Bound by Nature: Forces of Nature, Book 1

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Bound by Nature: Forces of Nature, Book 1 Page 17

by Cooper Davis

  With every fiber in his being, he willed Aleric to awaken. “Please, Aleric, please,” he chanted under his breath.

  Strong hands grabbed Raphael’s forearm, yanking it down. Dry lips pressed to his wrist. A hot, wet tongue worked against his skin, suckling greedily.

  A warm blanket of lust wrapped around Raphael. Lush. Voluptuous. Beyond decadent. His nerves shimmered with the sensation. Startled, he gasped and braced a hand on Aleric’s upper thigh to steady himself. The heat from Aleric’s erection penetrated the thin linen drawers, searing his palm. Raphael instinctively closed his hand over the hard length and stroked, sliding linen over hot skin.

  A grunt issued from Aleric’s chest. He lifted his hips, seeking more.

  Raphael’s arm shook. Strength seeped from his body, flowed into Aleric. Enough! Jerking his arm back, he broke Aleric’s hold.

  Dark lashes trembled against flushed cheeks and then swept up revealing luminescent silver-blue eyes.

  Intense desire slammed Raphael, yanked hold of him. A physical force, it pulled him closer to Aleric. He leaned down, his hair falling over his shoulders. His lips hovered over Aleric’s, their harsh breaths mingling. He flicked his tongue, lapping up the droplet of blood on Aleric’s bottom lip.

  His gaze locked with Aleric’s, he closed the last remaining distance, moving ever so slowly. Light and tentative, as if fearing one touch would awaken him from a dream, he pressed his lips to Aleric’s.

  Sensation crashed over him, swirled around him in a tangible caress for the briefest yet longest of seconds. Then it soaked through his skin, permeating every inch of his body, before settling somewhere deep in the recesses of his very being, in the place his soul once resided.

  It felt as though the sun suddenly shone from within, its warm rays vanquishing the last thirty-six years of loneliness and emptiness.

  Strong hands gripped the back of his head and hauled him closer, deepening the light kiss and jerking Raphael to the present. He opened his mouth, lips sliding over Aleric’s. The other man’s tongue thrust inside; determined, persistent, demanding. Lust flared beneath his skin. His kiss turned harsh and aggressive, matching the need behind Aleric’s.

  It had been ages since he kissed another, since he’d shared such an intimacy. The drought so long his senses greedily soaked up every brush of Aleric’s hot tongue as if it were the last one he would ever receive.

  Those hands moved to the collar of his shirt and yanked. Fabric tore, the sound renting the air. Aleric shoved the shirt off his shoulders. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Raphael leaned back enough to shake the sleeves from his wrists. Before he could press his lips back to Aleric’s, hands closed around his ribs and flung him. Air whizzed past his ears and he landed near the foot of the bed, on his back. Aleric pounced on top of him, lips pulled back, fangs bared and panting for breath as he tore at the placket of Raphael’s breeches.

  A flurry of movement later and his breeches were flung aside. Aleric settled between his thighs, covering him, and slanted his mouth over his. Linen rubbed against his hard cock. A rough caress that could be so much more. He dragged his hands down the man’s back to his waist, his skin hot and smooth as crushed velvet beneath his palms. The thin linen of Aleric’s drawers was no match for Raphael. The fabric ripped and fell away. Aleric’s cock sprung free, slapping against Raphael’s belly.

  Grabbing Aleric’s arse, he tilted his hips up, rubbing the base of the man’s erection along the crease of his own arse, teasing his hole, and over his ballocks. Tempting Aleric. Aleric trembled, shook, gasped into his mouth.

  Aleric tore his lips from his. “Must have you. Now.”

  With a quick nod, Raphael spit into his palm and grabbed Aleric’s thick prick, slicking the length. Oil would serve him better, but there wasn’t a chance in hell he’d move away from Aleric to grab the bottle from his bedside table drawer. He positioned the crown at his entrance and Aleric pushed inside. One long stroke, stretching him beyond wide.

