hopefully, these magicians can fix our shattered image. Even though I was currently upset, the only person I truly trusted was Alexa.

  Traversing gray carpeting and glacial décor with everything stark and sharp, I smiled at the receptionist with the nameplate, Ana Hastings, but a tall woman with short, cherry-red hair stepped in between us and the high white desk with MOMENTUM embossed on it.

  She bowed just a tad with her palms pasted together, like a hostess in a Japanese restaurant. “Hi, I’m Raquel. I saw you, um, at the conference, but we didn’t have time to chat.”

  I shrugged, not remembering her one bit. But, I was going out of my mind with colliding emotions. I couldn’t recall much of anything except bombing in front of fifty fucking cameras. I stuck out my hand, and she took hold of my fingers with her cold, limp ones. “Danny.” I also stressed, “Zane,” stupidly. She probably already knew that. Half the world knew that.

  She had that gleam in her eye like she wanted me to give her some morsel of approval or some flirtatious word. I didn’t, not only because I was in no mood for it but also ’cause I was pretty sure flirting was what got me into this stalking nightmare I now found myself in.

  So she cringed and turned to Matty.

  Matty gave her the same reaction as me and I almost burst out laughing.

  I should be nice because she was likely on my reimaging team, but I didn’t give a fuck what she thought of me. At least she was smiley and friendly and added a much-needed burst of color because this blah gray here reminded me of the chilly feel of my kitchen before I had it redone in the brighter hues of the Caribbean Sea. I gave Matty a wide-eyed glance to say, I hope we’re doing the right thing.

  He nodded and raised his thumb to point me down the hallway to follow after the cherry-topped beanstalk ahead of him, which I did.

  My stomach dropped at the gorgeous live picture in front of the whole conference table. Alexa was already patched in and on a big screen in a conservative skirt suit. She looked like a goddess we were about to pay homage to. I waved with my fingers out by my hip, but then suddenly felt foolish because I didn’t even know if she could see people in the room yet. Or me. Yeah, mostly me.

  We shook hands all around the table as people introduced themselves.

  As Matty and I sat down with the rest, I looked around and everyone was waiting for Nina to get this ball rolling.

  “Hi, gentlemen. Thank you so much for coming. We’re so glad to have you today. And, Alexa, glad you could make it as well.”

  “Sure. Happy to be patched in,” Lex said.

  “Yeah, no problem,” Matty said. “We’re really interested in hearing what you have to say.”

  I just nodded and slouched with narrowed eyes.

  Nina balled up her hands and leaned forward. “Well, why don’t you get us up to snuff. Tell us a little about the history of the band and where you see yourselves going from here.”

  I sat up straighter and said, “Well, four and a half years ago I moved here, met Drummer Boy at a club. He was playin’ in another band. I’d written some songs and asked if he wanted to jam some time. I wanted to bang my stuff out, see if it was any good. Once we got together, we thought it sounded pretty kick-ass, so we added two dudes he went to school with, and Itchy Fringe was born. We played locally while Matty and I cranked out some more tunes together. We recorded a demo album, greatly unmixed, and sent that around, basically to just get some gigs, but people started pirating it and passing it around. College stations played songs off of it, and our little, local fan base quickly became a huge, national one. When managers and labels started begging us to come in and meet with them and it looked like we were heading into something big, Matty’s friends—two family guys—had to drop out. They didn’t have time to be in a band full-time. They were only in it for fun. So, we had auditions, added four more guys, and the world became our oyster. Everything hit like a whirlwind and happened so fast. We scored a two-album deal with Middleton Records. They cleaned up and rerecorded our demo, and we co-wrote two more songs for it. It released huge and wide. We became instantly famous, snagged a Grammy, and collected great reviews. We sold out everywhere during our mini tour, and when we got home, we went immediately into production on our second album. For this one, Middleton wanted way more say in our lyrics and sound. The same two collaborators worked with us. It wasn’t our style really, or what we initially envisioned because we love grit and sexiness to the max, and this junk they wanted in was a lot less of that, but hey, t
hey’re the pros, right? They know what sells? Wrong. Our next album crashed and burned, big time. Rock ballads ala Nickelback are cool with me as a listener, but they’re so out and never really felt like our own goods. No sincerity behind it. Music lovers can see through all that bullshit. They know when you don’t buy into what you’re singing. Our original fans called us sell-outs. And our label wanted us to mostly play all this newer crap for our tour. People hated it. Tension was building to a breaking point. Puck also had some personal shit goin’ on and was drinking in excess. And, now, here we are, on our own, back to our own creative devices as an indie band, getting into fatal bus crashes and crap like that. So, why don’t you tell me? That’s why we’re here. Where do we go from here?”

