Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 95

by Selena Kitt

  "Shut up, he'll hear you." She whispered the words.

  "No-one can hear a thing over the din in this joint." Steve's eyes burned. With what? Hurt, she wondered?

  "You don't want to stay with me? You were happy to be coming along when we left the concert."

  "I didn't know he'd be turning up." Steve pouted.

  "He has." And now Caitlin thought maybe she should step way outside her comfort zone and have some fun with both of them. Steve seemed to be into her and the press had been banging on about Julian's bi-sexual appetite for years.

  An involuntary shiver played up her spine.

  * * *

  Steve had to ask himself, what kind of a man was he? Anyone with a modicum of self-respect would have shaken her off and stalked out of the bar. Instead, here he found himself, staring into the eyes of the most adorable creature he'd been near in years. Now she seemed to expect him to tag along while the rock star made a play at bedding her. Did they want him to watch?

  In a bizarre sort of way, the thought turned him on.

  What the hell - he could always sell the story to the press.

  He cut his gaze to the musicians and dancers in the corner, loud and raucous behaviour abounded. Besides, he was far too much of a gentleman to leave the vulnerable Caitlin in the hands of this out of control horde.

  * * *

  Julian stared at the remnants of melted ice and lime in the bottom of his glass. What the hell was he doing here? He'd only really walked out the door to prove to Mags he didn't need her. What a joke!

  All he really wanted to do was head back to the hotel and beat some sense into that obstinate head of hers. He and Mags had been dancing around each other for months now and the tension between them was electric. Her self-control amazed and mystified him.

  He'd had enough of the bar and the drunken revelry of the band. He should really be back at the hotel in bed and, since the woman of his heart was off limits, he'd do what he'd been doing for months now.

  "Come on." Julian chugged down the last of the liquid in his glass, nodding towards the alluring creature across the room. "You better go and tell the fan we're leaving."

  "You okay with her boyfriend along for the ride?" Otis tipped his head to one side, waiting for Julian's answer. The movement had the effect of making one of his large dark eyes appear to be double the size of its partner.

  "I'd prefer another chick."

  Otis grinned. "But since things aren't going your way tonight. . ."

  Nothing got past his loyal bodyguard. "He can sit in the corner and watch if he likes. Doesn't worry me." Julian sometimes felt as if his every move was being scrutinized; why should sex be any different?

  "You know what the papers will say?"

  Julian shrugged. "Who cares? They've never written a truthful word about me. Why should I start worrying about that now?"

  Otis raised his bushy eyebrows skywards. "Just as long as you know what you're doing."

  The double meaning hidden in Otis's words wasn't lost on Julian.

  "When have I ever known what I'm doing?" Julian stood. "Come on, man, let's get out of here." He indicated Otis's ever present sidekick, Verne. "The boy can escort them back to the hotel. I want you with me tonight."

  * * *

  This was it, then. Another bodyguard had collected them and hustled them both into a cab. Caitlin couldn't help feeling like some kind of extra on a film set. Julian hadn't spoken to her all night except when they were on stage. This wasn't going the way she'd planned it in her head.

  Then there was Steve. Was she doing the right thing, dragging him along? True, she'd had the odd fantasy about having two men at the same time; who hadn't? But . . . two strangers?

  "We could just go back to my hotel." Steve broke into her thoughts. "I mean, what kind of a guy doesn't even come and have a drink with you?" She could hear the disgust in his voice.

  "He can have anyone he wants and he wants me."

  The words were barely out of her mouth when she realized why she was doing this. She tried hard to look as if she lived life on the edge, but really, underneath she was a softie. If she didn't go through with this Caitlin knew she would spend the rest of her life wondering.

  Wondering what he was like.

  Wondering if he might have been the one.

  Maybe that's why she'd insisted Steve come along. With him here, she couldn't just run away. Dutch courage in the form of a sexy stranger.

  She'd had many regrets in her short life, but somehow she knew that one of the biggest would be not taking this opportunity.

  The cab pulled up outside the city's only five star hotel. A few straggling fans still stood in a small group around the door. It was common knowledge where Julian stayed whenever he came to a city. Caitlin knew most of the hard-core fans would be inside, trawling the hotel bars, hoping for a glimpse of the man who'd sat not more than twenty feet from her in the two-bit bar on the other side of town.

  She couldn't help herself: she reached for the reassuring hand of Steve.

  "Losing your nerve now you're here?"

  His menacing tone wasn't lost on her. Maybe bringing him along hadn't been such a great idea, after all.


  Their bodyguard slipped a card from the breast pocket of his jacket, held it in front of the lift sensor and the light lit up for the penthouse suite.