  A moan rumbled his chest. The most delicious flush of heat rolled through him. His arse burned, throbbed. A sweet, heady ache that made him impatient for more. Before the pleas could tumble past his lips, Aleric picked up a rhythm of hard, driving strokes, slamming into him. Aleric’s ballocks slapped against him. The potent scents of sweat and of Aleric’s aroused body filled his every breath, heightening the lust consuming his senses and shifting it to an unstoppable urge to dominate.

  Growling low, he pushed Aleric off, and then sprang to his knees and tackled him. Crouched over Aleric, he spit into his palm once again, using it to slick his own cock. The need to possess drummed hard and insistent through his veins, but he held back long enough to quickly suck on his fingers. Aleric pulled his knees up to his chest and tipped his head back, exposing his neck—the very picture of willing submission.

  Raphael pushed two digits past the puckered skin and into smooth, clinging heat. His cock twitched in anticipation. The release gathered within, pressure building in his ballocks.

  He crooked his fingers, desperately searching for…

  “Yes, yes,” Aleric panted, his eyelids fluttering, as Raphael rubbed his sweet spot.

  A drop of fluid leaked from the tip of Aleric’s prick, wetting his abdomen. His muscles relaxed just enough so Raphael’s fingers slid smoothly as he thrust, gently stretching, preparing him. He knew he wouldn’t cause Aleric physical harm if he skipped the preliminaries and simply shoved his cock inside, just as Aleric himself had done. His body could now take it and more. What once would have been stark, unadulterated pain would now be spiked with a heavy dose of pleasure. He’d discovered that fact many years ago when desperation had pushed him to lay with another of his kind. But he didn’t want to frighten Aleric, or to give cause for the man to think him uncaring.

  Instead, he waited until Aleric tugged on his shoulders, begged for more. And then he lined up his cock with that sweet, tight hole and pushed inside.

  Aleric grunted. The wince flickering across his face quickly shifted to amazement as Raphael sank to the hilt. The most profound pleasure washed over Raphael, briefly stole the breath from his chest. So perfect to be buried inside Aleric, intimately joined with him. Hands planted on either side of Aleric’s broad shoulders, he pressed his lips to Aleric’s, needing his kiss. Then he eased back and drove into him.

  Aleric pulled him down further, burrowed his face against his neck. Smooth lips dragged across to his shoulder. Raphael shifted, adjusting the angle of his thrusts, trying to peg the man’s gland with each stroke. Aleric shuddered, gasped, and then pain pierced Raphael’s shoulder.

  Startled by the bite, he tried to rear back, but Aleric clung to him. Rocking his hips, bumping against him, seeking more.

  The orgasm rushed upon him. A primitive need to mark Aleric with his scent, to brand him as his own, gripped hold. An urge he could not suppress. He quickly pulled out and grabbed his cock. Come shot from the head, landing on Aleric’s abdomen and flawless chest in rhythm to the chant repeating in his head.

  Mine. Mine. Mine.

  The echo of that powerful release still racking his muscles, he closed his fist around Aleric’s erection. Within two strokes, the length hardened even further, like a blazing iron rod in his hand. When he felt the thick vein beneath pulse, he pointed the crown to his own chest. On a roar, Aleric came.

  Raphael dragged his fingers through the pearly white seed, rubbing it into his skin. Aleric bared his teeth, growled his approval, and passed his hand over his own chest, smearing the remnants of Raphael’s climax. A smile tipped Raphael’s lips, the most profound satisfaction coursing through his veins.

  Aleric’s heavy pants filled the room. Raphael watched as his fangs receded. The raw lust in his silver-blue eyes banked, the aggression slipping from his features. His gaze focused on Raphael’s face, as if really seeing him for the first time.

  Tension knotted Raphael’s stomach, held it in a vise-like grip. Shock, confusion, accusation—everything he had feared, he saw re
flected in Aleric’s eyes.

  Aleric’s dark brows knit together. “Who the hell are you?”

  One hot night, one freeze frame…and one shocking surprise.

  Tabloid Star

  © 2009 T.A. Chase

  As a bartender at the Lucky Seven club, Josh Bauer could take a different guy home every night…if he wanted to. Working three jobs, however, makes it hard to connect with anyone. One man, though, is too much temptation to resist. A steamy encounter in a back alley leads to an explosive night of sex in Josh’s bed—a bed he isn’t surprised to find empty the next morning.