  Nina nodded. “Well, thanks so much for sharing all that, Daniel. Is it true, as the news reports, that alcohol did not play a part in this accident as was originally assumed?”

  “Yeah,” Matty said. “I guess that’s what they’re saying. Our bus was tampered with. But still, the drinking thing is out there. We do feel like we need to shed the image of being inebriated assholes who don’t give a shit about anything. That couldn’t be further from the truth. We care very much about our music and style, and our fan base, as well as overall public perception of us. We know we’re edgy and wild, and we revel in that. That anti-establishment, reckless persona hasn’t harmed us before now. We do not like people thinking we’re douchebags or assholes because of this accident. We’re not at the core. And we want and need you to fix that. If you can.”

  Nina nodded. “Yes, of course. As the team leader, Alexa … what do you think the band’s next step should be?”

  Taken aback by her mocking tone and the stench of doubt in her demeanor, I stiffened and glared her. She asked that as if Alexa could only possibly pitch out moss from that numbskull mind of hers. Alexa encouraged me to jump the gun on Puck, but I can see now that she was only genuinely trying to help. I was expecting gold from Alexa today. Nina was not, her smirk and crossed arms swore. Why on earth, then, did this lady make an inexperienced, not-yet graduate head of this PR team when she clearly didn’t even believe in her? That didn’t make any sense. Did she think Alexa would humiliate herself with some boneheaded comment? I could tell she was highly anticipating such a flop. Flashing my gaze to Raquel for a better sight, I ground my jaw, noticing the same shitty smugness in her too. What the hell! What was going on here? These alley cats were ready to pounce and scratch the eyes out of my precious kitten? I don’t think so. I itched to storm out of here. I don’t care how lame or stupid Alexa’s ideas are. I swear on my mother’s grave, I’d rather die than give them the satisfaction of a win over her. She’ll get my vote any fucking damn day. “Yes, Alexa,” I said. “I’m curious too. Your ideas are always amazing.”

  She gulped and looked down for a moment. Shit. I think she thought I was being sarcastic. She found steel somewhere inside, because when she looked up, her eyes, good girl, were full of determination and fire. “Well, obviously public appearances, as many can be managed, would be advised. But I also think Itchy Fringe could put on a concert that inspires youth to avoid drugs and alcohol. And I’m talking a huge venue, getting several other bands on board as well, kind of like Lollapalooza but with a cause. This would not only put IF back in the spotlight but improve its image and reaffirm its dedication to excellence.”

  Crushed that pitch! Yes! Shot that baby right out of the park, Lex. I rubbed my hands together in excitement and beamed wide when I swung my gaze back to Nina, who was shifting uncomfortably in her seat and tugging on the hem her way-too-short skirt.

  Her smile melted and she sat up straight. “Well, that certainly sounds—”

  “Brilliant,” I cried, cutting her off like a machete. “I love the idea. Absolutely love it.”

  “You do?” Alexa said, sounding shocked that I liked her idea. I wasn’t just feigning either. It truly was fantastic.

  “Me too,” Matty said. “Love it, Alexa! It’s so kick-ass. It’s just what we need.”

  Nina and Raquel both looked like they sniffed garbage and then exchanged those ugly pencil smirks with saccharine smiles and fake praise confetti for my girl.

  “I think it’s great too,” Raquel said, followed by a tense gulp like she was actually trying to swallow down a crow. “But it would be a huge, huge job for you to take charge of, being that you’re so young and ripe. I just worry that—”

  “Alexa’s fully capable of running it all and delegating assignments too,” I said, happy to cut her off. “She organized something like this for us when we first became a band for a summer series we did, and she was back in high school then.”

