Angel Romance: Awakened (Paranormal Book for Adults) (Cursed Angel 1)

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Angel Romance: Awakened (Paranormal Book for Adults) (Cursed Angel 1) Page 20

by Amelia Wilson

  Madison could not imagine how Easton felt seeing his brother killed.

  “They wanted us dead. They used him to lure us, to complicate matters, and it worked. If Gavin and I were okay then…” He trailed off. He and his brother was the perfect pair. He complemented him perfectly, aiding his weaknesses and enhancing his strengths. They could have had a chance to defeat them even if they were outnumbered.

  But they knew the perfect chance. They caught them unprepared and weak.

  She clutched the back of his shirt. “I can’t believe he had the audacity to go back after what happened.”

  “He’s desperate to kill us. He’s a vampire hunter and he would not stop until he wiped out all the vampires he came across. It is his nature just like how blood sucking is to us.” He said in despite. The difference between them is that he never used a dirty tactic.

  She hugged him tightly. Gone were the dust and the weird musty smell of the house and was replaced by the warmth of Easton’s arms around her.


  She glided through the streets, lifting her dress that fell below her ankles and adjusting the cloth and pin that held her bun up.

  The streets were busy and cars and carriages sped by. She checked for each side and even the windows around before slipping into the dark alley.

  A long and searing kiss welcomed her and she lifted her hands to his neck, savoring the feeling of being with him.

  “What took you so long?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, making her cheeks crimson.

  “Dad kept his eyes on me and it was a challenge to even get a step away.”

  “You escaped?” He chuckled at her. It sounded like chiming bells during a good morning.

  “I did. For you.” She emphasized her point with a peck on his lips.

  The image turned into a blur and she was younger, pointing at a boy who was doubling with laughter. The streets changed into trees and grasses, the people became boulders, and the vehicles morphed into the clear water of the stream.

  “Buy me a new doll or else!”

  The boy stopped and wiped the drops of tears at the edge of his eyes. “Or else what? You’ll tell mummy?”

  He jumped off the tree branch and showed her his masterpiece, a beheaded doll and its body. When the girl lunged for it, he threw them on the stream and watched as the water carried them away.

  The girl wailed and punched his chest. “I hate you!” She ran away and did not see the boy jump to the stream and followed the toy.

  It became dark. This time it looked like a house. The floor creaked beneath her feet and she winced with every noise she made.

  She knocked at the farthest door but received no reply.


  “Go away,” came his gruff voice.

  “You haven’t been going out, your mother said. Is anything the matter?” She called out.

  “I said go away!” He shouted followed by a loud bang produced by an object thrown at the door.

  Madison woke up with a start. It was not the first time she had a dream where Atticus was mentioned. Beside her, Easton was staring at the ceiling.

  They found a blanket in Easton’s car and it served as their bed for the night.

  “Can’t sleep?” She snuggled close.

  Easton laughed at the question.

  “I’m glad I made you laugh.”

  “You always make me happy.” He slid an arm beneath her head. “What were you dreaming about? You kept tossing and turning.”

  “It was about Atticus.” His brows furrowed at the name. “What about him?”

  She recounted all the scenes in her dreams. They were still vivid in her mind and she could replay the movements like she was watching them happen before her.

  Once she was done, he heaved a deep breath.

  “I suppose the girl was your grandmother?”

  “I think so too.” She murmured. “They really loved each other. I think they used to fight a lot when they were younger but I can feel how much they cared. I only saw them together briefly but they were very fond of the other.”

  She recalled her aunt’s story. About how her grandmother and Atticus chose to have her turned because they wanted to be together.

  “Will you turn me?” He gaped at her.

  “Will you turn me when the right time comes?”

  His shock turned to glee when it dawned on him that she truly wanted it.

  “If you want to.” He closed the gap between them and kissed her slowly. He nipped her bottom lip, making her groan in return. It lasted long until Madison had to push him. She panted as she tried to catch her breath.

  He found her endearing.

  His delight faded away when he recalled how it was to be turned. “But it could be lonely. You’ll watch your loved ones die and you’ll live for as long you don’t get killed.” He remembered the times when he contemplated on dying and how a natural death seemed to be a blessing rather than a curse.