  What does surprise him, though, is the front page of a tabloid. Apparently his one-night stand isn’t as anonymous as he thought it was.

  Ryan Kellar’s career is taking off. Advance buzz about his movie says it’s a blockbuster, and going home with the gorgeous bartender is the perfect way to celebrate. And he thought he’d gotten away clean—until the picture in the paper shocks him into reality. Was Josh really just playing…or playing him for a fool?

  Trust isn’t big on their list right now, but as their worlds fall apart, it’s all they have. At least until they figure out who took the picture. And why…

  Warning: Hot manlove, gratuitous licking of tattoos and dealing with stalking paparazzi.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Tabloid Star:

  Josh got there before Ry could land the punch he was swinging. “Hey, guys, can I get you something to drink?”

  Bill’s hazy blue eyes met his with a smirk. “Yeah, liquid courage might help my friend get lucky tonight.”

  Ignoring the sarcastic tone in Bill’s voice, Josh made a point of checking Ry out. He admitted to himself he liked what he saw. Ry was tall with a lean muscular build, more like a runner than a weight lifter. The baseball cap Ry wore made it hard to tell what color his hair was and the sunglasses hid the color of his eyes, but his tight black jeans and dark blue T-shirt gave Josh a hint at Ry’s body. Josh’s cock twitched, interested even though Josh didn’t tend to take customers home.

  “Well, I don’t know about needing any liquid courage. If your friend’s looking for something, I’m sure he could find it quite easily here.”

  Josh winked at Ry and a surprised grin crossed the man’s face. Shaking his head, Bill nudged Ry with his shoulder.

  “See, I said you could have anyone you wanted in this club. Why not live a little and celebrate?” Bill picked up his beer and gestured into the crowd. “I’m going over to talk to that curvy redhead. I hope you brought cab fare, buddy, because we won’t be leaving together.”

  Ry scowled, but mumbled, “Go get her, stud, and don’t worry. I have money.”

  They watched Bill weave his way through the crush of people until he disappeared. Josh looked back at Ry to find the man studying him. Ry slid his sunglasses down and looked over them, tracing the length of Josh’s body. Josh swore he felt heat from each part of his skin those dark brown eyes touched. The desire blazing in that glance told Josh Ry was looking for someone different than Bill was.

  “You want something to drink?” His question came out husky and he swallowed, trying to wet his suddenly dry throat.

  “Drink? Sure, I’ll take a whiskey, neat.”

  Josh forced himself to walk away and grab a glass. He could feel Ry’s gaze burning into his back as the man eyed his ass. Taking a bottle of the top-shelf whiskey, he filled a high ball glass and handed it to Ry, who slid his fingers along Josh’s as he took the drink, shooting lust and blood to Josh’s groin.

  “Fuck,” Josh whispered.

  “Thanks.” Ry’s pink tongue peeked out, wetting his plump bottom lip and drawing Josh’s attention to it.

  Josh groaned and adjusted his cock, searching for room in his too-tight jeans. “What exactly are you looking for, honey? I’ll be happy to accommodate you, but you have to be sure.”

  Ry checked him out again, his eyes lingering at the growing bulge at Josh’s groin. Hesitation colored Ry’s words when he leaned forward and whispered, “I think you know what I’m looking for.”

  He could tell Ry didn’t pick up men often, or probably not at all by the way the man’s gaze darted away from him the moment he uttered that statement.

  “Pete, can you handle it for ten minutes while I take my break?” Josh didn’t look away from Ry, shouting his question over his shoulder toward the other bartender.

  “Sure, Josh. I’ve got it.” The smile in Pete’s voice told Josh his friend knew what was going on between him and Ry.

  He moved from behind the bar, gestured for Ry to follow him and made his way through the crowd toward the back of the club. Josh hit the back exit door at almost a run, letting the metal door slam open as he yanked Ry through the doorway. As the door shut, he pinned the man to the brick wall and kissed him.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


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