  A little thrill ran through Caitlin. Steve caught her eye and she saw a smile curve his lips. Reaching for his hand again, she squeezed it tight. His smile broadened and she knew, no matter what happened with Julian tonight, they were in this together.

  The lift glided to a halt and the mirrored doors opened, revealing a small reception room, not unlike the entranceway of an upmarket apartment.

  Warm brown double doors didn't even hint of the opulence Caitlin expected to be hidden behind them. A trolley stood to one side, the remnants of a room service meal sitting in a jumble of white platters and upturned silver food covers.

  As Caitlin stood there, wondering what would happen next, a second lift opened its doors and Julian stepped out into her line of vision.

  He smiled.

  The first genuine smile she'd seen.

  An indescribable feeling ran through her body. A combination of fear and lust, perhaps? She didn't know. But what she did know was that the feeling was more intoxicating than any drink or drug she'd ever done.

  "Hi. I'm glad you came," he purred.

  A surge of brazenness she hadn't expected came over her. "There's no chance I would have missed this. I've been following the tour all summer."

  "I know."

  He'd noticed her. That came as a shock and a fleeting sensation of heat crept across her cheeks.

  "Come on." Julian slipped his arm around her waist like it was something he did every day. "Let's get you inside and we'll have some fun. What d'you say, you up for this?"

  He was giving her every chance to back out, every chance to reconsider and go running for the door.

  She nodded in the affirmative. She simply didn't trust her voice anymore.

  * * *

  Julian knew where Mags would be, where she always was every night after a show and he should have been there with her. Instead, he'd brought a couple back for some fun. They both seemed up for it, but was Julian? He'd given them every opportunity to go cold on the idea and leave, yet here they were.

  "Hey, sweetheart." Now they were here he'd at least make the most of it. Julian caught her chin in the cup of his hand and took a moment to run his finger over her smooth lips. He could barely wait to feel the sensation of her lip ring running down the side of his cock. The thought sent blood rushing to his prick and ramped up his anticipation levels.

  "There's a bath in here with our names on it." Julian released her chin and slid his hand to her ample ass, giving it a quick squeeze as he herded them all into the gigantic bathroom suite.

  Like most penthouse bathrooms, the room was big enough to hold an after match function and Jul
ian was sure this room had seen plenty of action, like many of the suites he'd inhabited.

  "There's bubbling stuff and smelly shit over there." He pointed to an array of small bottles that lined the white tiled walls. "Fill her up and I'll be back in a minute."

  There was something he just had to check in the next room. Mags deserved one last chance and he'd never forgive himself if he didn't give her one.

  * * *

  They'd almost filled the tub with sweet smelling liquid before Julian walked back into the bathroom. Caitlin was sure she'd heard a female's voice drifting through the door. There was another woman out there. Who was she? Didn't she care Julian was in here with a couple of strangers?

  Caitlin shook her head. She was in the penthouse of the most expensive hotel in the city with her idol, and now she was worrying about a woman she'd heard in the other room.

  Julian didn't seem to be concerned. In fact, he had a look in his eye she could only described as primal.

  Caitlin's pulse raced. When he looked at her, she felt as if she were the only desirable woman on the planet. How did he do that? What was it about him that made her heart beat so erratically?

  "Is your friend joining us?" Her brazen request sounded as if it were coming from someone else. She'd heard the rumors of his sexual appetite, never imagined she'd find herself in a room with him and another stranger. And now, somehow, she'd taken on the persona of a harlot who just wanted to have an adventure.

  It looked as if a cloud crossed his eyes. Unseeing, he gazed past her. "No, not tonight. It's just you and me, babe."

  She liked the way he said that.

  Steve coughed from across the room.

  "Right. And your friend here."

  She'd nearly forgotten about him. What did she do, tell Julian she'd only met Steve tonight in the mosh pit? Didn't that make her look like a tramp?

  Before she had a chance to worry about it, Julian spoke again, this time directly at Steve. "Look, I don't know what you think's going to happen here tonight, mate, but I don't do boys."

  Steve nodded.

  "No offense or anything, I'm happy for your girlfriend to engage with you as much as she wants and for you to engage with her, but I make the rules. We straight on that?"

  "Yeah. Perfectly."

  Caitlin wasn't quite sure what kind of a conversation the boys had just had. Maybe she was out of her depth and she should just call this whole thing off.

  "Now, gorgeous." Before she could think another thought, Julian had her in his arms.

  Her brain disengaged as her body registered his bulk against hers.

  She was back on stage with him again, the cheering, the lights, the sound of his voice as he sang to her. Only this time, the sound resided in her head. His mouth was on hers before she had another chance to think. There was an urgency about the way he held her, almost as if some underlying energy coursed through him. His body, hard and unyielding, cradled hers. He savaged her with his mouth. Ending the kiss almost as quickly as it had begun. Leaving her head spinning and her body craving more.