  “It won’t be if I’m with you.” She mumbled. He felt light-hearted at the words and resumed kissing her like there was no tomorrow.


  The smell was faint when he first noticed it but it grew stronger at a rapid pace. He woke Madison up just in time when Richmond, along with two brusque-looking men with long hairs and piercings lining up their upper ear lobe, burst in.

  “I’m sorry to wake you guys up but it’s time to end this madness. Come here, Madison.” He reached a hand out which Madison eyed disgustingly.

  “No one’s coming with you Richmond. Leave us be!” She yelled, coming out from Easton’s back. “Did Aunt Courtney put you to this?”

  He cocked his head and smirked. “No one put me up to this. I came back because I want to save you from that monster.”

  “If there’s any monster in this room then it’s you.” Her hands balled into fists and she looked at them with fury in her eyes. “How could you do that to Gavin?”

  At the mention of the name, they snickered. “He was an easy target. He already liked you. It wasn’t that hard to use his feelings to manipulate things into our favor.”

  They both tensed at the revelation. So Gavin indeed liked her, but he was not the man who assaulted her multiple times and demanded for her attention.

  “You’re despicable.”

  “Says someone who insists on being with a bloodsucker.” Richmond stepped closer. “Don’t you feel any shame, Madison? Don’t you feel ashamed that someone from a lineage of hunters like you is going crazy over a bloodsucker?”

  She froze. It felt like a bucket of ice was dumped on her.


  We are One and the Same

  The trio advanced and Easton snapped back into attention. It was not the right time to deal with matters concerning their past. Richmond was set on killing him and in the process, Madison may also be harmed. He needed to think of a way to save Madison out of this mess.

  “What? Shocked to know that the two of you belong to completely different worlds?” Richmond taunted. He probably itched to drop that bomb onto them and now he enjoyed seeing their surprised faces.

  “I told you Madison. You should have found someone fit for you.”

  Easton ignored Richmond’s rambling. He would not give him the satisfaction of being riled up with his words. He thought of fleeing again but it would be futile. Richmond knew where to find them and their tracks were hard to cover, with his scent that a vampire hunter could easily identify.

  If Gavin was here, he would know what to do.

  He swallowed a lump in his throat. Gavin was not there and they had no choice but to face the three of them.

  They were clearly outnumbered and he would need an infinite amount of luck to down the trio. Considering how he struggled with Richmond alone, it seemed like a monumental task that was impossible to achieve. However, he was willing to try for Madison’s safety.

  The two men sneered at them and one pounced at Easton. Madison backed away to the wall and searched for
any weapon she could use. There was a wooden stick by the corner but it would do no damage against their large bodies.

  While she was distracted, Richmond encased her in his arms, her back against his chest and a hand on her neck while the other was on her waist. It rendered her motionless and she struggled in his hold while he grasped her tighter until Madison was sure that his grip would leave marks.

  Easton tussled with the men. One was holding him back while the other was landing punches on his stomach. Easton gained leverage and swung his foot back before lunging it forcefully towards the man in front of him, who stumbled back at the sudden attack. He elbowed the one who was holding him, who caved and knelt while he gasped for breath.

  Easton’s eyes were sore and bruises decorated his handsome face. Madison felt useless. She might have a vampire blood but she was weak lest she change fully. Tears ran down her eyes though she fought them back. Easton needed her and she needed to stay strong for him.

  The man who fell on the floor recovered and aimed a kick on Easton’s face. He yelped in pain and Madison could only watch. It created a large welt on his cheek and Madison forced her eyes shut, not wanting to see him hurt anymore. She did not last for long for when he shouted again, she opened her eyes and saw how the two men shifted in hitting him and stepping on his hands, which made him scream in agony.

  When they paused to catch their breath, Easton took his chance and kicked their feet so they would fall down. There would be no other opportunity to kill them. Easton, despite his lacking strength, reached for one of the man’s neck and twisted it. The sound of the bones cracking was deafening and Madison was stunned and she stood there gaping at the man who lay lifeless on the floor and blooding pooling around him.

  Easton did not waste any more time and grabbed the other man, who began to thrash in his hold in panic. But Easton was fuming. He remembered how his brother was treated the same way, how he was not given a chance to fight, how he was killed mercilessly. And at that thought, he ended the life of the man in his hands.