  I looked back at Lex and she was smiling and probably tingling about my backup.

  “Yes,” Nina said, “but I’m sure it was small scale. This would have national exposure.”

  “Exactly,” I said. “But like what Matty said, that’s what we need. But, I’m quite confused. Is she the head of our team or not? When we spoke on the phone, you assured me she’d be our go-to girl.”

  She pinched her lips and spit out a terse, “Yes, of course. She is.” She did not look or sound happy about that. What the fuck, lady?

  “Don’t make the mistake of doubting her,” I said. “Not for one fucking second. She’ll knock your socks off and prove you wrong every time.” My heart swelled with dizzying warmth that radiated through my whole being. I breathed deeply, new breath, with a more sharpened perspective and a certainty that I loved Alexa. I love her. No doubt in my mind. And I don’t care what anyone has to fucking say about it either. “Just give her any info she needs to kick start this thing, and she’ll take it from there and get it done. I’m excited. Let’s get movin’.”

  “I’m excited too.” Matty said.

  “Certainly,” Nina conceded in defeat with the slight bow of a geisha. “Alexa, you, Raquel and I can brainstorm possible complimentary bands, and I’ll get you information by the end of tomorrow, including the best places for such a venue and a list of contact persons. We can work on our pitches. Are we looking at summer? I think that would be perfect. Like July? What’s your schedule like? Most good places will be booked. We might not be able to get in until next year even.”

  “July sounds perfect” Matty said. “We can’t wait until next year. No way. We need this thing to happen as soon as possible. We’re indie and free now, so we can do whatever the hell we want, whenever we want. Don’t worry about us. Just tell us when and where, and we’ll be there with our speakers amped to the max.”

  We talked some more about press releases that Alexa would be writing and some possible appearances on daytime and nighttime talk shows.

  Raquel took that ball and said she’d make a bunch of calls and get us booked on as many as possible.

  We weren’t down and out yet. Itchy Fringe was back in the game. I had no doubt about that. I felt certain we’d get our cred and respect back, and that was all thanks to my lovely, brilliant Alexa.


  Alexa – 11 Minutes in Heaven

  Well, that went better than expected. I turned off my laptop and fell back onto my mattress, pumping my fists. “Yes, yes, yes. At least Danny’s no longer pissed at me. He backed me up, after all, and loved my idea. I gotta make up for my major flub somehow.”

  I looked out the window and spotted Jed with another beefy-looking guy in his car. Oh, I have two? Lucky me. Jed kept his promise about keeping an eye on me without getting in my way. I saw him every now and then, but he worked and acted like a ghost or an apparition.

  After a snack, I worked on a spread for my magazine editorial class and then made plans to take my little friend Samantha out for ice skating and pizza. My brave lion girl was still kicking cancer’s ass!

  I groaned, spotting Jed in my rearview mirror when I left campus. He followed behind me, but at least he stayed in his car when I parked at the rink. This psycho chick was ruining my life. She’d better not release that tape!

�m not sure what Jed was looking for or how he could tell a good person from a suspicious one, but I didn’t really care how he did his job, as long as he wasn’t all up in my face.

  “Hi, Lexi. Have a nice vacation?” Samantha asked when she hopped out of the backseat of her mom’s car at the rink.

  I waved to her mom and she waved back before she took off. Too many hellacious things occurred to tell her everything, so I just said, “I wasn’t able to hit the beach with my friends, but I did get an amazing kiss from the cutest guy in the world, so that was a bonus.”

  Our skate blades clacked together as we walked into the arena.

  “The cutest guy in the world?” She gasped and slapped her lisp. “Oh my gosh! You got kissed by Harry? I would like … ab-sooo-lute-lyyy die.”

  I didn’t like her joking about death, but she punctuated it with a giggle and a funny hand-fan wave over her forehead, so that took the bee sting out of it. “No, not Harry. But he is a singer. A rock star. But … you can’t tell anyone. Anyone. No one knows.”


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