  He turned the taps off, the large bath almost full, bubbles threatening to stream over the side like some kind of white lava flow.

  "Get your gear off then."

  Julian pulled his t-shirt off, exposing a chest she'd only seen in magazines and on the internet. She stared, mesmerized.

  He cocked his head. "You want to touch me?"

  He didn't have to ask twice. Caitlin reached out, almost expecting to feel the cool gloss of a page under her hand, instead finding the radiating heat and the soft caress of chest hair against her palm.

  Steve had stripped and she saw the length of his back and buttocks as he climbed into the tub.

  Julian tipped his head towards the expanse of water and bubbles. "Help me get these off"--he indicated towards his jeans--"and we can join your boyfriend."

  She wished he wouldn't call Steve that. Why hadn't she just dumped him when she had the chance? Why? She knew perfectly well why - because she'd never have made it into the bar on her own. He'd been her Dutch courage for the evening and now she'd got herself into a right mess.

  She'd dreamed for so many nights about being here, right now, like this. But, somehow, things just weren't turning out the way she'd imagined.

  Pushing aside her childish, romantic fantasies, Caitlin concentrated on Julian. Maybe she should just pretend Steve wasn't here. Julian wanted nothing to do with him and she could do the same.

  With shaking hands, she began to undo the tight buckle on Julian's belt.

  * * *

  Caitlin's breath caught in her throat as Julian pulled his jeans and shorts down. His swollen cock stood to attention and instinct made her avert her eyes.

  "You're not going to go all shy on me now, are you?" Julian pulled her close, the hard caress of him snug between their bodies. Despite her own trepidation, in his arms a sense of calm stole over her.


  "Good." He traced his finger down the length of her jaw, inching his mouth down towards her own. "We didn't get a chance to get to know each other very well on stage."

  Each word brought his lips closer to hers. Caitlin's breathing became shallow, every breath shorter than the last.

  "We've got all the time in the world tonight." His lips were millimeters from her own and she could feel the sensation of every word. "And I plan to know every intimate detail about you before the sun rises."

  His lips landed on hers, his tongue reached for the depths of her mouth and his arm tightened on the small of her back.

  The spinning of her head and the throb of his dick were all Caitlin registered in the face of Julian's lust.

  * * *

  A longing he hadn't realized he'd been stifling roared through Julian's body as his lips hit hers. He almost moaned in anticipation. He wanted her clothes off and he wanted to be inside her. His need surprised him, although it shouldn't have. The show had been great and an appreciative audience always made him horny.

  Caitlin turned him on more than he expected and her boyfriend in the room, forced to watch, added another spicy dimension to the evening.

  He pulled his lips away. Her eyes were hooded and glazed. He consistently had that effect on fans. Once they had him they didn't know what to do.

  Julian took the lead, like he always did. Peeling her clothes away, layer by layer, to reveal the delicate white flesh below.

  "Come on, you. Lets get you in the tub and scrub you clean."

  In an almost dream-like state, Caitlin did as ordered.

  What Julian wouldn't give to have a woman stand up to him - even for a moment or two.

  * * *

  Steve had watched the rock star strip her, scrub her and dry her down and now, relegated to the corner of the bedroom, he sat naked and horny on a comfortable chair. His cock throbbed and he felt like the outsider he knew himself to be.

  Julian, the bastard, had Caitlin on her hands and knees, his shaft sliding in and out of what Steve thought still looked like collagen filled lips.

  He didn't care if they were fake. Steve fingered his own aching shaft, imagining it sliding in and out of those luscious lips. Caitlin was the first woman he'd found attractive in a long time and here he was, sitting in some rock star's hotel room, watching her suck him off.

  Life just wasn't fair.

  Julian opened one languid eye and caught him staring. A sly grin came over the rocker's mouth.

  "She's good. You want some?"

  Despite his own disgust, Steve felt himself nodding in agreement.

  Julian carefully removed his hard cock from Caitlin's mouth.

  "Your boyfriend needs you."

  Caitlin looked up at him, her lips all swollen from sucking, eyes a mask of confusion.

  "I want to watch you suck him off."

  Steve thought she went a little pale.

  Julian put a steadying hand on the small of her back. "It'll turn me on even more"--his eyes flicked to Steve--"and you want that, do
n't you?"

  Caitlin nodded.

  "Off you go then." With an encouraging pat on her backside, Steve suddenly found himself faced with the naked object of his desire.

  Despite the fact she'd been all over Julian, the sight of her as she walked towards him brought the intensity of his mounting desire to the fore. If he didn't calm down, he'd explode the second she touched him. He tried to think of something mundane, something banal, anything except the thought of her mouth sliding over his sensitive head.


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