  “Fucker.” Richmond drew something from his back. Madison eyed it, terrified upon seeing the horrendous thing again. It was a stake and Richmond obviously intended for it to be through Easton’s body by the end of the day.

  Richmond released her and pushed her down. Her knees felt weak and wobbly. Glancing at Easton, he was completely drained and if Richmond challenged him, he was sure to lose.

  She braced her hands on her knees and forced herself to stand up. Richmond strode towards Easton’s back and raised the stake, ready to lunge it through the vampire’s body.

  Her eyes darkened and she felt adrenaline rushing through her body. Her vision got clearer, her hearing got better and she could feel energy coursing through her.

  She jumped at Richmond and held him back with a hand on his neck. He looked at her, terrified and suddenly reminiscent of her attack before.

  There was a sudden urge and Madison wanted to fulfill it. Not having control with her actions anymore, she aimed for his neck and bit him. The rusty taste of blood should have been awful but she craved more of it, feasting on Richmond’s blood like she had not eaten for months.

  It went on for minutes and she kept her lips attached to his neck, conflicted whether she was doing the right thing or not.

  The red liquid flowed down her throat and she could not stop herself. She ignored Easton’s calls of her name. Her eyes were dilated and she continued to quench her thirst until there was nothing left.

  She pulled back and brushed a hand on her mouth. When she saw the blood, that was when it dawned on her what she had done.


  It wasn’t Supposed to be You or Me

  She helped Easton stand up and rested his hand around her shoulders for support. She spat on the ground, terrified of the red color mixed with her saliva.

  The ground was soft from the recent drizzle but they trudged on until they reached the area where they kept Easton’s car hidden. She helped him in and fished the keys from his pockets and sped away with no destination in mind.

  She never looked back at the house, determined to not remember how she left it.


  Easton drifted in and out of consciousness and he was shaken with the large rocks that they were driving along.

  They were going fast and the car bounced against the rough road. Madison kept her focus on driving, trying to whisk away the image of Richmond, deathly pale, eyes wide open, and lips parted in shock. It was a moment that would haunt her forever.

  She had always opposed violence, opting to talk things out instead of lashing at the other. Violence could only cause unnecessary hurting but now, she just killed a man she knew. She could not imagine how horrified her aunt would be if she knew that her niece killed Richmond.

  She would probably disclaim her and treat her as a stranger.

  The blood in her tongue was still there. She rolled down the window and tried spitting it all but the tang clung to the roof of her mouth. It was making her stomach churn.

  Her main priority right now would be to nurse Easton back into full health. She fought down the sobs racking her but they still came out, revealing her anguish at herself for what she had done.

  It was a mistake she never knew she could commit.

  Easton, on the other hand, was losing his grasp on reality. He wanted to comfort Madison but even he was shocked at how the events unfolded.

  What also boggled his mind was everything they have learned that day, which surely helped piece all information together.

  Now he knew why Atticus died and why Courtney was adamant to break them up. Everything made sense and he berated himself for not figuring it early on.

  Easton was a vampire and Madison, apparently, did not just possess vampire blood. She also came from the families of vampire hunters, and relationships between a vampire and a hunter was not just forbidden, it was cursed.

  He recalled Atticus breaking things in their home, crying out for a name with longing in his voice. He remembered him warning them to never get close to a vampire hunter, no matter how much they promised no harm.

  He remembered him narrating about an urban legend among their kind: that a vampire who tries to turn a hunter into one of his kind will face a gradual, painful death.

  Cogs were turning and he could hear her sniffle beside him. He could not move his arm and he could only listen as she cried in anguish.

  It was no wonder everyone was against them. Madison’s grandmother was the cause of Atticus’ death. They probably took the risk and dismissed the legend as false. They probably wanted to take the chance to be together for as long as possible. What they were not ready for was when it happened to be true and slowly, Atticus was poisoned and got weaker by the day until he faced his death.

  Easton recalled what Madison said last night. That she wanted to be turned because she wanted to be with him. It should not be a problem because Easton wanted the same. He wanted to hold her in his arms forever and take care of her for as long as she would permit.

  He felt so strongly for Madison more than he could explain and he wished to spend his future with her. Madison, more than anyone else, knew that.

  But such a selfish wish will slap them with the truth -- that him turning her would mean his own death.






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